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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 115 KB, 1072x1440, 1573707270203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16275607 No.16275607 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16275612

Because he's not Satoshi

>> No.16275634

i wish the scammers could answer this

>> No.16275647

Do you actually think he feel a need to prove it publicly? He has done a lot of signings in private for people he does business with. Neets on biz are not privy to things like this, we can only go through all the crumbs and make and educated conclusion based on that. I you want to be ahead of the crowd you must do a lot of digging. No one owes you anything, not even satoshi

>> No.16275652

>Do you actually think he feel a need to prove it publicly?

>> No.16275657

btc would die instantly if he could prove it, sad to say, if he cant move a single btc, then he is not what he say he is

>> No.16275664

The actual answer is because none of the corns in the first 100 blocks can be moved. That doesn’t stop the real Satoshi from siging tho

>> No.16275669

I miss when this board was just light hearted Link spam. These Craig BSV posters always give off creepy desperate vibes.

>> No.16275671

>not wallets
this proves how little people actually know about satoshi

>> No.16275690
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>> No.16275713
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>Do you actually think he feel a need to prove it publicly?
Of course he does, you braindead monkey negro, because he's an attention whore. Why would he act so desperate as to get the Satoshi certificate from the City Council of Bogota, you imbecile?

>> No.16275717

If he was truly Satoshi and didn't care who believed him he wouldn't go around claiming he was while refusing to prove it, how retarded are you, lmfao

>> No.16275750

>Do you actually think he feel a need to prove it publicly?
considering he is the definition of basedjack yelling NOOOOOO YOU CAN'T NOT BELIEVE ME
>He has done a lot of signings in private for people he does business with.
just lol

>> No.16276064

Ok prove it

>> No.16276168

>constant FUD, 24/7
>nobody on planet Earth fudded more except Trump
>shills literally DESPERATE for you to stop buying BSV
really activates the almonds. If he was just some scammer like the 18 other faketoshis he would just be ignored

>> No.16276189

yes because he says he is satoshi PUBLICLY
he wants everyone to know he's satoshi. so why can't he prove it publicly?

>> No.16276205

Why should Cringe Wright prove anything?

>> No.16276211


>> No.16276231

>yes because he says he is satoshi PUBLICLY
First of all he was doxed by Wired in 2015. Second, I have never heard him go around shouting I AM SATOSHI. I have only ever heard him say "yes" when asked directly if he is Satoshi

>> No.16276275

Because i'm satoshi

>> No.16276284

here i'll prove it.

>> No.16276312

the guy can't even pay the dead man's portion that he settled for in the lawsuit kek. private keys are out of reach for him.

>> No.16276320

uh oh

>> No.16276363

> I have never heard him go around shouting I AM SATOSHI. I have only ever heard him say "yes" when asked directly if he is Satoshi
There is fundamentally no difference between the two. If he didn't want it to be publicly known, he would simply deny it. A doxx doesn't mean anything, wired had no conclusive proof that he was satoshi (just like craig can't prove he is satoshi).

>> No.16276379

Third, he was paid $15m to LARP as Satoshi by Calvin, but, we'll conveniently ignore that fucking FACT. won't we

>> No.16276508

>There is fundamentally no difference between the two
You are absolutely stupid if you can't see the difference

>> No.16276537

troll thread
stop taking baits people

>> No.16276547

Does Craig have a wife and kids? How come they’re never brought into his LARPing?

>> No.16276868

So basically its bullshit

>> No.16277239

If its so simple to prove why cant he do it????????

>> No.16277252

And tell me again why he would want to "kill BTC instantly" when the Tulip trust doesn't unlock before january 2020 and he has over a million BTC there?

Use logic.

>> No.16277258

>come outside bro

>> No.16277283

>Why cant Craig move a bitcoin out satoshis wallet to prove he is him

>> No.16277292

It's called signalling. Listen to the signals and they often tell you a lot more than the message.

>> No.16277298

Fake news Greg.

>> No.16277303
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>He doesn't know

>> No.16277306

yes ?
so, creg has never received payment from nTrust (nChain) in exchange for his 'Satoshi rights' ?
Is that REALLY what you wish to claim here ?

>> No.16277660

You made a very specific claim with no proof.

i.e. you are a liar and a fraud greg, aren't you

>> No.16277810
File: 7 KB, 150x144, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks he knows

>> No.16277842

>Do you actually think he feel a need to prove it publicly?
Are you fucking retarded? He goes around publicly claiming it all the time, he can't prove it because he isn't

>> No.16277845

I repeat the question above, >>16277306
- are you denying this FACT,
you disingenuous fucking scrote
otherwise, dont even bother fucking replying with your garbage. Lifes too short for cunts like you

>> No.16277995
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>> No.16278058

Still waiting for proof.....

>> No.16278061

He's filtering out idiots who will only listen to him if he's satoshi instead of listening to him because his ideas have merit.

>> No.16278068

>IMax Super3D mode engaged
as said, either answer or stfu
you didn't, now, we are done here

>> No.16278086

BUT, if he first filters out idiots, then, filters out everyone who thinks his ideas have no merit, why, that leaves, eh..

>> No.16278092
File: 165 KB, 1080x654, 911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this?

>> No.16278131

He started 5 lawsuits to prove he's Satoj, dumbass.

Imagine believing a scammer would file suits for something he couldn't prove.

Tack, tuck, cucks.

>> No.16278149

literally nothing

>> No.16278182

>Imagine believing a scammer would file suits for something he couldn't prove.
A psychotic scammer might

>> No.16278259

If I was a scammer I'd just keep making the claim I was Satoj. I would never get the law involved and risk losing. CSW would keep a "following" either way. If he can't prove it, now he loses a lot.

Cucks haven't thought this one through at all.

>> No.16278309

CSW got exposed as a scammer back in 2015, he got nothing to lose anyway (reputation-wise). Considering that he got a rich daddy (Calvin Ayre), he just might want to push it to the limit.

And why the fuck is your script completely out of synch? Another shill already insists that he doesn't give a fuck if people believe him or not. Doesn't align with suing some nonames.

>> No.16278336

because it requires satoshis private keys. which he never had.

>> No.16278359

People like this actually know how to operate a computer. They understand how to type, click enter, all those skills. I inhabit a planet with people like this. Very strange.

>> No.16278366

Because he's not, so I guess you could say bitcoin is pretty based

>> No.16278416

>hurr durr, I don't care if you consider me a fraud or not
>fuck you, I'll sue you if you call me not Satoshi
The guy's psychotic, so are you

>> No.16278428

Well said

>> No.16278480

because hes not satoshi, dont see how this is hard to understand.

>> No.16278496

Nigga can’t even pay his legal bills if he was satoshi he’d have overdosed on confidence

>> No.16278521

Psychological projection. All core cucks see is scamming, psychosis, I read a lot of schizophrenia insults,... that's their schtick. I guess they are the ones who need all the mental issues to keep their conspiracy theory story boat afloat.>>16278416

>> No.16278533

why cant he move a bitcoin out the wallet then its not hard.

>> No.16278567

OP your giving attention to an attention whore.

>> No.16278572

So, shut up, LGBT gorilla. Are you trying to fucking argue that CSW is an honest man?

>> No.16278632

bsv shills are trying to kill the thread, bump

>> No.16278681

He can but why would he.

>> No.16278689

To prove its him. Everyone here thinks he is a fraud

>> No.16278715

We are taking over the board. Pajeets are getting desperate.

>> No.16278741
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speak for yourself greg, thank you.

>> No.16279144
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>> No.16279163
File: 175 KB, 834x608, EJV-jkGW4AEUY2N.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what if some incels believe that? You are inconsequential.

He has proven who he is by his work. That is all that matters.

>> No.16279176

until he does it's safe to conclude he can't

>> No.16279193

imagine being so gullible, Craig Wrong has no difficulty enlisting you into his plebtard army

>> No.16279597

This txs are fake tough the data of TX value proves that bsv moves less money than dogecoin, 8 times less to be exact

>> No.16279652

This sounds qanon tier to me lul

>> No.16279670

Smart people who think his ideas have merit? The kind of people you want in your field when you're playing the long game.

>> No.16279754

>8 times less
than fucking doge omg
true enough this shows ridiculous lack of adoption. the transaction values came in the early days from splitting the coins and replaying segwit tx on unsplit coins to swipe them. but the truth has gotten pretty clear now.

>> No.16279771

this may show an even clearer picture

>> No.16280898

TAS of BSVtards lmao

>> No.16280914

Craig’s wallet is linked to a specific HIV viral load that needs to be confirmed on the block of SV to release his bitcoins.
It’s the ultimate deadman’s switch Craig needs to have so much hiv in his blood stream that no living human could survive such an infection thus securing his bitcoins from the Kikes at the SEC

>> No.16280948

I'm watching. Use the Genesis block account

>> No.16280967

He's obviously not he's scamming interest into his own shit lmao.

>> No.16281141
File: 31 KB, 366x488, 18F246AF-1767-410B-845A-7A16E6D24757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16282130

SHA256 makes it impossible to guess what the private key is

>> No.16283267

Still no answers...

>> No.16283611

he can't guess a private key with known pubkey either it would require quantum computers a hundred years more advanced than what we have.

>> No.16283627

that's your answer

>> No.16283654

i tell you my story.
i was a hardcore bsv believer at one point. 100%, all-in.

then i got pissed and angry that craig didn't deliver.

decided to follow him more closely.

eventually figured after two-three weeks that this guy is actually
1) a big big faggot
2) corrupt
3) not trustworthy
and yeah, a liar and a fraud.

to cut it short, i sold all - at a hefty loss.
i was dumb and believed all his diplomas and wild claims with only minimal scrutiny. craig looks really good superficial and with that bsv as well.
yet as soon as you dig deeper and discover that craig is literally a walking piece of shit scam it turns very ugly.

>> No.16283678

So you don't like craig. ok, but what do you think about the tech?

>> No.16283699

I'm a dev with cryptography as a childhood hobby so i spotted his bullshit deflections and fallacies from the get go. but I'm glad you got out of that stupid cult anon good for you!

what will work for bitcoin scaling is an open question. sv is going full retard with removing dos protection and filling the blockchain with useless junkbbut is also making a point by still kicking. i want to see what happens the next two halvings.

>> No.16283704

>figured after two-three weeks
Wow you're fucking stupid. It should not take a functional human that long to figure that shite out. 30 minutes max.

>> No.16283713

lol at the private signings anon good joke

>> No.16283715

the whole point of bsv is that craig is legitly satoshi (which he is not).

for the tech that's leftover:
- nothing is working properly (most stuff i tried was full of bugs and unusable)
- literally all ideas i have seen are dead ends and there's STILL no killer app with RealLife ID+Verification+Signing
- you could do all that what bsv does (=file coin) BETTER if you built it from the scratch in eg .NET Core or Java and not C++.
- Building on 10yo outdated tech that uses internally even some other extremely niche language (Lisp or Rust ? idk...some weird name) for OP codes is not a good idea.

tl;dr: tech is not good. it could become good if bsv flips btc and sucks all the talent from other projects into it (being real here). Now the problem with that is Craig Wright who 1) built bsv on a lie 2) is utterly repuslive as a person. But mainly due to (1) all the pro/competent dev's will stay the f away from bsv as well as smart/big money.

this coin is dead in the water and im being honest.

>> No.16283722

kek'd - you'll have fun once you get into the real world kid.

>> No.16283726
File: 986 KB, 2335x4096, EIrMwpzVAAAT977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if the tech is bad, why do so many people choose to build on it rather than btc, bch, eth etc?

>> No.16283742

i have more fundamental issues with sv "tech" than what you listed cause those could actually get fixed.

the way i see it is all their "improvements" are wilfully stupid try hard attempts to do things the way they are not supposed to be done except for one thing.

>> No.16283751

its a meme eth has 5k devs to the 5 sv has still a shitcoin

>> No.16283767

>you'll have fun once you get into the real world kid.
Must be nice to get your weekly Internet time at the care home you clearly live in. People as dumb as you can't be trusted to live on their own.

>> No.16283776

quantity is not quality.
usage is low - just try a couple of these app's for yourself. just because you built something doesn't mean its automatically successful.

>> No.16283784

good point with a billion examples

>> No.16283785

yeah well go fuck yourself and die a horrible death you stupid child. go jump in front of a train and do everyone a favor you waste of life.

>> No.16283790

>quantity is not quality.
What do you mean by low quality?
Let's take handcash app as an example. What about it is low quality, and what app on let's say btc has better quality than handcash?

>> No.16283794

how come such idiots like you are allowed to run free here? just fuck off you worthless piece of shit. you'll get your beating one way or the other.

>> No.16283799

Didn't he copyright Bitcoin? Yes, he feels the need to assert himself as Satoshi.

>> No.16283805

Hard kek. Good chance you off yourself due to licking a socket or something equally retarded soon.

>> No.16283817

personally i just don't see it...i don't see it why this should be adopted at a mass scale. i don't see the benefits of app's on bsv at all. you have this highly fluctuating coin...i mean if i want to do a blockchain solution i would rather just start my own via AWS or Azure...i don't get the point why to use BSV and BSV apps... as said the whole point of BSV was that Craig's legit and that he can pull all the talent and concentrate the action on BSV. As that is gone you have average (=supplementable) tech with a bad reputation. As for the patents - idk. Maybe Bull, maybe not - time will tell on that one. But for the rest i just dont see it with BSV.

>> No.16283820

It's a combination of some sound ideas and a lot of incredibly dumb ideas. For example, the idea to replace the web with on-chain sites ("Metanet") is an incredibly dumb idea. No, not because "omg, miners will run out of disk space". But because it doesn't take into consideration how the web actually functions. It's not just a bunch of static pages with content and pictures like in the 90s. It's dynamically generated content, all run by server-side scripts. And you suggest what, let's go back to the 90s and switch back to geosites-tier websites, just on chain? It sounds like a high school hobby project.

Many such cases.

>> No.16283842

>For example, the idea to replace the web with on-chain sites ("Metanet") is an incredibly dumb idea.

>> No.16283855

so what's a sound idea? cause i always come up way short when i look at those. so far only what they brought over from bch looks reasonable.

>> No.16283857

I seriously considered CSW to be a "shadowy figure behind bitcoin who avoids attention" at one point, so I fell for the trap too. It was before BSV and before he started drawing attention to himself again. I didn't know about Calvin Ayre too.

>> No.16283862

ok, so you are against crypto as a whole, not bsv specifically?

>> No.16283867

yeah that turned me also away, many of "Craigs design choices" are not good choices. Most prominent example is the blocksize:
He promotes limitless infinite scaling. Ok nice marketing - whatever. Is this realistic? No. Is this a good idea? Maybe.
But the proper way would be to incrementally lift this in smaller steps over years (when usage actually occurs). What he does, removing the limit alltogether when there's literally no need for it is just useless & unneeded. Only thing that leads to aside from marketing is technological problems on multiple fronts. Every professional person would tell you the lift it upon usage and then only incrementally. It's not smart. Also BSV/Bitcoin in general will never be a stable 'currency' as long as you have the 21m hard cap. Smart thing is a continous long tail emission of 1-2% each year to replace lost coins and reduce speculation (monero does this). Craig defends this deflation BS aggressivly but its the wrong way. In money theory there's only two choices: Small Inflation + Stable Currency VS Deflation + Volatility/Unstable Currency. You always want some small inflation value otherwise people bunker down on their shit and the flow of goods stops. That's know since early 1920-1930's.

>> No.16283868

BSV => immutable CP => DEAD

how is this piece of crap still discussed

>> No.16283882

yes i would only like to add that removing block limit now on a minority fork is a stupid idea its dos protection a miner can fill up blocks for free and any btc miner can 51 sv without breaking a sweat. typical of the tech illiterate bullshit efforts sv is riddled with.

>> No.16283893

and the other thing is the extremely aggressive shilling is disproportionate to such an experimental work bench fork it really gives the whole thing a scam vibe.

>> No.16283899

i don't see crypto replacing fiat. its largely fantasy money the like of pokemon cards or antiques. it can never be real money as it lacks government backing. But crypto as a whole is too multidimensional and there's certainly good ideas like LINK so i cannot state that i think its all Bull.

>> No.16283905

>i don't see crypto replacing fiat
What about government issued fiat built on top of bitcoin as a token?

>> No.16283925

what's the point? if there is a central authority it can just order transactions billion times cheaper and faster using a relational db.

>> No.16283954

Good Post(s)

>> No.16283955

yeah that's the only case. eg an extension of the EUR or USD with the /on the blockchain. i've heard people talking about that in the past. but aside from that its fantasy money.

i have to go and to conclude:
bsv would be a good project if craig was legit and a good leader. this whole thing is built around him and rises and falls with him.

as he's neither legit nor a good leader i see only negatives with bsv. bye

>> No.16283964

some people seriously think it's a worthwhile or sane endeavor to put fiat on a blockchain?

>> No.16284124

the imf want to so yes it will happen. they can tax people and catch avoiders 100x easier

>> No.16284268

bsv cant even flip bcash

>> No.16284371

nearly 24 hours and no answer, hence this is a scam coin

>> No.16284436

that depends on implementation details. everything what requires a blockchain the way bitcoin works directly contradicts central bank and state goals and vica versa.

>> No.16284467

the imf is a special case btw because members don't really want to trust and depend on each other any more than absolutely necessary. so an international reserve currency maintained by the federation called imf as a closed system for the member states may actually make some sense. but it's a far cry from an actual fiat on a blockchain.

the thing is as of right now federations have no problem enforcing policy or reaching consensus. wtf would the blockchain give them exactly? more comfy and faster consensus? less trust in the executors of policy? is that worth it?

>> No.16284470

We oldfags came back to purge the shitcoiners.

>> No.16284543

i'm confused you think shitposting and imbecilic memes will purge shitcoiners (including yourself)?
or did i misunderstand something?

>> No.16284576

Grin has better tech and several methods of transaction.

>> No.16284614

The harvest is nigh shitcoiner

>> No.16284649

why is it then a fact, that he cannot pay the settlement for Hal Fins wife? A multibillionaire should be able to do that.

>> No.16284878
File: 2.55 MB, 2140x1676, realityisabitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based af.
Look at all the salty faggots this post brought out of the woodwork. A++++++++

>> No.16285427

that sad bullshit was debunked months ago
anyone can label their address if they can provide a signature. to anything including "SATOSHI NAKAMOTO" or "CRAIG WRIGTH THE GIGANTIC FAGGOT"

>> No.16285433

you think it's salt when people call you a retard? do you think they envy your retardation? come now...

>> No.16285445

where's the wall?

>> No.16285460

also notice how he sent to the genesis reward address not from the genesis reward address which again any fucking retarded moron on earth can do.

>> No.16285469
File: 219 KB, 618x451, tiresome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm unable to use google
It's all so tiresome

>> No.16285471

gotta be careful there's ton's of this sort of of "proof" out there that should "give the impression" that Craig's for real. Sadly every single one has turned out to be fake/fraud/irrelevant.

>> No.16285487

he can, he just doesnt want to

>> No.16285493


>> No.16285501
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>> No.16286016
File: 461 KB, 1920x1080, skeptical geralt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you retard
>24 posts by this ID
>Hello fellow BSV'ers, I've been de-radicalized and you should too!
Fake and gay
>Sold at a huge loss
This I believe. Would explain why you sound retarded and salty
>dos protection
Goddamn you people are dumb. BSV is a ludicrously easy 50x if you are 130+ IQ and understand the r/r given how heavily hated the coin is compared to its potential.

>> No.16286071

what a pathetic attempt at an argument and what a spectacular failure

>> No.16286104
File: 39 KB, 334x506, 1558580648876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are unironically one of the greatest PR assets for true massively scaling bitcoin on this entire board. Congratulations, and please do continue posting ITT.

>> No.16286186

naah you need to learn to cope with failure.
you failed to scam people: nobody believes your shitcoin is bitcoin
you failed to defend it: your imbecilic memes have been thoroughly debunked.
you failed to defend your idol: his behavior is simply inexcusable

just cope!

>> No.16286239
File: 166 KB, 1080x596, 1530429131093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody believes you (but I'm here arguing anyway)
>Your memes are useless (but also all over /biz/)
>you failed
>you failed
>you failed
>Bad aussie man so naughty his behavior is inexcusable! Uggh!
You sound like the all-female editorial board of pic related. Careful not to spill that pumpkin spice latte all over your pantsuit.

>> No.16286244


>> No.16286286

What sounds like the hysterical mass media is Craig's blog. In fact, he's exactly like Roubini, Sherman and their likes.

>> No.16286290
File: 33 KB, 480x360, BitcoinInventor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satoshi doesn't give a fuck if you don't think he's Satoshi. Unlike you, he's already made it.

>> No.16286322

I'm not expecting much given how retarded your other posts are in this thread, but sure, I'll bite: how is he anything like Roubini or Sherman? Try and use complete sentences.

>> No.16286328

just cope! learn how to, it will serve you well. and us too.

>> No.16286341
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You suck at bantz. Disappointing, but at least you're continuing to bump the thread, so there's that.

>> No.16286364

They're so similar that anything that was said by Roubini or Sherman could have been said by CSW (and vice versa). They're literally on the same side.

>> No.16286440

This answer is completely devoid of content. Roubini and Sherman hate the idea of cryptocurrency. CSW just hates the chink scamcoin faggots and other trash that has glommed onto bitcoin.
They are not even remotely similar unless maybe you squint very hard through the lens of BTC maximalism.

>> No.16286477

This thread has been up for 1 day and 2 hours and still no answer..........

>> No.16286492

Obviously CSW has to pretend to love cryptocurrency in order to push his "I am Satoshi" scam. Remove that, and they're identical in their rhetoric, pretenses and chutzpah.

>> No.16286519

you already got your answer moving coins requires the private keys. that's why he can't.

>> No.16286554
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Total and complete logic fail. Showing why will be left as an exercise to the non-brainlet reader.

>> No.16286585

if you constantly fud bitcoin as a dayjob it really doesn't matter what reason for. you are a jeet.

>> No.16286595

Oh, you must be a gullible low-IQ niglet who still lives under the assumption that CSW is an honest man. The fact that he IS dishonest and DOES sound like them means he's on their team, as simple as that. Deal with it.

>> No.16286634
File: 618 KB, 597x590, 1573919505091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's talking about your circular reasoning you tard.
I used to think BSV was just a useless fork but given all the countersignalling by tards like this, I'm not so sure anymore. How much is a suicide stack these days?

>> No.16286646

false flagging this hard just admit your colors pajeet!

>> No.16286887
File: 138 KB, 1100x1200, bitcoinhistory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's dishonest so you can't trust what he says. BUT he sounds like Roubini so you know that he's on the same page. BUT he's also strategically pretending to be on your side and I know exactly where the line between truth and lies is because reasons...
Top kek. You are so confused. This is hysterical.
Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner
And another one bumps
And another one bumps
And another one BUMPS THE THREAD

>> No.16286975

>>He's dishonest so you can't trust what he says. BUT he sounds like Roubini so you know that he's on the same page. BUT he's also strategically pretending to be on your side and I know exactly where the line between truth and lies is because reasons...
There is no contradiction here. It's not that both Roubini and CSW speak the truth identically, it's that they both lie identically.

>> No.16287008

>And another one bumps
oh noes now what?

>> No.16287044
File: 329 KB, 600x817, 15712002019147019124628830247686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty sir

>> No.16287057
File: 438 KB, 1200x628, A-Map-of-Bitcoin-Forks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also your delusional retardation will not change neither the objective truth nor how the world perceives bitcoin

>> No.16287079

i just wonder do you even realize what thread you are in?

>> No.16287113
File: 788 KB, 2821x1655, busted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best part of this dumb propoganda is how you deliberately include some unheard-of fork of bitcoin clashic named "Bitcoin Core" because you are desperate to distance the SegWit fork from that name.
Also, thanks for continuing to bump!

>> No.16287128

this is obviously not my chart it's an example how absolutely no one sees the bitcoin forks your retarded ass way (except your 500 pajeet comrades).

>> No.16287135
File: 1.03 MB, 625x640, 1573340416899.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t-thank you for your deserved abuse ... sir
>please w-w ... *whimper* whip me more ...

>> No.16287173
File: 116 KB, 1200x872, not-bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is an other example i'm just googling here really.

>> No.16287414

how would we know what his reasoning for not movin a bitcoin is? why dont you ask him dumbass?

>> No.16287603
File: 53 KB, 1024x683, 1559841339680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm just getting all this great info from jewgle lol

>> No.16287857

Sir, you forgot BitcoinCrash FaketoshiVision

>> No.16288015

like i said your fringe cult has zero penetration and won't have any in the future. any dreams of "flippening" are pipe dreams.
must be an old chart lol

>> No.16288146
File: 776 KB, 450x450, jewdar.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16288198
File: 8 KB, 473x500, 1541525262162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he said penetration teehee

>> No.16288210

Why is this?

>> No.16288217


>> No.16288224
File: 40 KB, 460x264, 1572632015521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BSV holds

>> No.16288472

quantum computer needs an algo to follow
making the computer is easier than building the algorithm for it to process, a qbits algo is just impossible to come up with apparently
maybe if an AI does it, but that's fiction for now

>> No.16288641

this is what bsv brainlets belives everyone.

>> No.16288849

Absolutely stiffpilled, corecucks eternally btfo

>> No.16288884

never understood what does trump has to do with faketoshi. you think he is only pretending to be president or something?

>> No.16288908

what's whit you sv tards being proud of gobbling cock?