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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16326885 No.16326885 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16326901

Easy. It is late November. Everything is going to crash till mid late December to claim loses on tax returns

>> No.16326910
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>> No.16326922

Don't be sad cat. Put in some buy orders and hold till late Mai. Learn yearly business cycles

>> No.16326931

how do I profit from this?

>> No.16326949

Steaking naw!!!!

>> No.16326954
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>> No.16327026

Sergey said the network was getting upgraded at 21 nodes.
We just reached 21 nodes, so expect Sergey to make a statement in about 12 to 18 months.

>> No.16327082
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>> No.16327092

can you remind me where/when he said this?

>> No.16327096

daily reminder you *should* be 1,200% up and if you're worried about it you will NEVER make it.

>> No.16327099

what does that even mean can you explain for brainlet pls

>> No.16327104

The mainnet blogpost.

>> No.16327130

it doesn't matter, he said it

>> No.16327133

Do you have even hair on your balls?
>Make money all year long
>Central state wants a big chunk to pay for Boomer pensions, oxygen wasting bureaucrats, welfare queens...
>"Sorry Mister tax man I lost many monies on my fantasy investments"

>> No.16327167
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Source for this picture?

>> No.16327169

> After reaching seven separate sources of data, with twenty one technically reviewed and identity verified node operators, we’ll solicit community/user feedback to consider further expansion of this decentralized oracle network, while maintaining a high level of both data source and independent node operator security and reliability.

>> No.16327173

so your saying people who hold say btc will crash btc as to not pay money on tax?

>> No.16327179

Surely Sergey will add BTC/USD in about 3 years now that we reached the threshold of 21 nodes.

>> No.16327182


>> No.16327185
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Here you go, nufag

>> No.16327192

It's scary that he says they'll only be "considering" further expansion. What if he decides to stop building?

>> No.16327196

Pay less taxes by reducing taxable income through making "loses"

>> No.16327197

eth price. wow. amazing. revolutionary. innovation. kafkaesque.

>> No.16327234

He's not going to stop building, but at this point it's very likely someone else will overtake Chainlink.
They're moving far too slowly.

>Vitalik announces ETH for the first time
>6 months later
>Vitalik has a cracking team, the EVM, and the crowdsale

>Sergey releases a mainnet that only does ETH/USD
>6 months later
>Sergey has a mainnet that only does ETH/USD

>> No.16327243

It was a joke.
You're just FUDing, right? Sergey is delivering, big time. Have some patience.

>> No.16327245

I love it.

My faith is tight to Chainlink and will rise or fall with it. Wouldn't want Sergey to navigate any other way.

This is not a game and I will unironically kms if it won't go well.

>> No.16327251

If you want to be rich quick try the casino, all on red.

>> No.16327290

I called it too.
Around the mainnet announcement I posted something along the lines of "and now he's going to release initial mainnet and not change a damn thing for at least half a year".

>> No.16327363


>> No.16327394

He said they hoped to have 21 nodes online by eoy. Not anything about upgrades.

>> No.16327404

See >>16327169

He said he was going to move the network forward at 21 nodes.

>> No.16327406

Ooooh, look out, big brain over threw a guess to the wind and it landed!
Well done friend.
I'm proud, OP is proud, we're all proud
Maybe go post your genius on reddit, I'll slip you a lazy upvote

>> No.16327418

It was very predictable.

>> No.16327438

Are you fucking new linkers or just brainlets? Morningstar is using chainlink you stupid faggots. This should give you enough insight to understand how the space is moving.
Everything is going to be tokenized. Everything. Apple shares will come sooner than later. The synthetix website billboard is not a meme. It's incredibly Apple to do something like this and for Tim Cook to give a speech on how "We believe every person, regardless of where they're born, have access to financial and investment instruments."
Why do I even spoon feed you faggots. You're all too fucking lazy to dyor. You deserve to be poor.

>> No.16327449

I know about all that, I've been a firm believer in Chainlink's use case since 2017, and have only grown more convinced on the matter since.
My point has nothing to do with that.

>> No.16327458
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>> No.16327464

Obviously you don't understand it that well. This is a large undertaking. If you want it to go faster then fucking build something to help instead of whining on a racist anime forum. Even a funny meme for fucks sake.

>> No.16327468

Morningstar are building their own oracle you pajeets

>> No.16327483

>This is a large undertaking.
Which is exactly why you shouldn't let it languish as a fucking ETH/USD-only operation for 6 fucking months.

>> No.16327484

then build something you lazy redditor

>> No.16327493

I'm building a family and a career.

>> No.16327503

And I guess you expect some obscure dlt middleware to finance those pipe drams while sitting on your ass. Please do us all a favor, sell your link now and put the money in a college fund for your child

>> No.16327514

Yes it's their own oracle. Chainlink is open source. Try again brainlet. It's practically worthless without tokenized assets to rate though, and this is why the price of the link token is not rising the way we want it to yet.
>Hey guys Sergey here, could you guys hurry up over there at morningstar, we've got all these tokenized assets that would really benefit from your rating. Yeah mhmm. bye.
This is the literally the scenario you're suggesting. You're just not grasping the bigger picture. Read more.

>> No.16327518

>family + career
>"pipe dream"

My future does not depend on Chainlink. It's just a bonus.
But the same level of intellect that allowed me to pinpoint Chainlink as the next big thing back in 2017, allows me to see Sergey is moving too slowly in the public implementation realm.

I fully agree with the method of running a limited mainnet with reviewed nodes just to show the basic stability of the network. And it worked; zero downtime since mainnet, which is more than you can say for any centralized oracle.
But there's way too much to be done to leave Chainlink like this for 6 fucking months.

>> No.16327521

>This is the literally the scenario you're suggesting.
The scenario I'm suggesting is there are tons of parties waiting anxiously for Chainlink to become more than an ETH/USD oracle.
And that includes parties like Morningstar.

Smart contract adoption in any mainstream form may be months or years away, but Chainlink should be tried and tested by then.

>> No.16327527

You should sell. You don't deserve link.

>> No.16327536

or shut the fuck up and stop whining

>> No.16327660

>I don't see the ripples on the surface of the water
>it means nothing is happening underneath the surface
Sergey proved again and again that he does major shit in silence. I'm more than eager to believe his process.

>> No.16327707

staking will launch within 3 months, imo

>> No.16327718
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Hi Rory

>> No.16327727

>centralized shit KYC ‘oracle’ that checks ETH’s price after 2 years
>a billion printed tokens with 65% held by amateur tier devs

You missed Bitcoin, you missed Ethereum. If you ever believed in chainlink you do not belong on this board.

>> No.16327745

Three parallel nodes since the first day of mainnet, you retard.

>amateur tier devs
You mean like Gates, Jobs, Vitalik, Brin, ...?

>If you ever believed in chainlink you do not belong on this board.
Meanwhile the world of crypto is collectively scratching their heads wondering how /biz/ managed to find the one crypto that would moon the hardest during the past 1.5 years.

>> No.16327760

And you were wrong, a lot has changed since mainnet. You haven't been paying attention or you are just fudding, there is no possible other explanation for you to feel vindicated about this dumb prediction

>> No.16327770

>And you were wrong, a lot has changed since mainnet.
Mainnet still only does ETH/USD.

>> No.16327777

I bet you this kid holds and shills BSV.

>> No.16327825

>Three parallel nodes since the first day of mainnet

Centralized KYC shit that took a whole 2 years to do.

>You mean like Gates, Jobs, Vitalik, Brin, ...?
>X is just like Y, trust me man!

I’ll send you 1 (one) LINK shitcoin if you can make the logical fallacy you just committed.

>Meanwhile the world of crypto is collectively scratching their heads wondering how /biz/ managed to find the one crypto that would moon the hardest during the past 1.5 years.

Imagine actually believing this fantasy bollocks. The only thing being scratched is your unwashed NEET balls on a Tuesday afternoon while your other hand is hitting F5 on Coinmarketcap. Everything mooned. What fucking bubble do you live in? Chainlink dumped tokens at the top and made millions, the only thing you made was a folder filled with rehashed cringey frog memes from other boards that you’re too new to even be familiar with. You literally would have made more money holding fucking XRP from May 2017 than chainlink. That’s how much of a sack of shit your redditcoin is. Then again, you’re in it for ‘the lore’ aren’t you? Yeah money doesn’t matter, I’m sure those 6 year old beaten up shoes you wear every day will hold though another year or so until you save more money.

Linkoid third worlders really do have no business being here and it’s hilariously obvious. You’re so out of place.

>> No.16327834

>three parallel nodes
pick one

>I’ll send you 1 (one) LINK shitcoin if you can make the logical fallacy you just committed.
The biggest companies in the world were started by noobs.
Using this as fud is retarded.

And I'm not reading that wall of text. Nobody is.

>> No.16327922
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i won't be impressed until i can be decentrally told what day it is.

>> No.16327949

Insiders report that Sergey is preparing a speech called "how oracles solve the off chain connectivity problem" and he's going to repeat it every week for the next fifty years as a piece of performance art.

>> No.16327962

Is this a fucking joke? Tezos has like 1800 nodes

>> No.16327969

go to one of your 10 pump and dump threads

>> No.16327971

These are the nodes reviewed by Chainlink themselves.

>> No.16327977

I hold LINK too, bro. But really, this is kinda shit for such high valuation.

>> No.16327985

>Good sirs I hold xy too¨
>But please good sirs buy my proof of shitcoin sirs
>By vishnu family hungry
>Please good sirs
shoo shoo

>> No.16328006

cope harder faggot

>> No.16328022

How fucking embarrassing is it to flood the board with pump and dump shitcoin threads and have them instantly hidden and max out at 20 replies of which 15 are calling you a pajeet

>> No.16328024

NKN has like 15k nodes what is your point?

>> No.16328042

NKN is too centralized
stay poor

>> No.16328051

Whispering voice;


>> No.16328064
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1985 called, they want their sales pitch for retards back

>> No.16328096

> "at 21 nodes we'll ask the community what we should do next"


>> No.16328193


>> No.16328228

kek 5 months to get 20 literal whos to run a node. HAHAHAHAHAHA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. And not a single dapp using it in production to this day. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA imagine still holding this scam. At this rate in 20 years they'll have 200 nodes and 3 dapps using it.

>> No.16328241

***Useless vaporware***

>> No.16328246

You’re right and the saddest part is that would make it the most legit project in crypto

>> No.16328255
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Wow... Ground breaking

>> No.16328270

Here comes the damage control, eager and early as ever.

Imagine if you put this much effort into something constructive.

>> No.16328299

>Linkie talk about being productive
That's rich

>> No.16328307

what these nodes do?
just parse exhange JSON? ROFL

>> No.16328378

If I sell and buy right back in do wash trade rules apply?

>> No.16328390

enjoy getting probed and have your ass split by jamal in the courtyard

>> No.16328399

I'm sorry but this shitty 90's style website doesn't look like the 4th industrial revolution lmao

>> No.16328402

Don't listen to this mongrel. You only have to pay taxes IF you cash out AND made a profit. If you hold it doesn't matter if you've made or lost money

>> No.16328432
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can linkies just rope already?

>> No.16328452

Jesus Christ I just realized that link is just averaging a bunch of shit loooool
Dude I can code that for you and I don't even know how to program LMFAO

>> No.16328480

Buddy over here forgot to google what an oracle is.

>> No.16328512

What's the point of averaging a bunch of stuff using link by adding yet another middleman? Where is the gain? Am I missing something?

>> No.16328514

>Am I missing something?
See >>16328480

>> No.16328523

Yes. Go back

>> No.16328568

>muh oracle problem

A bunch of medium articles doesn't make a made up problem real

>> No.16328591

Holy shit you're dumb.

>> No.16328592

if it was decentralized, there would be gain, cause making decentralized oracles is hard. But Chainlink is not, and will never be decentralized.

So there is no gain in adding a centralized middleman. Hence why literally not a single dapp is using them in production today. Cause it's centralized vaporware.

Link's "partnerships" are irrelevant. None of them will ever run their dapps on centralized oracles. Some will try to run nodes. But no one will ever use the nodes. Cause it's centralized and insecure.

They just partnered either for the hype or hoping Link's tech would get better eventually, but it won't. They have made zero progress towards decentralization in 3 years and 50mil later.

Linkers completely BTFOed. No one can link to a single dapp on dapp.com/dappradar that uses Chainlink today, 5 months after mainnet.


>> No.16328600

>80IQ linker calling others dumb

>> No.16328604

>Chainlink is not, and will never be decentralized.
Mainnet launched with 3 parallel nodes.
It was decentralized from day 1.

>> No.16328606

100% this. Fake problem that can be solved by literally every single crypto out there with just a few lines of code.
This token isn't needed at all, only the code.

>> No.16328608

>You only have to pay taxes if you cash out
Kek. That is so wrong. For one, shitcoin trading, including stable coins is a taxable event. Second it is not about paying taxes but reducing the amount of taxes to pay by claiming a loss.
>ib4 lolololo you have to cash out
fuck I guess I need to call my tax authorities and repay taxes because I actually didn't cash out stocks I claimed a loss on to reduce my taxable income

>> No.16328612

>people will simply trust our centralized node!
Two guesses why even Oraclize is looking to Chainlink for decentralization.

>> No.16328617

Why would this happen to a coin that most people don't have paper losses on? What your saying is cope.

>> No.16328619


Are you a literal retard? In the same thread you claim the oracles are decentralized, then you also claim that they’re all ‘reviewed’ by chainlink themselves. Holy shit you can’t even shill properly. I bet you went all in at $3.

>> No.16328631

>Most people
Please provide statistics on your claim

>> No.16328641

Either sergay is purposely hiding industry players adopting for whatever reason or this shit is unironically over.
5 years for a 21 nodes ETHUSD price fetcher.

>> No.16328643

Nobody is looking to chainlink. Just wait until everyone just copies the code and you linkies are left holding worthless bags.

>> No.16328658

That's what I thought. Something that's just doing some number averaging cannot possibly be that important, specially considering it doesn't even work as intended lmao

>> No.16328659

look what i built guys!!!!

{ "prices": { "source1" : { "price": "171.22" }, "source2": { "price":"170.91" } } }

>> No.16328677

Decentralized oracles are not a business. There is no money to be made from real decentralization. Imagine thinking people would ‘stake’ millions of dollars in insecure, super vulnerable smart contract code. Gavin Wood himself who fucking WROTE the code Ethereum runs on got rekt for $300,000,000 by a fucking teenager. Tell me again how people are going to be staking millions, linkoids.

>> No.16328697

>In the same thread you claim the oracles are decentralized, then you also claim that they’re all ‘reviewed’ by chainlink themselves.
Being reviewed has nothing to do with being decentralized.
Unless you're trying to say permissioned chains aren't decentralized.

Plus, this is initial mainnet. Identity reviews will be optional.

>Nobody is looking to chainlink.
t. deluded swingie

>There is no money to be made from real decentralization.
Except by the nodes and holders, right?

>> No.16328792

>Unless you're trying to say permissioned chains aren't decentralized.

That’s exactly what I’m saying you fucking retard. You don’t even know the meanings of the words you’re using. You’re new as fuck.

>Except by the nodes and holders, right?
No. Chainlink’s only revenue comes from dumping printed tokens on retards who lack the technical literacy to understand what is and isn’t feasible in software projects.

>> No.16328801

>That’s exactly what I’m saying
Then why are folks like IBM saying the opposite?

... he sobbed plaintively.

>> No.16328818
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Will you ever take the poo to the loo? Doubtful.

>> No.16328844

Also, even if permissioned chains were not decentralized (which they are); the fact remains that the identity reviews are literally going to be optional within full mainnet. It's literally in the mainnet blogpost.
So it's absolutely useless to belabor the point any further.

The very process of identity review will even be decentralized; with various third parties offering different identity review and certification schemes.

>> No.16328889
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Manvinder Madness.

>> No.16328950
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Sip Sip, indeed.