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16290084 No.16290084 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16290096

I'm still a virgin at 24. I'm hoping i can lose it by 30

>> No.16290104

Saving it for marriage anon?

>> No.16290108

I‘m 29 and still a virgin
never even have kissed a girl

>> No.16290110

He meant sage and hide

>> No.16290127

How the fuck do guys not get laid in this day and age? It's never been easier. Here's a tip: don't put women on a pedestal and instead just be aloof and treat them like shit

>> No.16290131

I dont know any woman

>> No.16290147

It’s over

>> No.16290155

But I hold many chainlinks so maybe if we make it it will be my turn to have sex

>> No.16290174

Where do you meet women and have sex with them after college?

I live at my moms house in the suburbs and just go to work and gym. I see no women my age around at all

>> No.16290321

same. but it all seems like soo much work.

>> No.16290534


>> No.16291297

>It's never been easier.
yeah the rate of overweight people is 75% of the population
protip if you stick your dick in fat people it isn't some great accomplishment you have over people who don't do that

>> No.16291310

Maybe some of us dont want to be manwhores anon

>> No.16291348
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youre good, the reason youre still virgin is because you think being virgin at 29 is weird.

It is not.

But it is important you make a connection with a girl, girls are like men in many aspects, you dont need to be afraid of them.

also, im a girl

>> No.16291351
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incels are so desperate, it's pathetic. as a handsome volcel, I consider myself fortunate to still have my v-card at 25. at least half a dozen women have tried to steal it from me in the past couple years

>> No.16291957

Show tits

>> No.16291978

i only fucked bottom of the barrel women off the internet, i would be so ashamed of them i had to hide them to not let anyone see me. but i was so horny

i fuced fat black girls and even retarded girls. once a midget. all thanks to craigslist and pof also an app called meet me

>> No.16291997

tits with timestamp or gtfo and appearently all the numale fags forgot this rule or are far to homo to enforce it on you. no timestamp with tits no speaking anymore. if you're not a natural born female get the fuck out back to your containment board >>>/lgbt/

>> No.16292028

He meant it's just hard to market sell link at 2.6 and keeping the face while working at the Sardine Factory in Monterey, CA and recording video at Disney for the 2nd birthday of Maverick.

>> No.16292923 [DELETED] 

Stop with the lies. I can tell which men are virgins just by looking at them. If you are good looking women will approach you for sex. 90% of men sre not good looking enough. Women jydge men on physicsl features way more than med n judge women. Men have it harder and you don't understand.

>> No.16292933

Stop with the lies. I can tell which men are virgins just by looking at them. If you are good looking women will approach you for sex. 90% of men are not good looking enough. Women judge men on physicsl features way more than men judge women. Men have it harder and you don't understand. When you have equal rights society devolves into polygamy. The hottest men share multiple women and and a large numbrr of men get noone.

>> No.16293025

Pity help your virgin brethren. and post tits

>> No.16293044

correct symptoms, wrong diagnosis.
Women aren't attracted to men not because they aren't 'good looking enough' how fucking stupid is that, you think that in the last 20 years male genetics has somehow gone down the drain? if anything, with the help of modern technology, a man who looks out for his body and makes a modicum of effort looks better than any man could before him.

the thing that women aren't attracted to is the fact that men are reacting to modern society, and reacting badly. that is to say they're becoming numale faggots, and derivatives of. do you think that the average man in troy, rome hell even 1930's england could go his entire life without getting in a fight? hell no, but we see cowardly and weak men number in the hundreds on the streets today. Women are attracted to power, not looks, and the fact that men nowadays have very little of it does not bode well for the future of mankind

>> No.16293095

I married at 21 but have full respect for him. Better be a virgin at 30 than a husk of a person selling yourself to anyone who passes.

>> No.16293141
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I sort of did it once when i was 13 but with a condom and had to finish myself off because she fell asleep :( almost 40 now

>> No.16293166

Show bobs and vagine

>> No.16293708

>posts the only sad face pepe plush ever
discord tranny confirmed

>> No.16293722

power is relative. this was always the case