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16311367 No.16311367 [Reply] [Original]

Now that I’m completely done with schooling I’ve come to realize I’ll never get laid. I don’t work with or ever meet women, every day is just like the previous. I have no friends so I have nowhere to go on the weekend, plus I live in the middle of nowhere so there’s nowhere to even go.

I will never have sex, I honestly can’t believe I ended up like this. It’s incredible.

>> No.16311434

have sex

>> No.16311440

Insert pene into vagene, good sir

>> No.16311448

Well at least you recognise there is a problem.

Now time to take action

Work on your mental game, everything else should follow.

>> No.16311450


>> No.16311457

Just hire an escort and get it over with

>> No.16311463

I accepted that I would never have sex years ago. Honestly feels great. The cause of suffering is when expectations do not match reality.

>> No.16311475

seems like you even take pride in this fact or take comfort in it. you get what you want faggit. no where will take you by the hand and spoonfeed you shit. you need to take what you want in the world.

just fyi. there was never such a time in history before where you could fuck multiple girls without reprocussions like today. western girls get literally primed for this fact since the day they are born. from institutions, media, parents. between peers it is shamed up on not beeing promiscous during their prime years or experiment themselves. mothers incentives this and are proud of their girls for being slutty. fathers either being present or not does not matter are cucked and are replaced in their role through their government. social media made literally ever girl vulnerable and insecure about themselves and its so hilariously easy to push their buttons like the emotional beeings they are. and then their is the contraceptive pill literally every girl takes that prevents them to get pregnant.

>> No.16311513
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At least maybe you'll make money. I have accepted ill never have gains or experience a pump in crypto. I try so hard.

>> No.16311518

I've already had sex.

>> No.16311519

Get a really nice fleshlight instead and become the ultimate coomer

>> No.16311530

Breaking in morgues.

>> No.16311544

Bro. Women are a waste of time. Why do you think you need some std ridden whore barking all the time about dumb shit that doesn’t matter? Women are immoral and opportunistic. They will plant a knife in your back as soon as it benefits them. Even the most NAWALT unicorn will eventually start thinking “is he really the best I can get?” And then she’ll cheat on you and divorce and take all your shit, or worse, she’ll accuse you of rape or kill you or your children or both because all women are psycho bitches. Always think to yourself when interacting with women: does this bitch have anything to offer other than pussy? If the answer is yes, then go jerk off twice and ask the question again. Bitches will try to make you pay full price for what they gave Chad and Tyrone for free. Don’t be a chump. Disregard women and do something worthwhile with your life. Don’t be led around by your genitals and get tricked into raising a bunch of crotch goblins.

>> No.16311564

What about having children and raising them well to spread your seed? How do you do that?

>> No.16311570
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I had many opportunities in high school. I was decent looking, funny, and played football. I had many girls I messed around with, just never banged. I was lazy and cared more about playing video games and smoking weed. I went to college and majored in finance. I discovered crypto around the time of the Silk Road. I became more interested in trying various psychedelics and trading crypto while studying economics and finance. Just had little to no interest in women outside of one girl. She wanted to wait until marriage so like the asshole I am I told her to fuck off after like a year. I became withdrawn and antisocial. Started working as a financial advisor for a small firm out of college that was small. No women my age. Friends dropped off over time. No real outlets to meet women. Don’t want to go to bars because I’m a former alcoholic. So I’m left with crypto, video games, and a decent paying job. No real interest in anything. Fuck it, anon.

>> No.16311571

You wait for synthetic wombs retard

>> No.16311614

Based and aureliuspilled

>> No.16311649

If you have to have kids then at least make sure you don’t marry. If things go south the family courts will fuck you in the ass. Marriage actually used to be a good thing before it became a tool to redistribute men’s wealth. Marriage is what society was built on. It kept women from whoring around, which is their natural inclination, because infidelity was a huge taboo and sometimes punishable by death. This made strong families which made strong societies. Now we’re plagued with degeneracy and society is crumbling because feminists run amok and men are chopping their dicks off left and right.
This is the best article ever written on the subject: https://www.singularity2050.com/2010/01/the-misandry-bubble.html

Highly recommended

>> No.16311667

True. I should’ve mentioned this.

>> No.16311700

Honestly, I fell for the have sex meme and it was the biggest mistake of my life. I met this girl and she was lovely, until she wasn't.... she's fucking crazy and I feel stuck in this relationship. I want out so bad but I don't know how.

>> No.16311739

You're not missing much OP, the fantasy is better than the reality. They really aren't worth it anymore

>> No.16311767

>she's fucking crazy and I feel stuck in this relationship.

makes me think that you're crazy for thinking that you're stuck in any relationship with anyone because youre not. if she makes you miserable just cut her loose, fuck it. and if you think she might do something drastic and she flips out on you just collect as much evidence as you can that shes insane and threatening you in some way or another and threaten legal action against her, fuck it.

>> No.16311785

Go live with housemates for a couple years, you won't because you're a pussy, but it'll help with all your issues.

Also, why is Google making me select images dozens of times? Seriously it wasn't this bad before, spoon-feed me pls, is there a reason or are they just faggots?

>> No.16311997

I thank god every day I was born a zoophile

>> No.16312034
File: 22 KB, 386x536, FEA24CE5-1BFC-4F6F-8A39-BEDDDECB3DD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s the best way to interact with women in 2020? I just can’t avoid them, it’s like a biological need, and I get a little crazy if I go unfulfilled.

can’t use escorts because I’m a burger

can’t get married, too much money, too risky

can’t go on tinder, too many stds

What is the best advice here?

>> No.16312225

>can’t go on tinder, too many stds
condoms apparently

>> No.16312294

Bareback blowjobs

It would nice to have a longer term gf, sometimes you don’t always want to use a condom

Condoms don’t prevent all diseases

And there’s still a 1% chance of catching something, so if you fuck a different tinder thot everyday you’ll eventually get something

>> No.16312320

HPV is very catchable. I don’t have it, but you do.

>> No.16312323

I've fucked well over 50 chicks mostly raw and have zero STDs

I think there is shills spreading STD hysteria everytime a sex thread comes up lel

>> No.16312337

if you idolize Bilzerian you won't make it

also it sounds like you're too negative about everything - you're like those people who, when Trump said he wanted to build a wall, responded by saying "They'll just climb over it!"

Yes, they can climb over it. But it isn't likely. Yes you can get an escort because you're a burger, just go to Las Vegas (not joking)

Yes, you can get married (but this is a drastic step)

Yes, you can go on tinder without STDs, just use a condom

your attitude sucks that's probably why you don't get laid. Just go for it man

>> No.16312358

I've fucked close to 150 chicks and agree with this man

>> No.16312365

Start lifting.

>> No.16312369

Want to be my friend?

>> No.16312388

>you get what you want
So is that why LINK is gonna be $1000 EOY? :^)

>> No.16312399

Tell me of this button pushing, daddy

>> No.16312411

It’s called having a tinder account, drinking alcohol around women drinking alcohol and having no expectations.

>> No.16312420 [DELETED] 

Just go on tinder dates? Yes, I know, it's pretty degenerate, but it's better than nothing. Also, not all tinder dates are meet, fuck and never meet. A lot of girls actually prefer to take it a bit slow (by tinder standards) because most men just want to fuck as fast as possible.
You could also try dating sites? On most dating sites it's more about dating (and less about hookups).
Why not at least try it a couple of times? You have nothing to lose. If you don't like the girls then you just eat dinner with them or whatever and go home (and never meet again).

>> No.16312424

It’s not really an attitude thing. I just wonder how people manage their risk. It seems like a majority of people don’t care about the consequences of anything they do. Maybe I’m just too big brained for sex :/

>> No.16312435

I experienced something similar like this once, bitch was crazy and wanted kids. Got pregnant, and then left me. I’d get out sooner rather than later

>> No.16312436

Just go on tinder dates? Yes, I know, it's pretty degenerate, but it's better than nothing. Also, not all tinder dates are hookups. A lot of girls actually prefer to take it a bit slow (by tinder standards) because most men on there just want to fuck ASAP.
You could also try dating sites? On most dating sites it's more about dating (and less about hookups).
Why not at least try it a couple of times? You have nothing to lose. If you don't like the girls then you just eat dinner with them or whatever and go home (and never meet again).

>> No.16312438


it is not good for man to be alone

be fruitful and multiply

>> No.16312459

What risk? STDs? Just use a condom. Rape accusations? That risk is extremely small but if you if that's what you're worried about then just hit the reccord button on your phone before you have sex.
> Maybe I’m just too big brained for sex :/
No, you're most likely just being a big pussy (no offense) and you're up excuses in your head because you don't want to admit it.

>> No.16312483

I'm talking about a sound reccording. Before/ during sex ask some kind of question that makes it clear it's not rape.

>> No.16312485

I'm sure you can will hunger away too. Sexuality and intimacy are considered fundamental human needs for anyone not fully asexual.

>> No.16312489

I think some get so caught up in their head they can’t fathom the idea that any woman would be interested in sleeping with them or having a platonic relationship, so they straight up never try. Same thing happened with supreme gentlemen E roger. Got the car, the clothes and everything, but never asked a single girl out on a date or faced rejection.

>> No.16312500

Or guys just move on to horse porn and find a new vid to jerk bepis to instead of going outside and talking to people.

>> No.16312531

You won't die of not having sex or suffer any physical effects at all.

>> No.16312535

skimmed through it and looks very interesting, saving to read all later

>> No.16312547

I think so too. Regular women aren’t as picky as a lot of incels seem to think. At least not if it’s not just hooking up.
Buy some decent clothes (if you don’t have any), take a decent profile picture (you can even have a pro do it but it’s not at all necessary) and get going. Be friendly, open and don’t come across as desperate.
I have friends who are 2/10s but still find dates on dating sites.

>> No.16312563

Yon won't die from solitary confinement either, but nobody would call that healthy (in the long term).

>> No.16312580
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No because I had. Either way selling leeked premium Snapchats Incel.

>> No.16312593

>The cause of suffering is when expectations do not match reality.
this me too.
When you abbandon yourself and you except your destiny you will find the estasy

>> No.16312615

>your destiny is to live a lonely life in squalor, have your dreams crushed, and die alone

>> No.16312618

Well, say you’re chronically depressed or have some other psychological issue that kept you celibate late in life; these guys wouldn’t know how to act right or what to do if a girl agreed to “hang out”. It seems like a symptom of a greater ill. Even your 2/10 friends can bear their own company long enough to enjoy interacting with someone else for the sake of it.

>> No.16312620

Don't be such a drama queen.

>> No.16312641

Untreated neuroses and easily accessible pornography = virgin for life.

>> No.16312656

Well, then your main/ biggest problem isn’t women and should deal with your depression first.

>> No.16312666

Me to friend. Except I never did school after high school which was a big mistake in the getting laid/ getting a girlfriend department.

I just work, come home workout, browse internet, eat, browse internet or play video games then sleep and repeat.

I blame modern society and female hypergamey. Women would be a hell of a lot easier to get if they could not satisfy themselves with chads and had to stay monogamous. Shit sucks. All I want to do is start a family but it is looking like I will never find any nice girl and I will only have to choose from post wall thots which I refuse to do. Post wall thots deserve a lifetime of loneliness for being whores. Experience the loneliness that was men have to experience.

Also for people saying I am the minority. More and more people are becoming isolated and sexless each year. Shits going to get really bad. Ww3 will happen in our life time as a result of this. Thanks boomers

>> No.16312684

You probably have something you don’t know about unless you recently got tested

>> No.16312685

If I could find a viable way, without popping anti depressants, I would. Already have 15 years of lifting under my belt, eat extremely clean, take good supplements and some nootropics to boost mood and manage, it without ever really being happy. If mushrooms don’t work, im shit out of luck..

>> No.16312723

I have accepted that I will not have sex again because I absolutely despise women. I was with a girl for 2 years who showed my racist posts on a message board to my employer and got me fired and after that I was with a girl for 5 years who left me as soon as my first born son was born and told me to go to court if I wanted to see him. I didn't because the court system is biased against white males and I didn't want to be sucked dry. Hopefully he understands and forgives me after I cash out my LINK in 2025.

>> No.16312743

Have you actually been on any dates? As I explained in my other posts, most guys should have no problems finding a decent girl on dating sites if they put in some effort.
Maybe you don’t like dating sites (I don’t either) but get over it.

There’s some truth to what you’re saying, but most women aren’t as picky as you (or at least most incels) seem to think. Your biggest problem is most likely yourself. You assume that no women would want to date you so you (almost) don’t bother trying. As I said in my other post, I have several 2-3/10 male friends who go on dates and have (had) gfs.

Stop making so many excuses in your head. Yes, modern dating culture is degenerate, yes some (but not all) women are picky.. boo fucking hoo. With a bit of effort you can still find a decent gf/ wife. Man the fuck up.

>> No.16312764

Sorry to hear that mate.. Have you tried anti depressants? They’re not for everyone l, but they really do work wonders for some people. Source: one of my family members is a psychiatrist.

>> No.16312825

Dating sites are owned by ((())) and enable female hypergamey so I don’t use them. I have zero friends so I meet nobody. Every girl in her 20s are too busy going to bars, clubs and being a university student getting banged by many men.

You are literally screwed if you don’t secure somebody either in Highschool or university in modern day era. The only other way you might have a chance is if you become rich. Otherwise have fun with postwall thots. Literally any girl that’s single over the age of 30 is human garbage

>> No.16312855


Around 150 here.

>Chlamydia 3 times
>Genital warts

>> No.16312873

Don't ever fucking tell her if you became rich retard

>> No.16312884

Dogshit meme advice

>> No.16312892

you can pay for that easily. book a ticket to thailand or vietnam

>> No.16312901

Only good advice itt

>> No.16312913

> Dating sites are owned by ((())) and enable female hypergamey so I don’t use them
You refuse to use dating sites to find a gf/ wife because dating sites are owned by jews? Are you kidding me? I'm sure you use lots of products/ services from companies that are owned by jews.
> Every girl in her 20s are too busy going to bars, clubs and being a university student getting banged by many men.
Not true but since you don't know any women irl and get all your information online you wouldn't know.

>> No.16313000

Only once, about 18 years ago. I broke out with some bizarre rash with hives and stopped.

>> No.16313038

hey something similar happened to me, you’re not alone my man

>> No.16313086

Maybe try some different ones? It's at least worth a try.
My family member who's a psychiatrist has told me many stories about people who got a LOT better from using anti depressants.

>> No.16313120

Go away.

>> No.16313135

Go to a state or province with licensed brothels. Problem solved.

>> No.16313178

Uhm.. okay.. Just trying to help. Whatever dude. I guess it's a problem with almost all you guys that you don't really want/ care about
changing your miserable lives.. Good luck with everything I guess.

>> No.16313234

Just take a pill, that’ll fix it. :)

>> No.16313271

It literally is that simple for some (but not all) people. If you don't want to believe it then there's nothing I can say. I guess I shouldn't shouldn't be wasting this much time on strangers. Most of you guys don't seem to want help anyway. You want to believe that things can't get better.

>> No.16313367

>I've fucked close to 150 chicks and agree with this man

just don't fuck niggerinas bareback and it's all good

>> No.16314537
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>Now that I’m completely done with schooling
I know that feel.
I just finished my degree. I was going mechanical engineering, so the field with the fewest women. So I never met any through class.

However, that is no excuse. I didn't socialise through clubs. I also literally didn't make friends at uni until my final year. Looking back I can't even pinpoint a few key moments where I screwed up. Just a slow grind of stagnation.