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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 528 KB, 1076x897, SmartSelect_20191117-103934_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16285728 No.16285728 [Reply] [Original]

Yep, I'm buying this

>> No.16285737

Looks comfy

>> No.16285746

You'll get out bid

>> No.16285760

Looks like a literal rape house

>> No.16285814

He's either doxing himself or doxing the person who outbid him

>> No.16285827

Oh, guess it doesn't matter either way

>> No.16286812

me come over for visit fren?

>> No.16286823
File: 402 KB, 654x572, home.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, yes OP...nice deal...nice deal. HOWEVER

>> No.16286926

3 years wages for a few piece of plywood?

>> No.16287024

>moving into a rust belt northern tier PA shithole town
That entire region is cursed

>> No.16287086

>5 bed, 2 bath
>$67/mo mortgage

based. Someone should buy that house and use the $100,000 saved on high tech security and armed guards

>> No.16287349

I'm so ready for the housing market to collapse so I can upgrade on the cheap. I've been renting for 2 years waiting.

>> No.16287357

Just bought it.
Now you buy it from me.

>> No.16287452

Buy low I guess
97% of your neighbors are going to be a problem though

>> No.16287463

plywood if you're lucky
most new plebeian constructions are made of (((OSB)))

>> No.16287476

There's 30M people like you waiting on the sidelines, and the fed just started QE4.

Sorry bucko, it ain't happening.

>> No.16287502
File: 3.63 MB, 1920x1080, succulent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn the lawns in that neighborhood are pretty good tho

>> No.16287883

lurking. post pics of inside

>> No.16287892

The QE now is because everything has already started collapsing. All bubbles burst, there are no exceptions.

>> No.16288042

This is definitely of higher quality than the properties in Detroit that I saw previously.
However, does anyone live in the neighbouring houses? I think that's a large part of the problem there. No one (Well except maybe you) will want to live in a completely abandoned neighbouthood, or worse one with people squatting next door for free.
What website are you shopping on? Would like to scope it out myself fren

>> No.16288050

Damn those lawns do look R I P E.

>> No.16288071

What's the law in Michigan on growing marijuana? Think I could use a cheap property for that?
I'm from the EU though.

>> No.16288078


>Muh lawns

Why are Americans a parody of themselves lmao.

>> No.16288099

Zoomer detected.
"Where can I brow my i-pod bushes?"

>> No.16288244

grow. :c

>> No.16288264

you will never get a visa

>> No.16288370

Luckily for me I know a hot american girl who would legit probably marry me because we're good friends. And who knows, maybe I'd actually wife her for real.
Ignoring this problem what do you think of this idea?

>> No.16288396
File: 1.04 MB, 905x830, 1546667468034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16288410

I think you should stop asking retarded questions and marry that lard pig

>> No.16288510

$54k for a tinderbox shack.
The absolute state of America.