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16320625 No.16320625 [Reply] [Original]

are we going to the end games /biz/? How will our governments coffers be remained filled if men don't spend unless it for women. Also they generate the most productivity in the market.

>> No.16320650


>> No.16320677

that >>16320650
stupid rat experiment was so riddled with fallacies and procedural errors goddamn it pisses me off every time I see someone bring it up to jerk off over their misanthropic retard bullshit

>> No.16320682

I would rather bet on advent of AGI's / automation reaching a point where the people don't understand the tech anymore and tech becomes like black magic even to the people supposed to be experts. From there people won't be able to ensure the system keeps running.

>> No.16320689

I didn’t mean to quote fuck this gay website

>> No.16321095
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it's pretty spot on desu

>> No.16321211

>put rats in huge cage with living space and infinite food and water
>record what happens
What was the procedural error?

>> No.16321317

no it’s not retard, the endless naval gazing about this experiment are the product of post hoc misanthropic bias not anything grounded in reason or the scientific method.
infinite food and water is irrelevant, living space was the limiting factor and anyone who’s not a retard knows that torturing animals by forcing them all to live in a box is going to have consequences. dysgenics from inbreeding could easily explain the researchers psychological observations, which themselves were riddled with biases. of course afterward here come all the mouth-breathing “social commentators” to tut-tut and shake their heads as they draw ludicrous corollaries to human society. sociology was a mistake

>> No.16321411
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i agree w you about the living space, the experiement was not a 'utopia' because animals need space, and this was not considered

however, the experiment very much reflects overpopulation and degeneracy in our society

>> No.16321486

no it doesn’t, you can have whatever ideological beliefs you want about human overpopulation and degeneracy, but reading those beliefs into this “experiment” is pure quackery. forced overpopulation of rodents in an enclosed prison is not at all demonstrative of modern society outside of colorful ideological biases

>> No.16321510
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>doesn't realize the planet is a prison

>> No.16321593

you realize that if we are going to be stupid and pretend that these experiments are grand metaphors for human society, the results suggest that open borders and population diversity are the remedy for societal collapse, right?

>> No.16321648

Based. This poster fucks.

>> No.16321732

Then why are massively overcrowded areas like Tokyo doing 10000x better than hicksville or other areas with massive space?

These experiments are for brainlets on reddit to upvote, then study for their poli sci major

>> No.16321827

>problem is limited space for people
>let us fix it by letting more people in
youre a funny guy

>> No.16321846

Yeah, because Tokyo sure is reproducing

>> No.16321867

Reproduction numbers are an issue. The quality of life and culture isn't. I'd far sooner live in Tokyo than anywhere but the western part of the US

>> No.16321890

Who cares what you want faggot? Fuck your culture you dumb useless idiot, go and make babies like your forefathers

>> No.16321891

Enjoy your cancer from smog and rat cage apartment for the price of a mansion in the sticks.

>> No.16321926

There are hardly any quality jobs in the sticks
Stop buying netflix and expensive zoomer fast-food meals

>> No.16322049

>hardly any quality jobs in the sticks
Well of course, that's the actual reason most live in big cities like tokyo - jobs & commute.

I just contested
>The quality of life and culture isn't an issue

The way out is of course a job that allows to work remote.

>> No.16322058

open borders = free movement of people, you absolute golf ball

>> No.16322078


You'd have a point if we didn't see the exact same things happen in real life as we're reaching massive overcrowding situations in the cities. Don't tell me you think the trannies are normal.

>> No.16322091

>”exact same things”
>tranny rats

>> No.16322096


Have you ever been to Tokyo you goddamn poorfag retard? Jesus christ how can you be this deluded. People are struggling to survive there because wages are shit and real estate is at a premium so ridiculous people are living in internet cafes. Business men, even well-off ones are getting heart attacks in droves. That's not a healthy society.

>> No.16322108


Yes. You DID read about the experiment you're dismissing I hope?

>> No.16322145

Yeah and where does everyone move? To whatever place is best. Everyone already there will see thus condition worsen. They won't spread out perfectly even and settle in war zones. Congrats learning about immigration.

>> No.16322171

you can read calhoun’s papers yourself, there is no hard data on incidence rates of observed behaviors outside of suppressed reproductive rate among females. correlating the “the beautiful ones” with trannies is so remarkably demented that it demonstrates just how this study has poisoned intellectual thought. You don’t have to like trannies or degeneracy, but desperately grasping for confirmations of your ideology in the preening behavior of stressed rats is literally myomancy, it’s not science

>> No.16322179

the rats need to emigrate out, what’s so hard to understand about this

>> No.16322221

>science is not interpreting statistics willfully
objectively wrong. That's literally the core of social sciences which is why they have the worst error rate of all fields.

Nothing. The problem you fail to target is every place is already filled with some rats. If you wish the overcrowded place to emigrate they will worsen the conditions in the less crowded ones. Or in other terms : The space on the planet is limited. You don't get real change unless the next epidemic like the spanish flu kills most off or you settle on another planet.

>> No.16322265

And yeah, and this study and attendant conclusions are errors, ones you continue to defend because it’s useful to you, not because they are correct or even logical. Some base similarities can be gathered to create a narrative of degeneration to impress the proles, and the scientific method gets assfucked in the process.

The second half of your post is ideological doggerel unsupported by facts, you’re not even talking about calhoun’s rats but instead a malformed projection of your ideological beliefs where rats have been substituted for people, irrespective of the fact that releasing the rats would have none of the effects you described and would immediately relieve the dysgenic pressures affecting their population

>> No.16322372

your interpretation has no more logic to it than the other peoples here. You have no facts or reasoning backing you up. It's just as much ideology.

>> No.16322432

>pointing out flaws in post-scarcity human behaviour with the intent of improving it and maybe going back to proven-to-work ethics of old is misanthropic
whew. the only philanthropy according to you would probably be fully-blown fatalism in which we must accept everyone turning into fatties and hypersexual roasties without shooting for any kind actual progress or attempts at the prevention of actual devolution

>> No.16322468

what the fuck are you talking about? From the beginning I’ve said that drawing conclusions about human society from this poorly-performed “experiment” is retarded, do you see how this criticism you just wrote literally confirms this obvious truth?
what in the flying fuck does any of that have to do with the preening behavior of male rats? i don’t care what your ideological beliefs ARE, pretending that this study confirms them is what is painfully stupid and yet is repeated constantly enough that the specter of this insipid 70s pop sci continues to rear its head in support of, yes, misanthropic, apocalyptic visions of society that are not grounded in fact, let alone by the observations haphazardly recorded by some random drug-addled sociologists who even in their own paper clearly had an ideological bone to pick

>> No.16322496

Japan needs immigration more than Europe debate me faggots

>> No.16322537

Didn't you theorize it was inbreeding & lack of space? Meaning you were participating

That aside the "territory issue" speculation has some ground considering territory fights to the point they kill each other when there isn't enough is observed across species.

>> No.16322558

It already has immigration. They are importing from pakistan. Just started a new policy last month.

>> No.16322623

Suicide bombings when

>> No.16322636

those were observations of and explanations for the animals’ behavior, not correlations to human society. considering the “experiment” was shit and didn’t actually test any variables, I have to logically presume that infinite food and water had minimal effect on the outcome, since those resources are abundant where rats thrive in nature and typically do not limit rodent populations, meaning the confined space and high likelihood of inbreeding were the most likely variables explaining the result of the “experiment”

>> No.16322677

They had ~8k pakis already in 2000. They got japanese wives actually convert to islam and send the kids to learn it too. It's the largest convert group there. Probably gonna accelerate just hard now.

>> No.16322752

Scary but required. Asians need to realize that they don't have the living standards to entice whites

>> No.16322769

It's a fucking tragedy. Japan needs to keep it's identity and avoid going western. Where else will we get weird shit from otherwise?

>> No.16322820

Too late dude that already happened after the bombs dropped. Now their art is trying to figure out their new identity in the modern world hence the weirdness.
What influence would Muslims have on a ethnically homogeneous society anyways. Got any stories about these "muslim wives". I mean fuck China but at least they're all about re-education of Muslim extremists

>> No.16322861

Their real problem is they got financially raped by a mole in their central bank installing a financial nuke post ww2. Everyone praises their econ but they are fucked sitting on a ticking bomb with growing number of zombie companies.

As for the muslim wives - no idea i read the statistics and that's about it.

>> No.16323385

Everyone wants to move away from their shit hole countries into a place with better living conditions and opportunities. No one wants to move to shit hole countries. This one way flow of people would only increase population density in a certain areas. How does this not create a problem?