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16288333 No.16288333 [Reply] [Original]

I’m done trying to fight it, I fucking hate normalfaggots and I fucking despise “work”. No, I am not grateful for my “job”, no, I am not interested in advancing my “career”.

I’m tired of sitting at a desk all day putting up a normalfag facade to appease these freaks who obsess over coffee and “drinks” and sports and the newest shitty fucking TV shows and their kids. I hate having to go to “work” and putting on these uncomfortable fucking clothes (everything is about appearance to the normalfag isn’t it?) and being forced to go sit in some cloistered environment and self censor for 80% of my waking hours so I can maximize profits for someone I’ll never meet.

No, I will NOT be taking “antidepressants” to make this hellish arrangement more bearable, what sane human being wouldn’t be “depressed” having to sit in a totalitarian institution that eventually absorbs so much of your life it becomes your entire identity? I fucking hate all normalfags and pretty soon I’m about to say fuck it to the entire world, I will be either putting a bullet in my skull or leaching off of the government, I don’t give a fuck anymore.

>> No.16288352

you need to take the crypto brownpill sir

>> No.16288384

home office is okish
try and get it arranged

>> No.16288420
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get a delivery job and listen to audiobooks/albums
you will hardly interact with people and tips are not recorded in any way & should easily have the energy to improve yourself and work towards a goal you set.

>> No.16288451

i enjoyed reading your blog, have an upvote fellow redditor!

>> No.16288487

Don't fret about it anon - it is literally a genetic thing. You are not the same as these people. You were born to be an adventurer - to die in battle or lavish in the spoils of the battle. They are worker drones, don't hate them for it.. try not to..

>> No.16288607
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>we got a live one
u better keep this shit to urself irl.
just join sergay club
>first rule of sergay club is you will not wagecuck

>> No.16288816
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>> No.16288987

I used to be like this until I realized the utility of the common normie. They do not keep lies at all. I have "befriended" one annoying cocksucker who is spilling the beans on the boss. What I do with this info is only going to make me rich.

>> No.16289007

based sociopathic yuppie anon

>> No.16289138

I'm the farthest thing from a yuppie. It's blue collar work, I drink on the job and once I left the job site and fucked a prostitute without paying.

>> No.16289650

>I am not grateful for my “job”, no, I am not interested in advancing my “career”.

This is the shit that gets me in particular

for some reason I'm expected to grovel and kiss ass for the holy privilege of employment and THEN try and pursue higher positions and more responsibility