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16291448 No.16291448 [Reply] [Original]

Will millennial ever be able to afford homes?

>> No.16291484


>> No.16291491

Soon they will offer mortgages for rent payments

>> No.16291493

when boomers die we'll get theirs at discount

>> No.16291506
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This until
this happens

>> No.16291535

>200k for a home
Get a van slightly used for 25k. Take immaculate care of it and live out of it for 20 years. Pay less per year for your van than per month for a house.


>> No.16291540
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False, the banks will just own the house and rent it out

>be bank in 1950 or whenever
>loan construction company money to build a house, let's say 10k
>they build a house then you give goyim a mortgage for 20k
>they pay it off and/or move give the next goy a 40k mortgage
>they pay it off and/or move give the next goy a 100k mortgage
>they pay it off and/or move give the next goy a 800k mortgage
>now you have a million dollar plywood shack and a few million more in interest and now you own it and rent it to the next goy all from your 10k initial investment

stupid goyuim

>> No.16291542

its not legal to live in a van in the land of the free

>> No.16291547
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It will happen when the boomers pop the pension bubble and in response start selling real estate en masse.

>> No.16291549

sure it is.

>> No.16291558

this. Wall Street investors are America's landlords nowadays. feudal america

>> No.16291560
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>buy a home
>pay property taxes on it for life
>land of the free

>> No.16291573
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Day of the pillow is approaching

>> No.16291605


We are at a real crossroads.

If things continue the way they are we will hit riot mode soon and it will be French Revolution style anarchy. Americans are dumb and lazy but there are limits to even that.

I think a crash in 2020 is gonna plummet homes to half their current prices. And then yeah millennials will be able to buy in.

The only alternative is India and China basically end up owning our entire country.

>> No.16291640

Are prefabricated houses an option? Despite it being a cheap alternative, one still needs to buy land to put it on right?

>> No.16291652

>Thinking that any Boomer will live to 122 years old with all of the drugs they consumed.
Anon, I...

>> No.16291718

I already bought
Not every housing market is the same. Some are pricey, some are fair.

>I think a crash in 2020 is gonna plummet homes to half their current prices
I think over the next 5-10 years we can see a stagnation and decline in property values in overvalued Boomer zip codes and 500k+ houses in areas with high taxes. But inexpensive houses (200k or less) in ok areas will continue to be in demand.
Basically, anyone making blanket statements about the entire US real estate market as if it is one big monolithic thing has no idea what they're talking about. Region and price ranges are super important. The California/Seattle/Toronto/New York home markets aren't the whole country.

>> No.16291740


This is the natural progression when financing something becomes normalized. This happened more recently with education, and has happened to automobile ownership. Normalization of financing also massively increases the base price due to increased demand.

You should literally NEVER carry debt. Under very limited and specific conditions business can use debt to grow. Individuals should never carry debt ever. If you think you should or "have too" it's because you fucked something up upstream.

Upper middle class white people who think their cumulative debt is fine and normal are no different than the niggers and Mexicans in line at the check cashing store except they make more money.

>> No.16291830
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People are financing fucking furniture now.

>the niggers and Mexicans in line at the check cashing store except they make more money.
I believe you mean the professionally-handicapped.

>> No.16291837

Jeanne Calment lived to 122. There's way more boomers than there were people in her generation. They'll probably break records all the way to 130.

>> No.16291845

Property taxes really are just a wealth tax confined to your home/business/etc. Why did the generations prior to the boomers not fight this harder?

>> No.16291854
File: 177 KB, 1010x632, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And then yeah millennials will be able to buy in.
Nigga Just Wageslave For 20 Years Like Nigga Just Save Money As It Evaporates To Inflation Haha

>> No.16291911 [DELETED] 

Ok millenial

>> No.16292000

>Just save for 30 years to buy a house bro

>> No.16292010

so about 12 years left.

>> No.16292014

Maybe if you all-in FRM before staking goes live.

>> No.16292083

>Property tax
Literally renting

>> No.16292085

In about 3-6 years...the over valuation of the housing market is coming to an end. Most property will hit 2008 level prices then.

>> No.16292093

There's cheap houses all over the country but fucking millennials wanna
live in the most expensive parts of the most expensive cities so they bitch and complain about affordable housing.

>> No.16292126
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>> No.16292224


>> No.16292285

>millennials wanna live in the most expensive parts of the most expensive cities so they bitch and complain about affordable housing.

>> No.16292370

How do you counter >>16292000?

>> No.16292381


>> No.16293253

damn dude thanks

>> No.16293269

fucking cringe

paying mortgage debt > paying rent

>> No.16293410


If boomers delay deflation for another 5 years, No.

>> No.16293491

I currently have three

>> No.16293721

>Will millennial ever be able to afford homes?
as the global bond market collapses and low taxes increase values will got down for the next 18 years.

>> No.16293739

if we get a new monetary system so that wages aren't denominated in something that is debased against consumer experiences, yes.

if wages continue to be denominated in something that loses value, no.

>> No.16293912

I own 4.

>> No.16293945

Lol Riverside, I used to live there in the 90s. Glad to hear it’s slightly less shit now

>> No.16294196

Source? I dont believe it

>> No.16294233

go long on the crossovers

>> No.16294446

>I own 4.
Real estate Chad
where do you own?

>> No.16294629

Italy, in uni cities. I rent to other guys. Kek.

>> No.16294694


>> No.16294750

>Italy, in uni cities. I rent to other guys. Kek.
good stuff.

>> No.16294777

building up cash and assets while waiting for the boomers to die so I can swoop in and buy a house

t. 25yr old

>> No.16294790


>> No.16294808

yikes this is scary accurate


>> No.16294809

This is an interesting topic, here is my 2 cents

People around my age (20 - 30) often comment on the difficulty of breaking into the housing market - although many don't consider the decrease in cost of luxuries. Such as, Travel - Flights, Accommodation and even exchange of currency are as easy as they have ever been - it's almost a part of western culture that once you finish your required schooling, you take a study break and travel, often spending thousands on discovering the world. Which is lovely, but it is a luxury that your parents (older generations) did not have.

As far as the global economy is concerned, Its somewhat average as to date, but I believe its important that people realise that the days of saving money in a bank account / term interest saver are over. inflation is considered healthy at ~2.5% which is ironic because most banks offer ~3% per year in interest. Imagine being an everyday average Joe and seeing growth of ~3% and thinking yep, my account is growing, Not realising that they're only gaining ~0.5%.

My solution to this is that we need to educate teenagers in the most basic form of finance. If you're my age (20 - 30yrs) and wanting a house in 5 to 10 years and you're shit with money (come on... admit it...) buy bonds? say they offer ~5% - that's still ~2.5% growth - a whole fucking lot better than your shitty 0.5%

ty for reading - love to hear responses

My background: Studying Mathematics & Economics (Quant & Stats) at a leading university.

>> No.16294820

buy VOO pajeet

>> No.16294826

I got a house almost 2 years ago, and been living in it with my parents who have been helping me out but now I told them I will be moving out and my mom says its fine that I should start deciding if will keep the house and rent it or sell it.
I got it at 200k or around that price but I dont remember, I had 30k saved so i was able to get it in the 1st place. I'm thinking I should sell it since my father and I have slowly been fixing it up over this period of time so I am thinking the value could go up a little bit. I'm thinking of selling it before the market crashes like you guys are predicting, at least I would have money saved up from it and I could invest in something else. Any advice brehs?
P.S. I live in the East Coast of the U.S, hence why price is hefty.

>> No.16295573

>double top

>> No.16295608

Why do millennials need homes when they would spend all day in the basement anyway?

>> No.16295672

Jesus I hate college kids. Fuck off with your privileged worldview

>> No.16295863

You don't even know how incredibly stupid you are. Seriously fuck off and spend less energy trying. You don't know what your doing. This is not meant to be hurtful but helpful. This is truth. I'm sorry if this sounds mean.

>> No.16295882

Kys. You are a disgrace for humankind

>> No.16296024
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>> No.16296067

Whats your predictions for the housing market biz?

thinking of buying a house in the next year.

and- do we have a recession coming up pretty soon?

>> No.16296237

I know plenty of millenials with mediocre jobs that are now starting to buy homes. Youre just a loser thats been left behind

>> No.16296410

ok boomer

>> No.16296704


buy bitcoin to fuck them in the ass, but first STOP SHILLING SHITCOINS you short sighted fucking dipshits! REEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.16296716

BTC has been captured by the banks to provide an illusion of escape of fiat, but to fail under load.
It is no longer bitcoin.

>> No.16296739



>> No.16296745

Face the truth and read the whitepaper.
Closing your eyes and autistically raging helps no one.

>> No.16296779


i think you don't understand, BSV doesn't follow the white paper because it's not the longest chain with the most hash rate. also it's a centralized shitcoin with no hope of adoption or becoming decentralized because it's owned by a fraud and con artist.

did you read the white paper?

>> No.16296792


how will bcash or bsv "perform under load" when there is only 1 node because you guys are running *GIGAMEG* blocks?

rofl you guys are the brainlet pond scum of the crypto space

>> No.16297167

How much money do you have saved up now?

id say get it appraised, see if the value has gone up a nice amount. if it really has you can consider selling it.
At the same time, renting it out and even making a tiny profit monthly is excellent financially.

>> No.16297173

You state misinformation and personal assault instead of defending why BTC didn't betray the title of the whitepaper.
Bitcoin is like linux, an idea that is taking root. BCH BSV NANO ETH are all different distros. Users have the choice of what to use in a free and open market.
BTC has been captured by banks and states to stifle innovation. It's too late. We may not be rich in fiat but we will upend the world.

>> No.16297190



>> No.16297201

Won't they all just inherit boomer homes? As long as those boomers don't reverse mortgage

>> No.16297243

Your personal assault won't change the fact
That BTC was captured by banks and state actors to be an illusion of escape from fiat but to fail under load.

>> No.16297370

only if they buy eth or btc

>> No.16297389

Real prices hasn't increased at all you retarded millennial whiners. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.16297462

Most of it (at least where I live) would be used on carehome fees. To ensure you get your inheritance, best take a course in how to look after old people with dementia. Also, there are some millenials whose feckless parents have already spent all their money so nothing to inherit.