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16296049 No.16296049 [Reply] [Original]

How do people justify this?

>> No.16296156

Easy, with poo. Just eat poo nigga. It's worth it, trust me. Nothing is better than eating poo.

>> No.16296175

Bad governance who gave up on investing in infrastructure and just decided to bribe companies instead.

>> No.16296179

They pay tons of taxes and wages.
What they do get are tax write-offs because they can add wages, investments, utility bills, ... on the liability side of the balance sheet.

>> No.16296218

So do other companies and small businesses. Why don't they get the same write-offs?

>> No.16296238

They do.
I hardly paid any taxes that year I bought a new car, or the year I bought new offices.

>> No.16296252

buy bitcoin. taxes are a meme. we won't need to sell

>> No.16296275

>How do people justify this?

>Hurr they make the jobs go so they shouldn't have to pay!
>If we make them pay that means my products will cost more! Poor Bezos will make less money!
>*takes large bribe*

>> No.16296291

Amazon was clearly offered other write-offs and incentives, you're being dishonest.

>> No.16296299

>Amazon was clearly offered other write-offs and incentives
"Other" than what?

>> No.16296302

Go back to your crypto threads, neet.

>> No.16296316

A lot of countries are moving from taxing companies to taxing citizens, because a company brings jobs and investment to the area. Whereas a citizen cannot easily move to another country if they don't like your taxes, so they are easier to tax.

>> No.16296318

>Amazon will receive performance-based direct incentives of $573 million based on the company creating 25,000 jobs with an average wage of over $150,000 in Arlington. This includes a workforce cash grant from the Commonwealth of Virginia of up to $550 million based on $22,000 for each job created over the next 12 years. Amazon will only receive this incentive if it creates the forecasted high-paying jobs. The company will also receive a cash grant from Arlington of $23 million over 15 years based on the incremental growth of the existing local Transient Occupancy Tax, a tax on hotel rooms.

>> No.16296323

But dude he gets to CAGE IT UP 5 days a week! And he gets paid for the opportunity! I can't think of any better work environment than serving my corporate overlords while sprinting from task to task without sufficient bathroom breaks! I hear they even let you pick your own hours or not show up for a week! That means you still only have to slave away over 70% of your free time!

>> No.16296327

Other than their costs. Cities offer Amazon tax credits to open in those cities, preventing less pozzed places from getting jobs AND reducing taxes given to the community AND putting others who do pay taxes out of business. Big cities are dying so they'd rather drain the life out of their nation than change their ways.

>> No.16296362

Yeah, I really can't understand this.

How do people justify taxation?

People should be protesting more against taxation!

>> No.16296364

Obviously things are different for massive companies, and it's normal for cities to compete for a chance to have something like Amazon create tens of thousands of jobs in their area.
But small companies get grants all the time as well.
I got 3k from the government for buying a fully electric car.

>> No.16296372

>Obviously things are different for massive companies
That obviousness is the exact problem you blockhead.

>> No.16296395

You got a problem with cities engaging in competition over an Amazon coming to their area?

Also, learn to read; small businesses get "cash grants" all the time as well.

>> No.16296465

>You got a problem with cities engaging in competition over an Amazon coming to their area?
That's the entire point of this thread.

>Also, learn to read; small businesses get "cash grants" all the time as well.
Learn to think; this isn't a binary issue of getting cash grants or not.

>> No.16296505

>That's the entire point of this thread.
You want to make laws so cities won't compete over things like massive employment opportunities?

>Learn to think; this isn't a binary issue of getting cash grants or not.
But of course it is.
You brought up cash grants for Amazon to prove that large companies get offered "other" things compared to small companies.
But in fact both receive cash grants.

>> No.16296534

>How do people justify this?

USPS and other government run entities pay no taxes, yet get BILLIONS in US subsidies.

There are currently 4+ Million government workers on the US payroll that the tax payers are paying for. Most of those jobs are a complete waste.

Why should only private companies face scrutiny but the government waste gets a free pass?

>> No.16296553

>There are currently 4+ Million government workers on the US payroll that the tax payers are paying for. Most of those jobs are a complete waste.
>Why should only private companies face scrutiny but the government waste gets a free pass?

Oh, and I love how all these government workers essentially get to "vote" and approve of their own Pension and salary increases, paid for by you and I.

>> No.16296610

>You want to make laws so cities won't compete over things like massive employment opportunities?
Where did I say that?
>But of course it is.
Try thinking a bit more.

>> No.16296654

Nah I'm a capitalist, the government does not get to pick favorites and different tax laws for different orgs. That's a practice of monarchy and communism.

>> No.16296681
File: 67 KB, 450x451, 1526421798296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this bait or are you an actual fucking retard?
>Be New York City
>Have high taxes but best talent pool
>Hey Jeff, wanna set up your east coast HQ here and hire from our talent pool?
>Jeff Bezos: "lol fuck you and fuck your taxes"
>New York: "We'll give you a credit of $3b to come here which would offset the cost of doing business here and would be made up by 50k high paying jobs and ancillary service jobs needed to support the new HQ like food service, grocery, etc.
>AOC: reeeeeee they're taking money that literally doesn't exist and giving it to the rich!
>Amazon: "lol fuck this place" We'll create billions in payroll taxes etc in a place not infested with leftist retards.
>No new jobs.
>No new tax revenue
>No new companies considering coming here
>A win for the people!

>> No.16296684

taxes on income are immoral and required a fucking constitutional amendment to get passed

there should be no taxes on income. you are a fucking serf.

>> No.16296694

New York City is a shithole, Amazon or not.

You replied to the wrong person.

>> No.16296695

Most people are losers and hate the winners

>> No.16296730

>Where did I say that?
You said the entire point of this thread was "having a problem with cities competing over things like an Amazon branch".

>Try thinking a bit more.
You stated "cash grants" as proof of "other incentives" large corporations get compared to small businesses.
But the reality is both large and small businesses get cash grants.

>> No.16296742

>You said the entire point of this thread was "having a problem with cities competing over things like an Amazon branch".
Yes I did.

>But the reality is both large and small businesses get cash grants.
This is true but this is not the issue. Try a little harder.

>> No.16296748

>the government does not get to pick favorites and different tax laws for different orgs
Cities manage their own budgets, so if they want to compete with other areas in attracting large employers, that's just the free market at work.

>> No.16296758

>Yes I did.
So that's where you said that.

>This is true but this is not the issue.
Then why bring it up lmao.

>> No.16296759

Do you think a different set of tax laws apply to amazon? These write offs encourage these companies not to send their operations off shore and keep money in the economy.

>> No.16296770
File: 33 KB, 625x352, Mrs bZnf16tj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry you can't afford NYC and are salty about it. Let's say it is a shit hole though, where other than San Francisco can you find a workforce talented enough to fill 50k high(er) profile jobs?

the rest of the continent looks like pic related

>> No.16296790

>So that's where you said that.
Trying using that reading skill you're so proud of.

>Then why bring it up lmao.
You have a brain, us it.

See >>16296318

Clearly they found North Virginia.

>> No.16296894

>tax break for productive company bad

>> No.16296928

See >>16296654

>> No.16296933

See >>16296894

>> No.16296950

Unequal, not-level-playing-field, tax breaks are bad, yes.

>> No.16296967

Nah, make a company that isn't shit.

>> No.16297013

Yes and congrats to Virginia for not biting the hand that feeds them and gaining the jobs. All northern cities are going to Detroit themselves by taxing the rich and the corps out. RIP Chicago/NYC/Philadelphia/Boston. 100 years from now maybe only NYC will still have any relevance Chicago will be as important as Des Moines at best.

>> No.16297034

>Trying using that reading skill you're so proud of.
>You have a brain, us it.
You're pretty dim-witted, but you probably think very highly of yourself.

>> No.16297081

Many of them have problems that extend beyond 'muh jobs' but okay.

If an issue is not binary, what other type of issue could it be?

>> No.16297622
File: 8 KB, 294x313, 1530293689542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No shit. muh unfunded pension liabilities, muh collapse of infrastructure, muh population decline and decimation of tax base. Better raise taxes and chase out job creators, that'll fix it.

Pic related: Bill DeBlasio official mayoral photo

>> No.16297766

I don't recall anyone hating Bezos (or Amazon) until he became the world's richest.

If it was really his wealth you were coveting, you'd been after him when he was worth $20 billion or whatever. Instead, you only come after him when he tops the charts at $100 billion.

I think what you really covet is his status as the world's richest. You want to rob his wealth, not for the wealth in its own right, but to raise your status relative to his, or to bring him down to your level.

You guys really are pathetic.

>> No.16298694
File: 60 KB, 612x472, 1529691490712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bezos has created more in the last year than everyone who has ever posted on this board will collectively create in their lives. Fuck him though. FuCk AmAzOn! I'm going back to Wal-Mart.

>> No.16299134

You would think that given how fucked up everything is right now, with multiple countries finally reaching their breaking points and rioting, with all the blatant corruption at high levels of power, that it would be easier than EVER to reach a tipping point of rallying normies against any and all taxation.