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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 37 KB, 780x438, 160927210830-tk-ah0927-exlarge-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16297499 No.16297499 [Reply] [Original]

Biz, what is the ultimate truth?

>> No.16297505

Link is a centralized scam

>> No.16297514

Nothing is absolute.

>> No.16297515

You’re not allowed to know it

>> No.16297528

Psychos can read minds.

>> No.16297531

death and taxes

>> No.16297552

chainlink token not needed

>> No.16297553

We are all cells of one entity which is the son of God. We are all one.

>> No.16297561

That Jesus Christ died on the cross for all our sins and rose again the third day and that saved us fro hell forever.

Here is how to live forever:

>> No.16297563
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quite simple really

things are the way they are by design

who's design? Perhaps there's your crumb...

>> No.16297579
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0 = +1 -1

>> No.16297589


this meme must die for the human race to advance. it has permeated everyone's psyche for far too long with little benefit to the masses that believed it. I hope we live to see it replaced with a better way.

>> No.16297604
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nihilism will kill you
There IS absolute truth. The west has brainwashed its masses to believe otherwise. It turned people into yes-men and "do what you want" type culture.

>> No.16297607

The good guys lost WW2

>> No.16297619
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Anderson is a kike and so is your entire jew religion.

The simple truth is that the european Gods are real.

>> No.16297626

Based. I'm glad the truth is spreading.

>> No.16297634

Nothing matters except for progress in ai.
If we all focus on it, we can become immortal gods.

>> No.16297639
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for some reason this seems like the best answer

>> No.16297717

>Biz, what is the ultimate truth?

we're all too late to the crypto party to make it.

>> No.16297723

is it not true that you will be taxed?

>> No.16297724


>> No.16297734

Belief is the power that fuels successful men, and is the one true key to wealth and success. Those who do not truly believe in themselves or believe they deserve great things will never have any. They will pine for such niceties but will ultimately fail because they find as many ways to destroy their belief of desire as humanly possible.

This goes for you too, /biz/. Remember, you will only make it if you believe you will make it to start. Have your doubts, sure, but do not let them cloud your core beliefs.

>> No.16297752


Return to paganism and master morality when?

>> No.16297760

have sex

>> No.16297778

I have. Thank you for your concern, however.

>> No.16297793


Taxed by force until you die sound good? Why sign on the dotted line when you can change the system or create a better one from scratch? Isn't that what Bitcoin is, when Bitcoin will be 100 million satoshis and not a dollar amount?

>> No.16297918

>muh wood and stones will save me

>> No.16298139


>> No.16298176
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>> No.16298177

>jew religion.
This. Unironically Islam is a jew religion too

>> No.16298181

Who said it was about the worship of stones and wood? Low IQ.

>> No.16298194

what you're describing is fantasy and will never happen. bitcoin was and always will be a speculative project

>> No.16298196

the truth is life is about power

>> No.16298206

only some of us will make it

>> No.16298298

They crypto market is slowly dying, it has maybe one more run in it however after that it will go quietly into the night.

>> No.16298320
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There is no truth. Nothing is possible.

>> No.16298357

Jesus Christ is Lord

>> No.16298364

I am the greatest of all time.

>> No.16298425

Jesús is lord and we will all stand before him in judgment

>> No.16298449


>> No.16298461

No amount of consumption will fill that hole in your soul.

>> No.16298487

You're fucked if you think you'll make it from crypto. Start a business and be your own boss is how to make it. Also, stocks and index funds are far superior

>> No.16298496

Money buys pussy

>> No.16298504

many of us have made massive gains with LINK this year

>> No.16298506

NoFap is useless.

>> No.16298536


What about the paranoia you feel afterwards as opposed to having a clear conscience? And it's not something you can rationalize it's something you feel, like good vibes vs bad vibes.

>> No.16298565

>gets cucked by the literal 'kike' religion and exterminated from Europe
Nice 'poweful' religion you have there

>> No.16298587

That we cannot know, only believe.

>> No.16298621
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>> No.16298655

blood is flowing everywhere, we are all part of a system, the spirit gives and takes based on your internal battles, there is a justice system based on dopamine in the natural world but can't be quantitative yet

>> No.16298657
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>he thinks it got cucked
I'm sure you've heard prots talk about how catholicism is paganism rigth? You worship a jewish subversive religion. nice goin!

>> No.16298672


>there is a justice system based on dopamine in the natural world
This is really interesting. Can you elaborate more on it?

>> No.16298704
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>> No.16298738

CSW is Satoshi Nakamoto and BSV is BitCoin

>> No.16298784

The only theories that have validity on 4chan are investment opportunities because there is financial incentive to find the best coin. 4chan doesn't find truth. It finds ideas that the general public doesn't feel comftorable talking about.

>> No.16298796 [DELETED] 


nofap is legit but it's based on semen retention, on life itself, it's energy, however fapping itself won't give you depression, it will just make you more content with what you already have, it will make you avoid struggling, it will make you content with being caged

porn in the other hand will absolutely destroy you, because all porn is mostly based on watching a couple having sex, it's not about you

however you can mitigate some effects of porn in your mind by practicing metta meditation, just wish well to everyone near you and try to feel love for them, that will release some oxytocin which will combat some of the effects of porn

you should strive to not release semen at all because that will flourish you with life itself, you will be able to get the will to do anything you want, people will feel that you are guided by god himself, and that you are freer than any man they have met, however you need to know some tricks that i won't show here but you should research about, otherwise the energy won't flow through you and you will likely get stagnant and get depressed


when you burn too much energy after acting from dopamine urges, the universe condemns you and everyone can sense that you are wicked and weak, however in the modern world you can bypass many of these punishments because it guides itself by other laws

some men are born with more life than others, so they can burn more life without being so punished by it, also being able to go through tension and resolve it makes you extend your lifepool, being sheltered unironically makes you have less lifepool under your belt and the justice system in nature condemns you more if you burn energy

>> No.16298881

what activities burn energy aside from fapping? Video games maybe, watching TV too much?

>> No.16298937
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0xBitcoin will make a lot of people wealthy.

>> No.16298947

Everyone is trying jew you.

>> No.16299047

>denying the very forces that created the world around him
>ignoring the life giving power that is Nature itself by placing more value in temporary knick-knacks than those primal elemental building blocks our species had to rely on for millennia

>> No.16299355

oldfag here

0xbitcoin is going to surprise the hell out of everyone and possibly cause some suicides

>> No.16299648

I was gonna say you never die, but this is the best answer here

>> No.16300132


>> No.16300256

That there is no ultimate truth, I suppose you could say

>> No.16300426


>> No.16300467

>Everyone is trying jew you
Not everyone, but indeed most people are

>> No.16300494

Time is your greatest enemy.

>> No.16300508

Nothing is absolute except for infinity

>> No.16300516


>> No.16300543

Kindness is weakness. Either you use people or people will use you.

>> No.16300810


>> No.16300816
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man defines his own purpose,

man defines his own self,

hold these words close brother

>> No.16301032
File: 626 KB, 720x540, CANNED+FEUD+%284%29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cash always loses value, except during a depression

The most valuable commodity you have is your attention of which a proxy is your time, and time = money. So how you manage your attention is how you manage your money.

The only way you can become rich is to start or become owner of a business, but accept the stress and financial insecurity that comes with it.

>> No.16301050
File: 489 KB, 940x1346, 20191118_160931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything is voluntary

>> No.16301060


>> No.16301254 [DELETED] 

this attitude is why people fuck people in the first place. it's circular abusive behavior.
don't do this
"an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"

>> No.16301272

don't kill yourself over tokens tho
no, this attitude just makes people fuck each other over in a circular fashion. Fucking other people because you assume they're out to fuck you, makes the world shittier and will probably get you fucked harder as a result eventually

>> No.16301281

We live in a simulation.

>> No.16301317

Kidness is not by any means a weakness, being stupid is.

>> No.16301383


>> No.16301489

Traps are gay.

>> No.16301916

you missed the boat and won't get rich off crypto

>> No.16302101
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Anon here is not the place to seek it, u must venture of into the deep web there lies the ultimate truth.

>> No.16302109

Bsv is the real bitcoin.

Check em

>> No.16302124

Bitbean is the only 1000x left in crypto

>> No.16302128

It saddens me that it took so long for this

>> No.16302174

Crowley fan?

>> No.16302176

Never read rich dad poor dad?

>> No.16302189

Capitalism is an inefficient way of organizing a society's economic production in the information age

>> No.16302195

are we 0?

>> No.16302197

niggers tongue my anus

>> No.16302228

To live is to chase temporary feelings of joy until you are dead. And death, which is certain, is the only real adventure left.

>> No.16302242

Wait.. if I fill this out, I don't owe FICA tax out of my paycheck??

>> No.16303059

I am

>> No.16303086

Fantom is the new Ethereum

>> No.16303106

your mother sucks dick in hell

>> No.16303163

Everything is momentary and none of anything fucking matters

>> No.16303203

False. Immediately cash becomes worth more but then the fed hyperinflates the usd to provide incentive for people to put their money back into the market and in a depression money is hyperinlated more than in a recession.