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File: 168 KB, 872x632, Sae_Serious_Cut-in_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16280415 No.16280415 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you pursuing your dreams? Explain yourself!

>> No.16280421

I always wake up right before he finishes

>> No.16280883
File: 2.08 MB, 909x794, Makoto2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly this Sae poster has given me more motivation than anyone in my life combined.

>> No.16280996

wagecuckin to survive but if i had neetbux i would code all day on my apps

>> No.16281027
File: 30 KB, 720x714, D1CCE5B3-CEAC-4132-8A7D-A714CF9C86DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dreams had been worn down by useless scrutinization of what could be, which came to counterproductive conclusions that they were merely visions of grandeur, whilst continuing my degree which was expressing its stress physically through me. I had a lot of anger in that time due to shitty living conditions and the stress, and the directions of my thought were dubious. My cognitive dissonance worsened, to points of social paralysis. Finished my degree but unsatisfactorily. Currently looking for a job, thats a lie I gamble shitcoin based on memes from a basket weaving board. As I’ve got time, I’m trying to re spark my dreams of creating music, but facing uncertainty and scope again gives me more facets to make excuses, such as : the music industry is trash, you don’t have anything new or interesting to say, etc

>> No.16281046

I am why arent you

>> No.16281066
File: 22 KB, 407x354, 9242B69E-3C49-4BB4-816B-AD31FCAC37CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FFLs a-are exp-pensive, and my s-starting cost are h-high, and-and I’m p-poor

>> No.16281113


>> No.16281155

I actually am :)

>> No.16281163


I've never been able to figure out what my dreams are. I guess becoming a famous artist/cartoonist would be my biggest dream.

>> No.16281240

I am pursuing my dreams. It's just going to take a while to realize them.

>> No.16281253

my dream life existed in the 50s and 60s, not in this nigger infested hellscape

>> No.16281364
File: 7 KB, 249x250, 1568037177941s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based. however if we see the rise of national socialism and then america gets hell bent on taming the world for it's good, we could be in the 50-60s except with sci-fi tech within 70 years. some of us will get to live through the golden age. anyone under 30 will get to live to 100+ world war 3 will force the innovation we need if it where to happen. an economic collapse will trigger this sort of event. stonks crashing 50-60% etc...

>> No.16281430

I am pathologycally lazy. I procrastinate to do even the things I enjoy.

>> No.16281667
File: 289 KB, 600x856, 1491910674971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But I am friend, I create new things every day

check my latest gen z esque side project - driporskip.app

1 year ago I also had a site for my fellow bizinessmen to use and track crypto, I wonder if anyone remembers it

>> No.16281678

I am pursuing my dreams.

>> No.16282349
File: 299 KB, 1920x1080, 20171010141939_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seem unable to make such an open ended decision about what to do with my life.

The degrees of freedom in physical space are too great to compute an adequate answer to lifestyle choices besides paths of less resistance I am uninterested in.

So I drift... year after year... letting my youth slip through my fingers like sand...

Soon there won't be any left and I won't have anything to show for it except a depth of thought that serves only to alienate me from society and apparently from meaning itself.

>> No.16282648

My dreams are modest and I am well on track to achieving them even without strenuous effort.

>> No.16282655

I’ve never been in rythym with normal people and to numb my dissatisfaction with that I pass the type doing meaningless mind numbing things.

>> No.16282663

Time* autocorrect fucking faggot robo cock sucker

>> No.16282687

Achievable. Just takes time. Just put in as many hours as u can and you'll get there.

>> No.16282696

I'm focusing on getting my student loan paid off, just 3 months to go. After that I will be free and rolling in money

>> No.16282698

My dream is to marry you but you're not real.

>> No.16282724

how can i pursue something that doesn't exist?

>> No.16282758
File: 9 KB, 236x215, wojak-and-coke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pursued my dreams for years, got a degree, applied to literally 2k jobs over the course of a year, etc only to discover that the world is unfair and that I don't have the connections to get the job/career I wanted, while someone who probably didn't work half as hard as I did got the job on the spot because they knew somebody. The job I have now is pretty good, but it just isn't what I thought I was gonna do with my life. I guess I can't complain, considering that most people my age are basically slaves and work for 12 bucks an hour.

>> No.16282765

Because, I got a mortgage and I'm afraid of failure. But once I clear my debt, I might move and take a chance.

>> No.16282772

But I am. Going all in on shitcoins with 80% of my disposable income so that I can afford to have zero gainful employment and zero social skills while I do my dream.

>> No.16282854

jup, what dis nugget said

>> No.16282903
File: 70 KB, 887x498, 1505981584166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2019 almost 2020
>still having dreams

>> No.16282908

I am though, because my dreams are based on things nobody's done before I follow them everyday by making choices I want to make. The choices other people think you should be making are usually shitty choices, they are simply trying to drive on someone elses road.

>> No.16283088

art you in art school?