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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 887 KB, 910x587, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16252710 No.16252710 [Reply] [Original]

If I get a $25000 bank loan I can get myself up to 10K LINK asap. What do you guys think? Good idea?

>> No.16252719


>> No.16252721


>> No.16252729

Would it be better to get a credit card? Or just get a variable loan?

>> No.16252733

Welp this is the #1 sell signal boys

>> No.16252744

Hmmm, it will take me 50 weeks to get to 10K link if I just use my own money.

>> No.16252773

Take every money you can get and buy link. Stonks go up

>> No.16252786

>$25000 bank loan I can get myself up to 10K LINK asap
these numbers don't work homie

>> No.16252797

10k link is 31k now.

>> No.16252801

Going to need a little more than 25k$

>> No.16252809

Not usd. Plus already have a few K link.

>> No.16252812

It’s a buy signal because it’s a larp

>> No.16252929
File: 529 KB, 1280x822, 1553628955557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was one based anon who took 10k$ loan on chainlink when it was 0.6$. he could pay easlly when link hitted 1,6$ but he didn't payed(if someone have screenshots of this thread please gibe me). Aboslutelly madman he was.

>> No.16252947

Loan would come to $160 (all fees) + $150 (initial fee), over 7 years.

>> No.16252956

$160 per week*

>> No.16252982

holy shit you're retarded OP

>> No.16253014

Why so?

>> No.16253019
File: 141 KB, 1256x816, Imagine thinking this is bearish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it depends on the interest rate of the loan. People take out loans to buy real estate all the time and have renters pay the mortgage.

I don't see why you can't do that with Chainlink. As long as you can cash flow the loan and pay it off so you don't have to sell off parts of your linkie stack to pay it I honestly don't see the problem with it.

>> No.16253021

Okay pajeet thanks for sharing

>> No.16253029

Yes please do it. You are guaranteed to default on it.
I'll vote for Anything to help collapse the system

>> No.16253036


>> No.16253050

>going into debt to buy an ERC shitcoin at the top of the hype (proof that it's the top is you, contemplating a loan)
so you can work the next 5 years to pay of your financial burden and be a good wagecuck

Not seeing how this is retarded.

>> No.16253055

But Link will make me rich within 5 years.

>> No.16253059

You dumb asses need this same energy when this shit starts to drop 50% + why the hell would u wanna get a loan while it is going up.

>> No.16253060

Do you understand marketcaps and how they work? I don't think you do.

>> No.16253071

>Marketcap meme

>> No.16253075

That's right. Don't listen to the nonlinkies. Link is the thing which will make you rich

>> No.16253081

whatever, just take the loan

>> No.16253127

Lol yeah. Take the loan. You will hate yourself a couple hours afterwards, and for many years

>> No.16253161

Don't do the same mistake as I did. I FOMO'ed in at 4.17 with 9k and it dumped hard. I traded my way up from 2300 to 2600 linkies but I'm still in -2k. Wait a few hours/days and buy after it dumped

>> No.16253168

Take out the loan

>> No.16253186

It’s going to go up forever

>> No.16253269

Should i just take the loan next week? Thinking of getting 40k now so i can get 1LP.

>> No.16253272


This guys just jealous you’re getting a lower buy in. It MIGHT drop down to $2.90s again, but Link is definitely on its way up. We’ll easily see double digits in 2020.

The kids here are jealous you have access to money and can still buy a decent stack. Do it while you still can.

>> No.16253299

care to explain

t. another anon

>> No.16253436
File: 66 KB, 968x496, Bildschirmfoto 2019-11-14 um 15.51.26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link is a Pump and Dump scheme. If you're not completely blinded you will admit. Usually if there's a parabolic pump a dump follows soon enough. Look at the gray spikes and look where we are at now.

Personally I don't give a fuck if you buy in now, just sharing my experiences here. Still 2.9 is a better price than 3.14 anyways

>> No.16253552

Yes please pump our ponzi scam

>> No.16253715


yes because of cup and handle

>> No.16253767

If you can handle eventual dump + wait 2-5 yrs, of course yes. I took a loan on March to go all in, my repayment is spread over 5 years and i have ability to repay all of it and can do it already but... NEVER FCKIN SELLING

>> No.16253902

I really hope this is a larp. Investing with borrowed money is risky even for people who know what they're doing, and if you're asking people on a siberian ice fishing forum whether or not it's a good idea, then you obviously don't. Not to mention you would be investing in a cryptocurrency (volatile to begin with) that may very well be a PnD. You would literally be gambling, you may as well take the loan and go to your local casino.

>> No.16253902,2 [INTERNAL] 

Thank you MikeAN for this link, my friend was just looking for this information. Thanks