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File: 563 KB, 1920x1090, chicago-pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16298469 No.16298469 [Reply] [Original]

pizza edition

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>> No.16298495

First for crash this fucker with no survivors except Jews and smart money.

>> No.16298501

don't forget, there's an AMRN investor call today at 4:30 EST

>> No.16298513

putting some money into DLR and CLDR today

I put $600 out of the $1000 I've been using for stocks so far into AMRN boi i hope I didnt fuck up

>> No.16298531

I did this with lci and it fucked me hard

>> No.16298532

Options or a straight buy?

>> No.16298539

SPY puts for 11/22 is the play to make

>> No.16298553

straight buy

i dont mess with that options shit

>> No.16298554

Give LCI some time.. they're trying to hold people underwater to drown em out so they can soak up their shares.. obvious as fuck!

LCI to $60

>> No.16298557

lol pussy

>> No.16298559

>betting against daddy trump

>> No.16298563
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You're all fucked as soon as baby boomers start taking their pensions.

>> No.16298581

bought 12/31 spy 320 calls. Pretty sure we're gonna at least reach that or hit 325

>> No.16298582


>> No.16298589
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omg?!?!? you can't make money on a down trend?!?! no way!!!

>> No.16298594

You’re on crack
It’s tanking as we speak

>> No.16298596

Anyone else in GO with me?
Kinda want to buy more down here...

>> No.16298602

Any good options right now?

>> No.16298612

SPY puts 308 EOW
You’re welcome

>> No.16298613

you have the option to lick these nuts

>> No.16298615


>> No.16298622 [DELETED] 

$50 VXX calls for friday. You're welcome.

>> No.16298626

If I excercise a call option contract I have to buy the underlying stock x 100 ?

>> No.16298627
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>> No.16298635
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You're also fucked too. Your pension is gonna envaporate soon.

>> No.16298639

GME straddle for earnings

>> No.16298645

At the price listed on the option, yeah. That's what options are.

>> No.16298649

This game really took a weird turn from the show. Why didn’t they use that little blonde chick who wants the D?

>> No.16298651

Good luck faggit.


once boomers start taking their pensions, less corporate bonds are bought, which means less corporate buybacks of their stocks, which means collapsing stock prices and also downgrading of their corporate bonds which further loses them money to buy back shares with.

>> No.16298658

Hey is this game really anti trump? I love mgs but also love trump. Won’t buy it if it’s some pro immigrant propaganda.

>> No.16298662

What if boomers are so greed they want to keep multiplying their money so they never take it and they dont want it to be in milennials hand so the money just burns away?

>> No.16298663

Oh no, you don’t understand. I’m a japanese salaryman with a Swiss bank account in franks.

>> No.16298664

is Millhouse a meme

>> No.16298673
File: 107 KB, 991x672, 861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how high do you think AMRN will go in December, /biz/?
also any fellow MCD-Chads here?

>> No.16298678

Ok, but I can also sell the option?

>> No.16298677

>pro immigration
Dudewhat are you even

>> No.16298682

The only reason they would crash the boomer's pensions is if it was their intent to make them dependent upon some kind of new "New Deal" like that guy roosevelt did in the 30s or 40s, I don't remember what year it was because I'm a newer boomer and not a pre-boomer boomer. The zoomers won't care as long as they've still got their fortnites and pac-man video games.

>> No.16298692

Anon...boomers arent going to refuse taking their pension.

>> No.16298701

>boomers are going to do this absolutely rational thing

>> No.16298708
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>which means collapsing stock prices
did you even read my post or are you legit retarded?

>> No.16298710

Right. Then, whoever ends up with it will exercise it instead of you.

>> No.16298714

do you even know what a pension is nigger?

>> No.16298719

unless youre shorting it, youre fucked

>> No.16298727

Told you pussies to buy GEO...

Fairly high, as long as the FDA rubber stamps it, and yes.

>> No.16298731

ok boomer

>> No.16298739

What I don't understand is that all these big jumps in stock value are after certain news, but the news outlets only reveal the information AFTER the stock jumps. It's not predictive, it's reactionary. How is one to predict these huge spikes in value based off court cases, FDA approval, and all these other dramas?

>> No.16298740

ok boomer

>> No.16298742

ok faggot

>> No.16298745

as long as we have wage slaves blindly putting into their 401k and IRA accounts.. we'll be ok... corporate bonds aren't going to be a big problem like you think... they can always restructure them to conv. or even do a funding round for conv. prefs...

I'm down for a crash.. i'd love it.. i'd love to buy all my favorite blue chips at a 50%+ discount.. dont threaten me with a good time

>> No.16298746
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44th for cheese pizza.

>> No.16298747

>Day of the Pillow
>Boomers smothered in their beds
>Pension funds unexpectedly in the black
>America's unfunded liabilities cut in half
>The nation is saved
I just wrote your next viral article, BuzzFeed.

>> No.16298748

no wonder youre gonna get fucked lmao

>> No.16298760

The problem is that when boomers are fucked, we're all fucked eventually from high/hyper inflation. they don't go into the grave without taking us with em

>> No.16298761

has SNSS trip fag neck roped himself yet?

>> No.16298767

>corporate bonds aren't going to be a big problem like you think
watch the video I linked. There's like 16 trillion in junk bonds.

>> No.16298771
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I fucking hope not.. he needs to pump these fucking bags for me

>> No.16298776

>16 trillion
Money isn't real.

>> No.16298782

Ok, but it allows me to play with increasing stock prices without the need to buy a lot of stocks

>> No.16298783

How new are you? serious question. How much do you know about how corporations work? or even how the economy works???

>> No.16298787

Doing just fine. I just keep accumulating more before ASH, like institutions are doing as we are now at 61% institutional ownership

>> No.16298803
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Buy Amazon!

why isn't it going up reeeeee

>> No.16298809
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That's why you hedge with some cryptos, Chief.

>> No.16298816

We need these companies to come out with new and expensive drugs for the boomers to buy so we can milk all the profit we can from those pensions.

>> No.16298817

SPY calls, bears are retarded there's still way more juice that can be injected into the economy

>> No.16298818

More than you obviously

>> No.16298822

Crypto market topped in Jan 2018 and bottomed in Dec 2018. And SO DID the stock market. It isn't a hedge at all

>> No.16298834

Cant even open a put credit spread with price in between. Probably rh horrid execution thats screwing me over. Could literally sell the put and buy the lower strike put seperately and quicker. Except collateral will be higher.

>> No.16298837

Goddamn that full journey in viacom...

>> No.16298847
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I’m in bro’s. How’d I do? When do I sell? I’m all jacked up right now!!!

>> No.16298851

watch them fuck up and actually figure out a way to keep boomers alive forever

>> No.16298854

Yes, exactly. Options let you access the upside (and exposes you to the downside) of the movement of a given stock without owning the underlying asset.

>> No.16298859
File: 414 KB, 480x287, wrong.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cryptos can't hedge hyperinflation in fiat because stock prices

>> No.16298860
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>More than you obviously
why? because you posted a video from youtube???

>> No.16298862

no offense friend but you need more money if you want to make money from investing even in AMRN x2s you'll be up 90$
do you run a lemonade stand?

>> No.16298866
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I usually create these threads but i don't even trade stocks

>> No.16298877

I’m learning. $100 is a decent amount for me. I just want to learn. I usually just throw my money into my ira which is 100% VTI.

>> No.16298879

based thank you fren

>> No.16298893

try using a stock simulator i'd say
i started off like that and just forced myself to think it was real money
but whatever works for you

>> No.16298927

>implying the fed won't be struggling just to keep inflation over 1%
don't you have a paper to read or something gramps?

>> No.16298940

I'm saying they are correlated

>> No.16298943

Reeee still could open the credit spread even after lowering it. Get the vibe robinhoods trying to screw me over.

>> No.16298958

can't not "could"

>> No.16298959

Wealth effect

>> No.16298961
File: 147 KB, 850x764, MCD_w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also any fellow MCD-Chads here?

>> No.16298975

Robinhood screws a lot of people over. I wouldn't use it for anything remotely complicated.

>> No.16298977

would these fucking faggots just stop bogging the ask for puts on GME

fucking shit man

>> No.16298978

>smol specs vs. blue chip

>> No.16298985

sumairu kudasai

>> No.16298999

Recommended broker?

>> No.16299012


>> No.16299023
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Every country that's had rapid inflation since BTC was created has seen a yuge rise in crypto values relative to the local currency, but go ahead and yammer on about one episode on the US stock market as if that's relevant. I'm sure you're an expert.

>> No.16299034

Last chance to by AMRN before big investor presentation in 40 minutes. Do not miss it.

>> No.16299043
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>> No.16299065

What are your top dividend stocks?

>> No.16299073

How did those currencies preform vs. the dollar or a basket of global currencies kid?

>> No.16299087

Where can I see this?

>> No.16299104
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>> No.16299106

but i dont have frens

>> No.16299119

by weight in my portfolio?

KO by a wide margin (I use the divvy to buy other companies), AAPL, JNJ, MSFT, PG and T.

>> No.16299121

adxs before its too late. several catalyst 2H2019. running on anticipation.

>> No.16299122

125$ left to spend in my RH account; what do?

>> No.16299128

What a fucking day. Fucking amarin.

My eyes are killing me.

>> No.16299138

An investment presentation wont do jack shit. It's up to the FDA approval now.

>> No.16299160

buy 100 MTNB and hold it for a year.

>> No.16299175

The presentation is not factored into the price yet though.

>> No.16299177

Did you get rekt with ACB? LETS SUE THESE BASTARDS!
Losing money trading should be illegal!!

>> No.16299178

AMD is really trying hard to push beyond 40$, isn't it?

>> No.16299181

AMRN to 50 by Dec, 70-90 for the buyout in Jan

>> No.16299187

I sold all my ACB at a significant loss in October. Holy fucking shit did they shit the bed even harder after that.

>> No.16299196

Love that AMD short covering tailwind.... gonna push this into the mid 40's.

Trying to cover 143MM shares short, all underwater, is a bitch.

>> No.16299202

This shit closes at 3pm? What the actual fuck.

>> No.16299224

yeah bro, it's time to go to chilis for the 2 for 1 drink specials during happy hour. it's fucking awesome.

>> No.16299226

>Trying to cover 143MM shares short, all underwater, is a bitch.

Where you get those numbers from?

>> No.16299231

it's 4pm in NY
contact the law firm maybe you can recover some losses

>> No.16299244
File: 29 KB, 530x298, smgafterhours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ding ding ding! How did everyone do today? I'm down another .53%, even when I do good I do bad. CGC is the entropic black god at the end of time sucking light from the corpse of mathematics. On the plus side I got my thinkyswim all set up for real this time, migrating away from RH and doing "real" trading (looking like hackerman instead of a zoomer app user) is gonna be fun.
Daily reminder that the Imago Dei is 100% real, the ratios and symbolic associations of your body (which shares proportions with that of Christ Patibilis) are reflected from the sub-atomic to pan-galactic levels.

>> No.16299245

Nasdaq & Yahoo all show short data.

>> No.16299249

After hours is the most Jewish shit I’ve ever heard of.

>> No.16299262

Im down 5k on AMRN(5%) .. could be worse.. I'm in it until the buyout so whatever

>> No.16299266

If I want to buy calls and puts then sell them 1 to 5 days later, how far out should the expiration date be? A month? Longer?

>> No.16299299
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You mean this one? How do I read this correctly to draw more information out of it?

>> No.16299300

It’s already begun.

>> No.16299309


citi analyst that said AMRN's future profits are already priced in

>2.2% average return
>40% success rate lul

>> No.16299314

AMRN Investors call, live in 20


>> No.16299315

up $78 on penny stocks.

>> No.16299318

When did you buy?

>> No.16299326
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How do you feel knowing you lost $5k because of this guy?

>> No.16299329

I noticed a lot of ETF adds in regular media in my country. Anyone got similar observations? I wonder what this is all about when everyone tried to avoid advertising them beforehand.

>> No.16299330

Ranked #2,340 out of 5,679 kek

>> No.16299335


>> No.16299337

yahoo is easier, just search a stock, select "statistics"

Share Statistics
Avg Vol (3 month) 3 51.39M
Avg Vol (10 day) 3 56.33M
Shares Outstanding 5 1.14B
Float 1.11B
% Held by Insiders 1 0.80%
% Held by Institutions 1 66.97%
Shares Short (Oct 30, 2019) 4 143.25M
Short Ratio (Oct 30, 2019) 4 3.08
Short % of Float (Oct 30, 2019) 4 13.33%

>> No.16299340

Up 0.23%, though we'll see what happens after hours.

Just opened options trading with RH, but dear God it looks hideous. I'll definitely have to send some time to wrap my head around everything. I just wanted to sell some covvies...

>> No.16299352

down 10% on RH, down 0.05% on my real bags

confident my AMRN calls will moon violently in Dec so its OK, even bought a few more today

>> No.16299359

>Shares Short (Oct 30, 2019) 4 143.25M
>Short Ratio (Oct 30, 2019) 4 3.08
>Short % of Float (Oct 30, 2019) 4 13.33%

This is why AMD will run into the mid 40's or even touch 50 before correcting. Alot of shorts are caught with their pants down after solid earnings.

>> No.16299361

>yfw they reveal that Vascepa cures cancer too

>> No.16299365

I bought before the price correction and then again after that at $23.67

Pretty sure it was just boomers and people who had been holding their bags forever.. THe drop happened at it's ATH more or less so I cant blame them.. It wasn't that hardcore of a drop all things considered

>> No.16299371

Lmao. Tried buy 1 more call right before close. Wasnt fast enough wasted like 2 hours trying to decide if i should sell a put on a stock I want. Decide to do a put credit spread with reasonable amount. Doesnt get filled for like an hour of back and forth even though i likely couldve opened both options separately in under 10 minutes. Except id have a larger chunk of collateral that would be tied up versus using it on other stuff. Ahhhhhhhh robinhood is pissing me offfffffff!!!!

>> No.16299374

Don't buy weed stocks.
Don't buy pharma.
Ignore frogs.
Ignore anime posters.

>> No.16299375
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>muh top tiprank analyst

>> No.16299379

his success rate is lower than a coin toss

>> No.16299381

Boomers fucking love Restauration Hardware so Buffet is probably correct. They'll all be decorating their 2nd and 3rd homes with that shit

>> No.16299401
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Down 2.5% today, finishing up at -29.73% overall in afterhours.

Approaching the end of my comfortable margin of loss...

>> No.16299403

40% just means bet against him for 60% success.

>> No.16299408

lmfaoooooooo are you kidding


I am convinced this has been a wallstreet psyop to lower amrn price so they can buy before buyout. It couldn't be clearer, that's why they chose this loser to be the fall guy

>> No.16299412
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the jew fear the samurai

>> No.16299420

Lol hate how these analysts can put out such reports and it's legal because they cant own share in said company. Yet the company they work for can legally own shares in said companies and likely guides to them to conclusion they reached. How's this not price manipulation!?

Also that guys face makes him look younger than me but his hairline makes him look like he's older than me.

>> No.16299453

>Lol hate how these analysts can put out such reports and it's legal because they cant own share in said company. Yet the company they work for can legally own shares in said companies and likely guides to them to conclusion they reached. How's this not price manipulation!?
Same with underwriting banks all giving their own IPO stock ridiculously high valuations & "buy" recommendations. It's so fucking obvious what they're doing!

>> No.16299456

how much do these fucks get paid? im really good at failing upwards.

>> No.16299457

Hah, who ahs the last laugh now Mr. Joel Beaty. Fuckin nerd who isnt even a good broker

>> No.16299459

I have £5000 (around $6000) that I have been saving all year. How much should I invest in AMRN?

>> No.16299463

Thanks, that's alot better.

How do I interpret those numbers correctly?

>> No.16299467

because corporations aren't people

>> No.16299471

>mfw when libshits allegations of white male mediocrity are proven correct

>> No.16299479


>> No.16299486
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Bruhs.. we got justed by a meme

>> No.16299491

+$500, thank you CVS

>> No.16299500

Main factor is stress. These guys get their daily floggin with china factory tier work hours.

Nobody got an opinion on this?

>> No.16299505

>Shares Short (Oct 30, 2019) 4 143.25M
143 million shares have been shorted by traders, these shorts will eventually need to be covered. And since AMD has been rising in price, the shorts are stuck underwater. When they "cover", buy buying shares back, they drive up the price of AMD.

>> No.16299525

>>Shares Short (Oct 30, 2019) 4 143.25M
>143 million shares have been shorted by traders, these shorts will eventually need to be covered. And since AMD has been rising in price, the shorts are stuck underwater. When they "cover", buy buying shares back, they drive up the price of AMD.

>Shares Short (Oct 30, 2019) 4 143.25M
143 million shares have been shorted by traders, these shorts will eventually need to be covered. And since AMD has been rising in price, the shorts are stuck underwater. When they "cover", buy buying shares back, they drive up the price of AMD.

>> No.16299534

What's the hype around AMRN? They are selling fish oil...and people are getting hype over this?

>> No.16299538


>> No.16299552

what country? i've only seen them on finance channels in the US.. CNBC, bloomberg, fox biz

>> No.16299563

AMRN investors call starting in 2mins


>> No.16299567

It's going to be prescribed to everyone who's on statins.

>> No.16299575
File: 77 KB, 639x778, 06152BE6-B569-45B1-80E3-2E3F97CE5628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking drop so that I can buy in! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.16299580

-.16% My earnings graph today looks exactly like a certain crustacean...

>> No.16299581

Is AMD, dare I say, unstoppable? Will we see 100% gains again?

>> No.16299589

I'm in with you lad, hoping for some good Q & A

>> No.16299595
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Kino music playing right now.

>> No.16299605


>> No.16299606

I don't even own a single share of AMRN so I can't join the call....

>> No.16299615

But shorts numbers were even higher on 09/30/2019 with 152,741,973. And how important is the duration of days to cover?

>> No.16299628

Short selling dudeweed on margin, putting the profits in junk bond etf.

Eat shit, weedfags.

>> No.16299638

Lol you mean he has better odds than about half of these analysts! Im unemployed how do i even get a job like this!? Could literally just flip and have better odds.

>> No.16299646

Short at the bottom, long at the top, am I right?

>> No.16299652

how much of a cut does RH take?
i wanna get into calls n puts

>> No.16299685
File: 245 KB, 388x512, xscyx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a little red
Today I bought STZ to /quickflip/ in the morning to make my /1%/

>> No.16299686

it's not robinhoods cut, it's the CBOE's cut. I think they get like 1 penny per contract with each contract representing a 100 share block

>> No.16299687

AMRN getting demolished after hours. Big yikes on those calls I bought earlier.

>> No.16299690

Yes, some have covered, but 13+% of the float being shorted is one of the highest in the market. Only Beyond Meat & a few others are more shorted.

days to cover doesn't mean much, cause shorts all cover over time. if they all did at once, the price would go parabolic & hurt themselves even more.

>> No.16299693
File: 135 KB, 425x516, 354aaf73ed2392636746ba873bee2dea2794a38ca273aaa875ef1b44dbbbe525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>uniform plaque regression over 9 months for patients that received vascepa

we bought out by pfizer boys
for sure
heart disease is the biggest killer in america

>> No.16299694
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>supplemental to all the other benefits we've seen with Vascepa

What the fuck, does AMRN have a miracle heart drug here or what?

>> No.16299717

No one does.
They're just trying to find a boggeyman for what is actually profit taking and the usual up and down swings.

>> No.16299718
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I'm over here up 12% with FCELL stock and DIS calls.

Why do you guys buy into memes like Amarin when you could buy into profitable memes?

>> No.16299722

Man I wish I hadn't gotten impatient with ADXS. Oh well.

>> No.16299734

they've got fish oil, see it's like snake oil and it will cure you of your heart diseases.

>> No.16299736

Wait until PFE buys for 90 a share

>> No.16299746

>Doctor thinks it's Unethical to continue studies because the Placebo control group are dying when they could be taking the drug and living

>> No.16299748

>down 0.2%

>> No.16299749
File: 312 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20191118-164140_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noice. I got into KRTX at 65 today, lost a hundo panic sold when I got back up and was 4$ up cause had to go to work. Up 442% today. Closing at 88$

Anyone else gamble a few bucks and win? Posted in last thread

>> No.16299755

It means my fucking wallet is going down!! What the fuck, go up!!

>> No.16299756

Did I miss it or what?
Site says it hasn’t started

>> No.16299760


>> No.16299764

If I can shave a 5% profit from a sure short sale, I'll take it. I'd go long if the fundamentals stop looking like dogshit. Meanwhile just made 25% gains on ATRS after waiting for a year for the first quarter of profit. I think it's a stupid and risky idea to invest billions of dollars in a company that makes a product people can grow in their basement.

>> No.16299767
File: 47 KB, 579x300, my brain is full of fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> let's help people by making a drug that prevents them from dying
> let's stop to make the drug because people who don't take it are dying

>> No.16299768

I dunno refresh man I've been listening since 4:30

did you buy puts or something wat, just hodl anon...

>> No.16299781

THat'ss actually sdome good marketing. We had to stop our studies so that we could help people with our drug and now theyre fine..

"Do you wanna be like one of thos placebo faggets or do you wanan live?"

>> No.16299783

no its not? the fuck are you on about?

>> No.16299784

No, if you stop the study it's because the results were already good enough. This does not slow down the production of the drug, it speeds it up.

>> No.16299788

de, same thing financial channels mostly but it's surprising when they avoided them like the pest beforehand all the time. Youtube gives me still mostly CFD adds but i've seen ETF adds now even in magazines.

>> No.16299791

I'll be here

>> No.16299793

When the market gives you a gift you gotta Strike like mad and so I did and bought the AMRN dip. Sold my DIS stake at the top and bought 72 more AMRN during the afternoon slump. That now gives me 872 shares. When the Holy Buyout comes to pass at $60 per share my wad will come out to be $52,320.00. Even if DIS hits 150 per share I can buy back my whole stake and do my other things I got planned and still come out good on this deal.

>> No.16299796

you'll be roping

>> No.16299797

I dunno man, it’s mineral oil. It’s oil. Doesn’t that usually raise cholesterol...

>> No.16299805

They said the mineral oil was same as placebo

>> No.16299809

I dunno man, it's fish oil. It's oil. Doesn't that usually raise cholesterol...

>> No.16299813

Do you know was vascepa is?

it's fish oil.

>> No.16299819

bad cholesterol or good cholestrol? fish oil is the good kind

>> No.16299825

Well yeah but that’s rich in the good omegas

>> No.16299826

I was mocking the anon for saying something stupid.

>> No.16299828

"Never seen anything quite like it"

>> No.16299842

Yeah that is literally the point of the drug, and also why it is guaranteed to get approved because it's just omegas which are found in vitamins

>> No.16299847
File: 208 KB, 388x512, xsskxkx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

campbell soup is back on track to 50 per share. I hope youre ready for inflation to strike canned food

>> No.16299848

It’s the fda
Look at how stupid the fda and cdc have been about the vaping lipoid pneumonia stuff
No skin off their ass if they delay for uncertainty

>> No.16299862

What the fuck? When did it dip to $46?

>> No.16299864

All bullshit aside the study results today were pretty good. Keep it mind it ran for 9 months and tracked only 80 people. Showed a damn nice reduction in plaque buildup in the blood vessels (which leads to you having the Big One later on). More important it showed the placebo drug didn't really do anything.

>> No.16299870

How will Canada ever recover.

>"How did you make your fortune anon?"
"2 words, fish oil"

>> No.16299872
File: 101 KB, 1024x788, d0454203049274c80b0abf58137abd4a197e5e2eaabeb4e28278eca37a4d876e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's blood money from the poor leafs they're starving.

>> No.16299895

>are you listening to me?
>plastics—I mean fish oil
>think about it

>> No.16299896

Should I put my money into an index fund or is that a waste of money?

>> No.16299911

No, actually it's pretty smart. With stocks you got a 50/50 deal of making money long term. With a fund your odds go up biggly. Even during shats and whatever long term you tend to come out ahead.

>> No.16299922


>> No.16299925
File: 531 KB, 1125x2001, C7809AFA-7EEC-4010-9945-807D9683B507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell me

>> No.16299928

Index funds are good. You wont get the highest returns, but you have much lower risks.

>> No.16299931

Deep dish, bullish.
I've got 1k to blow, where am I wasting it today /smg/?

>> No.16299936

Putting retirement funds in FXAIX or Contrafund if you can is not a bad idea. Fidelity is the best in the business.

Also am I hearing it correctly or are they saying Vascepa saved more lives of Americans than anyone else because Americans have the worst heart disease? LMAO

>> No.16299944
File: 539 KB, 1125x2001, 2F6C5BF2-0D7F-4255-987B-0D6861BF9F39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that image
Weird, don’t know why that graph got fucked up

>> No.16299947


>> No.16299951
File: 10 KB, 205x246, cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anons will hexo go to sub dollar land before it makes it back to 1.88?

I want to know how bad I fucked myself.

>> No.16299956


>> No.16299973
File: 365 KB, 750x725, 1529283463373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when is the recession going to start?

>> No.16299981

You just missed it...
Now we’re in the recovery

>> No.16299999

Dunno. When stocks make big moves like this they can spike all over the place. Do understand that short sellers are taking advantage of the bearish conditions are are exaggerating the moves.

>> No.16300004

Heh, down a bit over 5% today (over 1,333.00). I don't give a damn cause my overall gains is still over 28%. Sides I'll make it all back on the marrows gains especially when the Holy Buyout comes into play. Fifty two thousand and a few hundred bucks is a calling my name once the Holy Buyout deal is inked.

>> No.16300005

How fucking retarded one has to be to invest in stocks and financial products

>> No.16300012

Yeah, this is a blow off top, not a recovery.

>> No.16300024

Amrn $50 tomo

>> No.16300044

I’m in at 4 shares. Ready to get rich

>> No.16300049


>> No.16300052

digits have it, thank you 4's anon

>> No.16300062

How could I make such a horrible mistake

>> No.16300070

jokes on them, i bought it at $3 and this shit isn't going any higher.

>> No.16300071
File: 293 KB, 1200x1599, goofball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cuts your satellite stock in half
>lol tough luck zoomer
This fucking guy, when smelly shit goes down, it's always him, fucking there.

>> No.16300074

deep dish is casserole, not pizza

>> No.16300076

Your parents are probably cousins.

>> No.16300078
File: 479 KB, 1440x3040, Screenshot_20191118-171900_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot pic

>> No.16300087

why cant stock market be open 24/7

im literally addicted

>> No.16300101

there is always foreign markets

>> No.16300107

because we need to have time to have sex and do drugs

>> No.16300120

Alright lets do this line pal

>> No.16300146
File: 31 KB, 408x383, I.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16300158
File: 50 KB, 1252x730, fucked up bad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucked up something fierce lads.
used to be up 7k.
guess which stock fucked me.

>> No.16300159
File: 26 KB, 358x449, 1472387449238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tell myself luckin coffee is a must buy as soon as monday starts
>oversleep one hour in
>buy stocks at $30 when it peaks
>it immediately drops
Since it's a recent company that has beef with Starbucks in China, I'm sure it'll go back up again and I'll have to weather out the storm. But this is just a bad start.

>> No.16300160

Whatever nerd. Have your DB puts expired worthless yet?

>> No.16300196

H-heh y-yeah when im not trading stocks im havin sex and doin drugs h-haha lol

>> No.16300204

>sauce on top

>> No.16300208

Lost over 5k trying to short SPY today. Tomorrow I feel a gap down is coming..

>> No.16300217

it's a meme
I bought dildos with my bitcoin money

>> No.16300218
File: 29 KB, 650x395, buy the knife exept for britons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for making me feel better, kek.

>> No.16300226
File: 83 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20191118-173613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based on my positions

how does my Tuesday go

>> No.16300237

Well the sex may vary but if you're trading stocks long enough you are likely to develop a drug and/or alcohol problem. This is because the market often REFUSES to do what it ought rightly do and it'll drive you crazy something has got to give.

>> No.16300238

looks like there's some deep value in there, looks like it can't go lower than where it is right now. I should probably pick a few hundred shares while they're cheap.

>> No.16300239

I really feel SPY will finally cave tomorrow. Ugh i fucking hate the fed

>> No.16300242

Literally the worst way to do drugs. Your nasal membrane is very sensitive. Those lines burn holes that surgery won't be able to fix. It's called a deviated septum. You'll be sniffing and snorting for the rest of your life and hearing the air whistle out of your sinuses.

>> No.16300252
File: 30 KB, 1000x802, 1565724529744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big GREEN day tomorrow, folks. Take care of yourselves and have a good night.

>> No.16300253

this was in august.
price is at 7.22 which is fuck all gains.
My portfolio doesn't put much weight to my words but DB is fucked. derivative exposure bro.

>> No.16300263

Better than chinese internet money.

>> No.16300267

>guess which stock fucked me.
The -93% one?

>> No.16300276


>> No.16300283

gonna hold the loss since i vowed to go for broke to begin with.

>> No.16300286

I have that and I’ve never even done cocaine... did a few meme lines with smashed pills, maybe 4 times in my life.

Is it possibly just genetic?

>thank you for your contributions to medicine
>not a single mention of how much dough investors stand to make
Nerds don’t know their audience

>> No.16300290

what the fuck nobody checked these digits for you bro?
consider yourself checked

>> No.16300301

I would like oil to break out pls thx

>> No.16300327

AMRN is gonna fuck me tomorrow, isn't it? I've never won a gamble

>> No.16300338

extreem gebaseerd

>> No.16300350

>To this end, Archila reiterated his buy rating on AMRN stock along with a price target of $26.00, which implies about 15% upside from current levels.

I’m a fugg in retard who bought the top and now have to sit on my shares for months...

>> No.16300361
File: 14 KB, 718x259, aaaaaaahhhhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

swing trade commodities they said, it'll be fun they said

>> No.16300364

anyone else enjoy the beep boops of bloomberg global news in the background while shitposting?

>> No.16300383
File: 245 KB, 243x175, i hurt myself today.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll turn it around.
this is only my 2nd loss. kek.
first one was buying fucking crypto.

>> No.16300385

The price target is at $29. The Holy Buyout would deliver $60. Consider the recent good events. There is only upside from here on.

>> No.16300391

which phase is amarin's drugs in anyway?

>> No.16300395

December 29th it enters mass production

>> No.16300396

the buyout phase

>> No.16300427

gives me verastem vibes desu.
10 to 0,86. what's the efficacy like? i checked it out once but i stopped watching since i was already stuck in CVRS.

>> No.16300429

Chicago pizza is shit.

>> No.16300431

Holy fuck you’re right. And all the posters everywhere saying the same shit about shorts and whatnot...

>> No.16300434

PFE is the leading candidate for the Buyout. They currently have a large hole in their product lineup. The previous cash cow for them Lipotor has been "shot" so to speak.

>> No.16300482

Some ppl naturally have that
Any type of nasal high i wouldnt do, needles and noses are what i avoid.
They seem disgusting to try out

>> No.16300493

ahem, let me give you another one
12 to 1,74 post approval.

>> No.16300525

Lipitor went up to 90 and PFE wants another Lipitor

>> No.16300542

I doubt we’re going to be that lucky.
Pharma wants to keep up with MRK’s keytruda, and they’re busy trying to be THE immuno-oncology company.

Yikes. I thought my VSTM and LPTX bags would be enough to keep me from coming back to this space and buying the top. Apparently not.

>> No.16300548

alright if you say so.
don't be one of the suckers that keeps holding on the ride down if no buyout comes.
usually these discussions take place pre approval with a contingency for it to receive approval to initiate merging procedures.

>> No.16300557

>VSTM and LPTX bags
i feel for you.
not to worry. i'm holding a dreadful bag too.
we'll get over it soon.

>> No.16300581

Galt to Zero™

>> No.16300598

Oil to 58+ in 48 hours because i would prefer that to be the case

>> No.16300601

Normies get the fuck out

>> No.16300602

It took a year after Lipotor was on the market before PFE bought them. If PFE had bought them soon as they cleared FDA approval then the price PFE forked out would've been less. Also there is still 4 weeks and a few days before AMRN's next meeting, lots of things could happen behind the scenes regarding Buyout talks.

>> No.16300609
File: 753 KB, 1125x1614, 9D111C6D-06BB-4D78-AC9B-563099951C3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck my dude

>> No.16300618

Or hell even partnership talks. That would move the stock biggly as well.

>> No.16300619

it's been 5 years since i last traded WTI crude. But how the hell is it going to make that with shale production compensating for stocked oil reserves?

>> No.16300628

Theoretically? Warren presidency = fracking ban = oil to the moon
If she comes out of the debate looking like the candidate, we could see a spike.

>> No.16300631

Only down another 4.3%, that's >30% in the last five days. Looks like back to $2.00 land tomorrow, and the foreseeable future until new management takes over, before it's too late.

>> No.16300640

BILI beat on earnings and revenue. I need this for my folio been a bad week.

>> No.16300641

not one to wreck plans but make sure you have an exit plan man. pharma stocks break portfolios and dreams. counting on either of the two while the company makes no preperation to enter the mass market rings alarm bells for me, speaking post approval.

>> No.16300643
File: 89 KB, 750x937, 1526772002908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why you should buy a lot of dividend stocks you silly anon!

>> No.16300648

It's supposed to happen ebfore this:

>> No.16300652

Just wait until you get assigned 100 lean hogs showing up at your door after forgetting to sell your option before expiry.

>> No.16300654
File: 35 KB, 1040x382, amd3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at what point do i go out of amd and into amrn call writing? been burned once but i know yall hyped from the approval

>> No.16300663

You’re going to write naked calls?

>> No.16300701
File: 6 KB, 225x225, kek 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Warren presidency
bro, nono. kek.
i meant stocked oil. as in pulled out of the ground and stored. OPEC meetings have been a complete farce with the proposed production limits in the past and ARAMCO has been flooding the markets past the production cuts with their oil. then there's also the oil already pulled that are stored in midstream facilities worldwide which i was referring to. mind you i shorted WTI crude from 110$ to 38$ or so years ago. i got out specifically because there wasn't much to gain anymore till the oil stored was gone.

>> No.16300718

Thank you.

>> No.16300745

Oh fuck no. Not that.

>> No.16300747

Not that I disagree about the likelihood, but there’s still 11.9 months left for Hong Kong and the Middle East to erupt, The Big One™ to hit LA, and the mutated Ebola epidemic to strike. Market crash is always a possibility, he loses the market and he may lose office.

The fact that Aramco controls so much of the oil flow in the world leads me to think they could pump the fuck out of the price to get maximal value out of their IPO.

>> No.16300761

She just has to beat Biden, she doesn’t have to actually win.

>> No.16300768

that's true. probability of weird shit happening soon is too high.
anyway. hope you keep an eye on shale mining (oil sands). they are profitable at 50$mark only and above that will put pressure on price.
if at all possible, then i hope you will be able to buy in from there.
godspeed man.

>> No.16300771

I have a 140 call on ibm with expiry at 11/22. Did I do good frens? It is my first option I have ever bought!

>> No.16300784


>> No.16300826

stop gambling

>> No.16300838
File: 54 KB, 731x747, 1572994946111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to calls and even I know this sounds bad fren

>> No.16300839

Load up on SPY puts
Easy gains all week
The trend is your friend

>> No.16300840

When's the expiration?

>> No.16300847

Why? Bought a vxx call as a yolo hedge.

>> No.16300872


>> No.16300884

Trade talks are garbage
Trump is an idiot
Fed can’t pump forever

Trust me kid....it’s a sinking ship.

>> No.16300917

In any event it does not really mater what the labeling is on AMRN. Once they get past the 28th the drug will be selling like crack. They've been running ads about it more and more as the date gets closer. Doctor's offices will be overran by people trying to get there hands on it. Then there's the rest of the world to consider. Broad label, narrow label; still loads of Profit for them either way. Don't forget it's already in use for very high risk people.

>> No.16300941






>> No.16300987

Does anyone buy options with the intention of actually exercising them?

For example, if I typically put in $100 a week to my Robinhood. Obviously, I put it into things I expect to go up. What if, instead, I bought a call for say, 6 months from now, locked in the price now, and then just set that money aside for something else in the meantime.

>> No.16301173

May the golden cow smile upon us.

>> No.16301548

>bitcoin tied to tether
>tether tied to USD
>tether scam not even tied to USD but claim they are
>crypto market reliant on bitcoin
If one falls they all do.

>> No.16301553

U do now. Welcome to /smg/

>> No.16301748


Bruh you should have invested in maxr. They win either way if it is going to be a LEO or GEO constellation.