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16261109 No.16261109 [Reply] [Original]

I need advice /biz/

So my roommate and me started a new warehouse job. While we’re working there we become good friends with a Mexican dude. I live in a border state so there’s a bunch of them.

This Mexican dude is part of the cartel.
We’ll call him Benny

My friend is Mexican but is scared to do It. He says he wants to think more about it. So I just got off the phone with Benny and his boss who gave me an obvious fake name. Benny wants to come to my house tomorrow(I live with my mom and two sisters who are 5&7). He wants to talk to me about the job I’d be doing. Basically I’m moving kilos of a product I’m not allowed to know about and there is a GPS put into my car and in the product. It could be weapons, drugs, I dunno what.

I can’t participate in the human smuggling(where the big $$$$ is at) because of my skin color(I’m white)

Are they going to fuck me over? Will I be their slave for life? Should I do it? I know it’s illegal and all but this could be my chance to make money. I’m 20 and I haven’t done anything major with my life. I work for min wage at a call center and am not enrolled anywhere. My older sister is getting her psyche degree while two of my cousins are studying business at an Ivy League school.

What do I do /biz/

>> No.16261143

I'll be honest, I only clicked your thread because of the girl.
Which is funny, because I'm not attracted to asians ... or mexicans ... but apparently asian mexicans can be hot.

>> No.16261162

No, retard.

>> No.16261167

Pros: you can make some quick cash

Cons: you make any mistakes and you will be murdered

>> No.16261169

Good luck getting out. Your mom and sisters are collateral. You’re fucked.

>> No.16261170

Just be ready to move to another state when you’re finished working for them

>> No.16261175

You already know the right decision. You're just here to allow demons to convince you to fuck up. Stop this.

>> No.16261185

jesus that bitch is fine, i'd dump my whole link stack to cum in that whenever i wanted

>> No.16261187

Didnt read, never selling

>> No.16261203

Is your name "Carrot?"

>> No.16261210

No, and call ICE and report your beaner friend

>> No.16261214

Bro they're literally going to decapitate your sisters and family and send you the video if you so much as talk to a cop for a speeding ticket. You are so fucked if you do this it's not even funny.

Alright my fucking friend had her cousin's head chopped off and left in a ditch and they sent her a photograph. I'm not making this up. It was in 2012. If these people are talking to you, run the fuck away.

>> No.16261215

Op if this isn't a larp gtfo. The cartels don't give a fuck and will happily execute you, maybe even after your first delivery

>> No.16261223

You’re right. I honestly was just looking for encouragement to try and help drown at the blaring warning signals in my head. I’m an idiot. But I’d rather be an idiot with his sisters that love and look up to him

>> No.16261229

There’s no way this can go well?

>> No.16261237

what kind of pretending to be OP larp is this

>> No.16261240

Sounds great. I'll be sure to keep an eye out for your debut on bestgore.com

>> No.16261243

They won’t let me back out?

Will Benny know?

>> No.16261244

In the long run, no. There is no way this doesn't end in some life-altering tragedy for you. Just say you're not interested and walk away.

>> No.16261254
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>> No.16261300

Even if I do everything right?

>> No.16261347

They could. If you give any indication you're not in it for the long run, they could be worried about you snitching sometime down the line. Could be in a year or 5 but they can't let that happen. That's why these things usually trap you for life.

>> No.16261349

OP you're a fucking idiot. Drop all contact with these people and get a different job. You're retarded for even considering this.
I bet you're a noodle-armed video game faggot who's never seen more than a few drops of blood in his entire life.
If you care about your family at all then stop talking to these people and run.
Holy fuck OP I hope you're larping.

t. border guard

>> No.16261385

I feel as if the chopped up bodies are like 1% of the cases aka outliers. In your experience how dangerous are these people? You’re right about my body, I’d lose most fights. And anyone instantly can tell I’m a nerd.

>> No.16261397

Are you prepared to work for them again? If not...don't do it.

>> No.16261401

How many times though? Would they be satisfied if I just did a month or two?

>> No.16261427

Lol. Imagine committing a felony in service of strangers and then thinking they’d be cool with letting you go your own way. “Just don’t tell on us anon okay?” They say as they smile and hand you your money. Then when you turn around to walk away you get a bullet to the head

>> No.16261461

>Between 2000 and 2013, 215,000 people in Mexico were murdered

You're basically embroiling yourself into a low scale war

>> No.16261464

>I feel as if
This right here tells me you are young and don't know shit. They are not your friends, no matter how much they pretend to be. Your family is leverage and if they so much as *think* you're a liability they will go to extremes to get their message across. They aren't dumb but Hispanics aren't the most rational-minded or intellectually-driven people so unless you want to see your little sisters getting raped and murdered on bestgore I suggest you leave town and not even consider working for those people.
Not going into too much detail but you are fucked any time you business with these people. They will kill cops to get to your family, if said cops aren't paid off already and helping them get to you.
You don't know what you're getting into so if you value your life, and that of your family then fucking leave you dumb fuck.

>> No.16261469

Isn’t that normal for a large country? I’m sure America has the same about

>> No.16261476

So are you trolling or really young/retarded?

>> No.16261481
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Yes 25k murders per year is normal in a shtihole failed narcostate

>> No.16261486

I dont think you are built for that life, once you finish a couple trips you will get hooked

>> No.16261490

Yeah I’m not gonna go through with it. This shit is terrifying me and everyone’s comments makes me realize that this might be retarded and I’m a moron. I don’t want anything to happen to the people I love. I thought maybe I’d hear mixed answers but you’re all on the same page. Thank you for helping me

>> No.16261491

That’s how it works OP is a moron

>> No.16261503

Report them to the FBI and ICE retard

>> No.16261504

>In your experience how dangerous are these people?
Ahahahahahaha you can't be fucking serious. These cunts skin people alive for fun.

>> No.16261508
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>Anything goes wrong call the cops
>record all phone calls
>if they threaten you for calling the cops call the cops again
>if SHTF move out of a border state
>be prepared to kill someone to protect your own life
>install electronic security system on house
>dont park car on the street

If you're not prepared to %100 for sure at some point in the future be in a life threatening situation do not do this. Also, if they ever tell you whats in the package tell them you're out and then call the cops, because they will assume you'll go to the police anyway so you might as well have police protection.

>> No.16261513

You are sooo fucked boy

>> No.16261521

Literally no way you are walking away alive. Even if you manage to run away, your mom + sisters will be in danger for the rest of their lives too. Cartelistos are in it for life, it's a feudal system not a fucking corporation. They're the coldest esses I've ever had the pleasure of dealing with. Luckily they hit my place while I wasn't home so I only lost a few thousand in cash + product, but I had to burn that address and never went back.

>> No.16261532

you're legit retarded for even asking this question OP, i hope its bait

you will ruin your life and your family's if you work with these people

>> No.16261535

>your mom + sisters will be in danger for the rest of their lives too
Not in America in states where the cops aren't mexicans, too high profile to go after small fry when they can't bribe the cops

>> No.16261541

I was stationed in a border town on a US base. We got safety warnings every weekend because soldiers would get kidnapped for ransom. Nobody ever left post alone.
They would leave baby carriages and strollers on the side of the road, and soon as you pull off to see if the kid inside is okay you're black bagged and getting shoved into a trunk. You may or may not wake up across the border, any you may or may not have all of your body parts with you.
Just walk away.

>Not in America in states where the cops aren't mexicans

>the police is our friends guys!

>> No.16261544

Sure, if they pressure you or threaten you call the cops, if they do something or say something to you for calling the cops call the cops twice.

>> No.16261565

>>Not in America in states where the cops aren't mexicans
>>the police is our friends guys!

I never said they were our friends, cops in america are about collecting dem retirement gibs and getting gibs from the state and federal gov, they're paid too well for the cartel to have a fiscally sustainable bribe network and white cops have no extended family in mexico to support.

>> No.16261611

No, but they're also not your personal bodyguards. It takes 30 seconds to disappear your little sister as she walks home from school, the cops aren't always watching. If OP pulls the trigger on this he is dumb as a fucking rock

>> No.16261632

i need some of her taco salad

>> No.16261690


>> No.16261734

Once you give in once, and complete successfully, they will persuade you to "help" again. And by persuade I mean threaten everything you hold dear.

>> No.16261744


not only that but itd be wise for OP to start acting like a fumbling retard at his current job too.

if they don't think you'd be a good candidate to begin with then theyll just drop interest.

>if you just disappear and they know that you know they're cartel then... that may be a different story.

>> No.16261758

This is an exciting idea op if you can meet some where other than home that would be better. They're just telling you your family is collateral. Keep us updated you crazy bastard and buy link

>> No.16261780

>t. border guard

that id- mX, Tj, TX. meme magic really is real. listen to this man op and take a look at borderlandbeat.com if you doubt him.

>> No.16261791

My parents are Mexican still kinda libtard but love them. My cousin used to be a mercenary for the Zetas. You will become a slave once you're in you'll get blackmailed one way or another to stay working for them. Best case scenario you'll become an informant then you'll have two problems two worry about. Stop watching narco shows and do things the legal way

>> No.16261804

this is a fun thread compared to all the shitcoin ones


yall got anymore stories or anything to elaborate on?

>work for narcos stacking fat cash
>start buying $1k-$3k in LINK per WEEK
>$1000 link hits
>buy multiple islands for you and family so cartel meanies cant get you anymore

>> No.16261805


Good luck with that behead OP. I hope it doesn’t hurt like a bitch.

>> No.16261838 [DELETED] 
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This will be you

>> No.16261852

You're taking a risk but you can probably make a fair bit of money. How risk-inclined are you?

>> No.16261871

>yall got anymore stories or anything to elaborate on?
No, because it makes me physically sick to think about.

>> No.16261904 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16261927

hopefully op is still around so he can get an idea what his future with the cartels actually looks like

>> No.16261969


Why are they so vicious and violent. I don’t wanna be around Mexicans anymore.

>> No.16261978

see >>16261464

>They aren't dumb but Hispanics aren't the most rational-minded or intellectually-driven people

>> No.16261980

Stop for two months until DMme launches. Screencap them and blackmail them that you'll report them to the FBI. Take DMme gains, and hire a knee-breaker. Profit.

>> No.16261986

Does it really work like that?

>> No.16261989

They have your name OP and you already know too much about their operation (Benny and his boss). There's no backing out at this point, and all roads end with you being beheaded.

>> No.16262001

They are subhumans, half breeds whos ancestors sacrificed babies and peoples on alters to their sun god

>> No.16262008

Anyone ever know what the deal behind the Mormon slaughters last month or so we’re about?

You know anything?>>16261349

>> No.16262010

People that watch and save these videos are fucked in the head. I get chills and a wave of nausea just seeing the still frame. I'll never click play on one of these. It blows my mind that nudity and porn are more censored than violence and gore.

>> No.16262023

Also kill yourself OP you disgusting piece of shit
>contemplating helping subhuman spics move their drugs into America
You should be shot

>> No.16262024

OP needs to see the consequences for what he's about to do. If the mods have any compassion for him they'll leave those up.

>> No.16262036

long time argument over water with the locals. lebaron family was targeted. government tried to say it was a mistake because their new "hugs not bullets" president is owned by the sinaloa cartel.

>> No.16262043

Yeah OP should join the CIA and move drugs into America the patriot way.

>> No.16262064

Water? Seriously? Go w much we talkin here?

>> No.16262088

You won't get rich unless you rank up. And if you do rank up then you will most likely never get out of it. Even if you don't rank up it might be difficult to leave (I don't know). You could end up getting you and/or your family killed and you could easily end up in jail doing 10 years+. Don't fucking do it. You could make the same amount of money by learning a trade ffs. It's 100% not worth it.

>> No.16262091

This is the correct answer. If you don't, those Mexicans will particularly love raping your sisters since they're still children. Don't be part of the problem. Call the authorities on this trash and while you're at it, have your friend deported since dollars to doughnuts he's in this country illegally.

>> No.16262094

>Not interested and walk away

If the autists on 4chan are smart enough not to do it you should be to

>> No.16262122

Your car will be the one sacrificed to the authorities as payoff. They get a small drug bust and a white bad guy in exchange for allowing 10 more cars to pass thru unscathed. Your family will be threatened or killed to keep you from snitching and then you'll be raped and shanked in prison.

Go for it OP, sounds like a sweet deal!

>> No.16262267

great idea. hop into /gif/ and look at rekt threads, particularly the webm's showing what cartel gang members do to kidnapped victims. yeah great idea bro. i too enjoy having all of the flesh of my face skinned and my heart ripped out of my chest with their bear hands while it's still beating. definitely worth it!

>> No.16262304

Youre gonna have to do it because you already know too much. Im sorry anon you have to get the children out now. It’s already too late

>> No.16262364

Seriously. go to /gif/ right now, enter the read "Rekt general" and find the webm titled "funkytown". understand these are the kinds of people you're dealing with. get the fuck out of this shit bro

>> No.16262375

Cmon spill. I need some good cartel stories. This is 4chan nigger, deliver

>> No.16262391

So here are your options.
1. Do it. Get caught. Get squeezed by police because you are a little bitch that can't handle prison. Rat on cartel. Death sentence.
2. Do it. Don't get caught. Get pressured by cartel to do bigger and bigger until either you get caught or become a liability. You aren't Mexican so you won't somehow magically become El Padrino. And there is always some cousin of a high ranking member itching to show he is worthy. Death sentence.
3. Don't do it. You better make goddam sure you don't know anybody or anything. If you already do, then you are a liability. Maybe not a death sentence, but move out of state immediately.

You fucked up amigo.

>> No.16262399

>Are they going to fuck me over?

Of course you stupid nigger. Also showing them where your family lives? What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.16262411
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Porn is ironically banned becuz it promotes over population and gore isnt for the opposite reasons.

>> No.16262538

Do this and MAKE SURE they get you and your family witness protection.

>> No.16262606

blood in blood out puto

>> No.16262613

No, you don't do this and you don't do that. Politely decline and move on.

>> No.16262659

There are only 3 ways this works out. Im going to list them, then im going to tell you what to do. Do not deviate from what I am going to say, otherwise you are fucked.

1. you make 100-200k before you decide to quit, if you are lucky and they have honor, your younger sisters get hacked and torn to pieces, if they are lucky., your older sister gets raped to death, she get skinned and hacked up, bits and pieces ripped off, knives that are insanely hot being thrust into their vaginas over an over, using blood as lubrication to rape her to death, her eyes will be popped out, one at a time so they can watch, her nipples torn off with pliers. Then they will do some variation to your mother, then you after having watched this, get some fucked up variation. Your body will be left there.

2. you work for them, make hundreds of thousands a year, pray you never do anything stupid so they dont cut you up. You eventually get caught by something stupid like tax evasion ( you didnt think you were gonna spend that money did you lmfao) You get a plea deal, by accident some mexican gets caught and you being the gringo get blamed, everything happens to your family again. Or maybe you get witness protection and they actually suceed for once, your entire families lives are ruined and you spend the rest of your life in jail, if by some miracle you get out, you work at 7/11 the rest of your life.

3.You manage to hide enough money and you dont do anything fucking stupid and you eventually move away, having to uproot your family and maybe they leave you alone, at best you have 1-2 million. This one has less than 1% chance. Its not worth it.

>> No.16262669

OP please don’t do this.

My idiot friend convinced some low level cartel guy to invest in LINK at 4.20 and when it crashed the dude ran him over with a car.

Anything that sounds like hyperbole with these guys is likely understated.

>> No.16262684


Now heres what your going to do. DO NOT have benny come over, tell him your going to college or something fucking stupid or you got a new job. Go apply to new jobs quit your ol one right now, tell mulitple people you got a new job. THen you are going to go buy a gun and get a 4 hour training course at your local indoor range. Get your ccw if you can. I hope for your sake you live in arizona. Have your mom or oler sister buy you the ammo, you can buy a gun from private sale or something. If you cant get a pistol just buy a shotgun or carbine. again take a quick 4 hour course. its like 80$ plus a pardner pump (130$) and 10-20 bucks for ammo your good. Pray they lose interest.

DO NOT CALL THE FUCKING COPS YET. You will be a prime suspect if anything happens, then your family gets murdered and you didnt even get to make money to buy some shitty poorfag sports car that would have laned you in tax evasion jail anyway. but might have gotten you some retarded fat bitch to give you a handy.

Get any other job. I mean that, literally anything i dont give a fuck what it is. Get out of there.

Then because you are a fuckting retard go become an IT guy in the marine corp, you obviously need some masculine influence

>> No.16262690

This. Don't do it OP.

>> No.16262825

just buy link and hold why do you have to get yourself into the cartel?

you're gonna let them be in contact with your sisters and mom while you don't even know them that well?

just kill yourself

>> No.16263129

She is Mexican you dumb fuck. Many have mixed blood from Spanish and indigenous peoples.
This. OP is already fucked. If he says no, they could murder him as a liability

>> No.16263160

They won’t kill you. They usually kill your family to make you suffer.

>> No.16263162

Don't listen to these fags OP, get right in with the cartel. Do the jobs correctly and work your way up the ranks. By the time you are 30 you'll have so much cash you'll be ordering hits on the chads that bullied you in school.

>> No.16263165

You already fucked up. They know your family and it can be used against you. If something happens what are you going to do? Tell them they need to move to another state because you are a big shot drug dealer and they want to kill your family? You join and you are there for life and you are putting your family at risk so at least use the money for their benefit too.

>> No.16263168


>> No.16263173

Fucking idiot just do it and report back to us if you are still alive

>> No.16263177
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>> No.16263183
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>> No.16263185

>Many have mixed blood from Spanish and indigenous peoples.
Well she hardly looks European at all.
If what you say is true, my guess it's the Native American ancestry that I'm confusing with Asian.
Or, you know, she could be Asian-Mexican. I don't know why you called me a dumb fuck like you know the girl and know her parents. Like you know what she is just because she's wearing a shirt that says the name of a country, you have no more evidence supporting your guess than I do.
But I'm not going to call you a dumb fuck.

>> No.16263201

>my roommate and me started a new warehouse job

>my roommate and me started a new job

>me started a new job

>me started a job
Terrible post, you should feel ashamed.

>> No.16263203

Fair enough. I'm just used to the hyperbolic shitposting on 4chan. I need to remember to rise above the filth.

Indigenous American people migrated from Asia. If she is just 'Mexican' then this could explain some of her features being similar with Asian people.

>> No.16263210


I am pleading: please don't do it. Please i beg off you with everything. These dudes are monsters and will destroy your family. Please if you love your sisters, please don't do it man. If all it takes is a few thousand for you to risk and sell your family... man, they deserve someone better.

>> No.16263238

whites burned people alive back then too

>> No.16263260

Yeah well I was deliberately taking a righteous "holier than thou" tack myself, so don't beat yourself up. I'm usually an asshole and as much to blame here.

Bullshit aside, sometimes I write out something mean and remember to catch myself and say something nice instead. Sometimes I don't.

I think it's the anonymity of this place, brings out a tendency to be unkind.

>> No.16263274

Dont do it you fool

>> No.16263304

You're not part of the cartel and you're expendable, they have all the leverage and you have none. Even if YOU do everything right, they may just feel it's time to "cut you off" to avoid risks, or your package is the one with a bug in it, and they have to destroy you and your car to take care of it.
The cartel doesn't care about you and whatever they're paying you isn't enough to literally have your life on the line.

>> No.16263325

You fucked up a little already, but don't make things worse. Don't get involved, and don't bring the devil into your house.
Life isn't TV and video games, there are evil people who do Satan's work out in the world.
Avoid them and live safely.
Play dumb, don't get involved any further, just say you can't do it. You prayed about it and changed your mind. Don't mention to anyone else about what you've posted.
Stay quiet and mind your own business.

>> No.16263330

OP here, on my phone on 4G so my ID may be different.

I've decided to go ahead and do it.

I took everything you guys said into account and I appreciate the feedback but I feel like this could spin in my favour.

I'm just gonna do 3 jobs and then explain that I have other responsibilities. I honestly feel like a lot of you have this exaggerated idea about the cartels. This dude seems like a legit guy and guaranteed me that its easy money with no commitment.

Thanks guys will let you know how it all goes.

>> No.16263345

You're making a mistake.
You better pray to God that you have luck on your side.
Don't fuck up.

>> No.16263348

this op, don’t be stupid
t. literally lost friends to cartel shit

>> No.16263351

Oh yeah and if you live in Arizona get a gun and don't rely on the cops. Cops are not bodyguards and will not help you, assuming that they aren't already Mexicans helping out their cousin Benny, they're fat white guys who haven't dealt with a real murder in years and have judges that will absolve them of any negligence or failure to do their jobs.

>> No.16263365 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, nigger. He probably has PTSD and asking him to bring shit up isn’t cool.

>> No.16263369

yeah your dumb fuck, put cartel mexican pablo into your house witt your mother and two young sister, your fucking retard!!

>> No.16263370

read these you dumbfuck
Dude I know you are probably a loser virgin with no excitement. Trust me this isnt the way, you will feel like a badass for a bit, they will probably get you bitches and some money, its easy money but you cant spend it or build yourself up with it. the whores wont care about you and all your doing is putting your entire family at risk for bullshit money man.

>> No.16263377

Literally imagine a local ISIS group dipshit.

>> No.16263400

Actually you know what? If you're living in an area where they can openly ask people like you, a white guy, to run for them, the cops have no control over the area and are probably paid off. You're fucked buddy.

>> No.16263405

Kek I hope this is OP and not someone baiting. Syntax is similar so could be OP.

>> No.16263408

RIP anon

>> No.16263433

youre kidding . the first confirmed link martyr

>> No.16263437

this.no anon DONT do it

>> No.16263442

You're fucked anon
Deeply fucked
If it's serious shit you're about to tragically disappear without trace
Run fucking screaming in the opposite direction

>> No.16263463

>How to make $1,000/week for a while, and then get your head chopped off
Yeah, you won't ever make really good money. You aren't exactly doing premium work, and you won't get premium pay. And you have a decent chance of dying in some way related to this stuff.

>It could be weapons, drugs, I dunno what.
It's coke, retard.

You don't necessarily control everything, retard. As >>16261214 said, what happens if a cop pulls you over for a speeding ticket?

Dude, the chopped up bodies are people they used to send a message. Most of their victims just permanently disappear.

No. They probably won't be happy with that. Plus, if you ever learn anything significant about the operation (even accidentally), you won't be able to leave - and if you try, they'll kill you.

America has 11k murders per year. With almost 3x the population of Mexico.

>Here's my strategy for dealing with the cartel - THE POLICE
Dude, unless you end up in witness protection (which you won't, because your info probably isn't very valuable), the police aren't going to save you.

>It's not like Mexican cartel members can just sneak across the border, kill someone in the US, and go back

>You need to bribe the cops to kill someone

>> No.16263467

>Make 100k-200k from driving some drugs around
After what, 8 years of work? It's not like driving is some rare skill, and OP will be paid a premium. They can hire anybody to drive drugs around.

>> No.16263655

Call ICE (not police), call anyone you know with a gun, don't leave the house alone, don't go out after 6pm, call ANYONE find some fucking skinhead a friend of a friend of a friend knows what you need is manpower.

>> No.16263694

Never get involved with a cartel. Just respectfully say no thanks

>> No.16264558

This isn’t me,
I’m not doing it guys.

>> No.16264610

kek'd hard out loud at my imaginary version of OP (basically McLovin') getting fed feet first into a woodchipper but thinking to himself "this is fine, it didn't end well for me but I couldn't have known this going in. this situation is a statistical anomaly."

>> No.16264644

215,000 is not 25k retard. you should probably quit crypto too.

>> No.16264653

In my country we call that: “a stupid american” (read that with russian accent)

>> No.16264684


>> No.16264687

If we're talking 6 digits I'd strongly consider it but don't do it for chump change that won't do anything for you.

>> No.16264702

You’re not me

>> No.16264717

imagine being this autistic. life isn't a netflix series you fucking retards.

>> No.16264726


>> No.16264727

Don't put your family through that shit.

If you were on your own, sure, get killed. But your mom and siblings are with you, selfish faggot

>> No.16264738

This Is fake!

>> No.16264815


Because they are not people. They are animals who have some of the intelligence a man has and none of the empathy, just pure maliciousness.

>> No.16264944


OP met psycho at shitty job. Psycho's job is to befriend naive little gullible pions on behalf of 'a cartel' who think they have no hope to do their bidding. OP know this, he even posted it.

OP told phycho who he is, where he lives, and is already feeling pressured into muling drugs as an OPportunity.

OP doesn't even know if this guy is cartel, other than what he's been told by the guy... It's probably more likely guy is a little psychopath chancer in a dead end job looking for some mug to bring it over for his own little operation. That's why your friend feels weird about the guy.

OP is told it's one kilo. Ends up bringing over 4 at a time... Does it 3 times... Get's paid $1000 each time... Psycho makes a killing.

Let's view worst case scenarios... OP get's involved with cartel... OP get's involved with Psycho... OP get's arrested at border and sentenced to 10 years, in prison he finds out Benny is not Cartel... Benny is just regular customer... OP is 2nd kid this year to get caught. OP is arrested because the entire thing is a setup and then coerced by police to actually get involved with the real cartel as snitch.

Let's view best case scenario. OP makes $3000 and gets indirectly threatened by psychopath that the cartel will murder his family if he doesn't keep doing it... even though cartel isn't even involved, or ups price to $3000-5000 a run. Once psycho's supply runs out OP get's robbed for the 3-20k he made and hid under his mattress. OP quits job... Everyone at the job knows Bennys game and don't say anything because he's a psycho.

>> No.16264993

Too many retards here sometimes. I don't even care if an anon is racist, but posts like that mean they're stupid too. Spartans used to murder infants for minor birth defects, anglos burned people alive, the French got addicted to beheadings, etc.

>> No.16265007

true white ubermensch like Reagan would never smuggle drugs into America

>> No.16265028

Corners of my lips turned up. Damn you.

>> No.16265286

There are Russians in India? Tell me, do you also shit in the street?

>> No.16265947

seething at the fact she is not Mexican, don't lie to yourself.

>> No.16266078
File: 981 KB, 964x1012, Schermafbeelding 2019-04-12 om 16.21.15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will kill you and deliver your severed bodyparts tightly packed like tetris pieces in a carboardbox to your moms house.
if you want this you go and play with them.

>> No.16266129
File: 821 KB, 1412x4008, 40C2778C-3616-422A-A4D0-A0D831607ABD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here,for your nose,when they chop it off!

>> No.16266176

glad that you talked yourself out of it. but bro you may need to move.

>> No.16266317

1) Say you are ready for the job not right away, but rather in a week or a few days.

2) Quietly and quickly explain everything to your family.

3) Get into car, pack very lightly, and drive to another state.

4) In the other state go to police station together and explain the situation to them.

5) Make sure that they will allow you to remain at the police station with security and guards.

6) Give them all the names and descriptions of the felons, so that they can hunt them down.

7) Call all local news stations and get attention of everyone to the story.

8) Start living in another state and buy firearms for home defense. Join local NRA to get some buddies to protect you.

DO NOT STAY IN THAT BORDER STATE AND NEVER COME BACK. Tell all of your friends and relatives to move.


Most of the leftist news companies are afraid to report on Mexican crime, because "muh, border wall bad, Trump is wrong".

So contact Fox News or other right-wing company and they will be happy to report.

My reddit account is u/xhdhfjjd, contact me directly, I will guide you through.

Alternatively go to r/The_Donald and write about your story, they have police and army members in there who know about mexican crime, they can help. I'm not kidding, this is serious.

>> No.16266330

Murdered after step 1


>> No.16266344


>> No.16266508

Did you not watch Breaking Bad?

>> No.16266533

Hes especially fucked becauses hes a whiteboy. They will have ZERO loyalty to you or give ZERO fucks if you get fucked up.

>> No.16266628

Native americans look mildly asiatic

>> No.16267627

As a mexican that lives near the border I can give you some light on this matter.

First of all, it depends a lot about wich cartel you will be working with.

The ones based in Laredo and El paso tend to be very aggresive and will chimp out if something goes wrong. Generally I would't involve with cartels that operate in Texas. The ones in the other states tend to be more rational and would prefer a low profile in both sides of the border.

If you decide to go ahead with it, i strongly suggest that you stay clean and don't do any drugs at all. I ve known guys that walked out with no jail time after moving hundreds of pounds of weed just because they came out clean in the drug tests.

He wants to know where you live and know things about you so they can have leverage on you in case you decide to fuck them over.

Also, given the case u get caught. always always say it was the first time you did it.

The less you know the better, but the bucks are in moving cocke or money. weed and weapons are the lowest paid and also the most easy to get caught with.

>> No.16267928

"So I just got off the phone with Benny and his boss"

Most posts here are only taking into account Benny when OP has already been talking to his boss. Illegal activities have been discussed and identities are known, even if they aren't giving specifics. Not a good situation.

>> No.16267982

Are you mad OP?
Get a new job, ditch, get the fuck out of this situation.
You will be committing a felony, they can hold that over your head. Ok, so now you can't get help from the cops. You say no more jobs, they tell you you're in this as long as they want.
And you know what? You are. You can't do shit.
Fucking read Faust or something, Jesus dude.

>> No.16268003

they actually came from asia

>> No.16268039 [DELETED] 

First thing. FBI and CIA are searching for you right now. And will let you do whatever you want for a couple years then they will arrest your ass

>> No.16268054

You know what you should do is tell the FBI about this and try to make them pay you for information. I don’t know how that fully works but a lawyer might know some loops holes and could make you money

>> No.16268065
File: 35 KB, 600x600, shig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To give an answer outside of the standard
>cuz they a spic

Because their life is a one of criminality, these people operate in a world without rule of law. The people they work for only maintain their legitimacy through fear and violence. Without those factors, they lose power. Kinda like a state run by a tin-pot dictator. So at the lower levels, the only authority people can muster is by enforcing their own fear and violence. That's why you have billionaire drug lords who despite having enough money to bribe god, still have to mess people up violently. Think of ISIS, North Korea, Pol Pot. The cartels are a small-scale version of that shit.
If I asked you to move to North Korea for 5000 bucks, would you do it?

>> No.16268128

>inb4 OP fucks up and his family gets chopped up and fed to dogs

>> No.16268157

>telling cartels know where you and your family live and inviting them over
Are you fucking retarded? If you ever fuck them over they are coming after you and your family

>> No.16268216

As a spic myself let me ask to NOT do anything with them, I repeat anon DO NOT DO “BUSSINES” WITH THEM I BEG YOU.

If you gave them any information about yourself, your family, postal data, absolutely anything, you have to move your family first and then move yourself, disappear for a while

>> No.16268218

>always always say it was the first time you did it.
Don't talk to the police at all, OP. Don't admit to anything. Let your lawyer handle it, and if you are planning on being a mule you'd better have a damn good one.

>> No.16268371

>I ve known guys that walked out with no jail time after moving hundreds of pounds of weed just because they came out clean in the drug tests.
what exactly does this mean? The cops let him off cause he passed a piss test?

>> No.16268858

Besides all the other risks other people have said, there's at least a 60% chance you get caught and do hard time. On top of other possibilities

>> No.16268888

OP would probably snitch and get his family chopped into pieces

>> No.16269017

every situation requires a cost / benefit analysis. This is where you quantify exactly what the benefit is, and what the risks, or cost is.

the benefit here is that you get some extra money.

the cost is associating with, and being subordinate to, people who will fuck your baby sisters to death in front of you if you piss them off, (leveraging you with your people is why they want to come to your house)

Also, part of being a good criminal is seperating yourself from criminal actions. This is why they are on the look out for idiots like you to do the work. It's why this amazing opportunity has come up.

>> No.16269032

Of course, idiot. As soon as chopping your head is cheaper than paying you, they will do it.

>> No.16269066

Per year you moron. Looks like it's really time to quit the crypto.

>> No.16269232

They tell the judge that they didn't know what they were smugglin, it was their first time, they had no job and needed the money... etc.

Given the case that its theitr first crime and that they come clean in drug tests gives them some leverage.

The ones I know entered a sort of provation program where the slightest issue would set them under arrest, no traveling out of the contry, present themselves every week at sherif's office and sign some papers and stuff like that.

One actually got arrsted for driving distracted and running a red light, he had to apear before a judge fotr that one to avoid getting off the program and into jail.

>> No.16269363

Report them all to ICE and move on

>> No.16269516

you are an idiot and deserve the inevitable decapitation thats coming your way