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16253119 No.16253119 [Reply] [Original]

A suicide stack now costs $31,000

>> No.16253125

why did it go up?

>> No.16253144

Suicide stack has always been 1k but keep the fud up

>> No.16253146

Yes because if you bought that much, you will unironically kill yourself in weeks to come

>> No.16253151

OP is obsessed with dilation and is applying it to all things in life. A suicide stack has always been 1000 LINK.

>> No.16253240
File: 169 KB, 1202x522, obongo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.In 3 days there is a meetup at Google HQ concerning DeFi.
Yesterday news came out that google is starting it's own bank and wants to go into DeFi.

2. At the upcoming Salesforce conference there will be presentations on smart contracts and decentralized finance. Guests and speakers are all tier 1 world elites - pic related. Obongo and Tim Cook will get shilled LINK.

3. Mainnet core 0.7.0 is coming next week, according to Pivotal. 0.7.0 will most likely include staking.

4. OpenLaw derivatives conference at Nov 20.

Strap in, little Timmy, you're about to see some shit.

>> No.16253343

I’m torqued

>> No.16253425

Fuck! I'm only 11% of the way there. Is there still hope?

>> No.16253465

You unironically only have like four days to still buy at a decent price before you're going to get locked out.

>> No.16253467

what does suicide stack mean?

>> No.16253474

It means that you’ll kill yourself for ever buying it

>> No.16253475

Why was it kept down?

>> No.16253486
File: 315 KB, 600x814, 86D85DC4-8090-41AE-B1FA-359C9E019B5F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a suicide stack cost $1,700 two years ago

>> No.16253487


>> No.16253512

no it doesnt, seems like it means a stack that is all you need?

>> No.16253534

10k is a suicide stack. 100k is the makeit stack. us linkboomers from back in 17' are all gonna make it

>> No.16253545

It means that's how many it takes to prevent yourself from being an hero.

>> No.16253551

ok but whats a suicide stack?

>> No.16253567

so its like shit im depressed i never got enough coins 'kms'?

>> No.16253573

Have you ever googled?

>> No.16253577

a stack you will need in order to not kill yourself with 1000EOY

>> No.16253582

why when i can get the answer from the horses mouth

>> No.16253587

Yes! It's all you have to live for.

>> No.16253590

Ehh how is this shit? i don't understand :X

>> No.16253598

You make a really good point. You must be educated.

>> No.16253602

lurk more. Or better, fuck back off to twitter retard

>> No.16253609

i guess, just lack confidence

>> No.16253694


>> No.16253757


Is Sergey attending the obongo conference ?

>> No.16253784
File: 362 KB, 1920x1440, 257BDE77-8583-4FB6-B347-94C4ADCB8ECC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when I am all in VIDT. The supply is so small and tight like this whores vagoo, that with the dollar equivalent of a LINK “make it” stack, (You) could have bought 300K VIDT or 1% of the circulating supply. That will be worth $9,000,000 within 4 years.

>> No.16254181

Whats a suicide stack 1k link?

>> No.16254242

Kek imagine still holding a biz pump and dump that already dumped months ago. Oh right I forgot you're being paid to post this from Mumbai.

>> No.16254261

Wtf is a suicide stack? How do I buy LINK?

>> No.16254285

What is “link”?

>> No.16254303

What is this place? M-mommy? Where is my mommy?

>> No.16254321
File: 487 KB, 714x612, 1548572689791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is 1.3k enough to make it? Asking for a friend.

>> No.16254334

Seems like digits confirm, I suppose.

>> No.16254377

I agree, make it stack was always 100k link but I could never get there, I picked up a suicide stack of 10k Link though + trading link (that I never swang becuase too scared to lose my precious linkies)

>> No.16254385

>reddit spacing

>> No.16254390

If I could push a button and it would kill everyone in this thread my finger would shatter to dust from jamming that button so hard and so fast

>> No.16254393

Its getting to EOY 1000

>> No.16254465

Nice summary, Anon.

>> No.16254481

Keep being a seething nolink incel.

>> No.16254551

Then wats a 50k stack?

>> No.16254558

G for Terry and based TempleOS

>> No.16254594

Almost made it stack

>> No.16254596

No, it's 10k

>> No.16254620

What the fuck kind of group is that? Tim Cook with Yo Yo Ma and that soccer dyke? Bearish as hell

>> No.16254650

Suicide stack is 1000, like it's always been.
5k is wealthy stack
10k is make it stack
anything above 20k is just showing off

Posting this unironically

>> No.16254788
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>> No.16254844

fck off newfags and trannies pretending to be newfags

>> No.16254864
File: 138 KB, 710x410, Screen Shot 2019-11-08 at 10.32.54 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16254871

thiw anon knows. how much you got? been here since February 2018 and yet managed to get only 2350, poorfag and lost so much on worthless shitcoins. Feels devastating, but try to keep myself cheered up by being grateful for even knowing about LINK

>> No.16255383

It's always been 1k but like I said keep the fud up because it's obviously working on retards

>> No.16255453

>anything above 20k is just showing off
Not true at all. 20K LINK will make you rich in a decade to fifteen years. Holding more means making it significantly earlier.

>> No.16255499

Motherfucker you can’t just say this shit without sources. You know how many neets will blow their brains out after that much hopium if it falls flat?

>> No.16255504

Am I gonna make anything from chainlink? Y'all just convinced me and I just emptied my savings account into coinbase to buy 150

>> No.16255519


>> No.16255525

Someone post the derivatives iceberg

>> No.16255539

>10 to 15 years
and where did you get those numbers, ur butt

>> No.16255540

These neets will reeeee but swing it until you build a stack. Few dollars made each time works just fine till you got weight behind your stack. Just be careful not to let it get too far out of hand.

>> No.16256123
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>> No.16256154

Suicide stack costs 3100$, Still priced out for the normies, But not the 401k saving trade working boomers.