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16279784 No.16279784 [Reply] [Original]

How do people work 12+ hours every day and not fall into depression and burn out ? Am I just a failure and will never make it ? Or what is so different about people like Elon Musk or Gary Vaynerchuk ?

>> No.16279792

what does gary v actually do?

>> No.16279793

They do things that they enjoy, they get compensated well and they are genetic workhorses.

>> No.16279808
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elon musk once said that he "counts" reading emails in his hot tub as part of his 100 work weeks. that being said he does work alot.

really, i think the work week should be 25-30hr/week maximum, anymore more than that, i get stressed, any less, i get bored. Also,
30hr/week work
30hr/week family
30hr/week hobbies
the rest of the time spent, sleeping,eating, taking care of one self, is how tie should be spent

>> No.16279809

I also enjoy my job however if I have to solve complicated technical problems for 10h+ whilst having to deal with the pressure of meeting deadlines how could I not be an emotional mess ?

>> No.16279841

Ive been working 50-60h weeks for a while now and I have had a few days where I am depressed as fuck lying in bed contemplating life for 2 hours before I finally fall asleep from being absolutely exhausted.

>> No.16279865

You're not a failure. You can spend your time as you see fit. Working "hard" is for dumb tax slave goyim.

>> No.16279881

Oh, the bosses make their own deadlines. I guess having control over your own life compensates for the effort. A lot of your tiredness is "having to" do stuff.

>> No.16279899

It’s a combination of diet and exercise and being intelligent. Work is ‘t as hard when you are smart because you can do more things with less energy wasted, so it becomes more like a puzzle.

Also there is a satisfaction in completing a work that makes the work worth doing too.

Change your diet and go outside

>> No.16279902

I guess but they also "have to" do do stuff otherwise their shareholders get upset or their company goes downhill. So they also have to meet deadlines and have many things to worry about.

>> No.16279909
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yeah it sucks, i pretty much worked 12 hrs a day since i turned 19, all the way to 28, if you include college classes as part of that time too. if i had to go back to 18 yr old me, i would say, to start a business, because if you are going to work that much time for an employer it's way more profitable to use that time to work for yourself. actually, id tell myself to mine bitcoin for free in 2009. i just had no idea how to world worked back then. and smartphones and social media wasn't popular back then like it is with zoomers, so you only knew what your parents and school peers taught, or some obscure internet forum.

>> No.16279936

You are right working itself isnt hard and I actually like it. However the pressure of having to deal with customers and constantly meeting deadline after deadline sometimes at an unrealistic timeframe just drains me so much. I have no idea how I can deal with that. If I get a deadline that is, frankly speaking, ridiculous it is just tough not to let it get to you. And then I work on the weekend or long hours to meet it despite everything... only to get the next deadline. Maybe someone like me who is a perfectionist and cant turn down a challenge was never meant for this.

>> No.16279964

This is how it works if you want to make it. I say this as a fucking neet. 40 hours or less are for the losers. Seriously, if you can't wage two jobs or have a job that will give you higher hours or has an amazing salary for the average person, you are just fucking mediocre. The default if you are being paid hourly is to work 60 hours or more a week, preferably 12 hours a day. Why? To save yourself time. If you're waging it means you need to wage or it's a want. There is no fluff about waging because fuck waging you do it as a nessecity usually. But if you are being paid hourly you can save up double the income to that of those who work single shifts. Meaning you get done twice as fast with your monetary goals. The point here is that if you don't have the fortitude to work 12 hour days you will also again not be impressive. You may be better than the normalfag but you will still not have the ability to break out into serious success. Working 12 hours a day on your project is the minimum requirement hours to make it. But being able to see if you physically and mentally can exert yourself for 12 for someone else is also a good test run.

My point is if you complain about 12 hours that you get paid for or are working in your project for, then you surely are just a fucking average Joe or close to it and deserve nothing. Go get a girlfriend, go take out a mortgage, and live a mundane life with a steady job.

Or go hard. That's the best I can give you because most of you are destined to be nobodies anyway. Figure it out while you're young, so that way you can get a head start on your spite so you can maybe save your hairline.

>> No.16279968

I do 12 hour days if you include commuting, I never feel like doing anything on the weekend, just want to catch up on sleep and rest as much as I can

>> No.16280023


>> No.16280073
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He's a motivational speaker and has a media company that puts out all of his motivational speaker content. He is more of brand that anything else. I literally don't know what grounbreaking ventures his media company has successfully gone into besides shilling him. He a also saw a good ROI by being first money in some tech companies that are now big.

>> No.16280094

I did it for 4 months. Around 70 hours a week.
Fucks you up man.
I lost much weight and looked like a sperg.

>> No.16280126
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My friend told me about bitcoin back in 09-10. He would shill it non stop and sounded like a deranged cultist . He mined a bit and went to Marine basic training after high school. It pumped while he was away and didn't even know it. He ended up selling most of over the years but still holds a few and he's got atleast $750k worth of it now IIRC. WOAH IS FUCKING ME.

>> No.16280173

When you are working on something you love, you feel like you are flowing and everything becomes effortless. I've been pounding out code for the last 7 days and have had about 2 or 3 hours of sleep each day max. The rest of the day is comprised of taking small breaks to do some reps with my dumbells or calisthenics when not at the keyboard. I haven't felt this good since freshmen year of college.

>> No.16280185

They lie or use coke.

>> No.16280189

This is 100%. Most of you are aimless because you would have found a serious passion now.

>> No.16280219

> neet here let me tell you about something i know nothing about

>> No.16280230

> 2/3 hours sleep
> random seconds of exercise
Yeah im thinking you stopped the lithium

>> No.16280238

Mad because I already figured out how much you need to wage to make it. So fuck waging.

Work for yourself 12-14 a day or become bald and depressed now. You'll save time.

>> No.16280247

They lie lmao. I know some bankers who do those hours and they do not boast about it, it's hell. They're out of shape, look 10+ years older than they are, their flats are a complete mess and they're all single.

Anyone touting they do it happily is trying to sell you something.

>> No.16280260

Or gym in the morning, work 8-9 hours a day, go home to my house with my wife and 3 month old son, can spend at least an hour cooking nice food, relax and repeat. A life balance sustainable for decades.

>> No.16280270

When will this type of person expire?

>> No.16280274

Okay fair but we're not really talking about the average nuclear family success. We're talking higher tier millionaire, billionaire success. You need to put in time if you are starting from ground zero

>> No.16280281

Used to do 12hr shifts working remotely, however after a couple of weeks you get a week or two off. There is no way I could do 12hr shifts as a normal wagie mon - fri. fuck that shit. No time for anything other than sleep and wage.

>> No.16280294

Just buy link lmao. However yes i agree, i just think it's an unacceptable balance. Im a doctor and make it a point to do regular hours, I work only for my family and despise the 'paid in reputation' culture that is ever growing.

>> No.16280304

That's why you'll never make it. Replace wage with what your passion is.

>> No.16280316

I mean if you're in a higher tier position like that you are still not making a million a year. It is however nothing to scoff at for anyone working or in poverty. That's my point.

>> No.16280331
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Sorry but this is impossible not too. It's fucking cyclical. But what you braindead dopamine addicted shortsighted faggot zoomers can't see is that it isn't a straight line. It's like trying to listen to a nolinker. You're entire generation is screwed. Growing up on tik tok and iPads has made this the worst generation ever.

>> No.16280492

>1 hour of family time
Well yeah, if your job consists of doing whatever and you don't give a shit about your wife and kids

>> No.16280804

fuck off you smug talking fuckhead, your probably just a fat small dicked larping loser like everyone else on here.

>> No.16280809

nobody thinks you're hot bro stop posting ur pics

>> No.16280897

yeah I get it, I wouldn’t consider being a perfectionist a bad thing, but in the work place it can drain you, the boss doesn't care as much about it being perfect as he does with it being done. Just do a little more than you need to and call it good, otherwise you’ll wear out

>> No.16281047

Good reasons to be a wagie:
> you genuinely love your work (as in it's your hobby)
> you make a ton of money ($250k+)
> you're working to get enough money to start a business (a lot of wagies tell themselves this but it's just a cope)
> you're too dumb to start a business or make it on your own in some other way. I'm talking sub 110 IQ. You don't have to be a genius to start a simple succesful business.
All other reasons are NPC tier imo. Most NPCs wouldn't know what to do with their time without a boss constantly telling them what to do next. Also, NPCs automatically mirror what they see everyone else is doing.
> "Everyone else is slaving their lives away, I guess it must be the best way to spend your life"

>> No.16281062


>> No.16281067


>> No.16281168

I'm much in the same boat, but still managing to work on complex personal projects on the weekends.
2 things
1. You have to take care of your health. Make sure you exercise. No fast food enters your mouth, only healthy foods + adaptogenic herbs and supplements like cod liver oil.
2. Take a day or two off every once in a while and just lay in bed doing nothing to recharge your battery.

>> No.16281174

Forgot to mention, learn to meditate. Once you learn to do it right, you have the ability to release layers upon layers of tension from your mind and body. Only takes 10 min a day.

>> No.16281211

Good question dude, some people just have more energy somehow. For me 8 hour days are the absolute max as in I probably won't have much energy to do anything else productive after that.

>> No.16281229

I don't know if it's settled science or not, but I've read that your motivation and work ethic are significantly genetic

>> No.16281262
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I work 0 hour per week and I'm wealthier than 99% of wagies

I can't even wake up before 9am, it's physically impossible for me.

>> No.16281913

crooked jew nose, manlet , looksmaxxing lifemaxxing faggot, i don't have to accept your currency ya abosolut dried up dirty ass empty vodka vapid thought havin dude, BIG BRAIN TIME : don't reproduce dude

>> No.16281970

True geniuses work 12+ hour days because it's effortlessly enjoyable. Think how easy it is for you to waste the whole day playing video games. Someone like elon musk gets similar enjoyment doing things like figuring out how to redesign a rocket or shmoozing with rich Jews to gain influence.
You can't replicate this because your IQ isn't high enough. You'd just find similar activities complicated and stressful

>> No.16281978

>How do people work 12+ hours every day and not fall into depression and burn out

They get paid Overtime or their job demands those shifts. Any other response is a lie from a salaried officecuck. I work between 45-60 hours per week because of my shitty warehouse job and you just get used to having no life outside weekends or learn to live with less sleep.

If you're hourly working less than 40hr/wk is fucking awful once you get used to those larger those checks.