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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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16273419 No.16273419 [Reply] [Original]

one of these days ETH is going to pump and pump and pump and pump..right?

>> No.16273442

I own a shit ton so probably not because that would mean I made a correct long term decision

>> No.16273459

>one of these days

>> No.16273471

Ever asked yourself why?
What makes them different or better than the other platforms?
What projects still own a shitload of ETH from ico that they will dump to control ethereums price?
Vitalik is salty for a reason

>> No.16273490

nope. I just want it to pump my man. I can't imagine ico projects wouldn't want it to pump as well. plus, its been 2 years and it dropped to like $70. surely anyone who would have sold has sold.

>> No.16273519

>t.12 year old mind in the body of a 20+

>> No.16273523

>infinite supply
I dont think so faggot

>> No.16273525

>t.an idiot

>> No.16273531
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imagine not wanting your holdings to pump.

>> No.16273540

As said a 12 year old brain in the body of some 20 something retard.
>dude they got all that etherhium for free and are going to hold it sitting on their hands. You know mom fills the fridge and pays the bills. MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOn
fuck of retard go post your funny images on facebook or instagram or where ever you manchildren hang out these days

>> No.16273547

It literally cannot go higher because the increased gas fees would bing the retarded beast grinding to a halt.

>> No.16273549

EOS, competing platform, raised 4billion in ETH.
Think they sold it all? I dont, and they can sell when they want.
Some good news comes out for ETH, dump it
Some bad news comes out for EOS dump ETH
Thats one project of thousands whos ico was funded in ETH

>> No.16273554
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why are you so angry anon? I think a pump would really make you happy. a nice spike of dopamine.

>> No.16273558

Vechain is Chinese Eth. Stop being a queer and buy Vet.

>> No.16273562

since when do they have internet access in the legit autists day care. Try not to piss on the floor

>> No.16273564

well the kumo is about to twist on the usd daily so you faggots are going to see eth pump whether you like it or not. At least to $450 by my estimate.

>> No.16273575

Whats your fucking problem virgin? Have sex ffs

>> No.16273580

If you want some positive vibes and shilling for a ponzi you pay, and no, a pump isn't payment

>> No.16273584

Looks like you just wanted an echo chamber, sorry chief

>a thread died for this

>> No.16273599
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you forgot

>> No.16273611

>one of these days

y-you realize it already did, right?

also its creator said its value should be $0, so that pretty much tells you everything you need to know about ETH

>> No.16273626

kek, when I'm back from the nightshift I might post some dms by the sv fags begging me to shill for them. Those btc, bsv and bch niggers are more annoying than you fags. It is about time the marketing circus behind crypto gets exposed.

>> No.16273800

>tfw eth was above $1k and I didn't sell

>> No.16273826

Most of crypto in general, and this board specifically is literal pile of bullshit built by tens of thousand of fucking liars and cheats. The low hanging fruit has been picked already. Adoption is the only driver of value now. All the fucking partnerships in the world don't mean a goddamn thing.

>> No.16273958

make tha NEO and yes!

>> No.16273981
File: 21 KB, 1196x752, gyw1v2ue27k11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we pumpin