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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 49 KB, 556x358, scamcaffex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16256274 No.16256274 [Reply] [Original]

I am selling my house and ain't buying link, I am buying safex

>> No.16256291

Fuck that old retard.
How the fuck do boomers live so long anyways?
Does God just not want to deal with them?

>> No.16256334

>How the fuck do boomers live so long anyways?
That man is fucking indestructible. The only boomer worthy of respect. McAfee 2020.

>> No.16256354

ok spoonfeed me, whats safex? what is it for? why in hell another shitcoin?

>> No.16256377

McAfee is literally a god. Like an old-style Greek god playing around with humanity one last time before he makes a golden bull run to the next world.

There's no two ways about it, the dude is actually on some next level consciousness shit. If you don't invest with him, you're the biggest meme this site has ever seen.

>> No.16256394

Fuck off john. Why hang on to life so fucking hard? Just why? You have already had it all just leave everyone alone.

>> No.16256429

I checked, but it seems to be kind of a dead project...also McAfee tweeted this in 2017

>> No.16256434

Craig Faketoshi Wright, don't be bitter. John is just the better man.

>> No.16256454

>Fuck off john.
I fucking wish I was him. Dude has lived a more thrilling life than 99.9% of humans. MCAFEE 2020 BITCH.

>> No.16256475

Seriously, just please end your life.

>> No.16256506

It's been around for ages. It's an anonymous decentralised marketplace without Tor. In essence bringing dark markets to the clearnet.

The initial period was slow (the ICO was before the 2017 boom and raised $50k) until they got funding from the former chief legal officer of Libra group (huge shipping multinational)

Now it has over 30 staff, its own offices, an overarching company 'Balkaneum' (purposefully keeping Safex legally distinct)
and is very VERY close to mainnet launch.

It's my main crypto investment. I've been accumulating for a few years. It WILL be huge.

There's a lot more info. I'm here for a few hours if you want to ask questions.

It's a solid 50x at a bare minimum in my opinion, simply because the current valuation is so absurdly low.

>> No.16256536

Not dead at all. Just purposefully low profile, partly so as to avoid a quickly made chink rip off version.

Safex got kicked off exchanges due to pressure from higher ups. BEcause of this they've built their own exchange (Xcalibra)

Volume will get huge fairly quickly once things launch

>> No.16256678

hmmmm......Balkaneum seems to be a real firm and Xcalibra also...what else do you know mister?

>> No.16256693

what is SFT and SFX?

>> No.16256694

LOL he doesnt know about UOS, what a nerd

>> No.16256909


I know a lot.

I know that if you search the Balkaneum founder - Stephen Kines - and follow his connections in the Panama papers you will uncover a lot of very rich shipping, logistics and tax avoidance moguls. These names were also featured in a 'leak' which appeared on Medium a few months ago. It was pulled after a few hours.

I know that this has a very definite link to the Logothetis shipping dynasty.

And I know that Facebook chose Libra and Calibra after Libra (the conglomerate) funded Safex and made an exchange called Xcalibra. There is a very definite reason for this which might stretch peoples credulity.

The most important thing to know is that Safex is perhaps the most undervalued coin around at present. BTC was made to facilitate trade without financial institutions being involved. Safex is the logical next step.

Any specific questions?

>> No.16256930

SFT is Safex Token: The 'investment' or 'share' part of Safex which yields dividends.

SFX is Safex Cash: The trading 'currency', intended to be used day to day on the marketplace.

>> No.16256969

If you had my love and I gave you all my trust, what would you do for me?

>> No.16256990

Not that guy, tell me what a dumb goy like me can buy on coinbase or idex to make money on the next bullrun (if there is one)

>> No.16256999

Probably put you out of your misery. Kinder that way...

>> No.16257053

Not sure about Coinbase. Most of those tokens have a lot of upside already priced in. If Link is on there you could try getting a bit of that.

My two main projects are Safex (SFT) and Ocean Protocol

Both have great upside, are hugely undervalued and are doing something amazing.

If you're interested:

Ocean Protocol is on Bittex. Very undervalued.
Safex is on Livecoin and Xcalibra. You can get almost 3 for 1c at present ($0.0036). I'm selling none under 5c

>> No.16257054

This. I hope he streams it on bitwave.tv

>> No.16257058

So what is their buisness model? A low profile marketplace can't really make it and they are not a deep web market so they probably don't sell drugs.

>> No.16257140


Safex Token or Safex Cash?

>> No.16257176
File: 687 KB, 2000x2000, 21.01.FF_.McAfee.DH_.59838.Wired_McAfee_036_Final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mcafee is based

>> No.16257178

They are idiots that still believe marketing is all you need and "getting 4chan on board" means free marketing. Astroturfing retards that will go bankrupt

>> No.16257294
File: 17 KB, 413x529, IMG_20190724_023354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the secret is heroin

>> No.16257416

If you're not him then at least try to be more like him anon. The first thing you should do is pay a couple nasty 3/10 hookers to shit in your mouth. Then marry one of them. MCAFEE 2020

>> No.16257478

This man has taken literally every drug known to man, pissed off so many people and yet survives.
God can't handle him, McAfee is eternal

>> No.16257671

Get fucked you cunts. This thread stinks. Both have $100 daily volume.

>> No.16257727

Did he eat his dick yet?

>> No.16257755

Balkaneum will facilitating vendors onto Safex.

Safex is a protocol. Balkaneum are creating #twm (the world marketplace) for their own markets

Dark markets will need to be build directly on the protocol and will have no connection with Balkaneum. The setup was planned this way to give legal distance between the founders and the protocol

>> No.16257766


Proper marketing will commence soon. There is a budget to be spent. Have no fear about awareness. It'll happen.

>> No.16257773

Thats what he would want you to hope.
He would start the stream and then talk about killing himself but wouldn't do it.

>> No.16257787
File: 368 KB, 1312x1312, 1573238831618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm content enough knowing john will be found dead in a pile of his own puke and shit.

>> No.16257792

Learn WHY the volume is so low. Why have all exchanges been pressured to delist Safex?

Then realise that this gives you an opportunity.

Buy when 'blood is in the streets' anon, not when NEO makes a new logo which looks like an Xbox.