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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 222 KB, 750x501, boomerCUnts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16292218 No.16292218 [Reply] [Original]

how do I make money off these shits? What frivolities do they waste their funds on? I want to exploit them the same way they exploited the pristine communities and economies that they inherited.

>> No.16292229

Become a life coach.

>> No.16292232

Yachts, mansions, fancy dinners all the time, cruise ships. My father is a rich boomer who bought a bunch of tiled portraits of random shit a few months ago. One is at the bottom of his pool.

>> No.16292262

First off it is baby boomers. They are getting sicker. Lots don't want to retire and their work places have given them tremendous latitude over their failing health and other issues.

All those toys they have. All that money isn't going to mean shit. Sure they will get better nursing care, but does it matter much when you can't control your bowels?

>> No.16292270

>better nursing care
Someone post the webm with the niggers slapping around the old folks home people.

>> No.16292274

Luxury retirement homes. They have been popping up around my area in the last 10 years and have apparently been quite successful due to seeing the same companies open multiple locations.

>> No.16292284

Adult diapers

>> No.16292299
File: 119 KB, 870x1390, indianmanhandoverheadinshockagainstawhitebackgroundBHKY0N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm want having sex with that MILF pusy

>> No.16292321
File: 14 KB, 224x224, Cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked shirts.
Tickets to see Whitesnake, the blonde one from the Runaways, Fleetwood Mac, and ABBA tribute bands.
Those shitty dad joke one-panels about how obstinate or useless women are, or how "technology bad, old things good" that when not emblazed on a sticker on their fridge are ironically enough shared through Facebook letting them get datamined.

Insistance 'security' even as they give away all their data to data-mining companies, looking for porn while logged into their Google account.

Buying the exact same music they once had on CD or Vinyl at lest 15 years ago, because they they threw them out convinced MP3 was better

>> No.16292331

scalping concert tickets?

>> No.16292343

this, can even staff them with laquishas and they will beat the shit out of them

>> No.16292356

Luxury retirement homes for the ones that can afford it. Budget ones for the old fucks that wasted all their money on cruises. Torture them in the budget homes.

>> No.16292359

Yes, but I'm thinking more useless overhead - like mass booking evenings where you organize for them to go to a buffet or something before hand.
Boomers love anything that doesn't require any actual initiative or decision making, but they can still pick apart and complain about things.
>"Oh Harry don't you think this pork chop is a little dry?"
>"Luanne that's not the only pig that's dry in this room. I'm just kidding you know I love you, especially when you don't use my credit card hyuk hyuck hyuck"

>> No.16292372


you deserve a prize sir

>> No.16292385

Thanks. Sadly I'm just an ideas guy. I wouldn't know how the fuck to start up a bussiness like this, where to market it (doctors offices? local comedy clubs? where do boomers make their entertainment decisions?). How to get the credit to buy the tickets en masse (or better yet just get preferential booking from the promoter), or get the credit to pay a bus and driver and all that shit.

Too bad I can't just buy a plot land in 1971 with no college education and wait for it to grow exponentially in value.

>> No.16292471

imagine falling for the commie boomer-hate meme

>> No.16292475


my guy. what's your email son?

>> No.16292479

imagine being an enormous, talking epic proportions, self-inflated, retarded-dipshit faggot that just loves to gobble cocks

just imagine that but i dont have to because you're here retarded faggot

>> No.16292481

scam them

>> No.16292487

Boomers profited massively off of any investments they ever took. Boomers quite literally cannot fail unless they somehow never bought property or inherited any.

>> No.16292490

Why, what can I do for you?
I made a temp email, here it is.


>> No.16292508

yikes lol basement dweller is mad

So youre jealous that people took advantage of their economic situation? Like anyone would have done? PS: anyone in the last ten years could have also made tons of money off any investment

>> No.16292572

Some Boomers in a vw Beatle started blasting Kodak Black and noggin out at the red light next to me to be ironic. Can't make this up they all need to rope but when?

>> No.16292630
File: 40 KB, 496x503, 1561702480169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool sent it

>> No.16292649


I like that picture xD

>> No.16292659

Those retirement villages seem like a bit of con, I was looking into them for my boomer dad, they seem pretty cheap little living areas at first, but then you look at the strata and admin fees they charge, it's almost like buying a house and paying rent to them at the same time.

>> No.16292673
File: 55 KB, 444x580, soyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine being an enormous, talking epic proportions, self-inflated, retarded-dipshit faggot that just loves to gobble cocks
>just imagine that but i dont have to because you're here retarded faggot

>> No.16292709


>> No.16292712

Scam em

>> No.16292717
File: 7 KB, 210x240, 1568321207304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16292735

Used Red Corvette Convertibles with Automatic Transmission.

>> No.16292765

I read somewhere that ebay was comprised of mostly boomers buying old, tacky, antiquated shit. Boomers are big on nostalgia. Exploit this and you can make some serious dough.

>> No.16292780
File: 8 KB, 229x250, 1571847328967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anonymous (ID: d0rAVc1x) 11/18/19(Mon)01:22:29 No.162927171568321207304.png (7 KB, 210x240)File: 1568321207304.png (7 KB, 210x240) google yandex iqdb wait>>16292673

>> No.16292788
File: 129 KB, 640x677, 1573886583785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

touche basedcuck

>> No.16292790
File: 148 KB, 836x786, 1567816185049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anonymous (ID: d0rAVc1x) 11/18/19(Mon)01:36:28 No.162927881573886583785.png (129 KB, 640x677)File: 1573886583785.png (129 KB, 640x677) google yandex iqdb wait129 KB PNG>>16292780(You)
>touche basedcuck

>> No.16293241
File: 106 KB, 859x1024, 1542961898136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Buy Healthcare ETF and pick Some good Health Company stocks which pay goood dividend and have castle moat on some products Boomers and Baby Boomers need to stay alive (hearth pill, diabetes products, and other organ medicaments)
As harsh as this sounds, it shold become a good market for the next 20 years. At least.