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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 173 KB, 1200x900, DiZqsieWAAExehv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16255494 No.16255494 [Reply] [Original]

There is literally no good business advice here.

>> No.16255514

>constantly shilled the best performing alt during this 2 year bear market
seethe, tranny

>> No.16255527

What business do you run?

>> No.16255530
File: 626 KB, 2206x1896, 1562173412366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is literally no good business advice here.
>t. retard

>> No.16255535

Buy link B)

>> No.16255573
File: 79 KB, 648x648, 1572075367417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Psst buy LINK, kid.

>> No.16255591

dude cook your chicken

>> No.16255601

link is a scam

>> No.16255612

don't let the door hit you on the way out, kike

>> No.16255713

>be op
>retarded lazy plebbitor
>go to website and create 0 useful threads
>post in b8 threads with shitty inexperienced advice
>lower the quality of the board and website with every post
>make this thread bitching about how nobody is feeding you information like a baby

So what have you ever contributed to this board? Name a single stock or token or bussiness idea that you have ever created and shared with /biz/.

You won't though because you haven't. You come here to ride the coattails of other people's research and work while doing none of your own and then when you arbitrarily decide you don't like the results of other peoples independent research you bitch about how other people should be doing better research for you while you sit on your ass and make cringey shitposts that aren't even funny or even worse get angry about the original inhabitants ideas.

>> No.16255730

Lmfao another normie who doesnt understand chainlink

>> No.16255757

ingrate. buying chainlink is the best thing you can do biz-wise

>> No.16255789

I have no idea what you are talking about.
That is irrelevant to my point.
I have no interest in getting out a magnifying glass just to decipher your photo but it looks dumb.
I have seen the incessant promotion of link on here and have concluded it's a literal scam.
See above.
I do.
You know I am right so you post a stupid insult.
You sound like a moron in every way imaginable. Every post here is utter garbage with the exception of mine because I am pointing out the garbage.
Link is a fucking scam.

>> No.16255795
File: 38 KB, 640x621, 6bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, raw sheep legs and Bush's baked beans is the Thinking Man's breakfast.

>> No.16255808


>> No.16255847

The point of this site is entertainment, not advice.

>> No.16255895

Why would take the time to type all of this out just to say absolutely nothing? This post encapsulates precisely what breed of retard you are.

>> No.16255898

Here's some advice: go back to plebit.

>> No.16256062

>I have no interest in getting out a magnifying glass just to decipher your photo
bruh...you do know that you can digitally zoom on a computer screen don't you?
you don't need an actual magnifying glass

>> No.16256156

This. For once OP is not a faggot.

>> No.16256188

If their is no good advice how come I've made 50k from the advice on /biz/ of putting my neetbux into chainlink.

>> No.16256206

>This post encapsulates precisely what breed of retard you are.
Dude, there are only one breed of retards, the human breed.

>> No.16256231

this. so damn much this.

>> No.16256238

>I have no idea what you are talking about.
And you never will.

>> No.16256245

So you don't deny being a kike, thanks for clarification

>> No.16256258

Sure thing ameripoor

>> No.16256290

i hate how you plebbit fags answer to more than two posts with only one post. like you faggits think you're standing on an intellectual olymp. there's a length limit for a post and your low quality plebbitier posts never reach it. guess it's cause you have nothing to say. at least you stopped calling people 'sir'.

>> No.16256358

>I have seen the incessant promotion of link on here and have concluded it's a literal scam.
You've failed the IQ test. Go back.

>> No.16257117

You could elaborate to explain but you will not because you know I'm right.

>> No.16257172

The business advice are derived from highly skilled geniuses and complex analysis coated in thick layers of autism, memes, irony, sarcasm and humor to make sure only /ourguys/ will be able to profit off of it.
For example if somebody tells you to buy chainlink and chainlink sinks like a rock, then you shouldnt have listened because he was eitehr a pajeet or someone making a funny so you had to do the opposite.
If link did in fact end up mooning then you had to listen to him because he was not a pajeet or trolling but you thought maybe he was trolling which in such a case was the troll.and it was your fault if you ever interpreted it wrong

>> No.16257869
File: 41 KB, 396x382, BackToRedditSir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That JPG
>That Post

>> No.16257889

What do you expect? It’s just a bunch of wagies and neets throwing their money into shitcoins and pump and dumps.