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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16298903 No.16298903 [Reply] [Original]

> NoFap
> NoGambling
> NoSoda
> NoGaming (not started yet)
> NoDrugs
> Cold Showers
> Periodic Intermittent Fasting (Fast 24 hours every two weeks)

what next guys?

>> No.16298913

Doing a 360 and logging off biz

>> No.16298924

Redpill me on fasting
What if I have chronic gastritis

>> No.16298934

But if he did a 360 he'd still be looking at the screen retard

>> No.16298936


Fasting is like letting your body run its self-repair software without the "obtain nutrients from food in stomach" inherited by the entire history of life which did not have access to 3x meals a day on a regular schedule.

>> No.16298946

That’s the joke plebittor now get out

>> No.16298951


without the "obtain nutrients from food as much and fast as possible" routine fucking everything up.*

>> No.16298954

That parts of the joke you fucking faggot

>> No.16299016

good going, my dude
I'd only add noPorn but I guess noFap includes that?

Also, go easy on the noFap. I'm doing NNN rn just to test my willpower but after that I'll go back to a healthy 1-2 times a week I guess. Without porn, of course.

>> No.16299029


wrong board

>> No.16299040

i suddenly feel the urge to kill myself

>> No.16299041

Fucking newfag that's also part of the joke

>> No.16299061

Fuck off /biz/ shithead. You are wasting more time here then probably playing fucking video games. Just fuck off tired of you newfag fuckheads.

>> No.16299068


>> No.16299287


>> No.16299343

t. Salty ass coombrain. OP is based.

>> No.16299364

t. jew worshiper
OP is a faggot who won't leave /biz/ and make ontopic post you stupid fucking moron

>> No.16299372

>what next guys?

>> No.16299424

Death. That's what you should really be getting ready for.

>> No.16299477

I've been doing Intermittent fasting and its been amazing for me. Really does optimize your test levels (I went and had levels done), cleared my skin up (not acne prone but my complexion improved tremendously), have more energy after the initial hump, and lost weight, added muscle a lot easier. I don't know about your condition so you need to do some research.

>> No.16299497

He moonwalks away, dumpass

>> No.16299540

just to be clear "no drugs" includes liquor and cigarettes, so don't cheat yourself there

>> No.16299752

there's an anon here who lives in the basement of his restaurant and cold showers every morning in the mop sink while practicing nosit and nobed.
Yes he has a standing desk and he sleeps on the cold concrete floor in his jacket. nigga finna be rich before LINK moons

>> No.16299817

That's some Werner Herzog level shit right there, too much.

>> No.16300333
File: 7 KB, 225x225, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why am i still on biz?
well i need something to do in between trades, so i surf the net, but then it becomes a bad habit.

>> No.16300459

The body is an orifice for the administration of drugs. Each part of the body has a specific purpose, eg you can take drugs orally or inhale drugs, under the tongue for LSD, snort drugs through the nose, exposed veins are for junk etc. You can even stick certain drugs in your anus or cunt. Of course the body also needs food, which can be administered in surprisingly small quantities (fasting, as the OP mentioned). The body also requires sleep, which it will take itself, you only need to prepare a sensible sleeping location and let the body do the rest.

Finally, the body needs a system, a capitalist system, that can sustain this lifestyle of drug use, of constant biochemical evolution, and a planet (such as the earth) is a suitable place to build one as it has abundant supplies of essential minerals.

>> No.16300470

Parasite cleanse
Best thing you could possibly do with your life

>> No.16300484

Fasting is feeding your body with your own shit. If you can't do something for a long period of time don't force your body. No cold shower, no fasting. Change your diet if there's something wrong with your health and use food as medecine. Read Aajonus Vonderplanitz.

>> No.16300646

This is a whole new level of autism.

>> No.16300709

all that shit is garbage except improving your diet. the effect diet has on your mental health is underestimated.

>> No.16300715


>> No.16300722

that was also part of the joke you fucking idiot newfag

>> No.16300746

Retard detected. Fuck off. This is real life big boy stuff. Your opinion is absolutely worthless.

>> No.16300832

In 1000 years people will look back at us and define all this shit as a delusional coping mechanism where you voluntarily accept more pain to make your baseline pain seem relatively ok

>> No.16300846

Sell stuff, may it be services or products.
I am your age (24) and did all this shit and realised that everything was just mental masturbation and a big fucking effort to procrastinate than to rather create something (may it be of value to others or not doesn't matter) and sell the shit out of it to customers (may it be b2b or b2c). Make money and have sex.

>> No.16300873

the best advice so far

>> No.16300898
File: 24 KB, 510x546, worlds best shitposter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it a meme to reply to the meme that is blatantly a meme. Or was the meme to bait someone and then meme on them. What is the meme anymore? Was there ever truly a meme.

>> No.16300977
File: 54 KB, 603x680, EJfJ4lfU4AEMFlX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, also eat Brazilian Nuts (Max of 2 per day), and Macadamia nuts too, also try out ZMA, to increase testosterone levels.

>> No.16301095


>> No.16301136

>No gambling.
>What is trading.

>> No.16301279

> NoFap
> NoGambling
> NoSoda
> NoGaming (not started yet)
> NoDrugs
> Cold Showers
> Periodic Intermittent Fasting (Fast 24 hours every two weeks)
Sounds like a regular normie where I live, except for the fasting. Make friends, get a girl and start a career I guess?

>> No.16301405


Stop jerking it to trannies

>> No.16301505

just... two?

>> No.16301524

pointless to devote this much energy to deprivation. probably better to take judo classes or something.

>> No.16301889 [DELETED] 

They are high in calories, eating too many can cause selenium toxicity.

>> No.16301905

Yeah, they are high in calories, and eating too many can cause selenium toxicity.

>> No.16301957

The next level is snake juice diet guy.


And win hof iceman.


>> No.16301994

Learn about FIRE (Financial independence retire early)

start a career you enjoy, fuck bitches make money

>> No.16302439

you fell for all the biz meme congratulation

>> No.16302478

what the fuc do you live for if you have any single pleasure in yuor life?

>> No.16302528

>pointless to devote this much energy to deprivation
All the energy devoted to deprivation could be used into a more productive way

>> No.16302536

For the pussy.

>> No.16302737

>For the pussy.
and you don't need to deprivate off all this for pussy. Just go on tinder and pic up the first femoid

>> No.16302804


>> No.16302857

>that was also part of the joke
that was also part of the jokethat was also part of the jokethat was also part of the jokethat was also part of the jokethat was also part of the joke you fucking kike

>> No.16302897

>tfw you've started doing all of this but its too late, your teeth, body, and attention span are irrevocably ruined and your life is spiraling down the drain

feels weird, no larp i was voted most likely to be successful and wound up probably the least successful person i know

>> No.16302903

>feels weird, no larp i was voted most likely to be successful and wound up probably the least successful person i know
So this is the power of democracy.

>> No.16302965
File: 55 KB, 700x350, 20170405204540-empire-yoda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this nofap stuff is just a distraction. You want a girlfriend? Better job? Better hobbies? Then just fucking try harder. There's no time like the present. You don't need to go 6 months on nofap and THEN start trying harder at life. It's a gimmick. Nofap is for those who always have their minds on the future, never their minds on the present.
"All his life has he looked away... to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was... what he was doing."
South Park also has a good view on this. Something like "dad you like to drink so have a drink once in a while have two! All or nothing is easy. True disciprine come from within."
I'm not saying porn, gambling etc isn't bad but nofap etc isn't some magic fix either.

>> No.16302973

Stick xanax in dickhole. Thank me later

>> No.16303202

redditor here

They are on level 3 now
the bait is the response to the corrector

>> No.16303224


>> No.16303302

No internet. Replace internet with books, also add in an exercise routine and healthy eating

>> No.16303419

> NoGambling
> still browses biz

OP you should include staking Kleros on your list. Basically self improvement coin. Try it it will force you to be honest.

Rule 8: Tell The Truth or At Least Don't Lie - Jordan "nu-Jesus" Peterson

>> No.16303503

>Just go on tinder and pic up the first femoid
50% chance she'll be black, 8% chance she'll be he.

>> No.16303540

You must stick to it for the rest of your life. The body must regenerate unless you're boomer.

>> No.16303601

>No internet
I live in a normie hell!

>> No.16303630

This, and intermittent fasting is for faggots. If you can go 16 hours you can go 48. Ketosis doesnt kick in until 16 hours so you're just stopping right when the benefits kick in.

>> No.16303671
File: 172 KB, 1049x1212, 35B395D0-D5E5-44BD-9190-27F05DD03543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16304025

All of this is bullshit. You just need some fucking discipline, get enough sleep and not eat total junk.

You are being sold bullshit, ohh Tim Cook wakes up at 4 am every morning, that's the secret to success, I'll just set my alarm to 4am and one day I will wake up a millionaire.

Get real fags.

>> No.16304049


It's called autophagy you stupid motherfucker. Wow okay we'll just leave shit in the body to fester and compound into years of health issues...

Jesus fucking christ I can't believe how stupid you assholes are.

"I want to just let the shit be in my body and fuck up bioelectric and chemical chains!"

Fasting tells important body janitors to wipe the shit from the walls before the "Eat and absorb as much, and as fast, as you can because in evolutionary history, there were no grocery stores" routine.

Interrupting fasting via 3 meals a day is like telling that routine to keep shitting on the walls as a byproducts before it hardens in a shit wall that the janitors may not be able to clean up.

>> No.16304126


"Eat and absorb as much, and as fast, as you can because in evolutionary history, there were no grocery stores" routine." interrupts a bunch of other processes because focusing on food breakdown and absorption is high priority in an environment where food is on a probabilistic basis

>> No.16304562

I am at that stage right now, but first I needed a push to get off me bed, and OP's "memes" unironically work.
I'm still fasting and doing cold showers but yeah, focusing on those tasks instead of something productive is mental masturbation.
I say OP should go for it and just keep in mind that these are merely his initial push to greatness.

>> No.16304605

>Can't pass interview because creepy

>> No.16304897
File: 276 KB, 654x720, king-tut-161521_960_720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But why?

>> No.16304930

>Cold Showers
too cruel, what is the purpose?

>> No.16305178

get of 4chan, seriously this is the worst website for your mental health, if like me you can't find good replacement just try to not go on internet at all
unless you invest in internet coins and you're stuck here with nicos,trannies and schlops

>> No.16306044

I was like that
Now i am a 28 old doomer again

>> No.16306101

Psychotic breakdown and suicide.

>> No.16306121

If you are depleted and your brain is half asleep doing nofap firstwill give you confidence

If you apprsoch girls after fappig and look like a ,zombie you will fail and confidence gets worse

>> No.16306526
