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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1625454 No.1625454 [Reply] [Original]

What are our options?

>> No.1625458


>> No.1625535

Nobodys watching your 20minute video and giving your their reflection on it.


>> No.1625573

He's 100% correct, I watched (listened) to the whole thing and that is my reflection

>> No.1625603

The dollar's days are numbered, atleast it's world reserve status since the petrol dollar is dying. Silver and Gold is true money and will perform like a charm if you get the fiat currency death-event. (and atleast 1 tactical bitcoin somewhere in there)

>> No.1625610

I personally find Jim Willie informative about the subject, he's not that subtile as Schiff and has a newsletter I don't pay for becuz im a cheapass but he gives alot quite alot of free info in interviews.


>> No.1625611

try r9k

>> No.1625945
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Are we truly fucked?

what can trump do? what will trump do? and what should trump do in /biz/'s opinion?

>> No.1625972

>what can trump do?
>what will trump do?
>and what should trump do in /biz/'s opinion?

The sooner the system collapses, the sooner we can rebuild. The longer it goes on, the more painful it will ultimately be. The whole system should have come tumbling down in 2008 but the elites lost their bottle and so now we're limping along like a wounded dog waiting for the shotgun cartridge to the skull. SOMEONE PULL THE FUCKING TRIGGER! PLEASE!

>> No.1625993


Apple said they'll start brining jobs to America.
Ford said they won't move jobs to Mexico.
Stock Market has been going up.

Ever since Trump won. Dude isn't even in yet till January 20th.


Screencap what is about to be said.

Taxes will be lowered.
Economy will start pumping again.

In 2 - 3 years it will ALL come crashing down AGAIN. The Great Depression and The Great Recession will look like a cake walk. And we'll have an overgrown umpalumpa in charge.

I'd start stacking Gold, Silver, Copper, and BTC if I was you. Also play with the stock market for those sweet gains.

>> No.1626045
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>Taxes will be lowered.
Economy will start pumping again.

i think your under estimating how fucked the burger economy is.

He's lowering taxes and increasing infrastructure spending which is good, however the bond market and the dollar issue will stop him. HE ALSO NEEDS TO CUT SOME GOVERNMENT SPENDING/BUREAUCRACIES because of the increase in deficit by lowering taxes.

When he tries to increase spending it has to be financed, the fed will have to come in and when they do they'll have to raise rates to accomodate it which will crash the system.

It will happen in the next 1 or 2 years. not 2 or 3

So shouldn't we just default? what would happen if we defaulted?

>> No.1626063
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>So shouldn't we just default?
There's currently no reason or incentive to. The U.S.A can still service it's Interest payments on the national debt, foreign institutions are still buying U.S Treasury Bonds and the Dollar is still the reserve currency. For all intents and purposes, everything is "normal". They will only default (if it even gets to that) when they have no choice or through actions outside of their control.

>what would happen if we defaulted?
All bets are off.