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1625863 No.1625863 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw 36 and making minimum wage
>tfw never made more than minimum wage

Would you an hero if you were my age making 11.65 an hour and didn't have a dime in savings?

>> No.1625872

yo can ask again at r9k

>> No.1625896

Making more money is no different, if you are a wagecuck you lost.

>> No.1625913
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Leave the land where you are from, go to another country, i suggest Asia, make it there. Op you need to leave your comfort zone, and the reality you built around it. Once you leave you will see it differently.

>> No.1626010


Not sure what your situation is OP, but you need to make a drastic change.

Work blue collar, pretty much any kind.

Youll start at 12/hr and only go up.

>> No.1626060

Yeah I know but I wasn't born lucky and with connections to good jobs so basically I'm fucked in the money department

My family also makes minimum wage so nobody is more wealthy than each other

>> No.1626068

You can break the routine. My parents were 3rd world shit, broke the habit not even by school or connections but just by putting my head down and busting my ass, proving everyone in my way that they're lazy fucks. 11 years since my first job, I'm a senior vp for a large bank.

>> No.1626074

Not really when you're born poor you're fucked

>> No.1626081

You've already given up and you haven't even tried changing. You make that much and no savings? Priorities man, you don't have them.

>> No.1626086

I don't make fuck all man I work more than 3 weeks a month to pay rent and the rest is left for food and other necessities

>> No.1626118


What state do you live in, how many hours a week do you work, do you have a car, how much is rent+utilities+cell phone bill, how much do you earn, how much do you think you spend on groceries a week. etc, etc.

>> No.1626208

where do you work? what kind of jobs have you had? why haven't you been promoted to a managerial position? the only time i ever had a minimum wage job was in college when i was a barista. i got promoted to supervisor after six months by not being a dumbass and was offered a promotion to assistant manager shortly before graduation but i ended up leaving to get a real job. can't you just put in a little effort and get a promotion?

>> No.1626215

I would learn guitar

>> No.1626218

Fuck off leafposter faggot. I saw this same thread on pol. I make your monthly salary in 4 days and I'm 27. Kill yourself

>> No.1626229

Move to the Midwest you fucking retard. You can be making the same shit in Kansas while only paying 400-600 bucks a month for a standard not shit apartment you cretin.

>> No.1626233

Never know what the future holds. Colonel Sanders didn't start KFC until he was 65 and he wasn't rich when he started it.

>> No.1626241

even waiting tables beats minimum wage dude

>> No.1626307


It sounds like you're making excuses. Either take one of these poster's advise or fuck off. Move somewhere, take a step in a different direction, pack all your stuff in your car at the end of your lease (or just do it now) and drive as far as your last paycheck will get you, live out of car for a while, find a job, work your way up.

Move to Asia sounds nice. That'd definitely be a change of scenery.

>> No.1626627

You need a side gig, meng, that's all. Something where you can learn something valuable.

I have several friends who are in a similar position and they now spend their free time mostly on side hustles. One is learning databases, another is getting better at sales.

Do not accept your circumstance
I'd recommend

>> No.1626855

I'm 32, was homeless for a long time and in the process of digging myself out of the hole I dug myself. Got my min wage job, got an apt with friends, got work experience and worked hard to get promoted. Now I have management experience that I can take to many places.
tl;dr: work hard, get promoted, keep stepping it up.

>> No.1627239

break into cars op, find 700 2 nights ago under drivers seat. just gotta run

>> No.1627481

got a job as an electrician started at $10 (state minimum is $8.50) went up to $11 after one month. Over the course of four years you cap out at $17.50 then you get your journeyman cert and start at $20. Ezpz job for life

>> No.1627548

>tfw 22 making $21/hr
>tfw barely enough to live comfy and no kids or gf
>already asked for a raise twice

There's doer's and there's don'ters

>> No.1629064

Minimum wage.

Nigga i broke 40k at 12 bux an hour. Pull your head out your ass and take some fucking initiative

>> No.1629066

>when your're born poor your fucked.

Make $27.50 overtime shitposting on 4chins.

Close on 5th house in 1 week.

Keep blaming others and stay poor.

>> No.1630048

My wage is 1.5$ per hour, 11.65 is a fucking wealth in my country. Hope it makes you feel better

>> No.1631148

Why the hell are people suggesting someone working on minimum wage to 'move to Asia'?
The fuck does that even mean, Afghanistan, India, Nepal?

I guess not. I guess you mean the 'good' rich Asian countries like Japan, SK and China. Guess what these have immigration laws too and living costs are high af...let alone super complicated language systems.

I am really struggling to understand the basic logic behind this advice.

>> No.1631286

>>tfw 36 and making minimum wage
>>tfw never made more than minimum wage
>Would you an hero if you were my age making 11.65 an hour and didn't have a dime in savings?

I make $15.25 an hour browsing 4chin all day in my dad's shop.

Stay poor faggot.

>> No.1631302

cancer, the post