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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16289707 No.16289707 [Reply] [Original]

GG guys. I got pulled over, can't afford the ticket without liquidating everything I've saved while wage slaving for the last year. I'm going to spend the money on a gun instead and shoot myself. Nice being here guys, I actually enjoyed my time on /biz/. Pour one out for me when we moon

>> No.16289715

arent tickets only like $200 OP?

>> No.16289730
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don't forget to stream it
alternatively you can shoot other people and stream it
either way:

>> No.16289733

Mines around 5k with court fees. Saved nearly 60% of my wagie checks for 11 months now. Lost some trading. All that work just so it can go back to the government who I already pay taxes too. I'd rather die then continue at this point

>> No.16289736

Nope. Not in for that. Just a bullet and my brain, no third party's.

>> No.16289755

Damn it's crazy that people would kill themselves over 5k. I lost over 250k in 2018 which was 99% of my money and I just cried once or twice and moved on.

>> No.16289765

just how fast were you going
also, shooting yourself over money is nuts
You would be killing yourself over losing little green pieces of paper. Take a moment and ponder that.

I like having the little green pieces of paper as well, but I am certainly not going to kill myself ever because of them. Yes, I have been broke before.

You will make it, OP. Take a deep breath. Pay what needs to be paid. Regroup, get your head right, and start again.

>> No.16289776

So it is just you then, your choice
stream it! entertain anons for years to come and be a legend

>> No.16289789

Call them and set up a payment plan or borrow the money from someone. Don't sell your only ticket to freedom, npi.

>> No.16289797

>set up a payment plan
if they do that, that is a great idea, OP

look for solutions rather than wallowing in the problem

>> No.16289801
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Post ticket and stack.

>> No.16289829

I wasn't going fast. Asshole parked right beside my car while I was in the store and waited 45 minutes for me to come out.

It's all I had man. I'm so fucking done. Live like shit for mlnths to save my all money just so it can go back to those faggots. Fuck these guys

>> No.16289898

I know it's rough. Years ago I had a wage garnishment that was so large that I was basically working to eat, have shelter, pay the garnishment and taxes. This lasted almost two years. My savings were completely depleted. It felt like I was working for nothing. But, I did make financial errors that led to that situation.

I kept working, did a lot of work on self improvement, and persevered through that difficult time. Things will get better as long as you don't give up. Don't give up. Use this as an opportunity to make yourself mentally stronger and persistent.

>> No.16289906

Jesus Loves You

>> No.16289919

I thought god hated fags

>> No.16289939

I think it's unlikely that God would create something he hates

>> No.16289943
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>saved for months
Months are nothing anon, you can do it again. This experience is a useful lesson.

don't kill yourself over one setback, guaranteed by this time next year you will have totally moved on.

>> No.16289957

Op can you please explain how a ticket costs 5k I'm genuinely curious what kind of misdemeanor you committed that costs that much?

>> No.16289967
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>> No.16290022

Fradulent plates was the biggest charge. I also had a suspended liscence, car had to be towed. The cop was super nice and just set a court date even though I should've gone to jail.

Your right. A good nights sleep will probably help.

>> No.16290287

You have to be a good person now so I don't feel like I was involved in saving a serial killer

>> No.16290298

Just be yourself bro

>> No.16290305

I can't promise you I will be a good person. I do promise I would never hurt anyone though. I'm likely to implode not explode.

>> No.16290326
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>5k ticket

Nigga what the fuck did you do?

>> No.16290345

Were you driving drunk?

>> No.16290357

Bought the car used. Never fixed the headlight, never registered, liscence still suspended from an insurance issue last year. Cop hit me with everything in the book in exchange for not being arrested on the spot.

>> No.16290360

Learn the basis for flying a plane (not that hard) and become skyking 2

>> No.16290422

Anon, I know that owning car is expensive is expensive because of all the bullshit registration, maintanence, and licensing fees, but this is all kind of your fault. Taking an Uber/cab to work sucks but it's just what you gotta do until you can afford to safely and legally drive. See about about paying a coworker 20-30 bucks a paycheck for rides to/from work.

Not to get preachy, but you took the risk and made the same mistake twice. It's sucks but those are just the rules you gotta play by. I had a former coworker who constantly drove/drives on suspended licenses with open warrants. The paranoia you get from seeing a cop just to go Walmart isn't worth all that.

Start saving again, but next time make your shit legal when you have the money. Every you got with no license, you're essentially pushing the return of your license back even further.

>> No.16290445


You know what you have to do larp poster

>> No.16290450

This kind of setback is what put people on track for higher grounds on life, don't do it you pussy.

>> No.16290460

This has to be a troll. If it's not then op is fucking nuts. It's like murdering a hooker in front of a store with security cameras and then whining on 4chan about how your life is over. No one is this retarded.

>> No.16290463

Quit being a faggot

Drink some water, get some sleep, and press on

Money and women aren't worth killing yourself over you child

>> No.16290467

wtf man you deserve this so hard no wonder you're poor if you do dumb shit like that

>> No.16290476

How old ru

>> No.16290513

this. but also FUCK THE RULES AND COPS.

>> No.16290516
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Nah, it's completely believable. You've probably just never worked with poor people before if you think it's a larp. I work in a warehouse and something like half my coworkers have, or have had in the past, suspended licenses. Driving without no insurance, fake tags, or no license is incredibly common among lower income people because all that shit is actually sort of expensive if you don't make much money.

>> No.16290520

Actually scratch that. It's like having sex with a hooker with no condom, contracting the herps, then going to the street corner where the hooker is waiting for customers to murder her out of rage, killing her with plenty of witnesses around and then ending up in prison and then whining on 4chan about how your life is over.

>> No.16290540

Well I guess it's believable but regardless I have no sympathy here

>> No.16290547

Your analogy wasn't funny the first time, and your feeble second attempt isn't gonna get you any upvotes either. I hope you're not the type of person who thinks every situation has to have a joke.

>> No.16290553


>> No.16290564

Do you really hope tho?

>> No.16290580

Based if true, but I doubt

>> No.16290593

If you really feel bad for this retard then donate some crypto. Writing some faggy essay saying it'll be ok won't bring op's savings back you pretenscious faget.

>> No.16290595

just go to court, and take community service/jail time, if you really make that little vs how much you have to pay its probably better long term to just serve the time/do community service.

>> No.16290599

I mean yea, if he had all that money saved he could have taken the safer option and made his shit legal, assuming his license wasn't suspended indefinitely for a DUI or something. Driving hot is just one of those things that people think is no big deal until they get hit with the consequences and realize the fees for it are insane. It's also something that can easily lead to arrest and people who do it are often repeat offenders. If you've been driving for years the state telling you you aren't allowed to drive anymore probably feels like a direct violation of your civil liberties. Driving feels as natural as walking to me at this point, so I'd hate to not be able to do it.

>> No.16290612

Don't get mad at me because your long winded analogy wasn't funny. I've helped out poor friends plenty of times before. They never pay you back, so I don't do it anymore. Advice is the best I can give him.

I also only hold Stocks and Precious Metals.

>> No.16290632

Ok boomer

>> No.16290646

I'm 24

>> No.16290655

I know, its just so expensive and time consuming. Especially when the only cars you can get are beaters, have to do this shit every 1-2 years when your car breaks down and you have to get a new one and do it all over again. Maybe I will let this motivate me, if your cars ownership was held on a blockchain and instead of plates it was just a printed VIN they could run this would all be so much easier.

I'm not retarded dude, I just live in rural america. The best place in the fucking world if you have money, and absolute hell if you don't.

Your right. I'm a lot calmer after having vented this here. I swear I'm not always this much of a faggot, but this just really got under my skin.

Yup. The only DMV in the city that can reinstate lisences is 1:15 away from me and only open 9-5 M-F.

>> No.16290667

OP I know that you can survive this and become stronger. In 10 years this'll seem like no big deal. I've lost a ton and yeah you can get suicidal over it but its just money at the end of the day, really only has the value that we give it.Not worth it OP, I know your struggle dont do it. Its literally always darkest before the next cycle of your life

>> No.16290685

Nah I dont want money. If I have any aim with this post its hoping some lawyer chad will come tell me the law is fucked and he's gonna go fix this shit for us right now.

>> No.16290775


Going to church helps too, also exercise

Make wise investments with the little money you have, I'm a wagey, I know the struggle too

We're all going to make it fag