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16282682 No.16282682 [Reply] [Original]

What coins do you see dominating post-halvening, /biz/?
Is anyone predicting a general trend for altcoins in 2020?
Can you see any coins out of the current top 20 getting into the top 5 by the end of next year?

>> No.16282702

We're still in pre-dump-before-muh-halvbening.
Which alts will be left after the slaughter is the question I'd be asking.
I say 50 tops. Maybe even leas than 25

>> No.16282755

There are thousands out there, all but fifty going under seems impossible.
And at this point, the altcoin market seems to have enough stable support that I don't see a horrific dump hitting the entire market.

>> No.16282823

Pro-security token regulation is starting to catch on. Security tokenization's gonna be a major 2020 trend, I'm calling it. That whole ecosystem is gonna boom.
Based on that I'm betting on Dusk to pump hard next year.

>> No.16282830
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>Which alts will be left after the slaughter is the question I'd be asking.
Closer to the truth
>What coins do you see dominating post-halvening, /biz/?
BTC, from the supply shock
ETH, from 2.0
BNB, from the trading volume and new user surge
XMR, being the best in privacy when new money comes in

Ask what is being bought and held the longest at the highest % of supply
>Is anyone predicting a general trend for altcoins in 2020?
ETH will probably start the party but BTC has to be passed ATH and the halving in my mind for alt season to kick off again
>Can you see any coins out of the current top 20 getting into the top 5 by the end of next year?
BAT, MKR, KCS, NANO, GRIN are longshots, maybe a credit card one could jump up if it gets a lot of users

Exchange tokens, smart contract platforms are the ones to focus on until 2021. I bet 2021 alts go nuts like last time

>> No.16282838

Most don't want to KYC in crypto

>> No.16283410


Most important BTC being sold are the new ones. Cut them in half and the amount of BTC we fight over isn't enough for price to stay the same.

>> No.16283554

>What coins do you see dominating post-halvening, /biz/?


ETH is such a shitshow , don't get me wrong it's a great project but there will be so many lobbying moving to eth 2.0 that making predictions about that is retarded.

>Is anyone predicting a general trend for altcoins in 2020?

Pow coins moon , eth based coins and other pos alts remain neutral.
Until eth 2.0 is working things will be hard for pos coins.

>Can you see any coins out of the current top 20 getting into the top 5 by the end of next year?

LTC no doubt will be in the top 5

>> No.16283572

>muh halvening pump
Why exactly should the bitcoin halvening be different from the LTC halvening this year? For LTC the price dumped and the hashrate dumped, the halvening was >100% priced in.

>> No.16283887
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>bitcoin halvening be different from the LTC halvening this year
We measure price $ per unit, LTC has 5x the amount of BTC and a fraction of the demand. You can't create a supply shock on the market to the same extent. Higher inflation rate and supply / lower demand is the simple answer.
LTC was one of the top 3 gaining cryptos, even before it halved supply. I remember 2018 end and beginning of 2019 being mostly BNB, LTC, and BTC stealing the show.

You can't price in a future supply shock in a global, unconnected market like this.

Most crypto heads hold BSV and XRP, there's barely an awareness to what supply means to price.

Stock traders ignore supply a lot of times. Companies can dilute shares at will so why focus on it. Crypto isn't fiat funny money, inflated from fractional reserve. It's very trustless and untrusting, but usually limited and supply capped. The value in that is huge

>> No.16283904

we'll see pump to 15k a month before the halving.
afterwards, btc slowly bleeds out into obscurity.

>> No.16283919

Yeah, everyone will buy the "real" BTC then, right?
Fuck off pajeet

>> No.16283933

no, all cryptocurrencirs will die.
bitcoin is the whole reason altcoins exist in first place. companies invested into crypto because bitcoin mooned, and once that factor disappears, their interest will slowly fade.

>> No.16283953

>and once that factor disappears
And why would that factor change now?
What's different besides, more $ into BTC and less supply out of.

We can't just take your word or trust your gut on this when it goes against 10 years of history
Look at how pathetic and close to death the bottom alts are.

They have acted like a reserve, slowly bleeding back into BTC since 2018. They change into BTC in seconds, we haven't had a market who's liquidity is as fluid as this.

Compare to gold and stocks but remember you can't trade a stock for another stock without a middle man.

>> No.16283957

Halving will do fuck all