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16252689 No.16252689 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to understand this project more as they have Whitfield Diffie and Wolfram on their team I realize there must be something to it.

I understand the p2p applications but it isn't clear to me how it would function with telco/carriers they mention. What's the advantage for these carriers? I honestly don't know much about that industry so what is the current problems it is proposed to solve?
inb4 chink scam, next SKY etc.

>> No.16252922


>> No.16253025

using your internet access to get to NKNs node network in a lot of cases will get you where you need to be network-wise faster than not using NKNs network. for example, say I have shit internet, and I try to go to google.com and it takes me 1 whole second to load the google.com landing page. with nkn, you would be routed to a nearby node, which could take .1s, and that node would then be responsible for getting google.com's landing page, which in this example let's say it takes them .3s to do that and another .1s to send it back to you.
you've now loaded a page in .5s (half the time or twice the speed) when you would have normally taken 1s, all because nkn allowed that nearby node to "loan" his internet bandwidth to you in a way. the nearby node gets rewarded in nkn for doing so, which incentivises letting people use your bandwidth ( for example, when you're not using it, like asleep or at work)

>> No.16253165

Oh ok, makes sense. So the location of the node operators is important for their rewards?

For example in remote/rural areas where the internet is shit accessing node would be most useful, but usage would be low, would it be worth it for people to setup nodes in these areas?

>> No.16253187

The reason the carriers are important is down to 4G and 5G. NKN have good ties with large networking companies, and being able to offer fast internet access with low latency over 5G (global wireless internet) will be a big deal, and worth billions. Large areas of the world have piss-poor capability, and I know things like video streaming to phones in Africa is one of the many many uses where 5G and NKN would work flawlessly together. While nothing is confirmed, I would not be surprised to see Nokia or Telefonica end up pairing with NKN in years to come.

Some don't get the reason behind a global network such as NKN, but the easiest example is simply trying to access data from around the world quickly. Granted most people don't need to download data from China or US if you're in EU (or vice versa), but businesses and traders of all sorts do it daily. My connection from EU to China averages around 250KB/s where as via NKN, I've benchmarked over 9MB/s. 36x faster than a centralised connection. That's a big deal for a lot of people.

Their project as a whole is massive, and hard to put into a single comment on here, and they have some large scale applications coming out next year such as TUNA - compute/game streaming, and their smart contracts being run through the network (Eth/NEO killer?), on top of their existing nCDN.

The network allows people to develop on it for free, and move data around quickly, globally. Freemium model allowing users to scale their usage as far as they need to go. This platform can handle almost any form of application you wish to build on it, from web services, to games, to apps, to database requests, whatever.

nCDN is like CloudFlare but decetralised. Faster than existing products, and will scale with node-count almost linearly. Mass amounts of NKN will be bought up from both the team and companies, to make use of one of the fastest CDN available. They already have large clients in the works for this, and more to come.

>> No.16253205

Eventually yes. At the moment without much data going through the network, the rewards hang out where there's most nodes.

Once people are using the network however, if someone in the middle of nowhere runs the only node in that area, anyone using the network in that area will most likely have their data run through that node. Eventually being away from other nodes may actually increase rewards, depending on where sources and destinations of data are coming from/going to.

If you're the only node in Thailand but there's a Thai businesses running data through NKN, your node will be very active.

>> No.16253227

Based. Might triple my modest 13k stack

>> No.16253281

Is it worth deploying a node through DigitalOcean? They offer some credit for starters, thought it might be worth trying out.

>> No.16253338
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Currently all in. If BTC rockets late 2021 early 2020, and the NKN team keep hitting their targets as they have been, we very well might see some insane prices compared to today. We're talking 200x or more.

You'll currently get somewhere around $2 return on nodes average. So credits for now is good way to start, you need the price around 6c/NKN to be profitable. You can also just run nodes at home, which is free money if you set it up on a device that's on anyway (VM server / home computer / RasPi etc).

>> No.16253533

Awesome thanks! I'm pretty hyped for this now.

Would it be possible to also have nodes run kinda like VPNs? For example if I'm in the US and want to access binance through NKN, can I go through a Thai node for example?

>> No.16253550

While there's no official VPN app, nor are the team working on it, yes I believe a VPN could be built on top of NKN. You'd most likely just have a normal VPN, and the networking is pushed through the network. So instead of nodes being exit nodes, they're one step before an exit node, if that makes sense?

You > VPN > NKN<->NKN > VPN Exit Node > Website.

That sort of thing. NKN could do the high-speed and secure networking, but you'd still need the application to be built and still most likely need exit nodes setup.

I'm no dev however, so it may be able to be done natively through NKN, I'm unsure.

>> No.16253644
File: 534 KB, 598x586, easy-way-to-make-it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I belong to top 50 wallet holders, will I make it?

>> No.16253741

800k easily makes it. 250k is safe bet for comfy life, if not retirement.

>> No.16253795

What kind of time frame do we have to accumulate around 2-3c do you think?

>> No.16253831

I think we are gonna hit 4c by the end of the month

>> No.16254096

Based comment. Nkn will be a behemoth

>> No.16254172

More realistic numbers finally

>> No.16254275

does me paying off 100% of my debt at the end of every month mean I can no longer be shamed for being unable to start a family?

>> No.16254597

In almost every NKN threads you find these high iq posts. They are one of the reasons i cant stop buying NKN. Thanks frens

>> No.16254599
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Like, 48 hours tops? lol. If you're looking for sub-3c bags you kinda' want to buy them right now I would have thought. We've had higher-lows for 2 weeks straight now, won't be long until we never see 2c again (unless btc drops hard again). Very likely to be comfy in 4c by end of this month.

>> No.16255022

NKN will worth more than 5$ in 2020. Screen cap this.

>> No.16255076

Give me some legit drawbacks/FUD/potential problems for NKN.

>> No.16255139
File: 4 KB, 458x82, nkn-prediction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, capped & checked.

>> No.16255181

The team is spending 0 time marketing right now

>> No.16255191

Honestly? There's not many. The biggest one I know of is 51% where someone casually spins up an insane amount of nodes out of nowhere, and tries to take over. Issue with this attack, is that the team would see a massive spike of generated IDs and their counter would be to spin up more nodes on their side. It's genuinely a hard one to give a downside to as a project and idea etc etc.

The only real FUD, is that the team are massively tech and business focused, which leaves zero for advertising. With the right hype, we'd already be at 50c right now. Easily. But they're a small team working with some major clients in both China and the US, so I'm cutting some slack for now and leaving them to their thing. Advertising and word-of-mouth and all this shit will come in time.

I have to remember, CloudFlare is worth over 3bil and not many non-techs even know it exists. NKN could be a "background giant" like AWS where everyone uses it, and doesn't even know, and us holders make a fortune.

>> No.16255285

someone had tried flooding the nkn network and this caused the blockchain size to increase rapidly (300MB per day), although it's a week fud because nkn's dev team fixed the problem completely in something like 3 days

>> No.16255308


>> No.16255332

So this is the next makeitcoin?
Where is it available now? Binance?

>> No.16255352

It's on binance

>> No.16255354

The token is basically just a gas token, so there arent holding incentives like there are for staking tokens. However it shouldn't really matter in the grand scheme of things

>> No.16255405

I've looked into a good few things, including stocks, and for me - NKN is the best chance I have of being comfy as fuck in 2 years. Not BTC, not Eth, certainly not LINK.

NKN is going to be the alt monster of 2020 and 2021.

People talk about Antshares vibes, in a few years people will wonder what the next NKN is.

>> No.16255508

Im very new to crypto and i see all these supposed makeitcoins being talked about and i cant afford to buy them all youknow.

I'm seeing like NKN, Kleros, Aergo, Stakenet, DMME, Fantom, VIDT etc

So far perhaps Im thinking youre making a reasonable case for NKN here.

>> No.16255561

it's hard to take a stranger on the web for granted, but imo nkn is THE long term hold. at least my portfolio consists of nkn only. no financial advice

>> No.16255580

I could do between 10-20k NKN whenever Im finished jumping through all the hoops to use Binance

>> No.16255610
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The issue is, many of them may get larger short-term pumps. You'll see things go 35% etc while NKN is just ticking over in the background. Many have done before. People get bored and sell, or see green elsewhere and move funds. NKN is for the strongest of hands. Buy now and expect to hold for 2 years (besides making swinging a little). I've been buying NKN for 5 months now, and put reasonable money into it monthly. The longer I follow the project, the stronger my confidence gets like an old piece of oak.

We're starting to build traction. We're getting a little twitter action, some AMA the team do are great for getting the name out, and eventually we'll be snow-balling so fast the FOMO will be glorious.

I sold everything else I had back in June and put it all into NKN, and have continued to grow my stack and only hold NKN since.

>> No.16255626

It's not unreasonable to get $5/NKN in a couple years. Maybe even sooner. You'd have a very nice payday, sir.

>> No.16256574

I made my first buys on Gate in February. Gonna pick up 60k when my funds clear next week if the market is kind. Thanks for the high quality posts anon.

>> No.16257299

How did you come to that number? Is there a way to convert network usage to approx price?

>> No.16258457

lol network usage no one gives a fuck about that bro. its a good project but the reason it may hit $5 will be speculative bull run and nothing else

>> No.16258596

But would I not receive less NKN mining if the price went up?

>> No.16258838

Yes, they definitely dont give a fuck until you start to pay them for the network they dont give a fuck. Hum..they dont use...Quite ironical. Even your grand-ma will start mining NKN for her retirement.