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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 37 KB, 400x350, 43B98AA4-A323-455B-97FF-924C50E9F330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16271557 No.16271557 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously, why us? Why was this board the only place on the internet aware of chainlink’s existence for a good year and a half?

>> No.16271572

Ask and you shall receive. We wanted riches so we got it.

>> No.16271621

because ever since we knew it existed we fudded it everywhere else relentlessly

>> No.16272509

a 10x in 3 years makes linkies happy

>> No.16272528
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>Seriously, why us? Why was this board the only place on the internet aware of chainlink’s existence for a good year and a half?
you already know why

>> No.16272559

sergey only wrote bots for 4chan, the link team doesn't have enough accumulated coding knowledge to spam reddit or bitcointalk

>> No.16272589

assblaster was an inside job.
why? 4chan has been right about a lot of important things. who else would you entrust with that kind of wealth

>> No.16272592

4chan is made up of extreme iq (both high and low) antisocial types less susceptible to mainstream opinion. As a result the ideas here are either ground level moon missions or absolutely retarded.

>> No.16272611

And DEN it takes another level if anon to filter through the retardedness and geniuses

>> No.16272662

I wonder the same thing from time to time. I like the idea of how memes and ideas go through a survival of the fittest test on here which makes a lot of sense. 4chan in general talks so much shit that if it collectively likes something it's probably got something to it.

Also it's pretty clear that some insiders have dropped some bread crumbs here which is interesting. So I think someone in the know likes us for some reason and wants us to be rich.

We have a highly autistic mission to carry out and it'd help us if we had a lot of money

>> No.16272668


>> No.16272677

t. 153 iq at 15

>> No.16272679

>we are le misunderstood geniuses and rebels

>> No.16272701

Can confirm
>t. sub 80 IQ retard

>> No.16272702

Link has unironically been the highest return hold since November 2017, prove me wrong

>> No.16272716
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9 And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:
10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
11 And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they [were], should be fulfilled.

We have already become God. We have already become God. We have already become God. We have already become God. We have already become God. We have already become God.

>> No.16272753

It artificially pumped and its not actually going to be worth nearly what it already is. Its not vaporware, but its not going to be that important. They have other oracles already, I read an article today about some private company that made a blockchain for tracking shipments, that they shipped food to Japan and showed people in an app the whole journey it went, at the table where they ordered. They used a private blockchain you cant invest in and a private oracle, not Chainlink.

>> No.16272758
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your interpretation is heresy

>> No.16272797
File: 2.88 MB, 720x1280, 2 We have all been given a path.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep waiting for your magician to appear in the sky. While I continue to shitpost in the clouds

>> No.16272822

Shit post

>> No.16272826


>> No.16272837
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>Seriously, why us? Why was this board the only place on the internet aware of chainlink’s existence for a good year and a half?
it's not that you didnt try to tell the world. about a year ago, some /biz/raeli went to /pol/ and told them to buy LINK. i know because i was there, but i didnt listen

i'm listening now

>> No.16272841
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Do you really want to know

>> No.16272843


>> No.16272847

This is the correct answer and has been answered many times. Reddit is made up of an ever changing hive mind whereas 4chan is made up of threads where only the fittest ideas survive

>> No.16272854

except link can do that and whatever else you apply it to and more with all of it's features. you know what they are, right?

>> No.16272860

Wendy's chef; 140 IQ

>> No.16272863

try x30

t. presale chad

>> No.16272888
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>> No.16272904

This. Math PHD making $300k/year because of 170 iq checking in.

>> No.16272914


>> No.16272917

imagine not having bought RLC a month ago

>> No.16272923 [DELETED] 


>> No.16272964

PHD+ in quantum+ math making 400k/year because of a 200 iq

>> No.16272978

IQ 170let btfo forever

>> No.16273009

>who else would you entrust with that kind of wealth

Good point. Should you entrust wealth to a group of people who follow the crowd or obey persons of higher authority, or a group of persons who clash on ideas and identity can't be used to influence the crowd?

It's telling that even on this board, we have a large subset of people who thought Link was a meme for years. This is proof of how independent minded this site is.

>> No.16273023

no, it's just proof that a large subset of this board is fucking retarded

>> No.16273025

Kek this.

>> No.16273032


because the first airdrops took off here. sirgay copied that and talked to anons to start his ico.

>> No.16273044


The only way of really making anything out of LINK was to buy it sub 20c (or sub $1 for newcomers) when it was announced here and selling the top. Anything other than that was pretty much just as profitable as swinging any other shitcoin. Anyone who didn't get into RLC last month before moon and held LINK since ATH just proves this

>> No.16273045

Attorney making 500K. 146 IQ

>> No.16273073
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It was always explained as extreme autism in excel charts and deep diving whitepapers. Then, one of the few to survive the gauntlet of memes.

Once you understand what it does and why it's needed...it's blaringly obvious how important it is to the ponzi that is crypto. Just took some cool people with mutant brain powers to find it for us.

The larps/insiders probably helped too...but I'm just a newfag /pol/ refugee that got everything handed to me. Missed the first 5x, of course.

>> No.16273077

The people who booght link originally were retarded right

>> No.16273096


ICO price has 27x lol

>> No.16273146
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no ears to hear on /pol/
my tears

>> No.16273152

Garbage man. 210 IQ

>> No.16273158

Insane when you really think about it

>> No.16273170

>antisocial types less susceptible to mainstream opinion

You probably mean asocial. antisocial is for degenerates, feminists, etc

>> No.16273180

>lets jerk each other off. Wow! We are so smart!

You guys don't get it, do you? There was a post here that went into great detail but I no longer have it saved.

4chan is a harsh environment. Especially harsh. No upvoting, likes, or ratings. There is no account to tie your posts to. Moderation is little, only to keep the board on topic. It is pure, unfiltered opinion.

Think of it like one big stadium. Anyone in the world can come to this stadium and talk about finance. Every there is wearing a mask, no one is afraid of speaking their mind. Imagine how powerful a tool that would be in investing? 4chan is just like that in an abstract sense. Ideas are wrung out through a harsh environment, ensuring only fertile ideas survives and reproduce, similar to organisms in biology.

There is a reason 4chan was early on to Trump, early onto Ethereum, and will be early onto LINK. There is a reason most memes are born on 4chan. The very nature of this website dictates it to be so. Only the strong ideas stay afloat. Weak ideas quickly sink.

>> No.16273185

You are an example of those on the extremely low iq spectrum of the continuum.

>> No.16273214

This is why I can never go to reddit. One thread you could be singing my praises taking advice from me and you have no idea who I am.
In another you could be calling me the dumbest nigger on the planet and that I should kill myself.

That's why tripfaggin should only be reserved for epic shit or OC.

>> No.16273220

oh no are you still holding? qq

>> No.16273244

you really typed all that out without reading the post you were responding to huh

>> No.16273260

>you really typed all that out without reading the post you were responding to huh
how ironic

>> No.16273262


>Only the strong ideas stay afloat
lol ok edgy retard, tell that to the 50 pajeet scammers posting shill threads or the discord trannies posting fud. this is a "harsh environment" like xbox live chat was harsh, get over yourself fag

>> No.16273275

>He doesn't know the pasta
You must have come here very recently that pasta is around since at least 2010. Now stop posting and lurk for 2 years faggot

>> No.16273277

every time i read your post it gets dumber

> No upvoting, likes, or ratings
you can infinitely bump your own thread with a cell phone you absolute mong. how is this more harsh than reddit, where you are downvoted to oblivion by hundreds of bugs if you have an opinion that deviates from the norm? fuck you are dumb holy shit

>> No.16273372

read it more.

>how is this more harsh than reddit, where you are downvoted to oblivion by hundreds of bugs if you have an opinion that deviates from the norm?
Reddit is a particularly soft environment. Posts are tied to accounts. voting system often favors the first popular idea. Even slightly controversial opinions are voted down, being ignored by 90%+ of users. Heavy moderation also trends in group-think mentality.

>> No.16273499

Average IQ reporting. Got a suicide stack of LINK and I fuck beautiful girls regularly.

>> No.16273502

One of those statements is a lie

>> No.16273508

All in for the memes btway

>> No.16273510

Reddit is for homosexuals. No straight man could ever unironically browse at leadt of 90% that faggot site.

>> No.16273512

No a suicide stack has and always will be a 1000

>> No.16273517

you are so dumb
T. 220 IQ chad

>> No.16273518
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>> No.16273532

Thanks for confirming my suspicion liar

>> No.16273550
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can confirm

t. guy living in woods eating gooseberries, IQ 209

>> No.16273560
File: 811 KB, 2154x1440, AA87B588-EA47-413A-B999-8E205D97B88E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suicide stack is about 100 LINK.
>$1000 is fud

pic related is your answer, OP

>> No.16273698

Rest assured, retarded and independent minded aren't mutually exclusive. Which makes sharing worthwhile information on here even more compelling. You can guarantee people who don't understand it will miss out on it because those who do will BS and pull obfuscating shenanigans to ward away people who won't understand to begin with.

>> No.16273728

That's where my 70k stack ass came from. Fuck Orange Juice!@!

>> No.16273736
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>Based in the cayman islands
>Gives same presentation past 3yrs
>Nothing is intellectually patented
>>nothing burgers starting with sibos 2017
>JSON Parser
>Countless "insiders"
>Confirmed security by law group
>Manipulated price action
>Rest of the year = same presentation (You are here)
>SEC launches investigation
>Sergey Disappears
>Dev wallet dumps all tokens
>Team freaking out
>Confirmed edit scam all over the news

Master, please binance me again

>> No.16273737


I got u senpai

here's my free linkies:



>> No.16273753
File: 74 KB, 739x383, 1568426752354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>He walks into your room, belt buckle undone with mcdonalds grease glistening his hairy chest
>>He loosely flings off his daily steve jobs plaid shirt
>>You brace yourself uncomfortable, the binds keeping you shackled spread eagled on the floor

"yes master, nulinkers deserve death. they are just trying to buy this synth-russian vaporware dogshit token on the low by fudding a chinese CCP fly-fishing counter protestor forum. not like your browse it master or have any fucking semblance of a fatass walrus scammer mindset."

He smiles.

He slowly walks over to you.

"And what do you say to the deceivers?"

"You'll never buy sub one dollar again! Nice try, didn't read, not selling! been holding for 700+ days. imma just keep buying like the dumb dipshit pig i am. it'll eventually work out no matter what because im too stupid to understand economics and i compare this opportunity to ethereum cuz im a fat, fucking retarded pig that loves to pay for your expenses and vacations"

He assumes the position now, a chair on top of your bare naked chest. He grunts and let out a massive fart.

"That's right... I've been holding it for 700,000 blocks, it's nice and hot and stinky..." He trails off, a distant look in his eyes as he glances and looks at all the chainlink posters in the room.

He grunts and out comes, a fat nasty shit on your chest.

"Another 700k, dumped. Take it in your GPI."

"Thank you master, partnership confirmed. To the moon!"

>> No.16273762

126 IQ retard checking in. Also hold many thousands link since 2017. Link go up. Me rich.

>> No.16273776
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>>just believe
>>trust me the source
>>weird esoteric shit that has nothing to do with tech
>>trust me it'll take off
>>it'll moon anytime
>>it'll be worth 42,000,000 per link easily
>>billions on billions marketcap, zero risk goy!
>>overthrowing jews and globalism
>>muh cope
>>muh hiring team
>>muh partnerships
>>muh dderivatives
>>muh radio silence means it's coming, next month!
>>muh, muh, muh

all we ever hear from you faggots

>> No.16274011

antisocial means sociopath bro

>> No.16274178

I'll be curious to see what performs better over time.
RLC looks like a grand shitcoin as of now but the last few months have been good. I'm much happier with my longterm hold of link and don't plan to diversify out

archive tag #rlcvslink #linkvsrlc

>> No.16274213

Chainlink is literally a psyop to herd disgruntled 4channers into a project that doesn't solve their problems

>> No.16274240

Sergey is a tech savvy antisocial high IQ turbo autist. At some point he must have visited 4chan.

>> No.16274244


>> No.16274287


>> No.16274290

stay on twitter you mongrel

>> No.16274331

This. We are all very smart and quirky! :D
Also we make some pretty heckin' good memerinos am i right guys? LOL