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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16243742 No.16243742 [Reply] [Original]

Read this article and tell me you're not going all in on BAT.


I'm expecting 30k sats by tonight. Screencap this.

>> No.16243749

to early. give it another year

>> No.16243772

It's happening right now retard.

>> No.16243947

Imagine the dump

>> No.16244067

told you we're going to the moon tonight. strap in boys

>> No.16244091

Where the braps at?

>> No.16244104


Nobody is going all in on anything. Forget about BAT. Do not talk about BAT. Stay with Link or something.

>> No.16244106

There are people browsing biz right now that literally hold 0 BAT. The absolute state. Just imagine knowing that at 50m users its impossible for each account to hold over 30 BAT. Thats literally $8 worth of BAT and you can earn that in one month of browsing with brave.

>> No.16244122


Right they are. Why need you make other people buy what you like? Leave it be.

>> No.16244147

I'm sitting on a low stack of 100 but let's take it to the fuckin moon!

>> No.16244170

Lol. I already made more than that just using the browser. Make sure you do the coinbase earn program too

>> No.16244172
File: 375 KB, 1080x1349, 6D06AE3B-7D16-4B67-98FD-4625D313A9B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s probably gonna moon with the maker dao thing tomorrow.

>> No.16244194

I love the coinbase referral program

>> No.16244256

I want other people to make it also. I was tipped off on ethereum at $5.

Unfortunately theres just too much noise due to all the crypto scams out there. We need to raise our voices. We are batmarines, and we love brappers

>> No.16244302


No, not at all. Let me try and educate you a bit. We are not bat marines or anything of the sort. We are something else entirely. And please, I ask nicely, which I almost never do: DO NOT MAKE THIS ANOTHER LINK catastrophe. Let things run their course.

>> No.16244376

just hit 29k satoshis on binance, which one of you faggots didn't buy when i shilled this thread

>> No.16244429

I understand you want this to remain organic, but how do we tow the line between informing, and mass out of hand meme material?

Also everyone should go vote on this https://www.producthunt.com/posts/brave-3

>> No.16244499


> I understand you want this to remain organic, but how do we tow the line between informing, and mass out of hand meme material?

Easy. You let people inform themselves.

>> No.16244539

simple you dont get that tard logic of WE MUST TELL EVERYONE! you stfu you keep accumulating and you let it grow naturally instead of shilling it like a low IQ peasant screaming MONEY HERE GUYS LOOK LOOK MONEY! stfu sit down and keep silently accumulating and dont worry about how well known it is. the more well known the more likely it is to pump and that prices people out of it. fuck that stupid shit dont talk about it . as much as I like the brap poster guy he needs to stfu and stop posting every time he see's a brap thread cuz he's too autistically enthused about it. again stfu sit down and silently accumulate that applies to the overly fantatical zealot brap poster who's acting and coming off like the chainlink and bitcoin sv posters and that only hurts this token not helps it. and you mention organically? again stfu sit down and accumulate silently and let it grow on its own not cuz you cant stfu about it

>> No.16244565



>> No.16244588


You underestimate the people here. And yeah, you're funny, but shut the fuck up regardless.

>> No.16244822

are yall just saying this because yall are late? Ive been accumulating for over 2 years now. Im tired of waiting

>> No.16244900


HAHAHAHAHA if you are tired of waiting, Anon, go buy Link right quick, it will moon tomorrow.. see what I mean? Fuck you. Let things develop.

>> No.16245182

who gives a fuck you're an impatient faggot. Stop being another dumbfuck queer that cant stfu and accumulate. and if you're so far along show me your 2mil stack. Now stop being an impatient faggot and stfu and stop letting all these idiots know about it. and that's retard logic. im being impatient so imma tell everyone about it so they can get in on it 2. why so you can pump and sell for your precious .07 profit per token? jesus fuck you're not only greedy but stupid. like this guy said >>16244900
go buy some chainlink and stop trying to force rush this coin cuz your an impatient greedy fuck that cant hold for more then 2yrs without going full retard. fucking kids these days no appreciation for the long game at all

>> No.16245338


This is, I think the problem here on /biz/ that we face... it is kids. Kids that wanna get rich quick.

>> No.16245384

Too bad most of their 'earn free crypto' gimmick either puts you on some waiting list or says 'we're out of that token!'

>> No.16245423

Its just hard watching literal shit rise through the cmc rankings. Something like ripple hitting a 100B market cap or litecoin staying around 5B and its literally worthless. Its hard watching BAT stay at $.24 while its crushing absolutely everything in this space.

Im obviously neglecting the big picture though which is a few years out with BAT sitting at $215 in favor of BAT sitting at $20 in a shorter time frame.

>> No.16245441
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Yep went all in. 150k bats. See you on the moon

>> No.16245443


Didn't I tell you we do no talk about that?

>> No.16245539


>> No.16245563

Don’t shill in your shitcoins with the quality BAT braps, resposting anon.

>> No.16245636


Oh, moon then.. as if it helps? Other than annoy good people?

>> No.16245677

fuck your sats, how many tethers will it go up?

>> No.16245843

look as mean as I am talking to you I get it... I hate seeing it worth that low amount but be patient stay quiet and keep accumulating and in time it'll happen. Any coin that is forced to grow never goes well. Let it happen and dont rush it.

I agree its the gimmedatmoney kids trying to force rush everything into money so they can buy tendies and flex on their poor friends in gradeschool/highschool. I get it I really do... imagine being 13yrs old and you have more money then your entire school's parents combined and all the girls are throwing their underage panties at you.... very tempting if you're a kid. But the smart move is playing it smart and staying quiet and accumulating.
There's 3 tokens im investing in and rarely if ever see them mentioned here and if so I dont post in the threads or reply about it or anything I just go and buy another stack of that coin and accumulate more. Just wish more people werent so impatient and realized how important the long game for this token really is.

but im about done replying in this thread im being what im telling others not to be and thats a promoter of this token.

>>16245539 quiet fudder we know you're just trying to scare away the investors so your greedy ass can accumulate more for yourself.

>> No.16245881


I am starting to like this faggot... funny.

>> No.16246018

3k sats, lets go

>> No.16246034

it really is happening

>> No.16246108


What exactly?

>> No.16246127

it literally dumped as soon as i bought. fuck you OP

>> No.16246189


Leson learned I hope? Whoever u are? /biz/ is not the trustee type gang right now.

>> No.16246214

Imagine the dump

>> No.16246230

look at the time i opened the thread, and match it to the price.


>> No.16246252


Did you ever here on /biz/ read the statement _we do not talk about bat'?

>> No.16246259

shut the fuck up lying bitch >>16243742
>I'm expecting 30k sats by tonight. Screencap this.
Buy my bags, cunt.

>> No.16246261

then stop bumping the thread faggit

>> No.16246264

The fuck are you talking about? It's done nothing but go up all day.

>> No.16246280


Good point. But no, you just please annihilate it finally... this is not to be advertised here

>> No.16246288

shut the fuck up

i created the thread when BAT was at 2830, and it went all the way up to 2980. the night isn't even over yet, maybe you'll get your 3k sats. but that's close enough. idiot.

>> No.16246289

It's going down now. Limp dick faggots couldn't even get it to 3000 sats. Never touching this garbage again.

>> No.16246300


Good boy

>> No.16246313

you crying because you bought the top? i filled my bags at 1600 sats, because i'm not a retarded neanderthal chasing pumps.

do us a favour, just buy a bag and shut the fuck up about it. you'll make a lot of money soon

>> No.16246314


Yes. And please let it. Do not even look at it faggots. For fucks sakes... Look at link!

>> No.16246358

I made 10% gains on LINK today. Don't even dare to compare your turd to LINK.

>> No.16246362

BAT is currently higher vs BTC today so what the fuck you talking about

>> No.16246368


>> No.16246390


Yes. And please have at it! Just leave BAT alone? How hard can that fucking be

>> No.16246401

Do you ever stop whining like a little bitch about your precious coin that nobody is allowed to even speak about let alone meme about? Get the fuck off my board.

>> No.16246417


>> No.16246432


How about this faggot... You bow real deep right now, realize who you are talking to, and then keep buying whatever you like

>> No.16246437

children in thread is unironically bullish
so comfy

>> No.16246439

Alright, got a 1% profit on BAT. Should I gamble more? Do you think this turd has a chance at hitting 3000 sats tonight?

>> No.16246474


>> No.16246496

ive made like 5k since you started posting

>> No.16246517

share some of that faggot

>> No.16246548

we're at the $0.263 resistance from 10/26/19 and 11/6/19

>> No.16246553

delete this

>> No.16246571

Well gonna be like 100k next week

>> No.16246602


Congratulations man. I am so filthy rich that I don't care even. Kiss <3

>> No.16246608

no reason to fight. link will outperform bat in a long run. But bat is bullish af right now, it’s more normie friendly, solve real problem, changing online advertising model on dna level

>> No.16246610

it's still going to be 0.24-27 next week.

>> No.16246616
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>> No.16246633
File: 50 KB, 693x566, signal-2019-02-06-141819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck my BAT

>> No.16246651

Yeah, that's why you've 30% of posts in this thread and have been posting here for 4 hours. You're totally a rich guy.

>> No.16246667
File: 483 KB, 1536x1845, 8C6A8AA3-6235-4F04-8BD3-085DD94F9B11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan waiting room

>> No.16246672


No, you're right, I am poor. And I post here because I ned your money. I am just drunk faggot. And I command an army. But I should probably be nice soon

>> No.16246833


What do you think rich people do with their time pleb?

>> No.16246837

they don't waste it on 4chan, that's for sure

>> No.16246845

Umm rich people are anons too bucko

>> No.16246869


You really just disqualified yourself

>> No.16246894

How much BAT/LINK/ETH/Silver do I need to never work again?

>> No.16246911
File: 46 KB, 655x380, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultimately, all Brave shills are gonna get the BAT

>> No.16246922


Oh please. Probably more than you can afford. I am sorry. But quit believing in a lottery win. Make something of your life and gamble here on the side. Nothing here will make you set for life. No matter what they tell you

>> No.16247113


Lol there is no such thing as making it here anon unless you buy more BAT now

>> No.16247138


Dear Anon, why do you want to disobey me?

>> No.16247184

You say that but if you can’t retire sustainably on 5M I don’t know what to tell ya bub

>> No.16247211


HOW BORING WOULD THAT BE FOR HIM? Would he rather kick your disrespectful noob ass?

>> No.16247368

I am sad with BAT, I get like 2 ads daily. The BAT I deposited in my fake youtube acc never got in. The only BAT I got come from a cool anon that deposited at my fake Youtube acc.

>> No.16247463


You dumb lilretard...I am not connected to BAT whatsoever. I just do not want lilt fucks like u make it the new big thing just because I said BAT, you understand. NOW BE QUIET. schweige es das volk

>> No.16247529


Wonderful. Be sad. And we do not talk about BAT

>> No.16247562

Gosh, you must be retarded and emotionally unstable. Go look for a psychologist it may helps you. Good luck with you life, I hope you succeed in contributing to this world some how.

>> No.16247567

I cant believe life is finally working out. BAT was our coin the entire time.

>> No.16247581

>Im obviously neglecting the big picture though which is a few years out with BAT sitting at $215

/biz/ doesn't deserve BAT.

>> No.16247601
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The problem with inviting normies to buy speculative digital assets is that when the bust comes, and it always does, especially for the ones buying on the way up, they are the ones to capitulate and sell, driving the price down, project development, and public perspective. OP is literally a faggot.

>> No.16247620


And who are you to dare even respond?

>> No.16247635

find him out for me the pleb

>> No.16247645

Know what, give 20 BAT now or I am going to keep bumping BAT at first page.

>> No.16247671


Are you threatening me you retard? Do you even understand what that mean other than 4chan?

>> No.16247683


>> No.16247703

Aceita ou surta.

>> No.16247704

You are a maniac!

>> No.16248890

aaand we're dumping

>> No.16248950

Observe /biz/: complete delusion

>> No.16249012

The fundamentals are strong with BAT, I literally cannot see how it could fail.

>> No.16249161


Ya. We still do not talk about BAT

>> No.16249183

>Excited to see a 100+ reply BAT thread
It's literally shit. No braps either :(

>> No.16249271


Thank Valhallah that I take my dearest financial advice from you. Go fuck urself and shut up.

>> No.16249280
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yeah but the thread deserves to be depressing. The best Brave news of the years hits and BAT's price does fuck all; meanwhile vaporware shitcoin blasts past $3. Shit is depressing as fuck. BAT will never moon.

>> No.16249293


That, you incredible homo is the fucking point. Moon? Go buy link and and be quiet. I told you to be quiet now for the second time, didn't I?

>> No.16249308

4 quality braps in 1 post tho
not as quality as the thread the other day though.

>> No.16249330

still, LINK and BAT are basically the only coins in the green this week.
sign of good things to come.

>> No.16249340

For someone who wants to keep BAT hush-hush, you can't stop bumping the threads. Seems counterproductive but do you, boo.
Thanks Fren. It is depressing af but its slow and steady gains at least but im hella frustrated.
That's a repost but I never get tired of seeing it. I always check these threads for that 1 guy that brap post.

>> No.16249357

Why does Brave need blockchain tech? Why not just pay in usd?

>> No.16249371


> For someone who wants to keep BAT hush-hush, you can't stop bumping the threads. Seems counterproductive but do you, boo.

It is.Yet what to do? When these maggots always bring up new ones?

>> No.16249420

Because using blockchains is vastly less regulated.

>> No.16249919
File: 491 KB, 1021x1494, basicmaffs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be Bullish

>> No.16250066

What to do is relax. BAT will never be a LINK or an BSV. This board has little to no interest in BAT since it doesn’t artificially pump and you can’t manipulate it like all the low volume shitcoins shilled here.
Nobody on /biz/ really cares about long term investments, especially cryptos that steadily increase instead of moon shoot and crash.

>> No.16250525


I am relaxed, and that little interest is too much already. Keep being focused on link and btc and whatever else is funny.

>> No.16250552

thread still going lol, we hit 2998 sats last night, pretty good prediction on my part

>> No.16250620

What was that?


>> No.16250661

Good. Go back to linkies threads.

>> No.16250684


Ya. Nice job

>> No.16250692

Its literally nothing, this shit was at almost .50 cents a few months ago. Can barely break .26 now.