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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16317182 No.16317182 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys hate money?

You keep talking about all these quick ways to get money short term, like random cryptos to throw your life savings in, and simultaneously detest working a normal job?

I thought this was a finance board, where, you know, people with financial sense hang out.

>> No.16317191

Median salary 33k usd

>> No.16317194

>working a normal job
>financial sense
pick one dumbfuck

>> No.16317205

You're hurting your case here :(

Do you have an idea? start a business, if not, why would you be valuable? Why would someone want to pay you to be part of their team, if you can't think of a reason, maybe make some. Get a skill.

>> No.16317206

>I thought this was a finance board, where, you know, people with financial sense hang out.
You thought that instead of just another 4chin board where lonely, brokeass, unemployable, basement dwelling, NEET, incels hang out?

>> No.16317223

I had hope?

>> No.16317229

If you don't have the (((financial sense))) to recognize the paid shilling of random/doomed shitcoins, well...it's no surprise you think "working a normal job" makes financial sense

You're that slave that stands out from the crowd because he has far less sores and wounds than all the others - you stand proudly among your stinking peers going "what is wrong with you all? life is not so bad, be realistic"

>> No.16317251

I don't know if I'm misunderstanding you, or if you misunderstood me.

Random shit cryptos = bad
Working up through a job, or starting a business = good

If you go to any normal workplace, you won't see what some of you think of. Bootlicking wagecucks hating their life and wishing to kill themselves. It's a fallacy of this board and others as well.

>> No.16317306

The probability of me starting a business that would be more profitable than my salary is unlikely enough it doesn't make sense to take the risk and
In any case my ability to accumulate wealth is still going to be dependent on my ability to speculate as the central bank debases the currency to maximise my employment. Meaning any business or wage that does not indefinitely grow will only support a life of me exchanging 5/7ths of my days to do something I would otherwise not be doing.

>> No.16317318

Well it sounds like you're doing alot now.

>> No.16317331

This board should be renamed /mug/ there is no business discussion here just meme coins to gamble on

>> No.16317354

I just want easy money so I can quit my job and play video games all day.

>> No.16317388

Wake up boomer sheep

>> No.16317414

Sounds about right

>> No.16317415

Tons of us here are normal and on reasonable glide paths towards retirement. I max my 401k and still set aside a few grand a month. Corporate jobs are soul destroying and crypto is the easy out.

>> No.16317441

It stopped being that a long time ago.

>> No.16317463

I have a plan to achieve financial independence.
That is more respectable than some gloating boomer who thinks work for no measurable reward is moral and can't comprehend the unprecendeted tyrannical absurdity of 21st century monetary policy

>> No.16317472

/smg/ is the only place on this board that's not completely full of degenerates. Some anons in there give solid advice. I did make money in 2017 on crypto and am still making money following this board today.

>> No.16317475

Care to share with the class?

You don't say you have a grand plan without at least describing it loosely.

>> No.16317495

op will never make it

>> No.16317522

The plan is irrelevant.
You make this thread saying all you need is a job, which is quantitatively incorrect. Look at the income distribution
Look at the tax distribution
Look at the loss of purchasing power of the dollar

>> No.16317543

Sounds like you have a damn good plan though. I really wanted to hear it.

And you shouldn't say its 'quantitatively incorrect' because you do need a job, whether it be self employed or 'wagecucking', unless you're inheriting wealth, or throw money at get rich quick schemes because you heard a friend of a friend made some money one time while sucking your moms tit.

>> No.16317577

employment is the least tax efficient way of making money. Why would you want to be the (((government's))) bitch, OP?

>> No.16317595

1. I like financial stability and freedom having a job provides you
2. I like staying out of prison for tax evasion
3. The fantasies of many of you aren't realistic, and I'd feel worse if I was still unemployed doing jack all only to finally have to get a job once my parents die and have no job experience or skills.

>> No.16317607

quite obvious OP has no idea how to make money. this thread is bait to give him ideas because he's useless

>> No.16317622

clearly, sherlock

>> No.16317632

Why not do both?

You can have a normal job/run a business and invest simultaneously, I agree that swing trading/scalping is risky but long term investing is relatively stable, I don’t see the harm in it as long as you aren’t doing it to get rich quick

>> No.16317661

I don't either. But if you observe what alot of this board talks about, its alot less about 'investing' long term and more 'holy shit buy this shitcoin it'll make you 100x in a day'

Plus half the people here seem to be on their parents dole and hate jobs.

>> No.16317679

are you an unironical retard, op?
most of /biz/ made it by selling their cones to newfags
we have no need to work anymore so we can just meme and shill random shit to the desperate bagholding pajeets

>> No.16317698

Sounds like a sad existance.
You should try to accomplish something more fulfilling with your time. Like a craft, job, business.

>> No.16317871
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income is not distributed

>> No.16317891

>Hey guys stop talking about your investments
>instead talk about rudimentary advice that you can easily find using Google

We are the financial literate, discussing our finances.

>> No.16317978
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I am not native to this board as well and I'm equally surprised, that this board is nothing but crypto shilling and people desperate to make money overnight. The funniest thing is that 99% of them have no understanding of the underlying technology and never examine what the actual business value of the new shitcoin is.

To me, a proof-of-work crypto like bitcoin is a pure ponzie scheme. The system is bleeding money daily through energy costs of the network and confirming transactions, and the only way bitcoin grows in value is by massive influx of money from new investors. Bitcoin is like a company that constantly operates at a loss, but the stock rises because of people investing money into it because the stock is rising. Someone will end up holding the bag on this shit. Bitcoin holders are collectively losing 100k a day just on electricity costs.

>> No.16318011

>working a normal job
never gonna make it