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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 30 KB, 495x362, Im+apu+apustaja+you+meme+deprived+s+not+ing+pepe+_72a7028672d542bb8cac8fd8354a6e12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16287716 No.16287716 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16287734

Most of them are europoors who get 600 euros a month from the government and live with their moms

>> No.16287744

I work a lot and live with my parents. If I was to buy a place of my own I'd have no money.

>> No.16287757

We don’t.
We just fake it and pretend we’re rich.

Fake it until you make it the motto.
The Blockfolio/Delta holdings are fake, the Crypto Twitter influencers are broke af, they have more followers than money.
All the LINK holdings are fake too.

>> No.16287778

just got bs jobs online with eccentric millionaires

>> No.16287780

i took out a bunch of federal student loans i have no intention of repaying.
even if I do, I'm already 6x up on my owed balance.
by the time they catch up to me, it's have another 5x from here.

>> No.16287869
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I got $2000 for graduating in 2017 and bought omg at $0.42

>> No.16287893
File: 1.80 MB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_2019-11-01-08-09-57-832_com.miui.gallery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Live with Mom
>Have no social life so it's easy to spend money
>Work for five years
>Accumulate 6k to invest
>Buy @3600
>Sell @13000

>> No.16287926
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My blogpost: kind of this, I live at home, gf is OK with that (for now), we don't go out much / spend money much...

It's funny because I spoke to my grandfather on the phone the other day, who I respect immensely and love but he was always terrible with money and will die poor, and he said "You're still living at home?" with a disappointed tone. I brushed it off but it just shows how some people value the perception of others over saving money and being happy.

>> No.16287943

Boomers are hilarious, reminds me of the Sam Hyde video where he talks about his dad giving him horrible financial advice

>> No.16287979

I literally get an income in USD so I just do college slowly. spent a lot of time 2017-2019 on crypto. Now I just study, hold good projects, and hope that I can pay my taxes and not get rekt because I don’t have access to 2017 bittrex data

I got lucky

>> No.16288107

Back when I was a NEET I sold almost everything I had. I ended up investing like 6,000 in PMs and Crypto. I work now though. :(

>> No.16288119

I sold at the top

>> No.16288125

Have a job and bought every dip for a good while

>> No.16288239

I'm not a NEET

>> No.16288254
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>> No.16288296
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>live with dad
>no social life outside of the friends I made on xbox live years ago
>dad gives me a few hundred a month for spending money, cigs and weed
>I quit smoking cigs and weed
>spend all money on silver

>> No.16288505

did it wen't well for you?

>> No.16288556

Folks at makerDAO gave me a sweet 10k loan

>> No.16288592

Move out pal, any income can support a rent
Living with your parents is pitiful, it makes you a manchild. I happily pay 375 a month for my independence. In a way my life only really started after I moved out.

>> No.16288667

yeah it's going great
I may even go and get a job here eventually just so I can get even more silver and maybe find some girl to get pregnant

>> No.16289458

Mommy and Daddy.

>> No.16289473

kneepads and lipstick
it has shown that sucking dick, if you are also good company and good looking is worth more than 5 a suck

>> No.16289518


Wtf is silver going to do for you at only a few hundred per month? Idk where all these non-boomers developed their "hoard non performing assets until death" meme investment systemd,but ya'll are wasting time and value.

>> No.16289528

You’re not going to make it bro
Suicide at 40

>> No.16289534

I got lucky with link.

>> No.16289539

Not if his dad dies soon and he gets his check. He'll be a dan bilzerian on a budget

>> No.16289557
File: 63 KB, 500x508, 7D10125C-1052-4C41-9C5F-6E8301D91090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a good job but no life outside of it. I still feel like a NEET and always have. I have roughly 30k now and will have 50k by April, but it makes 0 difference to my frugal daily life.

The only upside is that I have incredible amounts of autonomy during work and I often work at home whenever I want.

>> No.16289719

375? You got 3 roommates?

>> No.16289729

I broke my leg in a car accident and got a settlement

I've been using it to finally repay debts that I used to joke about when I was a doomer neet.

>> No.16289828
File: 114 KB, 1374x1031, downloadfile-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is /biz/ as rich as /pol/ is white?

>> No.16289867
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>paying rent to a kike landlord makes you a man!!

>> No.16289955

>375 a month
bro... how

>> No.16290302
File: 48 KB, 422x422, 1521893727495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Living with your parents is pitiful, it makes you a manchild. I happily pay 375 a month for my independence.

Not even close to true. My next door neighbor is a 25 yr old Russian UberChad who still lives with his parents and runs his own business. I'm 24, just graduated and don't plan on moving out for another two to three years because my dad's health is getting worse, and students are a bitch.

Not everyone lives in the middle of fucking Kansas. Rent is like $800-$1200 for a place not completely infested with junkies/nogs around here. I make about $2400/mo after taxes and could afford to move out if I wanted, but there is no reason to at this point other than "muh indepedence", which if your parents aren't helicopters shouldn't even be a problem in your 20's.

>> No.16290304

>student loans are a bitch.

>> No.16290557

i make 150k+ working for AWS

>> No.16290800

well I'll tell you what I won't be doing and that's using reddit spacing like fucking faggot
I've already made it
I do nothing and profit
That's called making it

>> No.16290849

im rich but i'm empty inside, what do?

>> No.16290997

I spent my whole NEET life turning the $7 million my parents gave me into $7.6 million.

>> No.16291017

Unironically find some poor mediocre kid and play a game of the sims with him

>> No.16291031


>> No.16291049

>double spacing
if you paid attention in grade school you'd know that instead of calling it something that's been around a decade over double spacings long ass history. dont reply I dont like being bothered by low IQ trash

>> No.16291092

Autistically stubborn thinking, anon. We succeed because we believe beyond any shadow of a doubt that we will succeed, and the world listens in turn. We aren't immediately handed our riches, but our belief puts us in positions to find our wealth, be it a surprise moon of a coin we own or a random connection that ends up giving us a profitable odd job.

>> No.16291127

Ahhh GEEEEZZZZ duude I dunno...... 3 DOLLARS?

>> No.16291136


>> No.16291167

I pay my parents 500 a month and would be payig 1k if I were to move out. Unironically much better for me to just save 100K cash and move out in my late 20s, buy a house and dodge the rent jew. If i could get rent for 375 I'd have been gone a long time ago.

>> No.16291177

How can the ugly bear at the right have a girl like this and i never held a girls hand

>> No.16291199

>Thinking that the troll grappling him is attractive

>> No.16291215

Find a neet and show them they can make it, too.

>> No.16291229
File: 41 KB, 249x249, 425346242962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically, making clickbait Roblox games.

>> No.16291239

I worked my ass off for 10 years, investing heavily and barely spending any money at all. I looked at every 20 dollars or whatever I spend as 1 more hour in a wage cage. I probably invested about 80% of my paycheck.
Now I have enough passive income from those investments to not have to worry about waging.

>> No.16291241


>> No.16291248

ironically he probably got the idea for that from biz kek

>> No.16291283

She looks fine and not fat
Also checked

>> No.16291298

But I only get €450

>> No.16291304

>work a lot

>> No.16291618

No one here actually makes money or is a real person or without aurism. You've been duped to think otherwise.

>> No.16291793
File: 143 KB, 564x789, ##!@.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like to create things, although I'm not neet I suppose I could be if I wanted to

I mean look at my latest zoomer creation - driporskip.app

tell me zoomies won't be using this 24/7, just adding a few extra features now + making a mobile app

also I made a site for my favorite /biz/exual board a while back that tracked crypto mentions

don't you have any savings anyway neet?

>> No.16292377

neet schemes that can only be schemed if you're a real neet

>> No.16292701
File: 36 KB, 760x933, 1589723543097625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my brain big
yeah sure it is, fag

>> No.16292943

He's a chad bear who learned the secret. Just be yourself.

>> No.16292955

Cheapest here is 1.2K. I refuse to live with a room mate because I don't want to explain my piss jars.

>> No.16292999


>> No.16293023

i know someone rich a close friend gives me money :^)

>> No.16293042

He goes out and nazi salutes. Do you?

>> No.16293043

There are so many tiny, different elements of cringe in this photo that it's amazing how they coalesce into one giant cringe

>> No.16293060

The guy all the way on the right ran the biz Ark delegate until like 6 months ago
Its moonman

>> No.16293071
File: 80 KB, 500x648, 1458266836892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If my dad wasnt around you bet your ass i would get diagnosed with a mental illness and live in my moms attic and smoke weed and masturbate and play videogames (what can she do lol shes a woman)

however my father was a very cruel/wise man and did not allow me to follow my dreams. he wants me to be a wageslave and cannot appreciate i have severe social anxiety and can barely function, let alone thrive in society

i can bet most NEETs have single mothers, so they take advantage of this

at least ill be "successful" , rich, have a girlfriend, house, family etc.. feels good but also NEET life is good..

one has a future though, the other one you become more and more desensitized to vidya and porn until you an hero

the other one keeps you like an anime hero irl, the eternal struggler... i like to think of myself as gatsu irl.. but instead of battling demons, i wageslave around normalfags

>> No.16293369

You make good money with them brah? I make shitty unity and unreal games but thinking of switching to roblox

>> No.16293402

I got started in crypto with borrowed money (credit cards, overdraft) and made a fucking shit load

All business or venture starts with loaned money, really. Trying to do it otherwise is a meme.

>> No.16293403

well first...
i get a job.
boss pays $1200 a week after tax.
then slowly that same job
increase the hours by +30 more.
and paycheck comes in at under $500.
times x weeks.

that's how.

>> No.16293422


I hope your whole neet life is like 6 months because 9%-ish gainz is fucking weak

>> No.16293430

im 34 years old and have a well paying job desu no Idea why I come here it feels like its not good company sometimes.

>> No.16293435

used a fraction of my savings to start in crypto while still working. too big stakes => emotions => failure

retired now

>> No.16293499

A few hundred a month in neetbux pile up quickly when you have no expenses and no hobbies but browsing the internet alone in your room.
Most of my crypto investments come from some money I could accumulate when I was working while living at home before I moved out.

>Living with your parents is pitiful, it makes you a manchild. I happily pay 375 a month for my independence.
>In a way my life only really started after I moved out.
Holy fuck, neets don't realize how much this is true. I always wish I did it sooner. These years as a neet were an absolute waste of time.
If I had known everything I know now when I was 18 I'd now be soon to retire before 30.