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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16260684 No.16260684 [Reply] [Original]

Of those only a fraction browse /biz/
When someone claims they own more than a suicide stack they are, statistically speaking, most likely larping

>> No.16260699

This. Remember, 10k+ stack claims are almost always larps and are designed to make you feel inadequate so you'll sell and buy muh low cap moon mission shitcoin. Average /biz stack is less than 5000 links.

>> No.16260705

Here’s something else to chew on: with almost 350 million in circulation; majority are owned by VCs. Not neets.

>> No.16260727

4% x 75k holders is 3k
Even 10% of 3k is 300 people on biz with 10k+ linkies

>> No.16260736

considering a suicide stack is 10k it's alot higher a number then you coping nuscumstinkers think. but hey whatever helps you not eat that bullet daily amirite? cope post a reply I need a laugh by you delusional nuscumstinkers that didnt buy in with the rest of us under $0.20-.80

>> No.16260743

post your stack larper

>> No.16260744

>another schizo neet cope post

>> No.16260745

Still never buying fag

>> No.16260757

I wonder if it was like this back on the Etherum days

>> No.16260764

kek datamining still the thing for these I see. nah I wont just to watch you seethe and go see larper you dont have shit and think you're right. just dont wanna see you eat a gun tonight because you didnt buy in at 0.35 and ignored it for 2yrs. but hey fomo in now right? how's those 53 linkies working out for ya sport? ya gonna be a billionaire? lol cry moar tears of dispair
another didnt buy for 2 yrs cope post

>> No.16260791

statistically speaking your wrong because if you browse biz and you own link and you were here last year you have over ten thousand link, i mean nobody could really have been here in 2018 and not have 10k right? Nobody would be that stupid?

>> No.16260807
File: 308 KB, 2048x1454, Screenshot_20191114-205058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16260846

Was this all supposed to rhyme or is my psychosis really glaring up ?

>> No.16260961
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>> No.16260985
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>he bought 10k at 3.14
lmao gg

>> No.16260987


Keep coping nulinkie

>> No.16260992

Your a moron.. bought at .28 faggot.. you dont even know wtf your looking at..

>> No.16260999
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but why would you DC edit it like that?

>> No.16261001
File: 7 KB, 224x225, 791AE89C-192C-47A0-8788-910DF84F8427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You Nulinkers had 2 years to accumulate.....
if you weren’t ironically doing the wagecuck grind to make it then. It will be much harder to make it now...

>> No.16261011

Screenshot of my stack eairly today when it was $3.14 put the date as reference.. nulinkers need to cope..

>> No.16261014

3370 holders have more than 9999.99 link...

>> No.16261065

Most people that have browsed biz fit more then a year have a good link stack. I have 30k from pre sibos so that's like 20 cent era? It was extremely shilled as soon as it hit etherdelta lol.

>> No.16261236


>> No.16261242

Fuck, I see it now.

>> No.16261257

Most og biz posters have a 100,000+ stack, which was always the make it stack. The 10,000 stack to make it larps are a meme.

>> No.16261280
File: 92 KB, 215x235, 1573072088839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day soon each Chainlink token will exceed $30,000. Consider yourselves blessed to own any.

>> No.16261333

yeah it wasnt ment to rhyme tho I see parts of it did but good eye son you'll make it kid