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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16327665 No.16327665 [Reply] [Original]

This shit is already 30% down since last week. If i lose my life savings then I will make it my life mission to go to Korea and kill all the scamchinks

>> No.16327668

the most obvious pajeet scam in here. you're retarded

>> No.16327669

Reporting for duty

>> No.16327784

Yet you wouldnt be able to produce a single argument as to why it's a scam other than muh price is going down

>> No.16327797

All asian coin = scam

>> No.16327836

Literally everyone shilling this is discord trannies and pajeets. I can smell them from miles away.

>> No.16327853

moon soon hodl and soon buy new scooter

>> No.16327857

dude, we are in a bearish market, If you'd make your own research you'd be chill, fantom has a lot of potential.

It's a long hold, just chill. And even If u only want to speculate, keep holding until mainnet is released next month

>> No.16327905

Told you.

>> No.16327929

this is the last ever dip anons

are you ready to market buy?

>> No.16327967

Except VeChain

>> No.16327981

320k reporting in. About to dive in for more. Hold the line marines don’t be week.

>> No.16328000

2 rupees deposited into your shill account. Please use to buy toilet paper.

>> No.16328052

I havent recieved mine for month October?

>> No.16328055

Shut up you soft faggot, most shit has crashed like 25% this week ftm is down 13%.
If you wanted a stable investment you shoulda bought tether. You don’t deserve to feast with us in the halls of Valhalla

>> No.16328127

It's dumping hardcore

>> No.16328161
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Gee fucking willikers who could've seen this one coming?

>> No.16328166

checked and street shitter pilled

>> No.16328191

you should have bought Kleros, desu.

>> No.16328204

Because the mainnet was delayed time and again.
Because it's built around a persona (AC)
Because they promised muh smart cities and it turned out to be some private conglomerate.
Because muh african banks
Because the project is built around the hype concept of DAG like IOTA (which is centralized and doesn't work at this point) and DAG (which was a flat out scam). Can you tell me you completely understand the paper and all the pitfalls in its concept?
And finally, because muh ETH killer

>> No.16328207

pretty based

>> No.16328210
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I have bags of this scam.

>> No.16328239

Yes delays
Michael Kong is a beast too
Hiring people for dubai this week
Not just African banks DYOR
IOTA huge moon like FTM will have. Constellation DAG is a scam yes no comparison
ETH killed itself new tech rises

>> No.16328240

Every coin in the history of crypto has dumped hard at mainnet (due to crypto being a cash grab scam with no real use case) but this time it’s different right? Have fun getting gooked kek

>> No.16328250

What was the price of eth at mainnet release?

>> No.16328291

No, I mean, you do that. Right before mainnet release dump it. I might do it myself if it pumps way too much

>> No.16328320

Only the true believers will ride to Valhalla. The fudding fucktards will be buying our bags.

>> No.16328636

Imagine still holding out for FTM to work out when we have FRM, a dag literally designed for defi with working products.

>> No.16328649
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hold the fucking line, marine. maintain your composure in front of the civvies. i'm gonna have to write you up for this

>> No.16328662
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I have been fudding this for weeks and my bags filled last at 135.
Thank you weak-handed faggots.
700k COMFY

>> No.16328664

stop shilling your pajeet FTM fork

>> No.16328670

Imagine being you.
I'd neck

>> No.16328680



>> No.16328717

>Entire market drops
>REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE my coin is dumping
Baby's first market correction

>> No.16328719

Fantom is being built by Australians, Russians and South Africans anon

>> No.16328789


>> No.16328977

Utter scam. Just look at the numbers, if you want to make the team rich, why not give them all your money at once, instead of going trough token buy with all the hassle?

Total Supply: 3175000000
Circulating Supply: 1034780697.57
Price: 1 FTM = 0.04 USD
Token Distribution: 40% for token sale • 30% for marketing development • 15% for consultants and contributors • 15% for Fantom Team and founder

>> No.16328994

>15% for consultants and contributors • 15% for Fantom Team and founder
old outdated fud. the team relinquished their shares and you damn well know it already

>> No.16329040

Mainnet has been delayed once from Q3 to Q4 now
Andre is just a famous dev on the team, there are many other very talented devs on the team.
They were trying to set up an office in dubai to be allowed to operate and apply for smart city contracts in dubai. They succeeded and set up their office. They are doing bd there now.
African banks is real adoption. Dont know how that could be seen as a negative. Banks with close to or more than 100bn in assets and which are connected to other banks in China and Europe.
Iota is a centralized shit show which up until recently, could not even support smart contracts without a tacked on solution.
Doesnt have to be an eth killer. Only needs to run dApps faster and cheaper with an acceptable level of decentralization and high network security.

>> No.16329041

From finder:
Supply. The total supply of tokens is 3.175 billion FTM. In addition, an initial annual inflation rate of 5% also applies but will decrease as more users join the network. 20% of the total inflation will be set aside to reward nodes, with the remaining 80% used to provide incentives for FANTOM platform users.
Distribution. The 3.175 billion FTM will be distributed as follows:
40% token sale
30% market development
15% advisors and contributors
15% FANTOM team and founders


>> No.16329084

That is outdated as fuck man.

There ~2bn supply circulating
0 team fund
0 dev fund
The remaining ~1Bn is to bootstrap node rewards over the first 4-5 years of mainnet.

I'll pretent you didnt already know that and just attempted a low IQ fud to scare dumb anons

>> No.16329109


>> No.16329113

he knows exactly what he's doing. its some tezos fag i guarantee

>> No.16329129

Hahahah I told you guys to not buy this shit and wait. But I'm a dumb fudder. Use your goddamn brains

Why buy from a team that doesn't meet deadlines

>> No.16329159

3 mainnets will drop in december, then what?

>> No.16329165

This fud is from like 2018 kek

>> No.16329185


>> No.16329275

wtf is fatom and wtf is lition?

>> No.16329310

Its over sell sell sell

>> No.16329399


>> No.16329443


>> No.16329472

[User was banned from valhalla for this post.]

>> No.16329513


>> No.16329526


You are literally dumbest person alive lol

>> No.16329536

Dubs never lie its over back to wagecucking

>> No.16329677

it's trips that never lie, nufag fagget. dubs only confirm a prediction and ONLY when "check em" is called in the same post

>> No.16330297

1$ eoy check em

>> No.16330312

Never go all in. You only have yourself to blame

>> No.16330556
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$100 end of 2020
$50 by June 2020
Check em

>> No.16330590

FTM $5 eoy check out my double repeating post number digits fools!

>> No.16330601


>> No.16330841

not a FTM fork in fact FTM is just a scam.

>> No.16330855

yikes off by one. here's a pity roll

>> No.16330893
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Checked we're gonna be rich

>> No.16330919

Fkin checked

>> No.16330946

>2019 and still falling for gook/chink scams
you should immediately kys

>> No.16330984

>not getting a bunch of NKN at sub 2.5 cent and waiting 2-3 years

>> No.16331066

OP you didn’t actually buy this shitcoin did you? How fucking new are you? The shilling is so absurdly coordinated and unnatural even a summerfag should be able to see through it. Clear as day. You deserve to lose everything on this gook scam.

>> No.16331106

You guys are such fucking idiots lmao

>> No.16331655

>buying any scam coin shilled on /biz
I mean anon seriously?

>> No.16331756

Its not 2017 anymore, no one gives a shit about
50k TPS, smart cities, or whatever other buzzwords these chinks are coming up with.
None of this shit ever works.

>> No.16331806

Until it does. And you miss out on 1000x

>> No.16331892

Have you read the whitepaper? Just because something sounds complicated does not mean it will be useful or will even work. Usually the contrary. Take the chainlink idea. Brilliant in its simplicity, but anyone can see that it will work. Aggregated data combined with KYC to establish a trust-able base, and the mixicles idea is brilliant too. You can see how it makes sense, swapping up data at the oracle level for privacy.
Now take Fantom. To me it looks like a complete mess. Nothing really new in ideas either, Lachesis protocol is just a minor rephrasing of IOTA's tangle idea, which we know does not work. No proof of concept anywhere, and yet the paper devolves into complex ideas upon ideas upon this lachesis thing, leaving a convoluted mess that obscures the fact that the min protocol hasn't even been tested.
Maybe they are serious. Maybe they think they're serious. But to me it just looks more and more like another project doomed to fail.

>> No.16331904

People are shilling FRM just like they Shilled SENT and look what happened. Fantom is going to make everyone who is in it rich. Fud all you want. It show’s all you can do is meme out even though you have a rope in the closet just in case

>> No.16332140

I gave you my documentation, where is your documentation? You are talking about circulating supply, dimwit, not total supply. Based on the numbers I gave you, with source, this is a super scammy shit project. You only gave me your fantasy opinion with zero attempt at documentation.

>> No.16332317


All tokens not yet distributed are for block rewards

>> No.16332334

Don’t spoon feed these brainlets. Let them stay poor

>> No.16332547

ROFL should have bought XTZ, fuck these guys.

>> No.16332596

It looks like that to you because you’re a brainlet who thinks he’s smart

>> No.16332637 [DELETED] 

So you two FTM idiots can't say anything about a clear scam tokenomics with 60% of tokens to founders, team and advisors. Your only answer is "fud" with zero documented rebuttal. You are getting scammed and chinked, idiots. Here:


>> No.16332657

but they don't have any tokens....

>> No.16332666

dyor or stay poor faggot

>> No.16332715

Well, try to explain why it will succeed please.

>> No.16332759

So you two FTM idiots can't say anything about a clear scam tokenomics with 60% of tokens to founders, team and advisors. Your only answer is "fud" with zero documented rebuttal. You are getting scammed and chinked, idiots. Here:

Supply. The total supply of tokens is 3.175 billion FTM. In addition, an initial annual inflation rate of 5% also applies but will decrease as more users join the network. 20% of the total inflation will be set aside to reward nodes, with the remaining 80% used to provide incentives for FANTOM platform users.
Distribution. The 3.175 billion FTM will be distributed as follows:
40% token sale
30% market development
15% advisors and contributors
15% FANTOM team and founders


>> No.16332805
File: 126 KB, 828x377, 7DD8F634-B980-4A14-940A-5B5DBF88FD23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted the article. Cross reference the block rewards number with coingecko circulating supply

>> No.16332809

What are you doing?

>> No.16332814

The supply distribution doesn't matter. Look at XRP, look at Link, both have even more of the supply in centralized hands.
The tech also doesn't matter, no one uses any of this crypto shit anyway.
The only thing that matters is marketing and hype. Fantom has a decent story: Smart contracts on a DAG.
Nano pumped on a similar premise, FTM could too, if they can achieve enough outreach.

I just got a decent bag at 135 sats and I'm going to join the shill army, fully knowing that FTM most likely won't see any adoption.
Nothing ever does in crypto, but it doesn't have to, it just needs to sell a good story.

>> No.16333642


Yeah, i agree. Nicely put

>> No.16333680

You're such a retard. It's been addressed. You keep posting outdated info.

>> No.16333684

Only real bullish thing on this shit you can say

Gl anon

>> No.16333709

>t gook scammer

>> No.16333727

Not gonna bother. I don’t give a shit if a small fish like you buys or not

Stay poor

>> No.16333737

The only reasonable anon in this thread. The thing you’re ignoring though is that crypto as a whole is dead. Nobody is speculating on ETH killer #28647 anymore. This shit is DOA.

>> No.16333766

What you guys are forgetting is that narratives can switch quickly. You can be sure that MSM will be talking about it if a country issues a central bank supported stable coin. I think CBDC is one of the things that could be igniting speculation for crypro once again. And that's what fantom is targeting with xar.

>> No.16333791


>> No.16333852


>> No.16333867

what's your portfolio right now?

>> No.16333908


>> No.16334715

that's what I thought 6 months ago, and the pump of that ship has sailed. 3c was the max.

You're overestimating how far ahead of the curve you are.

>> No.16334738

funny because I caught the SNX pump while you were busy shilling this dead shitcoin

>> No.16335091

This is an IQ test and an old fag newfag test. Redditors and newfags aren't gonna have the nuance to see the difference between this platform and the 10 other major ones. They simply don't see it. No everyone can be rich.

>> No.16336090


>> No.16336512
File: 46 KB, 500x500, mysides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he measures % gain/loss in usd instead of sats

>> No.16336807

This is going below 100 sats soon
Cap this faggots

>> No.16336834

it follows BTC so yeah, prolly. but when halvening happens itll moon

>> No.16336846

> Buys shares
> Isn't rich the week after buying in

How are retarded people like you exist in this space?

>> No.16336886

>fell for the copypasta

>> No.16336922

You have no idea the JUSTn you’re about to get