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File: 19 KB, 567x347, CC59811F-D273-45FB-884C-15B68EFCDB73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16280966 No.16280966 [Reply] [Original]

Where I’ve felt free to express myself and ideas. Some of the best times of my life were spent researching LINK with you guys. Our debates were legendary. Now I’m bored. IRL I crave this sort of stimulation and what ends up happening is I just end up pissing people off because I’m so emotionally detached from the ideas I put forward. I can’t seem to find the stimulation I’ve gotten here anywhere else.

What do? I’m really fucking lonely man I just wanna do that all again with you guys because I can forget about everything and just focus on the words on the screen.

>> No.16280980

And I’m not THAT lonely like I have friends, go on dates, but everything pales in comparison to early LINK days. This is truly a special place. Outside people are much more sensitive and fresh ideas and fierce open debates are actually very rare

>> No.16280981
File: 58 KB, 640x493, 1555167625012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here bro real life is so goddamn boring then only thing that keeps me entertained socially is doing cocaine

>> No.16280984

As much as I feel for you Anon, this isn't the board for blogposting.

As such, I'm obligated to tell you to fuck off faggot.

>> No.16280993

Yeah I know but still

>> No.16280995

Link a single link thread that isn't just shit posting and astroturfing like this one

>> No.16280998

same anon. i just want my life to start. im so tired of thinking about suicide. i dont even want to kill myself. the worst part is i still think this is all fake even if im up from initial investment. i cant believe this. i just cant.

>> No.16281001

It’s degenerated by now, obviously

>> No.16281010

Link from warosu.

>> No.16281039

Ughhhhh no kys

>> No.16281052

>best times of his life
>can't even post a s8ngle link thread that isn't just 1k eoy on repeat
How much do they pay you for this shit

>> No.16281053

kys newfag

2019 biz is garbage, its like the same 100 of us shitposting over and over.

>> No.16281068

I bought link on etherdelta.
I have never seen a good link thread, it is astroturfed shit

>> No.16281092
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>I have never seen a good link thread
ok tranny. then i guess none of the original breadcrumb threads were "good". an anon literally found the google/link connection a year in advance. kys.

>> No.16281115

Not to mention how the entire industry now talks about memetics. LINK set the tone

>> No.16281137

It was pretty much shit in 2018 desu, there were some days in 2018 that almost made me kms they were so slow

I noticed it took an absolute nosedive when link got the coinbase pump, most large stack holders stopped posting and we got flooded with plebbit

>> No.16281147

Q1 2018 was great but yeah after LINKtober I don’t recall anything that great

>> No.16281202

Iktf bro, perhaps you should fucking kill yourself

>> No.16281232

posts were lower in 2019 than 2018, even during the summer pump.

only the bullrun will revive /biz/. then the oldfags who left will come back. i'll remember all you bizbros who stuck around the last 2 years though, when we were at our lowest.

>> No.16281733

I stopped caring.... It's a good project, so I put mine on sale for the meme price with long expiry, and moving on.
Community is garbage now except telegram and maybe the boomerbook group.

>> No.16281763

this is actually very true. I find myself at weekends very bored because my friends always talk the same things over and over again.

>> No.16281768

"Hey bill did you see the football game on Sunday?"

>> No.16281779

Been here since the ICO and I totally feel with you bro. Just isn't the same. It was dumb FUD back then everyone knew wasn't serious. Now it's nulinkers who speak completely differently.

>> No.16281792

I mean it’s a different kind of fun. I love laughing with my friends but yeah it can get repetitive quickly. Good to keep a healthy distance so it feels fresh

Somewhere out there is another board/forum with a similar dynamic to early LINK biz. Just wanna know where it’s at..

>> No.16281883


>> No.16281924

Someone made a linkchan image board with a minimum LINK requirement for posting, verified by MetaMask.
I lost the bookmark though.

>> No.16282022
File: 75 KB, 1013x1072, FE1DFB76-DE6B-4D03-84D3-E525B9DBEBC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand what you mean. Sometimes you just want to explore an idea, so you want to bounce things off of someone and have a bit of a back and forth to further examine the idea. But normans heads are often filled with so much shit they start getting offended or think you have ulterior motives or they get upset and start screaming. You can’t ever just talk to someone without fear of pissing them off and having them scream and leave the room, this happened a lot with my parents. I just wanted to get their thoughts on something and they’d start screaming at me if I didn’t immediately agree with them.

I hate that feeling of having to self censor because people can’t detach themselves from the things they are discussing, everything is personal to them it seems like. That’s one reason I like this site as well, although a lot of dumb teenagers seem to have discovered it in the past couple years and have the norman mentality. I don’t know where else to go, I get banned from all other websites.

>> No.16282026

I know who loves you

Jesus and it's never too late. I know what your going through is hard it's a terrible feeling. Pain and suffering does not sit well with me. I pray you change anon before it's too late. If not for family or others do it for yourself. When you were born everything was NOT a coincidence you are special and I know it.

>> No.16282031

This. There used to be amazing link threads.

>> No.16282320

Sounds like your parents are drinking fluoride water and have mercury dental fillings and cook on aluminum pans, that right there is just a small amount of shit that the average person is exposed to that significantly retards IQ. Not to mention mercury in vaccines which destroys brain tissue immediately on contact.

>> No.16282364
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This right?

>> No.16282383

You need to take a break from 4chan and come back to reality.

>> No.16282457


>> No.16282492
File: 476 KB, 1322x1858, 1542123484133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is incredibly insightful artwork of writing. I have exactly the same feelings, I pushed away a good friend, and I piss off my brother in this way too. By doing what I thought was freely and funly discussing ideas.
I think it comes down to that most people are just barely able to scrape by, cognitively. Their braincycles are all used up, and if they have to contemplate a other worldview, that is overwhelming.
You read the history of science and see even the smartest lords at the time were unable to grasp simple physics concepts like stress and strain. Or persecuting Astronomers for suggesting anything outside the religious celestial mechanics

>> No.16282565

It also has to do with the dact that expressing emotion in text diesn't have the same impact as getting upset irl. It's also less confronrational when people aren't forced to think of a thoughtful responce immediately and can choose when to participate in the debate/read the responses. It's much easier to think logically over text especially when you don't have yo worry what other will think of you and your ideas thanks to anonymity.

>> No.16283129

very true

>> No.16283150
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Indeed, all of that extra social baggage that normally soaks up brain cycles is stripped away in anonimity. There was some theories that the need to model and keep in mind many peoples reactions before doing what you might do (aka politics) is what favored humans developing a large brain.
But nowadays it's not needed to please everyone in the tribe. Can get by better without a judgy tribe, and instead spend limited brainpower on throwing out ideas and playing with concepts until useful truth is reached.

>> No.16283484
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4chan truly crafts the best characters. and i mean that. writing as Anonymous and reading posts by Anonymous really makes you think about what is being said rather than who said it and since your Anonymous you never have to self-censor.
plus if you realize you're wrong you can just close the tab and go to bed as a better person. nobody will be able to hold your previous behavior against you.
no up/down votes again makes you think about the content of the posts, not how many points other people have given it (half of which it probably received just because the other half was already there).
i especially like boards without IDs because then you're able to call someone a moron in the same thread while completely agree with him and laugh with him in a different posts. only the content of the post matters, not who said it. and over time you learn that human beings are complex, even though you strongly disagree with someone over something you recall that there's probably twice as many things you agree on.

just watch out with your image filenames, they can break your Anonymity. especially if tracked by external archive sites.

>> No.16283502

Hey fren you could study philosophy at university. That what I’m doing and it’s really great to meet like minded people. We have pretty great discussions and debates about every topic possible. Taboos are non existant

>> No.16283537 [DELETED] 

>just watch out with your image filenames, they can break your Anonymity. especially if tracked by external archive sites.

If i post an image what is stopping someone else on here from saving that image as is witjout changing the file name and reposting it? Am I really expected to rrnsme my images with every post?

>> No.16283543

>just watch out with your image filenames, they can break your Anonymity. especially if tracked by external archive sites.

If I post an image what is stopping someone else on here from saving that image as is without changing the file name and reposting it? Am I really expected to rename my images with every post?

>> No.16283548

Sounds like a fun thing to do if you make it and can afford it, it's not something worth taking on debt for though IMO

>> No.16283553

Oops, meant for >>16283502

>> No.16283563
File: 44 KB, 400x509, dip in the sun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing is stopping anyone from doing anything, it's just a warning for something that people don't think about. just because someone else can name downloaded file to the same filename as your doesn't mean anyone actually does it.
im not giving the warning due to legal stuff (because there is plausible deniability) but for other anons being able to track your posts and maybe figure out who you are from what you've said before

>> No.16284010
File: 725 KB, 713x713, 1573790777134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you so much man. Link threads in the pre-Accord announcement days were so fun, definitely some smart anons posting compared to the shitshow it is today.
If you wanna relive it: https://imgur.com/a/HS9hIfr - Connections & Breadcrumbs
https://imgur.com/a/bklfSCi - Positive & Bullish Thoughts

>> No.16284014


>> No.16284063
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Weird how everyone was incredibly bullish back then and now most don't have the same spirit anymore.

>> No.16284076

In my country (Belgium) it’s worth it because you don’t have to go in debt to go to university (tuition fee is about $800) and there are a lot of benefits, social support and discounts for students. Contrary to popular belief, philosophy can be great for a career, my brother studied the same and he is a program maker and host of debates. You could always be a teacher too. Probably its better as an epic addition to another field of study of your choice, like science, economics, psychology, law or something else.
The biggest benefit of studying philosophy is what you get out of it for life. I have struggled quite a lot in the past (as all of us 4channers do) and philosophy really helped me a lot. I genuinely enjoy life now, I feel like living is beautiful and I want to live life to the fullest. The greeks called it ‘bios’, philosophy is a way of life.
I did initially agree with your comment about it being good to study after you’re financially secure. It’s the case for me, I’m a crypto neet and I can focus on studies now, without any worries. Still, because I dared to make this leap (which I wouldn’t have without financial security) I kind of start to realise that even if you wouldn’t be financially secure, it would still be worth it. It really shapes you for your existence and that is more important than an utilitarian approach of “study A, get job B”. If you study philosophy you know you are developing yourself and that you’ll need ambition and other experiences (volunteering, internship) to grow to a job that you would like. So the process isn’t as straightforward, but you’ll have to use your creativity and skills, to make the life for yourself that you yourself want. I’ll have to add some nuance though, if I were in the situation of living in America, I wouldn’t go to university. The debt is too crippling for that. But it’s a huge flaw of the educational system of America. Not a flaw of academics itself.

>> No.16284104

Because everyone here is new now, you can tell just by the posting style, it's as if it's an AI that learnt the type of link pots from 2017-2018.
So the new linkies get fudded out by new fudders. The funniest thing is when fudders quote the current price as if it's meant to be BAD
like wtf it was 20c at the start of the year how new are these people lmao

>> No.16284113

We’ll be at a new ATH soon (probably december). Trust me - I’ve been here for two years already and I’ve got 168k link.

>> No.16284135
File: 67 KB, 504x522, 09633B83-FC31-4DC3-A56C-E218E2B5476E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely feel bad for you if you weren’t here for 2014/2015. The LINK research was ok but it was also tinged with memes, autism, and hyperbole (inb4 DUDE ITS A MEME IS A MEME IS A MEME TO KEEP REDDIT OUT) my point is before 2016 you didn’t even NEED to be coded because of redditors.
You will never experiencing seriously researching a company and concluding from its financial publications that it was about to merge with another company and 10x in value and open an option. Which is the kind of shit that went down in 2015, there were no memes, no “how many LINK for x” no info graphics with pics of Saturn and the brand of cotton used in some fat Russian guys shirt.
It was all numbers and data and it felt like being in margin call.
I can only wait and hope LINK finally hits 1k so all you guys can leave and the Wall Street chads come back. It was more comfy.

>> No.16284143

It's because everyone is new and newfags can't distinguish between the high iq psyops fud and actual factual bullish proof. Most smart anons digging up new crumbs have left and are waiting on retirement. Newfags see a coin which has multiplied by 20 in a year and don't feel bullish buying in now while everyone fuds and they have no knowlege of chainlink being /our coin/ since 2017 before it mooned.

>> No.16284206

We had good times, fren. You will make it.

>> No.16284212

>high iq psyops fud
What do you mean? The fud nowadays is brainlet tier. Anyone with an average iq sees through it.

>> No.16284247

I've tried meeting people from 4chan, but they're all maladjusted. I think the better adjusted ones keep things seperate.

I did find some openminded people, though and they're all devout christians. I was surprised.

>> No.16284277
File: 118 KB, 695x365, Bildschirmfoto 2019-11-17 um 13.33.45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder all these saturn, christ antichrist mythology are schizo hooks trying to get you into the LINK cult. in it itself even when 1000EOY happens links stays a niche software solution product with like thousand others.

NO LINK is nowhere near comparable with the internet as a whole. nothing probably ever will. i was myself sucked into this bullshit and now realized there is no fucking meme magic or rothschild conspiracy bullshit about LINK, at the moment its a huge pipe dream, and if successfull (1000eoy) not much bigger than a drop on the hot stone in the grand scheme of things

>> No.16284303
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>only the content of the post matters, not who said it

exactly my fren. fucking normies are too stupid and always fall for the authority figure.

>> I hate that feeling of having to self censor because people can’t detach themselves from the things they are discussing, everything is personal to them it seems like

also this. people DON'T LIKE being wrong, that's why they get angry I guess?

>> No.16284320

I too am a cyber hacker working in a techno machinations company and can confirm that chainlink is a pump and dump bigmac scam as confirmed in a simple google search.

>> No.16284447

Before most OGs migrated to discord and telegram groups this was the defacto place for the actual research and breadcrumb hunting and actually debating the tech and its implications

>> No.16284460

Thanks bro, honestly using warosu gives me cancer (cant use catalog). Anyone got any more old threads?

>> No.16284497

>the best time of my life was researching a shit coin with lonely incels on a malaysian feng shui board
8am and im already feeling better about myself, thanks anon

>> No.16284507

Same advice for you as I made in another post. Study philosophy at university. For the network and the people you would meet there. You are exactly describing our kind (the philosophers) and you would fit in and you would have a great time talking with us.

>> No.16284763

You can put your ideas on normiebook but then again no one will care about your ideas because all normies care about is being brainwashed by the mainstream media. Best case scenario, you will be hated. Worst case. Dont know. Maybe they'll suicide you lol.