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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1633756 No.1633756 [Reply] [Original]

>want to become electrican
>need a C in English GCSE
>some need a reference from highschool


>> No.1633757

You got less than a C in GCSE?
Www lad, thats fucking pathetic, and thats coming from someone who just failed his driving test

>> No.1633758
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rub it in

>> No.1633761

How the fuck could you get C; is English your 2nd language?

>> No.1633779

Well... my advice would be to resit english in college, but then again I don't think 18 year olds take advice of other 18 year olds. (just guessing you're 18 btw)

>> No.1633870

i am but i have to do the course again and the test is in june.

>> No.1633883
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I Got a D in GCSE, literally did nothing all year in English class because its a joke, a fake subject and deserves no respect and Im proud I """""""""""failed it""""""""""". I proceeded to do Math,Biology and Chemistry as my 3 A-Levels (Chem, math, biology, physics in AS levels)

Dont worry OP its meaningless garbage, go learn something real.

>> No.1633884

I failed it on purpose for those reasons. Couldn't take any a levels though so how the fuck were able to? I'm stuck man.

>> No.1633885

And to add, anyone that hires you because you need a "C" in English isn't even worthy of an employer - to say that they don't have a brain themselves.

Go find some entity worthy of employing you - I do encourage you to do other GCSE's, you will ackshually learn something

Tell me what courses you have sat, failed and passed

>> No.1633890

Calling it, OP is full of shit

>> No.1633892

Im guessing OP wants to drop out of HS after his first year of GCSE's and saw being an electrician as a fitting career choice

>> No.1633895

I have 9 GCSEs:

Maths - C (actually glad and lucky cause at 16 I didn't give a fuck)
RE - B
Computer science - B
English Lang - D
English Lit - C
Physics - C
Biology - C
Chemistry - B
History - C (got an E on my coursework in year 10 so I revised and got an A on the british paper. pretty proud)

I wanted to do Computer science, Economics and probably History at a level since I obviously couldn't do a level maths. I went to a college my friend was going to and they accepted me but I could only do a BTEC. They pushed ICT BTEC onto me and I thought working with computers all day would be comfy. How wrong I was.
It was fucking boring. We didn't build computers, we didn't program, we went on pcworld and compared fucking computers. Also we had to "learn" our "learning styles". It was a fucking mandatory unit.

Fucking shit so I stopped going and because the government is a nanny state, I had to enroll into a different one that would take me. So right now I'm in a motorcycle maintenance which is a lot better than sitting on my ass all day. But I don't want to be a mechanic and I'm just wasting my free education I could have got doing electrical installation. I like motorcycles and want to own one. But do not want a career out of it because it's shit pay and low wages.

They are wanting us to take an apprenticeship via the college. I only go 3 days a week to college so I'm lucky. I might take the apprenticeship to work in a garage if the pay is at least double the minimum wage for apprenticeships.

>> No.1633897

If I were able to get an apprenticeship ( I applied to one but I heavily doubt I'd pass the interview) I would work for 3 years and self study A levels. College is pretty lame since there is a lot of immaturity. Especially in this college because they allow highschool students in.

>> No.1633904
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From the sounds of things you have an interest in computers, so my advice would be to get the minimal requirements needed for your university and enroll in a computer science degree.

If thats not the case, think seriously and honestly to yourself in what you want to do.

Never enroll in other bullshit University "degrees"(Law, Engineer, CS, CE, Applied mathematics, Medicine or do not go to College at all) that they offer because they are not employable and made up out of thin air just to earn extra cash from stupid people (Ironically CS to a degree is one of these made up fields).

You cannot escape math no matter what you do, its an integral part of our lives and I don't understand why you dislike it.

If you are interested in CS I am to-be 3rd year student so ask anything you want

This is a good option too, but you need to realize that self studying can be pretty tricky and requires a lot of dicipline -- The jump from GCSE to AS is about a 70% increase in difficulty (abstract thinking) but the jump from AS - A level is pretty much negligible

>> No.1633910

>business board
>users complaining about not being able to get a C in High School

Seriously the level of discussion on this board gets worse everyday. There aren't even discussions on the issues of running a business anymore, instead people complain about the struggle of operating as a basic human being.

>> No.1633915

This is 4chan, what do you expect?

>> No.1633917
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You didn't honestly come to a Vietnamese cartoon frog posting image board to expect a civil discussion about business and business related topics did you? If shill sites like hotcopper cant do anything but shill and shitpost what makes you think this site can

>> No.1633919

Thanks for the answer. I like maths a lot actually. I bought an A level book to teach myself but first I need to teach myself GCSE. I forgot an embarressing amount of it but that's because I haven't revised for like a year.

I like computers but I don't want it as a job right now. I don't want an office job because I find it mentally draining. Programming is fun but should only be as a hobby. I do believe that if you choose to do your hobby as a career, it would soon cease to be a recreational activity and just become "work".

Electrician would be perfect for me because my hobby isn't electronics.

I knew not getting a C in English would mean I had to retake it and some a levels would be off limits. But oh man I can't do anything, not even an apprenticeship. I'm actually scared I won't pass it this year because there's a lot riding on it.

I'm not going university because I'm planning on joining the marines, but need a C in my gcse.

So my only options are to ride this motorcycle course out, get my C (Which I will revise for a couple of weeks before because holy shit they are changing the entire grading system and tests fuck dat I ain't taking any chances)
And then take an apprenticeship or training course for 3 years in a trade. Enter as a private candidate for Maths + further maths + economics.

Quitting the internet cause internet addiction and should use my free time for that. In the mean time I have 4 day weekends and don't know what to do with it. I tried volunteering and it's difficult for some fucking reason. I'm starting gym today so there's that.

Thanks for the boost man. It's a breath of fresh air from being called retarded.

>> No.1633925

At least memeposting about shitcoins is somewhat related to economics.

When I hire people I don't even give two thoughts about their highschool performance. Graduating high school is basically a checkbox saying "I'm a basic functioning human being, not a chimpanzee, I can read, write and do basic maths, I'm not a total fuck-up".

>> No.1633930

It's on par with not being retarded or socially degenerate.

>> No.1633939
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>I knew not getting a C in English would mean I had to retake it and some a levels would be off limits.
Strange, the way I remember it is that the only pre requsite for a course would be the former GCSE equivalent, i.e to do AS-Maths you need GCSE maths C or above, AS-Physics you need a C or above in GCSE physics, etc. If GCSE english really restricts you to do other A level courses there may be no alternative but to just swallow your pain and take it again

>But oh man I can't do anything, not even an apprenticeship. I'm actually scared I won't pass it this year because there's a lot riding on it.
Realize that application requirements are just paper statistics, sure some employers might turn you down right away but any sensible human being knows that the nation GCSE standard is not something anyone really cares about - just merely a ticket used to filter people, so try to apply anyway, if you get an interview and show yourself to be a competent human being I really doubt they wont give you an apprenticeship just because you didn't have a C in GCSE english

>I'm not going university because I'm planning on joining the marines, but need a C in my gcse.
I don't understand why but every time I hear someone I know thats a little 'lost' in life they end up defaulting to going to the marines - I advice to really rethink this and weigh the opportunity cost associated with devoting X amount of years contractually to the gubmint.

>Thanks for the boost man. It's a breath of fresh air from being called retarded.

At the end of the day it doesn't really matter what you do, as long as you make your decisions on your own terms, with a sound, logical and calm manner, if you do so I guarantee you will always feel satisfied in the end

Dont give up, were all going to make it

This. I could even say this for University degrees as well to a point -- Its becoming the new HS diploma

>> No.1635000

>This. I could even say this for University degrees as well to a point -- Its becoming the new HS diploma
So where the duck do you go from here then? Another year or two in honours or masters? So you're basically 23-25yo before you finish your """education"""?
Wtf is happening? You literally can't get most work without a degree unless you're Chad, it's then entry level requirement.
What the duck is the future going to be like when thousands of 25yos are JUST finishing their formal education and ready to start working?