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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 118 KB, 1097x848, Mempool Size.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16264677 No.16264677 [Reply] [Original]

-Satoshi Nakamoto, Nov. 16 2018

Did you forget about this /biz/?

>> No.16264685

zoom out faggot

>> No.16264691
File: 85 KB, 1800x835, zoomoutsize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoom out tranny, dilate, and kys

>> No.16264700


>> No.16264718

so whats the flaw?

>> No.16264741

>zoom out
Yes, do that. Now what do you see? We have NEVER in bitcoins history seen such a sharp spike up. It has been higher, but it has NEVER spiked this fast. Another think to notice is that the last time we saw such a clogged mempool was during the massive bullrun eoy 2018. We are not in a bullrun now at all. There is now buying frenzy that would warrant such a sudden spike in mempool size. Something is going on. Be careful guys

>> No.16264748

>There is now buying frenzy

>> No.16264756

It's fucking nothing , bitmain is moving 90k btc in 1 sat txs


>> No.16264770

pretty sure that’s binance

>> No.16264773


I meant binance



>> No.16264783

oh no no no! narrative - CRUSHED

>> No.16265208


>> No.16265239

546 sat, looks like haircomb txs

>> No.16265534

they probably are

>> No.16265538

as in, that is the purpose of it

>> No.16265546

oh no no no

>> No.16265593

they spammed the tx so you can't sell while these insiders dump the price. BTC is fucked, next step is exchanges should remove ALL BTC pairs

>> No.16265610

>exchanges should remove ALL BTC pairs

THIS, I have had it with this turd clogging up the pipes of human civilization

>> No.16265662

delete this immediately

>> No.16265761

nocoiner cope

>> No.16265813

>one guy spamming the network is almost as effecient than the entire world in full mania trying to buy bitcoin

>> No.16265915

he was saying the exact same thing all 2017 and promising a reveal in November 2017 that never came. are you really that new?

>> No.16265928

>one guy
lol no

>> No.16265943

guys its literally haircomb tx's, someone is claiming haircomb using binance to send to the miner addresses. no big deal, just means more btc will be burned. and tx fees will go up, this is good for btc.

>> No.16265950

When bitcoin classic fatal fall is revealed bch flipinning begins

>> No.16265985

is haircomb a ruse for congesting the network or what though
i'm mining some anyway i didn't realise the wallet didn't have to be synced

>> No.16266073

Unless I'm missing something no segwit in bch. Is this why bch seems to have been suppressed (hype wise but silently pumping)

>> No.16266144

>bitcoiner calling someone else a tranny
Reminds me how McCormack is such a faggot these days since he hangs out with trannys all the time.

>> No.16266192

uh, i think this might only be the beginning desu

>> No.16266207

some things better left unsaid. recommend you delete, for the sake of the people, our industry, and your business.

>> No.16266257

never trust scammers like binance

>> No.16266275

Mempool up, Price about to sky rocket

>> No.16266287
File: 33 KB, 406x452, 1544620527186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BTC is about to be unusable
>This will make i more valuable

>> No.16266316

I mean...only people who have BTC on exchanges will be able to sell if the network is clogged.

>> No.16266478

Wait.. so they sent 90,000 bitcoin in 546 sat txs? Is that what you're saying? 75 million USD, 546 sats at a time? Plus whatever fee?

>> No.16266510

No wait... 750 million? Wew

>> No.16266548

It's poor people buying small amounts, fool

>> No.16266558
File: 300 KB, 1080x1164, 1565031390023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your dubs and post are fake and gay.

>> No.16266568

Ok boomer

>> No.16266583

Based chinks.

>> No.16266597

A new World Tether order!

>> No.16266625

Nobody gives a shit about bch.

>> No.16266637

something is happening but i can't work out what desu

>> No.16266653

Check the transaction count in the mempool. It did not increase even though the mempool data size is bigger than it has been for a year. This has NEVER happened before. Increase in mempool data size has ALWAYS been because of a increased transaction count in the menpool.
Something is going on

>> No.16267050


Hey, you ultra faggot, it's binance consolidating their shitty dust buttcoins.

>> No.16267068

>Hey, you ultra faggot, it's binance consolidating their shitty dust buttcoins.
The transaction count has not increased


>> No.16267090


>> No.16267150

There is a virus on the BTC blockchain. Don't say I didn't tell you.

>> No.16267240
File: 311 KB, 669x749, 1572990455280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the PSOs died? What's going on Craig?

>> No.16267244

There is literally nothing notable about this. Anyone saying otherwise is a schizoposter.

>> No.16267263


>> No.16267304

wait people still own btc.... and dont feel ashamed of themselves?

BSV gonna take over in 2020 and hodlers have no idea

>> No.16267311


OP needs to have sex with Craig already... and stop using 4chan.

Alas, the faggotry continues. :l

>> No.16267316

Where is the source? I found nothing online.

>> No.16267347

Absolutely. Sick and tired of king shitcoin. Its like a man drowning clinging to, and dragging down, everyone who comes near him.

And no shitcoin BSV is even worse.

>> No.16267355
File: 2.08 MB, 1176x1764, 1573771999099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I found nothing online.


>> No.16267533

it was the @satoshi twitter account

>> No.16267668

Yeah right. Comb is new and barely known plus it's not segwit address? And sending to the mining wallet burns the BTC, there's no way.

>> No.16267687

Could it be? Vishnu on the blockchain is finally waking up

>> No.16268314

Fake and gay

>> No.16269291


>> No.16269306

there is no fatal flaw and i never said that.

>> No.16269336

R: 9aaf4ee1c48adf04afcf18816f4a2ede63edbd7e6dd324113070afc20fe952d5
S: 5ac43481ca1d7d93c848147a6c716713bdb9ae0f9d6d1f0060fc82015671b13
H(m): 2e58c9701e1afa5fb243fda09f3445213eeeb0b390dac32d98a198e82231767a

i have spoken

>> No.16269743

Why is binance doing this?

>> No.16269755

Shut up scum

>> No.16270170

whoa holy shit its absolutely nothing!! creg loses again!!

>> No.16270203

>Why is binance doing this?
what if I told you it is not binance doing it, even though it is their address.
What if I told you a witness in the segregated witness system (segwit) can lie.

>> No.16270229

what if i told you you're full of shit

>> No.16270392 [DELETED] 

Public key: (0x678afdb0fe5548271967f1a67130b7105cd6a828e03909a67962e0ea1f61deb6, 0x49f6bc3f4cef38c4f35504e51ec112de5c384df7ba0b8d578a4c702b6bf11d5f)
bSignature: r=0x9aaf4ee1c48adf04afcf18816f4a2ede63edbd7e6dd324113070afc20fe952d5, s=0x5ac43481ca1d7d93c848147a6c716713bdb9ae0f9d6d1f0060fc82015671b13H(m): 20963263850230950175255265505713730077647297319299372054537156005789460166266Signature valid? Truekey_hash = 62e907b15cbf27d5425399ebf6f0fb50ebb88f18checksum = c29b7d937e3049e279391e62fdf00c12def7444013ddf6215808d10e9f2d5996key_hash + checksum = 0062e907b15cbf27d5425399ebf6f0fb50ebb88f18 c29b7d93bitcoin address = 1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa


>> No.16270414

Public key: (0x678afdb0fe5548271967f1a67130b7105cd6a828e03909a67962e0ea1f61deb6, 0x49f6bc3f4cef38c4f35504e51ec112de5c384df7ba0b8d578a4c702b6bf11d5f)
Signature: r=0x9aaf4ee1c48adf04afcf18816f4a2ede63edbd7e6dd324113070afc20fe952d5, s=0x5ac43481ca1d7d93c848147a6c716713bdb9ae0f9d6d1f0060fc82015671b13
H(m): 20963263850230950175255265505713730077647297319299372054537156005789460166266
Signature valid? True
key_hash = 62e907b15cbf27d5425399ebf6f0fb50ebb88f18
checksum = c29b7d937e3049e279391e62fdf00c12def7444013ddf6215808d10e9f2d5996
key_hash + checksum = 0062e907b15cbf27d5425399ebf6f0fb50ebb88f18 c29b7d93
bitcoin address = 1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa


>> No.16270437

message will be revealed when craig wright is castrated and offered as sacrifice to moloch

>> No.16270446

For months, big players have been slowly transferring BTC to their chosen coin - ChainLink. When accumulation finishes (look for a huge pump in ChainLink) BTC will be abandoned.

>> No.16270454

this looks like another BSV attempt.
I am calling this right now.
Craig stop embarrassing yourself. History will not look upon you kindly; your legacy will be dust.
Link $1k eoy

>> No.16270468

if you don’t believe it or don’t get it, i don’t have the time to try to convince you, sorry

>> No.16270486

Greg fuck off

>> No.16270493

i'm satoshi nakamoto, can't you see my signature?

>> No.16270495

the only people I ever see posting stiff are underage or mentally underage losers. it sounds like something a 12yr old says on the playground to sound tough

>> No.16270506

Flappening soon, stay poor faggots.

>> No.16270513


>> No.16270516


>> No.16270532

Well there is the stupidest shit I’ve read on 4chan today

>> No.16270537

So make a transaction from a satoshi wallet and code in some text saying Craig Wright is shabbos faggot.

>> No.16270565

the time is not right be patient!

>> No.16270827

Why is no one talking about this? Craig the liar owes us an answer.

>> No.16270834

When did Satoshi post anything in 2018? He went missing a few years ago did he not?

>> No.16270842

He never posted. It's all larp.

>> No.16270865

I'm trying to educate people here but not going so well

>> No.16270945

What did he mean by this

>> No.16270983

please verify my signature!
review and run the code linked.

>> No.16271817


>> No.16272061

>tx fees will go up, this is good for btc
top fucking kek, you corecucks are mad

>> No.16272262

Probably one of those mEth heads

>> No.16272334

More details please