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File: 109 KB, 1200x1093, https___blogs-images.forbes.com_timworstall_files_2016_10_wagescompensation-1200x1093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16338348 No.16338348 [Reply] [Original]

What exactly happened in the 80s?

>> No.16338353


>> No.16338352


>> No.16338369

I was born.

>> No.16338370


unions started to get killed off

>> No.16338375


>> No.16338387

trickle down economics

>> No.16338388

more like 1971

>> No.16338392

Stupid questions were asked

>> No.16338404


>> No.16338420
File: 137 KB, 1200x1200, cocaine man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16338428

Well, one thing for sure is that its certainly not the decade you learned to understand visual data.
Looks like the early 70s to me.

>> No.16338552

John Connor.

>> No.16338575

>What exactly happened in the 80s?

>> No.16338578

The postwar boom was the biggest economic boom in history, why?
wealth distribution, progressive taxation which was maintained post war among numerous other factors.
but during the mid 70s and 80s taxation was reformed and the wealthy accumulated disproportionate amounts of capital in larger numbers.

>> No.16338597

Women entered the workforce en mass, saturating the job market and slashing wages. This had the effect of increasing productivity by having roughly 2x the workforce and decreasing wages at the same time.

>> No.16338598

> Filename
Epic kek

>> No.16338626

that should just expand the market, how comes developed economies that receive skilled immigration tend to thrive?
Despite more workers competing for the same share? because the share grows with productivity, more goods are created, higher demand for goods which allows business to expand and hire more people.
women entering the workforce as cause for low wages is the most cucked theory ever.

>> No.16338672

Fiat currency you dumb fucks

>> No.16338709
File: 56 KB, 960x717, 56b9567a8fed2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as always, the first reply is the correct reply

>> No.16338719

But fiat became prevalente in the 20s and the absolute standard by the 50s, how is that related to fucking 1980.
there was already faaaaar more notes carrying the gold-clause than there was gold in their vaults by the 1930s, and people knew it.

>> No.16338721

Mid 70s actually, but it was triggered by the 1973 oil crisis.

Unions had been strong in the third quarter of the 20th century, so wages went up in line with profits. But then when the oil crisis hit, businesses lost profitability yet inflation remained high. Some wage restraint was necessary, which effectively meant weakening union power. Since then, policies that limited wages growth have remained in place, first to get inflation down and secondly because once people got used to it, many believed it was good for the economy.

Since then there has been another huge factor exacerbating the gap: a shift in value from physical to intellectual property. This meant that for some of the world's most profitable companies, productivity rose in a way that it didn't for most other companies.

>> No.16338822

A sudden, government forced increase in labor does does not proportionally increase the market because it wasn't organic. Millions of women entered the workforce in the span of 10 years, something the market couldn't keep up with. Besides the push for women entering the workforce had the intended consequences of increasing productivity while keeping costs relatively stable. It also decreases birthrates due to women placing careers before family. This is why western nations are seeing mass 3rd world immigration. These people breed like rabbits and keep the cycle of decreasing wages by saturating the labor market further.

>> No.16339238

Neoliberal economics kicked into high gear. 70s was a warmup.