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16290835 No.16290835 [Reply] [Original]

FTM is better than ETH

>> No.16290851

320k reporting in. One of the 10 anons on biz remaining

>> No.16291173

A thread died for this. For promoting yet another ETH competitor that will likely never go past its ERC20 status.
At least others have something interested going for them: Cardano with their "peer-review everything" approach,
or ONE who are at least trying to do some marketing and outreach to keep the price from collapsing.
But FTM has none of that. No outreach, no tech, nothing.
>muh Github activity
Ask someone with at least some technical knowledge in this space and he will quickly be able to tell you that FTM just copied Hedera Hashgraph's codebase and added some fluff to it.

>> No.16291182

Also 320k reporting in. Just waiting for Valhalla

>> No.16291197

>will likely never go past its ERC20 status

>> No.16291204
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100k here


>> No.16291217
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230k here...is 300k the real deal? I was trying to diversify into other coins to hedge...now I'm getting nervous I might miss out.

>> No.16291534

Yeah they were able to copy paste closed source, private code.

Fucking genius here.

>> No.16291554

when this goes passed $10 it depends how much you want to make it. I'm selling half at $10 and will ride the rest for staking gains. (But I imagine I'll have around 1.5-3M by then thanks to early workchain gains. Only need about a 5x which is laughably easy to achieve.) Then it's just about maintaining that sweet passive income. I'm aiming to get minimum 1M because taxes are a bitch on crypto stakings.

>> No.16291580
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>copied Hedera code that is not released

>> No.16291840
File: 603 KB, 750x1334, 79224661-B1C6-483C-B21E-90E9CB9614EB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how any fud this gets is completely bullshit retarded shit like this lmao get fucked brainlet

>> No.16291868

Here's some fud for you. Satsgang has and continues to pump and dump this shitcoin. Satsgang started this thread, is 100% of all FTM positive posts ITT. Satsgang has a history is dumping to ATL on every small mc coin they pump.
This is nothing more than a pump and dump scam of a failed shitcoin

>> No.16291882

>continues to PND
>the satsgang wallet has 18M tokens left
that's not enough to damage the price moron. The wallet was traced, at best with an 18M sell wall it would go down 10 sats and that's all. Weak fud.

>> No.16291940

I created this thread you absolute retarded shitlord KYS

>> No.16292055

Satsgang does not work with promising projects as part of their business model. They only work with failed projects that have no chance for success. This has been proven over and over again. Look at their biggest Target now Constellation DAG. It's an absolute failure, they don't even have money left and only 4 staff.
The key to a pump and dump is full manipulation of the token price, you can only do this with small mc with no chance in hell of movement unless it's manipulated. Keep dreaming of you think otherwise, I will dig it up the feds wrote a whole document on how pump and dumps work.

50 FTM threads per day. Sure pajeet that seems realistic, definitely not a pump and dump group doing exactly what pump and dump groups do....post 50 threads per day.

>> No.16292142

Top kek. You’re joking r-right?

>> No.16292162
File: 560 KB, 750x1334, D695FE2D-FE28-4C30-8FF3-1F809C6E2066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re braindead
Go back to link threads with your autism faggot

>> No.16292185

That's what pump and dump groups as big as satsgang do

>> No.16292190
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Muhhh fud shut the fuck up idiot and get out

>> No.16292215

You know what’s fucking annoying? The fact that the client doesn’t HAVE to stake FTM to secure the network and can use ANY other token.
Imagine the fucking moon mission we missed out in there.
I am a semi brainlet with tokenomics though so I’m sure there’s a reason.

>> No.16292236
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Their clients already bought their stacks of FTM about 5 months ago brother

>> No.16292320

That’s speculation isn’t it? And you’re probably talking about the validator reward pool.

>> No.16292339
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>> No.16292404

It appears you have been caught telling a fib, do you wish to retract your statement?

>> No.16292410
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>> No.16292428
File: 741 KB, 750x1334, 91A9E649-D413-4496-8DBE-041105A39C8F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16292433

Same tactics in every Satsgang thread. Non response to fud posted by follow-up image of some unrelated bullshit screenshot.
These pajeets really do prey on the lowest IQ brainlets

>> No.16292451
File: 600 KB, 750x1334, F5B7A722-57F4-4C88-9366-9311B63AAEEF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad idiot
No one here is satsgang you schizo poster

>> No.16292458
File: 587 KB, 750x1334, E2B123C6-239C-40DC-8F1B-2A3AE36C6572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]