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File: 10 KB, 222x243, metatrongeo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16255203 No.16255203 [Reply] [Original]

Can you hear the crackling of the alchemic flames in the distance? They draw closer and closer every day. Are you ready to cast yourself into these flames in the next crescendo?

>> No.16255212

yeah its cheetos packets on the floor under my gamer chair wheels

>> No.16255227
File: 88 KB, 672x712, Oblivion+this+is+not+a+description_8a6866_4620497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaaaare you ready to be a massive fucking faggot? Saged

>> No.16255243
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And it all comes crumbling down

>> No.16255259

Thanks Steve, something big is coming after seeing you post mystical shit

>> No.16255420
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>Are you ready to cast yourself into these flames in the next crescendo?
I'm ready

>> No.16255532

Did you apply for the Community Advocate Program?

>> No.16255569
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I was going to but then I realized they need my actual ID and they might realize I'm 42 hahaha
debating whether or not I should bite the bullet and formally apply
another big reason for not applying is that it's unpaid
I don't like doing anything related to business without being compensated

>> No.16255588

I applied but do you think I should go through with it? I'm just a student at uni, and was planning of doing the meetups with my friend.

>> No.16255605
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>I applied but do you think I should go through with it? I'm just a student at uni
fuck yeah
if you're currently a student then you definitely should
it can also help pad your resume, especially once chainlink pops off it will make you look smart for future job applications once you graduate

>> No.16255711

Based. I learned a lot from your posts in the summer. I was always in your threads. What you posted, especially your pics, really clicked with me once I watched those vimeo videos of Kevin. Before I grokked with you but didn't really understand (lowkey still though schizo). Funny how normies view the truth as schizo when they're the real sheep.

>> No.16255737
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>Funny how normies view the truth as schizo when they're the real sheep.
it's a reflexive defense mechanism
easier to brush it off as madness when the alternative is that you are the one who is mad

>> No.16255750

based alchemy poster

>> No.16255754

U ok bro?

>> No.16255780

This is something I dislike about my father. He's a protestant and believes in Jesus but he brushes off anything else that seems a bit schizo. Conspiracy theories etc. It's like he's a materialist but he still believes in God. Strange. I tried to show him a documentary of 9/11 being an inside job and he just got angry and left. I think thy'd rather live in their own fantasy lands than see the truth. He also thought the Epstein thing was normal and not a coverup...

>> No.16255818

you have to understand, when they were growing up they did not have this level of access to information as we do

we figured out by age 25 what they never figured out their entire lives

that being said, most people are content with consuming the oceans of trite they publish, most of the internet is noise and is used to distract us but if you know where to look you can discover a lot of previously hidden and secret knowledge. I'm talking about knowledge that some people spent a lifetime searching for in the past, we can find with a simple online search

>> No.16255867

Have you read Evola's Intro to Magic Vol 2? I am reading that now.

also check these out


> It could be shown that even if the Protocols were a forgery perpetrated by provocateurs, nonetheless they reflect ideas very congenial to the Law and spirit of Israel. Second, it is true that many Jews have been and still are among the promoters of modern disorder in its more radical cultural expressions, whether political or social. This, however, should not prevent a deeper analysis, capable of exposing forces that may have employed modern Judaism merely as an instrument. After all, despite the fact that many Jews are among the apostles of the main ideologies regarded by the Protocols as instruments of global subversion (i.e., liberalism, socialism, scientism, and rationalism), it is also evident that these ideas would have never arisen and triumphed without historical antecedents, such as the Reformation, Humanism, the naturalism and individualism of the Renaissance, and the philosophy of Descartes. Such phenomena cannot be attributed to Judaism, but rather point to a wider web of influences.


^^Also check out these guys posts:


>> No.16255945
File: 80 KB, 640x960, a5253b86d684b7fc33dcee42b894ce93--hannibal-series-nbc-hannibal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I've read a lot of Evola's working including his topics on magic
his thinking on the protocols aligns with mine "it doesn't matter if it is a (((forgery))) or not, look at the effects"
My favourite of his works by far is "Ride the Tiger"

You might like what Jonathan Bowden talks about Evola:


funny how jewtube removed the original video
the pedophiles and paper printers who are censoring real information and working for satan will have their backs broken for what they've done
there will be nowhere they will be able to hide
I'll be coming for them in their dreams while they sleep
song related:

>> No.16255969

Will LINK enable us to do this?

>> No.16255996

I did nitrous on mescaline last night and whenever the nitrous would kick in I'd get a out of focus hexagon fractals like OP in morphing color

>> No.16256014

>He also thought the Epstein thing was normal and not a coverup...
Possible <80 IQ

>> No.16256052
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With enough funds yes
One of my ideas is to take Russian books that haven't been translated to English for (((reasons))) and commissioning translators to publish them in English
a lot of these texts are forbidden and banned
for example Gregory Klimov:
he was given access to the KGB vaults after the Soviet Union fell and published books detailing how many of the first bolesheviks (Lenin, Marx, etc.) were blatant sodomites and homosexuals
of course many of his works are not translated to English for obvious reasons

>> No.16256132

Thanks for these. Great resources.

>> No.16256187


Christian here. Am I supposed to hate the Jews? I feel like I should and I currently do.

100% Link 50k

>> No.16256237

They are a part of the problem but Evola expounds:
>According to the Protocols, the leaders of the global plot are Jews who planned and undertook the destruction of the traditional and Christian European civilization in order to achieve the universal rule of Israel, or God's "chosen people." This is obviously an exaggeration. At this point we may even wonder whether a fanatical anti-Semitism, which always sees the Jew as a deus ex machina, is not unwittingly playing into the hands of the enemy. One of the means employed by the occult forces to protect themselves consists of directing their opponents' attention toward those who are only partially responsible for certain upheavals, thus concealing the rest of the story, namely a wider sequence of causes.
They are not all bad, but they are definitely part of the problem. We should seek to remove all degeneracy, wherever they spring up, whether it be from a Jew or elsewhere.
Where are the rest of Bowden's talks? Are the other parts on youtube?

>> No.16256257

>semetic religion believer here
>Do I hate jews
>Believes in a jewish religion

I have some bad news mate, You are a jew

>> No.16256269
File: 3.15 MB, 480x270, age of men is over.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

other parts are on youtube
some of his other videos have been removed by the SJW pets of GOOLAG (gif related is what they probably looked like as they were deleting them)

>> No.16256287

John 18:36
Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.”

Luke 19:27
And these enemies of mine who were unwilling for me to rule over them, bring them here and slay them in front of me.’

>> No.16256300
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>Christian here. Am I supposed to hate the Jews?
>semetic religion believer here
>Do I hate jews
>Believes in a jewish religion
>I have some bad news mate, You are a jew
let me clear one thing up for anyone still confused
if you don't believe in Jesus Christ then you are a goy
Jesus Christ was the last Hebrew and said as much
this is why he was murdered
however Jesus said not to gloat over them and not to rub it in their faces otherwise we would be just like the enemy

>> No.16256306


>> No.16256332
File: 216 KB, 1058x652, Control-World.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still falls for the jewish subversion and is gullible after the jew said the one line sentence shittly a couple thousand years ago "jewz bad jehova gud"
>He thinks I'm jewish but he believes in a LITERAL jewish prophet
>He doesn't know I'm from finland and nobody here believes in kike semetic religions

I'm sorry you've been subverted

>> No.16256341


Jesus was nothing but a fucking jew. He is not but a hebe, penny-pinching scum, never had a real job either, just another jewish bum.

>> No.16256372
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>He doesn't know I'm from finland and nobody here believes in kike semetic religions
we know, you're the same finnish autist that spergs out about Christianity in every thread
how's secular Europe working out for you?

those poor people are being marked for slaughter again and they have no idea

>just another jewish bum.
>t. ben shapiro

>> No.16256399

this. All of the torah is fake and/or stolen from other religions. Exodus never fucking happened (zero evidence, none, nada), no other kingdoms in the region had ever heard of "King Solomon", on and on and on.

It was all concocted so that jews could live in luxury and never have to work. They could get fat off of the offerings brought to the "church", they scalped 10% of the peasant's earnings (lmao) and if the peasants dared question any of it, you didn't just "lose your job lmao", you were tortured to death in front of everyone.

>> No.16256400
File: 10 KB, 208x243, christcuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice one 42, Hiding your nametag are we? You believe in a semetic religion, You are not aryan nor respected by nordic people. You are jewish and you believe in a semetic religion. You can falsely blame the people here since you don't actually live here but it all traces back to christians and jews allowing racemixing.

>> No.16256451
File: 35 KB, 336x260, 1519034257627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Even the Romans laughed at the Hebrew myths and barbaric rites of circumcision the miasmic rituals of the Levi tribes. Christianity is natural-continuum of Hebrew messianic prophecies and natural fulfillment concerning the prophecies of Balaam.

Those who wrote the gospels were known for a reason as the Pimps Of Genesaret. The myth of Christ being stolen and prostituted from ancient pagan mystery school to synthesize the warring Gods of Syria, Greece, Chaldea, Rome, and Egypt at the time when the growth of the Roman Empire first made travel possible, and the intercommunication of the priests of Mithras, Adonis, Attis, Osiris, Dionysus, Isis, Astarte, Venus and many scores of others. The Jewish elders gave the world the most meek and disgusting caricature of a prophet it has ever witnessed. Sorcerer of Nazareth.

Later these bearded hustlers of came up with fable of Christ the meek or Christ the communist that drove the money-changers from the Temple. It was the expansion of the Roman Empire, and the beginning of travel and commerce, which showed the various priests that multiplicity of competing temples was bad business. They got the idea of the Trust. The Christian Religion is packed in consequence with survivals of pagan rites. Signs of futile rebellion by the Judea nation against the Roman oppression.

Now we have a story of this fugitive, a witch-doctor that according to some fulfilled Balaam's prophecy and who was worshipped by three semitic Magi of Arabia.

All the while when in the center of Holy of the Holies stood the statue of Juppiter.

On a mule rides the Jewish swindler.

Christs may come, and Christs may go, but Caesar is Forever.

>> No.16256463
File: 61 KB, 670x500, 1561513077162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are not aryan nor respected by nordic people
whatever shall I do

>Christs may come, and Christs may go, but Caesar is Forever.
the Roman Empire bent the knee to Christianity what are you talking about lol

>> No.16256476
File: 64 KB, 590x721, 42 ciggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nice one 42, Hiding your nametag are we?
no need for a nametag when everyone knows your name

>> No.16256477
File: 178 KB, 1011x1024, 1542822956304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely based and apollo pilled

Here's one of my favorite quotes from adolf

"Let it not be said that Christianity brought man the life of the soul, for that evolution was in the natural order of things. The result of the collapse of the Roman Empire was a night that lasted for centuries." - Adolf Hitler

>> No.16256487 [DELETED] 

>I'm Christian,
>Am I supposed to hate my prophet who was Jewish?

>Am I supposed to hate people?

Most of the ideas tossed around on 4chan are complete propaganda. Cherry picking events and statistics and larping anywhere the lack if data lets them to push their /pol/ agenda. Those telling you that jews are evil are only telling half the story. They are leaving out facts and statistics which make their ideas look like propaganda. Chainlink and ethereum were some of the few times 4chan was right and the reason is because people are financually motivated to find the best coins. That is why I only listen to the biggest idea on /biz/ and the biggest idea right now is chainlink.

>> No.16256517
File: 95 KB, 852x960, 1570923219623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those telling you that jews are evil are only telling half the story.
I always am suspicious of people that are screaming for (((justice)))
a lot of these so-called justice seekers are really just craving power and justifying themselves with (((muh justice)))

>> No.16256528
File: 311 KB, 416x512, 1571981395160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>16256300 #
>I'm Christian,
>Am I supposed to hate my prophet who was Jewish and raised by Jews?

>Am I supposed to hate people?

Most of the ideas tossed around on 4chan are complete propaganda. Cherry picking events and statistics and larping anywhere the lack if data lets them to push their /pol/ agenda. Those telling you that jews are evil are only telling half the story. They are leaving out facts and statistics which make their ideas look like propaganda. Chainlink and ethereum were some of the few times 4chan was right and the reason is because people are financually motivated to find the best coins. That is why I only listen to the biggest idea on /biz/ and the biggest idea right now is chainlink.

>> No.16256531

If you are not white, Then you are obviously something else. I do not want to be associated with anything other than being a white aryan.

>Roman Empire bent the knee to Christianity
False, Rome was subverted and corrupted from the inside. The roman empire was never founded on christian ideals. Fascism comes from the latin word "Fasces" (from rome) which means bundle. It's a term that you must unite with your race to have a strong society.

>> No.16256550

The fact that you believe anything by any jew just shows how subverted and gullible you are. YOU DO NOT TRUST A JEW YOU TRUST YOUR OWN RACE.

>> No.16256575

I'm willing to bet that if you got your DNA tested, you'd have some percentage from Asia and Africa. The people who care most about race are often the most mongrelized.


>> No.16256577

He's Vietnamese or Thai

Doxxing himself slowly and doesn't even realize it

>> No.16256582
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>I do not want to be associated with anything other than being a white aryan.
congratulations you fell for the bullsiht
I don't consider myself ((((white))))
there is no such thing
I'm Croatian and therefore Eastern European
(((white))) is a nebulous term
it serves to keep you foaming at the mouth about (((muh white aryan))) meanwhile the money printers are stealing you and your children's futures while you bicker about your lineage

I intend on changing the global psyche and mind and becoming a leader in the future

P.S. Hitler was controlled opposition
both WW1 and WW2 were sexual fever dreams induced via hypnosis
look at who benefited from the world wars and who lost
it should be clear what happened

>> No.16256629

The only reason Israel was created was due to the """holocaust"" literally burnt offering in Hebrew. Herzel and many other Jews predicted it would happen (((must be a coincidence))). WW1 was to cause dissent for jews and WW2 to bring about the destruction of jews and europe and to create a jewish state

>> No.16256640

I'm completely finnish, I have blonde hair and green eyes. My mom is finnish and my dad is finnish. My grandmother and grandfather are both the same. I tie it in with my culture, I'm finnish through and through, I'm not jewish, I'm not asian or any other race. Finnish people are closely related to estonians which are then related to sweden and norway.

>> No.16256658
File: 164 KB, 500x519, ouder-refugees-welcome-before-on-german-police-probealleged-new-yearassaults-9482985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germany hasn't been a free country since WW1

>> No.16256659

I am white because my skin is white, My culture backs it up too. And I cannot bicker about my lineage? It is being destroyed thanks to jews like with your ideologies allowing muslims and racemixing to take place. It all starts with semetic religion, Nordic people have never condone racemixing or allowing foreigners in.

>> No.16256739
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>I am white because my skin is white
so when a white person tans and has olive skin should we call them olive now instead of white?
do I become white in the winter and olive in the summer?
my point is that prior to the globo-homo agenda taking hold people didn't think like this
Your ancestors didn't call themselves (((white))) since they'd never seen a black person in their life and so it wouldn't make sense to call themselves (((white)))
They called themselves Finnish

but now since globo-homo has taken a strong grip over Europe and all of your best men were killed off in the last 100 years of world wars, you have (((right-wing))) losers like you bickering about ((((muh-white-aryan))) and getting nothing done
in the meantime, the money printers are raping your cunt-tree and importing the absolute filth of the world in order to minimize the threat of backlash from the native population

the decline started when European man abandoned God
Nietzsche talks about it in very great detail

>> No.16256763
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>in the meantime, the money printers are raping your cunt-tree and importing the absolute filth of the world in order to minimize the threat of backlash from the native population

in addition, they've weaponized your own women against you since modern woe-man is married to the government and she obeys the state instead of her husband and God
>pic related

>> No.16256777

Well guess what i'm completely jewish and I have netherlandish ancestry and blue eyes. I'm completely white. My family who came from christian bachrounds all converted to judaism and I was raised jewish. I am not subverting society and believe you are spreading lies but of course what I think doesn't matter because I'm Jewish.

>> No.16256788
File: 518 KB, 568x396, 1572970667560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in addition, they've weaponized your own women against you since modern woe-man is married to the government and she obeys the state instead of her husband and God
and the supplicating betas (which make up the majority of the sad-sacks known as modern man) are working at a fever pitch to worship at the feet of women

meanwhile the money printers get all the best shiskas when they're young

>> No.16256789

Nietzsche also disliked the idea of antisemitism and even got mad. He liked jews just like you do, I'm not an atheist and I do not believe in the kike jehova.

"In 1886, Nietzsche broke with his publisher Ernst Schmeitzner, disgusted by his antisemitic opinions."

>> No.16256803

>Well guess what i'm completely jewish and I have netherlandish ancestry and blue eyes. I'm completely white. My family who came from christian bachrounds all converted to judaism and I was raised jewish.

Except one of your parents were jewish and my parents are finnish. You are not white, You are jewish. Your

>> No.16256807


More over I should say, You will never be fully nordic. You are a half jew or almost full jew.

>> No.16256822
File: 37 KB, 600x480, 1985_Gregory_Klimov_Spasskiy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nietzsche also disliked the idea of antisemitism and even got mad
it's like when niggers complain about whitey keeping them down
I also work with a lot of jews and have jewish friends IRL
we talk about these topics and more all the time

>> No.16256856

>"I also work with a lot of jews and have jewish friends IRL"
>surrounds himself by the jews, has outed himself as a jew finally
>though the religion he believes in is totally not jewish, totally aryan and pagan

>> No.16256862
File: 104 KB, 1024x805, Dj5zy_GX0AAusLl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am not subverting society
pic related are who subverts society
and they never get in trouble
instead they find scapegoats like you and me for the mob to blame while they continue working in the shadows

>He liked jews just like you do, I'm not an atheist and I do not believe in the kike jehova.
^he is a prime example of the soft minds they mold
they wind up people like him to a fever pitch and then they present scapegoats for them to take out their anger on
meanwhile, nothing changes
in fact, they continue to consolidate power while the plebs are none the wiser

>> No.16256872

My moms mother onverted to Judaism. Her father was christian. My mom was raised Jewish and she raised her kids Jewish.

My dads mom and dad both converted.

My mom and dad met in germany where they were studying.

>> No.16256884

So your mom is jewish, You are not from any nordic country, At least the ones that don't believe in kike religions.

>> No.16256910
File: 200 KB, 2396x1362, 1571834717538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out this page, you might like it
Jesus represents an end to the sacrificial cycle

>surrounds himself by the jews, has outed himself as a jew finally
>totally aryan and pagan
I'm Catholic

>> No.16256916

You're gonna say I'm not white because I'm from the netherlands.fuck off.

>> No.16256926
File: 178 KB, 912x1000, spookjobs 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me guess, you follow (((Richard Spencer))) and other (((white nationalists)))
>hello fellow goy..I mean guys...how do you do?

>> No.16256935

>believes in a semetic religion
>The south american jewish version of christianity with emotional appeal of the jewish mary
>Dood still not a jew

So what I've compiled from this whole thread is that everyone arguing against me is racially jewish and believes in a semetic religion. Outstanding.

>> No.16256940
File: 54 KB, 1024x445, 1571834659981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's why (((white))) means nothing lol
it's used as a way of mind-fucking people and turns everything into bickering
language control is thought control is mind control

>So what I've compiled from this whole thread is that everyone arguing against me is racially jewish and believes in a semetic religion. Outstanding.
you're in every thread and come to the same conclusion
your ego is preventing you from learning anything new

>> No.16256961

I'm saying you are not white because your mom was a fucking jew, You have a jewish genes therefore you are not white. If your earlobes are connected to your head, You have a long forehead or big nose, These are jewish traits.
>He thinks richard spencer is nordic when he voted a jew into office.
>He thinks I give a fuck about any american politics

>> No.16256982


>> No.16256987

I'm an athiest and I've personally met jews in uni who showed me how they post anti jew propaganda on /pol/ as an ironic way to get kicks.

>> No.16257002

Being jewish is not the fault of the child, Jews can be anti jew but they can also be for semetic religion. People from nordic countries aren't subverted like this because we are against anything jewish. We aren't gullible to believe anything jewish.

>> No.16257005
File: 52 KB, 700x467, 8128ffde-9967-4948-ad2f-69e72dfbc6b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it used to mean nothing back when the world wasn't a dumping ground for mystery meat by the globo-homo and the average person from Finland never saw a black or brown person in their lives

now it means everything to people like you because it's all you have left since your cunt-tree is being flooded with mystery meat

Europeans abandoned God well before any of us were born and they are suffering for it

>> No.16257015
File: 233 KB, 1200x1200, MOON-BOG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

P.S. while I was bickering with (((muh aryan))) finnish autist I did manage to submit the application for the advocate program
let us see how it goes

>> No.16257034

My moms mother was christian and netherlandish and she converted from christianity to judaism. My moms dad was christian and never officially converted but they both raised my mother Jewish. How does that give me jewish genetics? I'm 100% netherlandish besides my faith.

>> No.16257036
File: 28 KB, 700x394, praljak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nietzsche also disliked the idea of antisemitism and even got mad
Nietzsche is a lot smarter than you
he was the first real psychologist and practically invented the entire field even though it's firmly occupied by mostly charlatans today

>> No.16257049
File: 83 KB, 607x608, 1554900398086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol he's confused and doesn't understand what's happening
I suspect it's autism

>> No.16257061

Nordic people have always been proud of their race and culture, That's what gave us a sense of community.
>It used to mean nothing
>Oh yea the literal racial and religious jew who has never even lived in finland or any of nordic countries will tell me what our history has been like

>> No.16257086

>Raised my mother jewish

You do realize you can be a jew without racially having jewish genes? You believe in a kike prophet and a semetic religion, Therefore your parents and you are traitors to the nordic people and culture.
>He has autism
>coming from the literal fucking jew

>> No.16257115

>Nietzsche is a lot smarter than you

Oh yea the guy who had mental illness and a breakdown who couldn't control his life because he was so confused was smart. I have to go eat dinner not going to argue anymore with you jews.

>> No.16257198

They aren't anti jewish. They wear yamachas and go to synagogue. They just literally were posting anti jew propaganda for fun and laughing about it.

>> No.16257337

Epstein's not dead. Get on my level homey

>> No.16257369

>We should seek to remove all degeneracy, wherever they spring up.

>> No.16257463
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>It used to mean nothing
>Oh yea the literal racial and religious jew who has never even lived in finland or any of nordic countries will tell me what our history has been like

you're a moron and it shows
when I say, "it used to mean nothing to say white person in Finland" it should be obvious
everyone was white, and therefore it was a meaningless statement
it wasn't until your cunt-tree became flooded with mystery meat from Africa and elsewhere that you started clinging onto "muh white pride"
and by then it was too late to do anything about it

the more you shout about your "white identity" the more I know that you have less and less white people in Finland

you know who's pumping the mystery meat in (hint: it's not me), why aren't you writing letters to them instead of wasting your breath on me and attacking Christianity when most of Finland isn't even religious (except for the Muslims they're shipping in)

you're too autistic to do anything about it, so you spend hours on here wasting everyone's time writing your drivel when you could put it to use and address the people directly responsible for ruining your country on purpose

>pic related

>> No.16257485
File: 32 KB, 600x315, yes goy (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it wasn't until your cunt-tree became flooded with mystery meat from Africa and elsewhere that you started clinging onto "muh white pride"
>and by then it was too late to do anything about it
>the more you shout about your "white identity" the more I know that you have less and less white people in Finland

>> No.16257503
File: 531 KB, 939x480, newton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh yea the guy who had mental illness and a breakdown
it's called syphilis
he had syphilis from fucking a prostitute
he would have been a /biz/ poster if he was around
same with Newton

>> No.16257565
File: 1.57 MB, 730x303, follow the white rabbit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Based. I learned a lot from your posts in the summer. I was always in your threads.

Morpheus: No, the honor is mine. Please, come. Sit. I imagine that right now you’re feeling a bit like Alice, tumbling down the rabbit hole? Hm?

Neo: You could say that.

Morpheus: I can see it in your eyes. You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he is expecting to wake up. Ironically, this is not far from the truth. Do you believe in fate, Neo?

Neo: No.

Morpheus: Why not?

Neo: Because I don’t like the idea that I’m not in control of my life.

Morpheus: I know exactly what you mean. Let me tell you why you’re here. You’re here because you know something.

What you know you can’t explain. But you feel it. You’ve felt it your entire life. That there’s something wrong with the world. You don’t know what it is but it’s there, like a splinter in your mind driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I’m talking about?

Neo: The Matrix?

Morpheus: Do you want to know what it is? The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us, even now in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.

Neo: What truth?

Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison for your mind…. Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself. This is your last chance. After this there is no turning back. You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes… Remember, all I’m offering is the truth, nothing more… Follow me…

>> No.16257580
File: 305 KB, 2637x1135, Buddha vs. Siddhartha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16257620
File: 1.43 MB, 1080x2280, TheMoonIsASoulTrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger Pot Pie and I don't care.
Nigger Pot Pie and I don't care.