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16323214 No.16323214 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck do you become something online in 2020? Seriously...every little "niche" is filled already with video bloggers with high quality DSLR equipment and lights, there are plenty of first page videos with hundreds of thousands of views on every topic that actually pays anything.

This is seriously depressing.

I spent all this time analysing and learning about youtube and video promotion only to realise everything is over-saturated as fuck with high quality content and extreme niche content pays nothing.

>> No.16323226

You shoot 50 muslims

>> No.16323234

The entire internet is priced in. You either have an agency behind you pumping 6+ figures into your content or you’re wasting your time. The last good time to get into anything (YouTube, E-commerce, Blogging) was 5-6 years ago.

>> No.16323235

I mean seriously.

Just look at it:
Fitness - filled with IGmaxxed roid Chads
Kids - filled with slime videos and shit
Finance - filled with "teenage millionaires"

You can't compete with roids, same as you can't compete with status of being 10x millionaire.

You can't compete with people who have 1 million subs.

Fuck this

>> No.16323262

high IQ

>> No.16323285

This sounds like I’m exaggerating but I’m not. Unless you have a unique talent that a channel which is 50x bigger than yours doesn’t have. It’s bleak.

Imagine if you somehow manage to create content that catches on. All PewDiePie has to do is, literally, the same thing you’re doing and you’re absolutely btfo. Your market share is gone.

I guess the trick is to find something that other YouTubers can’t emulate. If you’re asking on biz, you probably don’t have the chops to do so but who knows. Either way, good luck. YouTube becomes less and less about the You part every year.


>> No.16323295

YouTube is deliberately doing this though. They want to be like Netflix, which requires them to filter out unproductive channels and controversial content. Then they'll be left with safer, advertisement friendly content.

YouTube is running out of steam, they'll eventually do something which will push away a few big content creators; sooner or later it will start being profitable to produce niche "unapproved" content

>> No.16323306

Maybe you should have started by having a passion. Then you could have filmed that. People want to watch people who are knowledgeable in their area, not some shitty bandwagon vulture trying to make an easy buck on overproduced tripe.

See, you're problem is you think "fitness" is a niche. Yeah, and I'll bet food is a niche too. And video games, yeah, really specific there. I mean look at Lockpicking Lawyer. A runaway success you-tuber whose channel is based entirely almost entirely on showing himself (not even himself, just his hands) pick locks over and over. Why? Because he actually has a niche and is knowledgeable in it. Sure, he needed quality production and communication skills to rise above his handful of competitors, but the point is the problem isn't the lack of niches being filled, the problem is you don't have a niche, hell you don't even know what a niche is.

>> No.16323332

What about going for non-YT platforms: TikTok, LinkedIn, IGTV?

>> No.16323346

Fucking retards you battle for the $500/mo rank not the $20k+sponsors/mo chads imagine giving advice on something you have no idea about I bet you're the same retards that say dropshipping is dead

>> No.16323350

It doesn't matter what topic you choose, you just have to be interesting

>> No.16323353
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Is this seriously all zoomers want to do with their lives?

>> No.16323358


>> No.16323372

it's not that...even if I have a business and talk about it there will be 1000x of channels with a BETTER BUSINESS talking about it.

So even if I talk about my actual professional there will be plenty of people who are way more successful with shitton of subs.

>> No.16323377

I mean, hell, the "niche" of engineering youtubers out there are filled by people who suck at engineering. If you had some actual engineering knowledge and not just a Bachelors then you could make some real interesting shit. Then again you probably have better ways to make money, that's why all the engineering youtubers are failures. But my point is even something so ubiquitous and potentially interesting to the general public
(look how many actual engineering documentaries and TV content there is) is completely under-saturated.

>> No.16323395
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> I spent all this time analysing and learning about youtube and video promotion only to realise everything is over-saturated as fuck with high quality content and extreme niche content pays nothing.

As someone doing content like bizonacci, i whole heartly say: go fuck yourself retard

The thing is, if you are just there to make soulless money grabber vids, why would anyone fucking care about you?

>> No.16323399

Probably because the most skilled engineers are all boomers

>> No.16323408

be interesting

>> No.16323423 [DELETED] 

No one is going to spoon feed you. And even if they did it's not like it would help you much. Not everyone can become an ebin fortnite youtuber. If you can't make it on your own online then you won't make it. Of course it's not easy to make it online. If it was easy don't you think people from shithole countries would do it and make 10x+ their current salary? You actually have to be something special to be succesful online: smart, likeable, very talented at something, good at entertaining kids, good at running networking, good at finding new products, good at marketing, good at running a business etc. (and you're most likely not).

t. making $150k/ year working online

>> No.16323431
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Remember when people made online videos for fun?

>> No.16323444

your analysis didn't even reveal the fact that YT is past being interested in new upstart channels? They'd rather prop up existing youtubers, celebrities, media corporations, etc.

>> No.16323458

No one is going to spoon feed you. And even if they did it's not like it would help you much. Not everyone can become an ebin fortnite youtuber. Of course it's not easy to make it online. If it was easy don't you think people from shithole countries would do it and make 10x+ their current salary?
The internet/ youtube is not at all saturated. There are tons of opportunities out there. You're most likely just not very talented and you cope by telling yourself the environment (and not you) is the problem.

t. making $150k+/ year working online

>> No.16323487

Videos don't bother me; it tends reward quality more than suppress authenticity.

But streaming is another thing. I don't know if it's because most of their money comes from patrons rather than adds, but it bums me out is I encounter a streamer and I really like his attitude and his content and his abilities, but then he spends half his time talking about how he's trying to make it and the obstacles associated with it and the other half trying to meme it up for the kiddies and feign excitement for all the donations. I get your business, man, but there are subtler ways to do that. It's part of the reason why so many of the successes have been around a while and didn't start it for the money, because they don't do the human equivalent of adwalling themselves by making viewing miserable to try and guilt up a little subscriber money.

>> No.16323557
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I feel bad for zoomers who think the path to success is some gay shit like being an eceleb on youtube or twitch. For one thing, all those faggots will be broke with no skills in 10 years, guaranteed. Youtube will just keep squeezing how much they pay for views and the peasants will keep flocking in making content for next to nothing. This is how all markets work. The idea that they're symmetric is a capitalist lie. At equilibrium workers make just enough to not die and keep showing up to work. Secondly, this eceleb shit is so fucking gay. It feels like the connectivity of social media extended highschool popularity bullshit by 30 years. Now theres 50 year old stacys on youtube bragging about what college their kids got into and wanabe stacies are buying her ebook. It's the lamest fucking shit. I just watched a youtube video to brush up on some python data analysis api and its a zoomer who starts the video off with the standard douchebag "like subscribe, follow me on insta" cringe shit. The in the middle of the video he gets mad that someone was texting him while making a video... but he left that 10 second annoying shit in his video despite jump editing out everyother instance of him stumbling over words. Why? Because he's a faggot zoomer who has to signal to his audience that he's a high status male and you should subscribe to his channel. You're all pathetic fags and it's no surprise half of you cut your dicks off and become women. Fuck you.

>> No.16323615

Stick with YouTube. It's still the second most visited website on the web. The learning curve is pretty steep though. I don't like to sound all doom and gloom, because it is still do-able, like this poster pointed out >>16323306. You just need to be ready to set aside 2 years of your life to truly into a channel that's growing healthily.

The tough part is finding something that, you care about making, people want to see (at scale) and you can monetize. It will probably take you a couple years to discover what this is at first.

I'm honestly too lazy to type out the best way to grow a YouTube channel, but search the warosu archives for similar anons that have asked what you're asking.

>> No.16323792

>Maybe you should have started by having a passion
Fucking based. One of my favorite channels recently is from a guy that does restorations of nearly everything, from weapons, to random items like tools or lighters, to electronics. The dude is pretty neat since he doesn't talk and only does his shit, with quality audio that resembles some ASMR shit. He's also quite funny.

You can grow if you like what you do and have a minimum of quality.

>> No.16323799

Restoration/craftsman/artisan videos are kino

>> No.16323848

The jews are killing off youtube as we speak. Adpocalypse was just the begining. Right now they are demonetizing everything left and right and content creators with relatively large channels are deleting their content.

Everything the jew touches he eventually ruins. He truly is cursed.

>> No.16323871

found the jew.

>> No.16323900

I skimmed through the thread and these are the only people who know what they are talking about. Maybe I missed a couple more but that's it. The rest of you are a bunch of fucking retards. As if 100% of the content creators that were relevant 5-7 years ago are still making quality content, give me a break.

>> No.16323906

Wrong. You can still do it if you put the effort in, you just have to be iq and somewhat eccentric. I built a fairly popular youtube channel 2/3 years ago calling out fake nattys. Currently doing twitch, it's much more my thing and I've been growing every stream. Just be interesting ffs.

>> No.16323972

>extreme niche content pays nothing


>> No.16323991

Lol by this logic then every Minecraft channel died when Felix started playing Minecraft (they didn't)

>> No.16324007

Phillion? Sup man

>> No.16324012

Youtube has done things that has pissed off major creators many times. Don't really personally care but so many big names have bitched about advertisement restrictions. The problem is there is zero traffic on any other major video site comparable to that of Youtube. There is no alternative platform bar Twitch, which most good creators stream on then post their stream on Youtube later.

What's funny is a creator like Admiral Bulldog do fuckall and half his fanbase is retarded pajeets and arabs but he makes absolute bank for basically no hard work.

Meanwhile certain creators like AgentJayZ or JamieKing do technical videos with success, but the real key is finding out what idiots want to watch, not smart people.

>> No.16324056

You should make documentary about how much of a loser you ate lol. I would watch it

>> No.16324701

Philion is a goof fake natty himself

>> No.16324735

look up the youtuber SuperGT. he made YT vids that were commentary of his own sim races. gained many subscribers over a short period of time. it's all about personality, if you have one on video, you can make it.

>> No.16324737

Look up Callum's Corner. Just found it today. Dude is nearing 40 and only started 2 years ago. Is extremely average in every way. Anything is possible.

>> No.16325632

you shoot high quality fetish porn. there's a lot of fetish porn out there but they're all terrible quality with bad acting. just pick one

>> No.16325693

Just be yourself!

>> No.16325704


>> No.16325764

This, fuck YouTube do Pornhub

>> No.16325776

thanks for pointing out. Reported for violating community guidelines. when do you retarded shills learn? Kiss your channel good bye

>> No.16325777

>Seriously...every little "niche" is filled already
Not it's not.

Find me a Youtube channel about the science behind Dye Imbibation film prints that the star wars and animation nerds are after. You know they spend thousands of dollars looking for prints of Popeye cartoons where the purples are just right... there would be a huge audience for some nerd to prattle on about identifying or obsessing over the differences for example

You just need to find a autistically obsessive niche like that that no one else is doing, there's thousands of those, and they are popping up all the time since people are fickle and always looking for new obsessions. Golden age to be a niche hunter.


>> No.16325897

except people like bizonacci were pulling a million views per video in only a couple of months since creation with literally 4chan memes and he didnt even post that frequently. maybe youre all just talentless hacks? theres always opportunities, specially in gaming. i predicted the rise of many streamers that are now extremely popular when they had only a couple hundred people watching them because i could see that they had something new and exciting. youre just seething cause you are unable to bring anything of value to the table. if you got no talents or sense of timing, suck it up, accept it and move on

>> No.16326362

> Seriously...every little "niche" is filled already with video bloggers with high quality DSLR equipment and lights
If your take away is that they have good production quality and that's it you should neck yourself now

>> No.16326509

And get picked by the algo. But being interesting... whatever the fuck that means!

>> No.16326985

can it scale?

>> No.16327067

If you can't beat them, join them. Maybe reach out to people who are your competition and work with/for them to get your foot in the door. There's been a few well known musicians that were song writers before they got to be in the spotlight.

>> No.16327073

Join my Discord. I am looking for people who have an entrepreneurial spirit like you -bTNQ4px

>> No.16327108

your negativity is what holds you back

>> No.16327316

140 subs here

Its slow as fuck. But time makes it go faster.

>> No.16327508

> t. making $150k+/ year working online

So what do you do? How do you earn that money?

>> No.16327520

>The tough part is finding something that, you care about making, people want to see (at scale) and you can monetize. It will probably take you a couple years to discover what this is at first.

I have this by the way. I know the niche I want to focus on and have passion in.

>I'm honestly too lazy to type out the best way to grow a YouTube channel, but search the warosu archives for similar anons that have asked what you're asking.

Could anyone else share this maybe?

>> No.16327544
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>> No.16327552

And who will pay you? Pornhub pays for ads to content distributors?

>> No.16327817


>> No.16327938

Be an attractive white person or average looking poc

>> No.16327965

bizonacci vids are good shit, i watched a couple of them

>> No.16327972

>be attractive white person

Is this really enough? lol

>> No.16327973

OK boomer
Tik tok is a chance for you to gain popularity on a fresh platform.

>> No.16327987
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How about getting a real 9-5 job and suffering like the rest of us?

>> No.16327993

you are just regurgitating gary vee

>> No.16328235

yup, op is just afraid of competitors

>> No.16328304

Based high IQ analysis

>> No.16328335

That shit is exactly why it will never go away.

>> No.16328362

Oh yea then why did bizonacci kill himself