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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 87 KB, 666x333, Schermafdruk 2019-11-21 14.52.44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16328723 No.16328723 [Reply] [Original]

90% of partnerships is nothing more than an MOU or a promise that two companies might work together in the future.
Unibright spent months integrating DAML code into their Unibright Framework, and now both are ready.
This partnership is huge, and just remember that anyone who wants to use the framework, will need UBT.
There is a lot of info about the UBT token, which is definitely needed for the framework. It's not a payment, it's the fuel on which the framework runs.
Enjoy the Digital Assets Press Release:

>> No.16328751

Never heard of Digital Assets Holdings. They have a list of huge partners, IBM, ABN AMRO, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs.
I read somewhere they got 100m in funding.
Nice that they tweet about it themselves too.
Usually you don’t see the larger companies announcing their partnerships. Unless it’s really big.

>> No.16328752

This token unironically deserves to moon

>> No.16328763

Time to fill up my bag, wait for a year and be rich.
I heard they are building a massive security tokenization platform.

>> No.16328793

This is a minimum of 200x in the next Bull run. Only 2m Market Cap.

>> No.16328806

Where is this project from?

>> No.16328807

bagholder bingo

>> No.16328903
File: 243 KB, 382x417, 1521040961787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Never heard of Digital Assets Holdings
Come on bro
This is like week 3 /biz/ required research about link
Actually tempted to buy some of this shitcoin now fml

>> No.16328997

This was a good read, thank you

>> No.16329018
File: 206 KB, 991x672, 1521042428576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No probrem. She literally invented credit swaps kek.

>> No.16329490

Remember this date. The 21st of November 2019. You will hear a lot about UBT from here on out...

>> No.16329660

>There is a lot of info about the UBT token, which is definitely needed for the framework. It's not a payment, it's the fuel on which the framework runs.

Except its fucking not

>Basically, our token is a voucher to use the framework. Without the voucher you can not use it. Who wants to use the framework has to buy vouchers from those who own it. Those who own it can use it for using the framework itself or sell it to those who want to use it. That’s it. No rocket science

From team themself

There where 10 projects same as this "framework" for sc back in 2016-2017 and I cant remember they name now or find them in top 500...

>> No.16329672

watchbro pick. avoid like the plague.

>Never heard of Digital Assets Holdings
you dont belong here then, newfag.

>> No.16329834



>> No.16330211

Obviously not a smart fella. It says every transaction on the framework needs a token. And the amount of tokens is calculated depending on the size of the smart contract. Check out the token calculator on the website.
Framework can’t work without the token.

>> No.16330545
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Lol retard

>> No.16330555

$1.4m mcap, and partners with DA, integrated 10+ protocols inc. Libra testnet already, and test chainlink integration ATM.

And gonna release a fuck off size mega security tokenization platform

You have been warned, DYOR

>> No.16330588
File: 48 KB, 300x300, 1573487095693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf are you mumbling about it can work on eth/gas token is just moneygrab newfag

>> No.16330973

Money grab has happened, now its been spent on building their framework. No exit occurred. Get ready for the pump.

>> No.16331014
File: 160 KB, 1280x905, IMG_20191121_173534_895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tokenomics means supply goes down the more people that use the framework. Team does not dump tokens, they only hoard them. Never sold on the market again!

>> No.16331637

So basically a token burn after it has been used for the framework and the contract has ended. Cool

>> No.16332293

What's a realistic price expectation and why should it achieve it? Any spoonfeeding memes/links? Outside of "muh wordpress of blockchain". Or how much would a blockchain wordpress be worth? And why?

>> No.16332354

what are the weak points in this project? are there any competitors?

>> No.16332515
File: 101 KB, 1280x1009, IMG_20191121_195739_010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



What is #unibright?

What is price potential?

What is the latest news?

A walkthrough of their public demo:

The next big thing: Their security tokenization platform!!!