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16276016 No.16276016 [Reply] [Original]

If capitalism is so great than why isn't everybody rich?

>> No.16276033

capitalism is great because people work
not working is what the communist want

>> No.16276039

Because capitalism acknowledges the truth about humanity: Not everyone has the same uses and people with greater use need to be incentivized to perform them because humans are rightfully self interested

>> No.16276045

then, fuck
Have fun that that lol

>> No.16276056

Because not everyone has the same ability. Capitalism is about equality of opportunity. Communism is about equality of outcomes.

>> No.16276057 [DELETED] 

jewish capitalism is where the jews use the government as a tool to rob everyone else. then big corps, media, courts end up being controlled by jews and there is not capitalism, but jewish crime controlling wealth and and you would see a huge amount of jews in to and few else. new capitalism declares the jew to be equal or below others based on merit and honor. kill the jew capitalism becomes new capitalism. in the new era everyone becomes more wealthy, in the jew era only jews became more wealthy as their host nations were reduced in wealth.

>> No.16276068

Jews of course

>> No.16276074

People that are broke are either incapable of becoming wealthy due to inability or they are just lazy fucks that are content to do the same shit their entire life

other people literally don't even want money. Their mindset is that money is evil or will somehow change them as a person so they have anti-money sentiments and choose to do things to keep themselves poor. IMO it's retarded as hell, but we have the first amendment and all

>> No.16276087

"rich" is relative. Compared to an 18th century king, everyone in the middle class in the west is incredibly rich. The wealth generated by capitalism has been incredible and is lifting more and more people out of poverty.

>> No.16276090

Capitalism is NOT about equal of opportunity, it is about profit, and profit insures proper resource allocation

>> No.16276091


>> No.16276100

Can't you morons critique a system without making it about "DA JOOS!!!"?

>> No.16276110

Everybody is rich. Everybody who participates in western capitalism can buy food, watch tv, and even transport themselves. The quality of life has been massively improved through the years because of capitalism.

>> No.16276113

>entire society literally feasting on all varieties of food all day every day, wasting most of it
Why aren’t we rich?

>> No.16276122
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>> No.16276123

You do realize that the communists back in the day would send the secret police to your house if you were over 18 and unemployed, right? They hated NEETS, there was literally no NEETS allowed, you'd either go to work or go to prison.

>> No.16276124

Brainlets can't fathom that technology advancing over time has led to amazing standard of living for the average person.

Their only measure of society is distribution of currency.

>> No.16276129

ben bernanke hank paulson loyd blankfein janet yellen allan greenspan paul warburg dick fuld and more of the very top banking criminals are all self declared jews. If you arent about killing jews capitalism, you have no hope or you are a jew praying the ruler of good does not find you

>> No.16276138

and who has the shiniest newest iphone

>> No.16276152

yes I know that
there was also a tax for the unmarried

communist fails at resource allocation and fails at motivating the individual to work

people we at work, but were not working

>> No.16276160

they pretend to pay us and we pretend to work

>> No.16276169

it ended in resource failure
comrade this is not the wea

>> No.16276175

suck my buran

>> No.16276177

This is what your mind looks when you only know how to rent your labor out.

>> No.16276194

if instead of jealousy and desire not to work
you desired to just keep what you earn
you would be on the moon right now

but no, you are jelly as fuck you peasant scum

>> No.16276210

everyone is rich dude, it's the century of factory work and structures of supervision that's causing unhappiness and ennui. human beings are walking predators, we're not meant to adhere to strict running schedules 8 hours a day at the beck and call of another.

in terms of actual material, the fact that most people don't have to work to put food in their mouths is evidence of the progress made by this level of specialization, which is biconditional to capitalism without better technologies (one of which is cryptocurrency)

>> No.16276219


>> No.16276232

to be clear i mean your physical effort does not result in food in your hands that you will later physically move to your mouth - in fact, a substantial portion of the upper-middle class doesn't even shop for itself anymore.

the fact that medically healthy NEETs exist in the world is evidence of progress, sadly enough

>> No.16276242

Everybody is rich. The poorest American has access to more material wealth than a medieval king.

>> No.16276247


I do blame them, because they conquered it all, only to try and do nothing

*ahem* kinda the same with what we are doing with crypto

>> No.16276270

>people had it worse, be grateful!
>people have it better, accept it!

>> No.16276326

life off what you produce
that is all

>> No.16276338

The funny thing is despite all that most people still didn't produce useful labor

>> No.16276349

that is why you should keep what you earn, only then you are motivated to work
to add value, to manage resources the right way

taxation is just communism light

>> No.16276417

>people had it worse, be grateful!
>people have it better, accept it!
as long as there is social mobility then you have the opportunity to go out and get what you want instead of being a jealous little commie bitch

>> No.16276437

We basically are, you can eat better than most of the kings in history for just a few dollars a day here.

>> No.16276452

If it was possible to live off shitposting I would

>> No.16276456

>Can't you morons critique Detroit without making it about "DA NEGROES!!!"?

>> No.16276499

Niggers are stupid or have low T and low drive. It’s just human nature. The weak die

>> No.16276502

Yes, one could do that easily.

There are prominent Jews on every side of the political an economic spectrum. To insinuate otherwise is either disingenuous or naive.

Rothbard contributed more to humanity than some neo-nazi conspiracy theorist ever will.

>> No.16276530

Was it generated by capitalism or technology? Technology is not tied to some particular economic model.

>> No.16276538

>If capitalism is so great than why isn't everybody rich?
Almost everyone is rich though. Nobody starves anymore; they eat themselves to death due to all the abundance that capitalism has laid at their feet.

>> No.16276542

Capitalism rewards innovation and invention. This causes technology to advance. If I pay everyone to sit around and do nothing a few geniuses/information lovers might continue to research, but most people would just do nothing.

Surely you can see this.

>> No.16276577

Of course he can't see it.

>> No.16276688


An individual who literally refuses to contribute to society will still get a roof over his head, money for food given to him, unlimited world class medical care, and they still have the right to vote.

>> No.16276734

Same fagging your own post. Lurk more before you a try a psyop next time you communist kike

>> No.16276751
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because there is just SO much SHIT that i MUST buy!!!!!!!

>> No.16276764

Literally the same under capitalism

>> No.16276787

you mean socialism, that is on the verge of go full retard
wait till you get the camps

>> No.16276794

It's not about everyone getting rich. It's about the most hard-working and competent people getting rewarded as fairness for their contributions. Why do socialists think that society does not benefit from the most competent people being in charge of important institutions and businesses?

>> No.16276858

Capitalism is good overall but you have to make sure that it won't choke itself. The challenge is to keep it somewhat fair for everyone. Everyone should have the opportunity to lift himself out of poverty by being able to start a business, by getting an education. If start ups get ass raped by regulations imposed via big company lobbying to prevent competition or if you need rich parents to be able to go university then it becomes unstable. The state needs to be objective and incorruptible in order to keep the playing field even.

>> No.16277030

That still sounds better than:
> People had it worse, don't be grateful
> People have it better, steal from them

>> No.16277102

No, the culture of narcissistic trouble making needs to end. The Jews started the series of events that led to Nazism (communism and the revolutions in Russia and Germany and murdering millions of christians) and neo-nazism (covering up their role in the movements that led to the murder of millions of christians and world war 2)

>> No.16277139

You need help

>> No.16277405

You need help researching the events that led to the greatest slaughter of human life in the history of mankind. And learning that the perpetrators have not all been held accountable and are still at work.

>> No.16278085

You are you fucking idiot compared to humans just 20 years ago. You basically have everything you could ever need or learn in your pocket. Photographic memory in your pocket. That makes me feel wealthy

>> No.16278110 [DELETED] 

if this is true, why can't burgers buy houses? max profit for some means crumbs for the rest

>> No.16278202

>profit insures proper resource allocation
in theory
profit autism leads to more inequality as resources become more and more concentrated

>> No.16278350 [DELETED] 

So you believe in communism?
People are born with unequal IQ. It's the way the universe works. You can always opt out tho

>> No.16278369

The alternative to inequality is that everyone gets to starve.

>> No.16278387

It's not great. It's a terrible system and it won't be around much longer. More people advocate for socialism than ever before. Automation and AI are going to replace almost all human labor and the concentration of wealth will only get worse.

>> No.16278409

If everyone was rich then nobody would be rich. Wealth is relative and it´s about power of others. If everyone was rich you couldnt make others to do services for u

>> No.16278412
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>> No.16278420

because capitalism allows people to be rich, but most of the population doesn't take advantage of this, or are too scared to do shit like invest/start companies etc. theyd rather just have secure income working as a wagie than deal with the stress of putting it all out there for the greater glory

>> No.16278474

If farming is so great then why isn't everybody fed?

>> No.16278498

>can't you morons critique a system without making it shit "DA RICH"

>> No.16278582

Western nations are the most prosperous and safe and healthy in all of human history, and we have markets to thank for competition and innovation that brought us to this point.

Everybody in the West is rich beyond the wildest dreams of their ancestors, casually wielding magic technology and driving or riding in science fiction vehicles while consuming global produce and food from every nation.

Heart disease from living a safe life full of luxury is the number 1 killer of adults. Literally dying from eating a drinking too much good food.

Everybody is rich. Even the homeless have smart phones and eat mcdonalds.

>> No.16278595

Because it is a ‘debt based monetary system’

>> No.16278599

unironically because of capitalism
why let the poor eat when rich people pay more

>> No.16278612

it's illegal to be homeless in america and americans are priced out of housing more every day

>> No.16278614


>> No.16278640

>getting arrested for existing
yeah real rich

>> No.16278673

I was correcting my grammar brainlet

>> No.16278683

And you should lurk more before responding to an absolute obvious bait thread

>> No.16279184

>Western nations are the most prosperous and we have markets to thank
you mean we have slaves genocide and thievery to thank

>> No.16279222
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It's not about everyone being rich per se, but everyone should have equal opportunity in a free market. It's pretty clear that all successful businesses in the current market oligopolies because otherwise anyone could borrow money enter the market and make profit. The fact that competent businessmen fail and the new business fail rate is over 90% means that current market actors have unfair advantages and are fixing the market. People bitch that marxists don't know what they're talking about, but they were the first economists to point this specific thing out to my knowledge, this is coming from someone who isn't a marxist.

>> No.16279421

Thank you for your cuckservative boomer wisdom.

>> No.16279441

Both capitalism and communism are evil systems.

>> No.16279452

Imagine unironically thinking this. Zionservatives contribute to Israel worship while democratic ones contribute to the enactment of cultural marxism. Their end goal is ultimately the same. Learn something about Jews and Judaism and their past and maybe you'll see the light one day. It's not my fault that you're ignorant. Have fun, the rabbit hole is never-ending.

>> No.16279468

>if this blender is so great why can't it cure cancer

>> No.16279476

Globalism with a sprinkle of diversity. An emphasis over the weal of the economy over the weal of the people. Capitalism is at fault. And if you think that without it you'd be poor... my response is LOL

>> No.16279502

Yes, very healthy mentally too... Not! Americans are diseased and mentally sick and have a government that will onlt care about it's economy because had it fallen apart then the last pillar of what people may respect about the US would be gone and it would become the most pathetic nation on earth. Your country is a melting pot of shit and degeneracy to be spread over the west like the plague.

>> No.16279568

muh for-profit healthcare

>> No.16280564
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>> No.16280586

Everywhere there is capitalism there is wealth. What people want however is not to see wealth but equality even if everyone is much wealthier than in Communist countries. Its simple jealously than pushes against Capitalism.

>> No.16280680

What?? Your retarded. The main positive of capitalism is it allows you to escape being a worker. It’s communism where everyone slaves for ten hours a day for crumbs with no hope of escape. Boomers are so fucking stupid. MUH WORK

>> No.16280760

>it's illegal to be homeless
Have you seen California lately

>> No.16280925

swerve the potholes

>> No.16280970


In capitalist countries, the communists ask, between sips of Starbucks on their Macs:
>If capitalism is so great than why isn't everybody rich?

In communist countries, the capitalists ask, while hiding their food from the government:
>If communism is so great then why isn't anybody rich?

>> No.16280987

with capitalism some people are poor and some people are rich
with communism everyone is poor

>> No.16281007

It's easier to sell to "individuals" that are so convinced on one single thing that makes them "individual."

Like trannies are great for business! Hormones and surgeries! Redneck? Gotta have a pick em up! And don't even get me started on cool designer clothes!

>> No.16281054

we are quit your covetry

>> No.16281060

>In Russia, the eight-hour day was introduced in 1917, four days after the October Revolution, by a Decree of the Soviet government.

Try harder.

>> No.16281095
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well that's depressing, especially when you consider the demographic future of the US (and Europe for that matter)

>> No.16281119

Wealth in capitalism is derived from stolen value. That value is seized as surplus value from labor. The capitalist pays the worker enough to survive while seizing the rest for himself to sell at a profit. Capitalism cannot work with everyone being rich because the poor are needed for the scam. "Work or be replaced by the reserve army of labor".

>> No.16281136

Because it's terrible for inferior, undeserving people to get rich. It's great for superior people to get rich, which they do.