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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 151 KB, 1144x533, Capture d’écran 2019-11-21 à 10.46.25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16324954 No.16324954 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16325019

what the actual fuck.. fuck burgerland

>> No.16325024

Yeah, crypto is pretty much dead

>> No.16325028
File: 57 KB, 550x467, 1441508826776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'll earn $10 in crypto after we take your person information.

>> No.16325034

wow so you get free $10? sign me up!

>> No.16325035

who the FUCK uses kikebase? you use binance if anything. Also most DEXes are scams.

>> No.16325039

Come to Binance

>> No.16325043

which you then have to pay capital gains tax on. sweet.

>> No.16325045

I use coinbase to send money from my bank account to exchanges

I will never use binance

Just waiting for the last dip (5,000$) to go all in and erase all my exchanges accounts

>> No.16325047

Don't worry, binance.us, kraken, bittrex, and gemini won't be far behind.

I'm done with crypto. It's as gay and regulated as stocks, but without the variety and 200% more manipulation.

>> No.16325048

Yeah but at some pint you have to cash out. Literally fuck the USA. This place has turned to shit.

>> No.16325049

>this will only take a couple of minutes
>unzips pants

>> No.16325051

who the FUCK uses toilets? you use streets if anything. Also most portapotties are scams.

>> No.16325072

Everything is gonna shift to DEXes now and get even more wild and even more hard to regulate just like CZ said. Well done you fucking idiots.

>> No.16325079

only if you cash out

>> No.16325084

I use coinbase. THis is what I do:

Bank account -> Coinbase -> USDC -> Metamask Wallet -> DEX

Since my portfolio is literally only ETH/DAI/USDC and a few ERC-20 tokens, that's all I do. I don't owe coinbase any tax shit whatsoever for that activity.

>> No.16325089

toplmao. literally all dexes are either scams or about to get shut down

>> No.16325093

I'm not a wagie, I have to cash out sometimes. I don't pay my taxes in France tho (neither in USAfrica)

>> No.16325094

oh yeah because a public blockchain is so
hidden, right? enjoy having every one of your TX recorded on a dex. At least binance attempts to obfuscate your trading data.

>> No.16325101

you know IRS know that you have money in cryptos?

you know I can't send 100,000 euros to literal scam exchanges?

>> No.16325105

Crypto is officially over.

>> No.16325107

>I don't owe coinbase any tax shit whatsoever for that activity.
Yes you do, any crypto to crypto transaction is taxable in burgerland. Luckily im safe in canada, fuck all of you kikes.

>> No.16325128


>> No.16325131

Fiat to crypto is taxable, crypto to crypto is taxable

You know what these greedy pieces of shit will probably try to ban crypto (for proles) in the future anyway.

>> No.16325195

I only owe them for the very LAST transaction. So I send USD to coinbase, convert to USDC and send it to private wallets /DEXs to trade ETH and other coins. I don't have to record any of the shit that happens until the very LAST instance of me sending USDC back to coinbase to cash out into USD.

So basically fuck all those "taxable events" where the IRS wants to collect for every single conversion from one coin to another. They will never get those records from me. They will only get the final amount, which I will then self report on how much of a profit it actually was when I Cash out. IF I decide to even report it. REMEMBER that coinbase only auto-reports accounts that have over like 1,000 transactions in a single year. They wouldn't report an account with like 3 transactions.

>> No.16325204

>last dip

>> No.16325207

but why is the initial USD to USDC not taxed?

>> No.16325214
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>> No.16325215

Fake and gay fuck off

>> No.16325220

Naww sweetie

>> No.16325230

>Fiat to crypto
wrong. only when he sells

>> No.16325239

Because that wasn't a net gain or loss? You literally convert $10,000 USD to 10,000 USDC. that is not a taxable event.

>> No.16325240

>here's $10 as compensation

>> No.16325242

but technically the conversion from crypto to USDC is taxable, is it not? whatever gains you made in USD market value gets taxed. The conversion from USDC wouldn’t incur any further taxes since USDC isn’t going to appreciate in value before you move it onto the DEX

>> No.16325247
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it really is over isnt it? What options do we burgers have, Is binance US better than coinbase pro after this? If they already have my info whats the worst that could happen if Im a good goy and just give them what they want. I just wanted to trade some crypto why do they have to take this away from us

>> No.16325246

This is completely normal for every stock trading or forex site though, it saves you alot of hassle and stress if they figure it all out for you at the end of the year anyway.

>> No.16325248

You're wrong. YOu will get an 1099K for those transactions.

>> No.16325255

yes but hes not converting the usdc to other crypto on coinbase you dumb goy

>> No.16325261
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>> No.16325263

ah I see

>> No.16325280


>> No.16325335
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>> No.16325336
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LAND OF THE """""""""""""""""""FREE""""""""""""""""""

>> No.16325339

Here's my advice don't fuck with the irs you can't win have a portfolio that you trade shitcoins with and never plan on cashing out on coinbase also have a portfolio through coinbase that if another bull run happens it's full of trades your willing to pay taxes on to be legit

>> No.16325372

>just surrender to your jewish masters bro

Mutts are slaves, if you are not an US citizen you can write whatever you want on this tax report

>> No.16325374

Does anybody know the specific name of the fraud where a brokerage takes your money and says you hold something without actually purchasing it? I believe many firms do this in BTC to basically make money shorting their client's supposed holdings and capture the difference.

>> No.16325387

>on anonymous board
>Calls other slaves


>> No.16325396

You must pick only one

>> No.16325397
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Needs to be a decentralized crypto broker , can keep them and the government out of the affairs of buyers.

>> No.16325404

if you want adoption you need regulation
being an US citizen sucks but they have what they deserved

>> No.16325441


I need a new fiat gateway

>> No.16325448

whats the best alternative to cuckbase? gemini?

>> No.16325450

Yea because everybody loves having these derivative exchanges that hold massive amounts of bitcoin and trades against their OWN fucking clients in order to liquidate them and reap in massive profits. THat's like going to a Casino and being ok with the house being able to look at your cards AND having a rigged deck of cards.

>> No.16325475

Not gonna be the last. See you fags at 1k. Can’t wait for suicides

>> No.16325477

you still don't get it? there are no alternatives. All exchanges have the same regulations. If there are few that still don't they eventually will or get shut down

>> No.16325515

he thinks you can cash out.
You can't cash out. You're here forever.

>> No.16325518

If btc would fucking Scale it if something like RSR would finally become functional then we wouldn’t have this problem

Until then we are going to be captive to this bulshit

>> No.16325646

This. Why would anyone ever cash out. Eventually you will be able to buy everything using crypto or some stablecoin. Just keep converting USD to some stablecoin in some exchange, and then convert that stablecoin to crypto in a DEX or via some other mechanism OFF of a centralized exchange. THen just move your money to private wallets and HODL. In a few short years you'll be able to convert your crypto to some stablecoin that will be accepted even at your local grocery store, and there you go you'll be set to never pay crypto taxes in your life.

>> No.16325668

this. at least with stocks the kikes will keep printing fiat to prop up the clown market indefinitely.

>> No.16325705

>he hasn't accumulated hundreds of thousands in capital loses from the 2017-2018 bull run

>> No.16325757
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>people make fun of coinmetro for having a 'strict' KYC
>coinbase ends up being more strict than CM
kevin called this shit a long time ago and you didn't listen

>> No.16325784

fiat to crypto is not a taxable event and receiving crypto as a gift is not a taxable event

>> No.16325791


Binance (not US)

>> No.16325807

link will help create that unironicalli

>> No.16325836
File: 341 KB, 1583x592, chana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use binance if anything
>Also most DEXes are scams

>> No.16325861

that's called robinhood

>> No.16325893
File: 86 KB, 1028x764, Screen Shot 2019-11-21 at 12.33.06 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not the same message I got.

>> No.16325908

Coinbase gave my informations to french police once because I made a donation to an illegal far right movement

>> No.16325918

The mutts are SO cucked, its one of the least free countries on earth. The mutts brainwash themselves by repeating.
>We are the freest nation on earth
>We are the freest nation on earth
>We are the freest nation on earth
>We are the freest nation on earth
>We are the freest nation on earth

>> No.16325925

> erase my exchange accounts
I hope you know that deleting your accounts =/= deleting the personal information stored about you lol.

>> No.16325931

I pay my crypto taxes so this isn't a big deal

>> No.16325940
File: 2.01 MB, 640x360, JanuaryAnyYear.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the last dip
thats January newfag

>> No.16325960

fuckin tard, the writing has been on the wall for a while now. Go back to your pathetic cult

>> No.16325978

how the fuck do you profit off crypto-to-crypto tax? seems like that would bleed you dry

>> No.16325997
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> 1k
see you at zero fren

>> No.16326000


i don't care about the fake infos I gave them, i just want them to know i will never give them a single $

>> No.16326009
File: 221 KB, 680x680, 023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last month they scammed me from the promised "50$ in EOS" "if you send us your info KYC.
the submit button kept glytching and my information was submitted...but it wasnt submitted.
so they took my info, but i wasnt able to get my promised "50$ in eos".

after that i wrote them some emails, told them their faggots, and that ill buy 1600$ bitcoin from cex.io
and its what i did. i deleted my coinbase account. i asked them if it was worth it.

IMAGINE how much your information is worth if they are promising you even 10$ for it, and they still scam you and not give you the money.


>> No.16326016
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you did good, you did what i did, the right thing.
i payed probably 50$ in fees for cex.io to buy 1600$ worth of bitcoin.
thats money coinbase will never see, because they jewed me out of a "50$ worth of eos" scam.
i made sure i tell them that.

>> No.16326019

>Coinmetro USD ramp

its a new euro exchange like many others.

>> No.16326028

You can’t just put names on things that don’t correspond to the cycle chart. Well I mean you can but then you’d be retarded

>> No.16326036

you used to only need to do this if you have over 20k in trades during a year. did they change the policy or is OP just a retard who didn't know it's been like this for years?

>> No.16326041

im scared of my funds being frozen Idex somehow realized I was on a vpn afraid of binance doing the same and locking my account

>> No.16326067

So what's so bad about it? If the coinbase is gonna pay taxes for me it's cool. I'll be withdrawing legal no questions asked.

>> No.16326097

Are you going to quit this board forever when you’re wrong on this dip prediction?

>> No.16326282


Waves dex is legit and pretty nice overall

>> No.16326333

Kek, so not only are you new, you can't pull up a chart?

>> No.16326392

What do you recommend for someone whose never bought cryptocurrency?

>> No.16326393


>> No.16326398

Oi, you have a lisoince to repeat yourself like that m8?

>> No.16326432

Frenchbro how do you make money? How much money do you have? I had a look at some nice penthouses in pattaya but they cost like fucking 500k+ EUR

Quit whining, I have literally never been liquidated or had any problem with any of the leverage exchanges. Keep your leverage to no more than 5x and you will not have any problems

>> No.16326449

multiple scams (insurances and welfares bucks) big balls will get you big money

no need to buy them, why would you freeze +500,000 euros in a fucking boomer asset like RE tho

>> No.16326511

The funny part is a hair dresser, requires a licence in the land of the FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

>> No.16326545

Nice, welfare bucks are only like 600 euro/month in my country tho
>no need to buy them, why would you freeze +500,000 euros in a fucking boomer asset like RE tho
true, how much is rent for a similar one as yours?

>> No.16326547

Is anyone planning on selling through an alternative exchange (possibly DEX)? Fucking government is such a leech

>> No.16326576

I don't know I don't pay to live in this flat but don't expect anything under 100,000 THB per month.

There are penthouses way nicer than this one in Pattaya but they are way too much overvalued, you can make offers of half their prices and the owner will be okay to sell them to you...

Real estate in Pattaya is a shit show, condos are all empties - only poorfags condos are full (lumpinis)

>> No.16326580

Cuckbase has been a joke for a long time - make the switch to coinmetro bros, it's the next meme magic.

>> No.16326581
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more like 70,000 THB sorry
100,000 is 3000 euros and no one is going to pay this for a condo in Pattaya top kek

>> No.16326590


Valve has my SSN for the marketplace too, big woop. You dumb fucks bitch when the guberment wants your data for taxes but not when megacorps steal it, sell it and conduct mass surveillance on you.

>> No.16326704

Since seeing the warning i have had a torrent of loosy poopy all day. I’m actually low iq, i treated this shit like anything on a screen, as a game.
if I get labeled clinically retarded do you think the tax man will give me a pass. I’ll never try to trade again, I was just trying to see if I could get a bigger number than before. Should I drink a bunch and do an iq test with a doctor before tax season? I’m so retarded I just kept putting money into crypto and when drunk would try to trade. Sure I have losses but since crypto to crypto is taxable I’m worried that they’ll say I was realizing gains. Fuck I wish I was less retarded or more retarded. I am basically homeless, will they take my sleeping bag and cellphone?

>> No.16326756
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>Valve has my SSN for the marketplace too, big woop. You dumb fucks bitch when the guberment wants your data for taxes but not when megacorps steal it, sell it and conduct mass surveillance on you.

>> No.16326861

Does anyone else that isn't a burger have this page >>16325335 on their account?

I didn't get the warning when I logged in.

>> No.16326893

USA is one of the least free crypto nations. Even Europe has more freedom.

>> No.16326927

based poetry

>> No.16326970

>waaahhhhh I don't wanna pay reeeee
If you want crypto assets to ever be taken remotely seriously by anyone outside the tiny community presently involved in them, you will pay taxes like every trader of every single kind of asset does.
Ok faggot?

>> No.16327056

Based af frenchbro. Thanks for your support.

>> No.16327081

Jesus fucking Christ its over

>> No.16327413

anyone? >>16326861

do you think they've just put this on everyones account? i pay my taxes in my shithole, im not going to talk to my accountant about shartland taxes.

>> No.16327523
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>You'll earn $10 for thoroughly doxxing yourself and your trading history.
The absolute state.

>> No.16327545

> Being a US trader
Did you know PATRIOT fucked you out of any and all decent opportunities LOL

>> No.16327554

Told you guys.
Futures trading was the death sentence for bitcoin. 20k was really the top.

>> No.16327598
File: 88 KB, 1566x818, unknown-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got instantly verified after telling them to fuckoff.
I am a yuropean

>> No.16327647

you agreed to irs form w8-ben?

>> No.16327652



>> No.16327714

based coinbase saving the money from every gambling degenerate kiddie

>> No.16327725
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>Imagine doubting the forehead.
Fucking kek /biz/ is for a rude awekening.

>> No.16327755

Coinbase is cheapest to buy bitcoin.
Then i transfer all to binance to trade.

>> No.16327772

>Moroccan sandneger scammer welfare leeching on Europe

Sounds about right. You’re not French and you never will be Ahmed, drop that cringe shit. You’re a Moroccan.

>> No.16327821

ok frenchbro is now based

>> No.16327838

I'll get 1k loan next week and wont pay ever again, and look at you paying your taxes lmao

>> No.16327902

swecuck here, got the same page. not the massive fucking warning tho like OP.

>> No.16327933

The penthouse he posted is for sale at 2.5 million USD.
He doesn't live there, took selfie when the real estate agent was out of view.

>> No.16328109

>IRS knows I lost my entire 401k on REQ
I'm so scared

>> No.16328182

by definition dexes cannot be scams or shut down. you /biz/ pajeets use cexes masquerading as dexes like IDEX or whatever crap and think yourselves crypto experts, what a joke

gotta give the shitskin props, it's pretty funny ignorant burgers ITT are praising him for his donation to "illegal far right groups". in france that means radical mosques, you fools

>> No.16328196

Thanks for the info

He looks French

Really? Who would pay that much to live in pattaya

>> No.16328214

The true red pill. It’s clear as day that regulation is here which means the days of moon missions are over. Cope all you want. Crypto is done.

>> No.16328219

but what if ive never done taxes before because im a NEET whos never had a job?

>> No.16328230

are you just going to ignore it and see what happens on the 31st?

>> No.16328277
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>dexes cannot be shut down
imagine being dumb enough to believe this

>> No.16328313

what the fuck

>> No.16328331

Yes really, it's one of the most expensive units for sale now. Pattaya isn't that cheap and the THB is at all time high.
Most of the Pattaya crowd can't afford such an expensive place, but it's probably priced for the few very wealthy guys that come here.

>> No.16328346

By the way you can't rent anything like this penthouse for 70000thb, a nice place sure, but nothing like it.

>> No.16328368

What is it that you guys want? Getting rich right?

>> No.16328416

ABRA and BRD are the best US exchanges for fiat to BTC and alts. You hold your own and less fees

>> No.16328439


>> No.16328453

Guess Thailand is not at all cheap anymore. Can you get anything decent for 20k thb?

>> No.16328465

Yeah plenty of decent rooms at this price.

>> No.16328492


Who the fuck wants Thailand anyway? Tourist nightmare that it is.

>> No.16328502

Mcafee will safe us with he´s new dex

>> No.16328566

What's the difference between illegal and legal far right groups?

>> No.16328590


>> No.16328605



That is the name of the game though. And it will never change.

>> No.16328820

yes, I didn't do any trading just buy and hodl

>> No.16328877

Nobody pays crypto to crypto tax. You pay capital gains taxes, and you have to record every transaction for the IRS, regardless if you make or lose money, so you can show the travel from point a -> b -> c -> d. It's exactly the same way all investments are handled, but for some reason cryptofags think they deserve to get special rules.
It's just the suck rules in the US. If you move a coin, and the price changes, you have a taxable event. And you have to record it.
Don't expect it to change any time soon, either - it's why crypto has no interest in commerce.

>> No.16329004

exchanges =! crypto

>> No.16329009

I'm from UK and we don't have IRS but instead HMRC, so this shouldn't be a problem for me but I will find out on December 31st.

>> No.16329014
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>be american
>wageslave for 10 years and barely save up 10k
>decide to put that 10k into crypto
>pay 5% goybase fee
>then 20% crypto to crypto tax
>buttcoins go down 50%
>panic sell
>get taxed another 20%
>cash out whatever is left of your investment and pay another 20% capital gains tax
Such is the life in the land of the free.

>> No.16329087

crypto IS exchanges

without exchanges there is no crypto market without exchanges all coins = $0

>> No.16329178

>cashing out to fiat and withdrawing

Get a load of this guy

Withdraw the BTC and then do an in-person trade for dollars or use Bisq

>> No.16329200

>DEX for regulation evasion

This will be a very temporary situation

When the feds figure out what a DEX is they'll just start arresting the devs for aiding tax evasion and suddenly no one will want to build or maintain them.

The result is that all devs have to be outside the US and not be US citizens. Unfortunately that cuts out large chunks of tech talent in what is already a niche area

>> No.16329202


What DEX can you even use for fiat, Bisq?

>> No.16329229
File: 4 KB, 250x250, 1574164484500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We may collect the following types of information:

Personal Identification Information: Full legal name, date of birth, age, nationality, gender, signature, utility bills, photographs, phone number, home address, and/or email.

Formal Identification Information: Tax ID number, passport number, driver’s license details, national identity card details, photograph identification cards, and/or visa information.

Financial Information: Bank account information, payment card primary account number (PAN), transaction history, trading data, and/or tax identification.

Transaction Information: Information about the transactions you make on our Services, such as the name of the recipient, your name, the amount, and/or timestamp.

Employment Information: Office location, job title, and/or description of role.

Online Identifiers: Geo location/tracking details, browser fingerprint, OS, browser name and version, and/or personal IP addresses.

Usage Data: Survey responses, information provided to our support team, public social networking posts, authentication data, security questions, user ID, click-stream data and other data collected via cookies and similar technologies. Please read our Cookie Policy for more information.


>> No.16329232


In fact yes, Americans might have a hard time trading crypto currencies now the way they used to. But in the end they still can... it is just way harder to bypass taxes as of now. And I admit that I am sitting here as a European, worrying myself... the tax man is not easily bypassed. Unfortunately

>> No.16329255

>by definition dexes cannot be scams or shut down

This is the dumbest post I've ever read

>can't be scams

The whole point of an exchange is that it acts as a counterparty when matching trades - so you trade with the exchange and the exchange trades with the other guy.

Can you seriously not see a way for them to fuck you during this process?

>b-buh muh smart contract

Do you have the knowledge to personally audit smart contracts? No? Then you're at risk of getting fucked

>can't be shut down

The exchanges themselves can't but the developers certainly can. Better hope if they're not US citizens then their government doesn't have a close personal relationship with the US (or doesn't try and fuck these guys themselves)

>> No.16329262

I wonder why no exchanges accept US customers

>> No.16329263

congitive dissonance

>> No.16329271

People get buy&sell in crypto, some even have jobs that pay crypto in unstable countries and there are ATM and street traders.

You wouldn't need exchanges at all to sustain a value above 0. If anything the market is artificially restricted by regulations. And the exchanges are pig pens for the paypigs.

>> No.16329309

yes pajeets and street shitters can sustain a 50 dollar bitcoin value with their 100 rupee salary

>> No.16329415

The exchange rate doesn't correlate to their earnings. It's not like anybody is paying them always 1btc regardless of whether its worth $10 or $10k.

But the bigger problem is you can't use it thanks to regulations for trade in the west. If regulations didn't fuck everything up you could have commerce with crypto and that would stabilize it and ultimately allow to work purely in crypto without juggling on exchanges.

>> No.16329528

Coinbase collecting tax info is nothing new, this shit started happening last year. How new are you faggots?

>> No.16329591
File: 51 KB, 900x900, 6461B77B-FDA0-417B-9134-852E8A25F977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at some point you have to cash out
That’s where you’re wrong bucko

>> No.16329616


True, yet it was not a mandatory right a way do or don't thing.

>> No.16329670

this still requires KYC
trough the back door
you can only cash out if you cash in first
and since cashing in happens with KYC attached they get your info

>> No.16329722

Chances are the government already knows about your information. I live in a tax free state and if you're using a credit card or a bank the likely chances of the government knowing that you trade crypto is already there.
All you need to do is put in your Social security and next thing you know.
You're already getting fucked.
Stop trying to freak out when you know that you're already caught.

>> No.16329730

Sure but they've never had IRS forms on yuro accounts before or I've never seen it. I might just get everything off coinbase before the deadline and see how the land lies after the 31st. I just want to pay tax in my own country and have an easy life ffs.

>> No.16329752

hello officer

what everybody should do is make the goberment work for their theft, make them spend more money on the process than they will get

you need to prove also that gains were made

and cuck base is going away like all committed to compliance things

>> No.16329810


I am rich. Yet I could not afford to to into legal battle with the government. The have more money and time ;) You and me, the citizens, are always fucked when we face them

>> No.16329839
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Was just about to make my account here till I came over to /biz/ first. Can anyone give me a quick rundown? Where do I go buy my cryptocurrency now? I wanted to buy now that everything is going down hard.

>> No.16329872

then you are not rich
you are a fat cow in line for the slaughterhouse
and you like it

the goberment is a bunch of people that take money from the good goy and give to other to do their bidding

all you have to do is either be dead or make it so you don't feed them

either way they are done for

>> No.16329881


haha 11
Thank you for this

>> No.16329903

preferably a small exchange far away from your jurisdiction

>> No.16329937


Now, back to reality.. the only people you can't get out of paying what they are owed, is the government. Taxes. We all hate them, yet, you can not legally get out of paying them. Unless your are billionaire tier and have a residency in an according country, and even the, they do check if you factually live there. It isn't easy. Trust me.

>> No.16329959

you are clearly dumb, maybe you are a woman too

exiting "society" is very easy and I keep my lollies if you know what I mean

taxes are theft and we are entitled to rebel

>> No.16329972

>trust me you have to accept getting raped

efficient tax restructuring shemes start at 100k /y income.

>> No.16329979


Yes. But I don not want that dream that many Americans now have.. some shithole on the country side. I want my lifestyle to continue.

>> No.16330004

the ((goberment)) also wants their lifestyle to continue

but the goy is no more, the damn internet ruined everything

>> No.16330076


That is exactly what I was explaining to you.. I hate paying taxes, yet I love my live... and there is no way having one without the other. It has nothing to do with the internet either. It used to be like that for my parents too! Before the internet. And seriously, some homestead on the countryside, and a paranoia bunker, and so on.. not my thing.

>> No.16330126

you lost the moral high ground
it is no longer ok to pay
soon IRS will cost more than it produces thanks to KEKs like me
the only option the goberment has is to print

>> No.16330133

not the tripfag but you sure sound like a butthurt americunt

>> No.16330158


I never had the moral high ground (I really hope)
And they print anyway.

>> No.16330183

I just looked up that specific form and everything says its just for 20k also

>> No.16330203

how much do you have on coinbase? they wont let you withdraw unless you provide tax?

>> No.16330223

Why are they such faggots?

>> No.16330313

Where one is ruled by jews freedom becomes an empty dream.

>> No.16330367

>doesnt want to pay tax
>demands to use everything thats paid for by tax

great kid, internet sure has made you a moron

>> No.16330539

legals one suck Israel dicks
illegals one don't

in France it works like this

>> No.16330574

it's different if you make money globally than if you make money locally. taxing people bringing money into the country, then spending it to subsidize people who run industries that don't generate wealth (if they didn't do it, someone else would) almost all, is just wrong

>> No.16330619

how much money have you on coinbase? Is it possible they freeze your money if you dont provide tax?

>> No.16330826

Did they send an email about taxes too to anyone they think has over 20k in sales?

>> No.16331152


What kind of question is that? Are you from India?

>> No.16331245

what about bisq

>> No.16331246

I filled it out an hour ago and have yet to receive my $10. I've literally just been scammed.

>> No.16331340

Paying taxes on crypto trades isn't the same as paying income tax, sales tax, etc.

>> No.16331368

Same here kek

>> No.16331408

go to philippines I can take you guys to 9-10's for cheap

>> No.16331429

philippines? the place you can't go out with an 8K watch without being robbed?

No thanks

>> No.16331540


You do not realize, but we are not friendly tourists. Go your own way and do not talk to me again.

>> No.16331543
File: 2.85 MB, 3232x2460, stiff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is just the first step, expect a silent replacement of "Bitcoin (BTC)" with "Bitcoin (BSV)" very soon

>> No.16331560

You'll earn $10 which will be immediately added to the money taxed from you, lol.

>> No.16331600

Not much different from france sirs

>> No.16331651

I never got robbed in Paris neither felt I was endangered there

In Bogota and Manila yes

>> No.16331721

>feeling endangered in manila
rofl faggot

>> No.16331741

you probably wear 20$ on you

I'm a brinks van

>> No.16331785

My name is not rakesh. I ask because I figured people would be getting this when logging in obviously, but I am wondering if CB is sending out requests for information. Difference being in the first case they’re just making it mandatory to keep using the service, whereas if they sent out emails to certain people that would mean those people are probably going to get autoreported.

>> No.16331795

Only if Ali Barber signs off on it

>> No.16331936

Wait, I have to fill this shit out as a yuropoor? What the fuck.

>> No.16331966

So corporations pay fuckall taxes, but wagies get their dicks taxed off trying to scrape out a living?
Yeah that's sustainable

>> No.16331983
File: 6 KB, 225x225, AD697E3E-EC65-4F2D-9619-7D0BBA9764A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America has already collapsed. Its just a matter of time before everyone finally realizes it

>> No.16332003

get that Boomer out of here. Fuck off somewhere else bugger

>> No.16332015

same, wheres my 10 kikes

>> No.16332108


>> No.16332141

>not willing to accept reality
Hi, Arrogant mutt

>> No.16332199 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up you literal 12yo
Everything >>16329810 says is correct. I have actually moved countries and done extreme things and still got fucked in the end. It is close to impossible to pull off, and I am not even american

>> No.16332628

Same here, how the fuck do I get access again?

>> No.16332668

Thanks for killing BTC

>> No.16332795

DECENTRALIZED exchanges are not counterparties, you mong. your trade is executed instantly at the smart contract level. the UI is a convenience, all actual dexes can be used by calling directly their functions on the blockchain
i have the knowledge to personally audit smart contracts. wtf are you doing gambling your lifesavings in a hyperspeculative asset if you don't even understand the underlying technology? typical brainlet normie
there's no need for a developer if it's truly DECENTRALIZED. holy shit the sheer retardation on this faggot. smart contracts are immutable and permissionless if built properly, this is the entire point of blockchain
you sound like a link holder. fucking normie scum like you needs to be purged from the internet

>> No.16332816

>mfw just realised normie retard thinks smart contracts hold your funds
what are signed messages
what is the approve function on erc20s
literally blockchain 101
stick to boomer stocks, retard

>> No.16332858


> your trade is executed instantly at the smart contract level

while instantly can be a problem, just saying

>> No.16333206


>> No.16333683

Yes you need to tell them you aren't a american at all, no clue why coinbase is doing this if they are Luxembourg? based or something

>> No.16333706

You buy REQ and trade back to BTC and report the loss

>> No.16333962

maybe it's because coinbase pro has every country trading on it

>> No.16333990

so how do i send money from my HSBC account to a dex you fucking faggot.

The issue is fiat -> crypto. Not crypto->crypto. All the crypto->crypto exchanges dont have this shit

>> No.16334011

tell that to the businesses and illegals that have jobs

>> No.16334025

>All the crypto->crypto exchanges dont have this shit
Are you retarded

>> No.16334032

>can't use binance
>has to pay taxes

>> No.16334052


That doesn't make sense. What exactly are trying to tell me?

>> No.16334066
File: 46 KB, 512x384, 1547688385714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone mind explaining why IDEX, the DECENTRALIZED FUCKING EXCHANGE, has disallowed American traders?

>> No.16334126


Ask them? You might not need an explanation after.

>> No.16334741
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>> No.16334806
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>> No.16334854


>> No.16335087

Land of the free, home of the slave.

>> No.16335326

they want a country of lobotomized wagies

>> No.16335383

Anyone anon here who uses Coinbase has no excuse for not using Coinmetro and getting a few thousand XCM

>> No.16335453

>When the feds figure out what a DEX is they'll just start arresting the devs for aiding tax evasion and suddenly no one will want to build or maintain them.
right now there's a penalty for anonymous devs, because people think the only possible reason is scam.
Once there's a real risk, people are going to be more accepting of anonymity.

>> No.16335522
File: 81 KB, 639x503, 1234323523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and now the FTC wants to fine $42,000 per video to everyone that uploads on youtube content that "could attract kids", aka any fucking video thats fun/cool/entertaining

ameriburger is so fucked lmao

>> No.16335533

how does bisq save you? if you transact to your bank they will know

if you really want to go under the radar then use bisq but only for person to person trades for cash

not sure how safe that is tho, since apparently they haven othing b etter to do but to put police there to bust people trying to help their mom with extra 300 bucks

>> No.16335609

i dont have this but i have like 20k in volume, will i get it soon

>> No.16335924

whats the issue? you were planning on paying your taxes, right?

>> No.16336117

what the literal fuck, so glad I moved my funds

>> No.16336123

>demands to use everything thats paid for by us
fixed it for you

>> No.16336271

>to bust people trying to help their mom with extra 300 bucks
Imagine if Dakotaanon gets raided and has his xbox seized. No more halo 3, and to the oil fields he goes

>> No.16336297
File: 6 KB, 226x249, 132454325465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I am not subject to backup withholding because: (a) I am exempt from backup withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends, or (c) the IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding
what the fuck does this shit mean bros, it says I have to say this is true or I cant enter the tax info

>> No.16336940

Are there really that many anons here who are afraid to submit this info for what's supposed to be a legit regulated crypto service?
And some are surprised that they're asking for these things in the first place? I don't get it
I could understand being surprised/weary if sites like Binance asked for this stuff

>> No.16337024

>implying that's not a good thing
YouTube is basically a propaganda platform. It's good that they're stepping in to to at least attempt to fix the mess. Usually I would disagree but times have changed. Kids spend hours a day soaking up all kinds of YouTube content. Inb4 "its the parents job" yeah it is, but the reality is a lot of them don't know or understand the dangers or the impact it might have on their child to literally be bombarded with the kind of content you can find on YouTube and probably don't even know some of the bizarre stuff exists, or the kind of content YouTube actively promotes.

Fuck Google. They can (and do) implant any ideas they want into a kids mind but if you don't like this then you're somehow against ""freedom""

>> No.16337059

it literally says they spy on your social media posts
yes i think thats way over the top for a crypto exchange
bitmex doesnt even ask my name or anything else

>> No.16337725


>> No.16338492

>Trading crypto is now equivalent to running a business

>> No.16339005

These taxes will be put into action in Yurop too, give it a year. Stablecoins and anonymous coin bag owners rejoice.

>> No.16339226

>yes i think thats way over the top for a crypto exchange
crypto is a matter of national security. do you think they will let a bunch of anarchists who hate the state become multimillionaire or trade in/out of shitcoins from different offshore exchanges just like that? every one of you is under surveillance. you can't just use a technology that threatens the usd and expect the states not to know exactly who is who and what they are up to

>> No.16339413

What did you do - yuropean here

>> No.16339494

He gave all his informations

>> No.16339806

>Don't make a Capital Gain
>Pay CGT

>American logic