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16295071 No.16295071 [Reply] [Original]

Amongst other things it claims:

1. To be overthrowing the incumbent Illuminati power structure
2. To have structured the targeting for the world's next genocide on the world's super-rich paedophiles
3. To have locked World War 3 so that it mostly constitutes a Sunni Muslim drive down into Africa
4. That Satoshi Nakamoto is a name used to represent a school of thought known as The Central Way, most of the practitioners of which are ninjas
5. That ninjas launched a plan to takeover the world in 1600, the night before the battle of Sekigahara, which is now going public
6. That the introduction of Bitcoin has *already* destroyed and defeated the system of fractional reserve banking, we just do not yet understand how and why this is fully the case
7. That the next stage in The Central Way's project targets politics, legal structure and military strategy
8. That both Jesus Christ and the Prophet Mohammed are presently incarnated on Earth and have been identified by the Central Way in much the same manner as the Gelugpa sect identify reincarnations of the Dalai Lama
9. That they have controlled the strategic context of the world stage such that President Trump will win the next election

And more besides.

>> No.16295094

Where is this information to follow?

>> No.16295106

im ready for the next moonshot.

>> No.16295172

Market is being artifically pumped. It would lead to hyperinflation. They can deflate the dollar which will make stocks unattractive. Crypto, will then be the preferred vehicle of investment? Money won't flow back to traditional systems anymore because crypto gives you redpills you can't escape from.

>> No.16295374

Link to this book? Sounds interesting and very Q-pilled.

>> No.16295409

kek one of my friends' dads is extremely connected, think bohemian grove guest, but got there through being smart not being born into it. doesn't strike me as a pedo at all. anyway according to him his dad said that he met ninjas who could run across a plaza during a rainstorm and come out on the other side being completely dry, having dodged the raindrops. it always stuck with me because it would be out of character for the guy to make something like that up.

>> No.16295579

OP you can't just leave us hanging with a bombshell like this, wtf

>> No.16295734

Satoshi co firmed to be Neil Breen

>> No.16295981

woah, some guy on an anon pig stuffing forum said something that his friend said his dad said. It must be true. i choose to believe that ninjas can dodge raindrops instead of considering the obvious....that it was a hyperbolic statement or taken out of context.....or just straight up bullshit.

>> No.16297189
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1 man alone cannot be making all these patents. He definitely has some help from people who are even higher up than him. I'm assuming CSW and Q group and Trump group and Brexit group and yellow vest group and Occupy Wall Street group and many other white hat groups are naturally drawn to ridding the world of the same realized evil people even though they didn't explicitly plan to work together

>> No.16297768

bluepilled as fuck

>> No.16297786

SN is currently working on Chainlink.

>> No.16297822

where is this book?

>> No.16297842

no, just some asshole patent trolls funded by the billionaire casino guy

>> No.16297882

what redpills? that money gives you power? was the same thing with fiat and the same thing now with crypto.

>> No.16298184

you have to go back

>> No.16298529

I believe him.

>> No.16298926


Imagine believing this is true