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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16299465 No.16299465 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine not having a bag of the world's last hedge fund

>> No.16299506
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>imagine shilling this scam coin in 2019

>> No.16299643

>backed by Union Square Ventures
>received even more funding this year from Paradigm and Placeholder
>connected to Renaissance Technologies, the most profitable hedge fund to ever exist
>over 300k lines added this year
>burning enabled
>Sharpe Ratio of 2.09
>very active community and tournaments
>very high number of token stakes, exceeding some of the most popular dapps
>still rank 300+

ok bud, go buy some more VET

>> No.16299836
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I actually remember when this first came out. It took a few days for the FOMO to really kick in, but when it did there was a huge pump that was well received here on /biz/. You have to understand that back then there was no apprehension or anxiety about throwing money at something like this because it was a guaranteed win... the market was trending upwards and this was a sure thing.
Until it dumped and kept on dumping. At first nobody was really sure why... until they found out that the team was handing out tokens to data scientists as rewards for their work. Well, these data scientists aren't retards and they proceeded to duly sell it off en masse, which broke the uptrend and shattered public faith in this shitcoin. It never really recovered.

>> No.16300077

have you seen the recent development though? shit is bullish as fuck

>> No.16300178

How the fuck do Americans trade this illiquid piece of shit?

>> No.16300326

I want to buy it just because the symbol is cool looking

>> No.16300343


>> No.16300358

Based retard
Thanks fren

>> No.16300537

changelly dynamic as well

>> No.16301149

The token doesn't give you any share in the hedge fund profits though does it, its just some bullshit mechanic they came up with

>> No.16301319

it's not meant to give you shares of the profits. the token is meant to be used (staked) by data scientists contributing their models to each numerai tournament. These contributing data scientists get rewarded on how well their models perform

>> No.16301387

lmao what sort of niche bullshit is this

>> No.16301414

wdym? it's a hedge fund that uses crypto's inherent incentivation mechanisms to properly crowd source high quality prediction models

>> No.16301428


>> No.16301438


just watch the keynote

>> No.16302022

exactly, its horseshit, are we stumping up capital for their fucking hedge fund but not getting equity in return?