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16241706 No.16241706 [Reply] [Original]

How do I short Americans?

>> No.16241781

in some places it’s not even worth paying for a plan, even in the event of a serious medical emergency you’ll still have to pay like 15-20k in premiums and the deductible, and with some plans you still have to pay % copay even after deductible, or pay completely out of pocket if a doctor performs a service or gives a medication not covered by the plan.

And for the majority of people who just have minor medical problems, your plan isn’t going to cover anything until you pay the deductible, so we get to enjoy paying huge useless premiums on top of whatever medical costs we incur. Thanks Obama

>> No.16241798


>> No.16241815

Wow, it's almost as if health insurance is so pointless and cumbersome in the US that even a law forcing consumers to purchase it can't get everyone to do it.

>> No.16241818

Take your 5 rupees and shove them up your ass haha

>> No.16241893


Sounds like an argument for single payer. You know, like every civilized country has.

>> No.16241894

High premium; copay for visits - are the plans to pick. People tend to choose low premium; coinsurance instead. If you pick the latter then you should be taking yourself to a community clinic/hospital with low costs instead of your closest prestigious facility with high costs.

>> No.16241968

Testimonials from people who have actually used Obamacare:

> Prior to the ACA my monthly premium for me only was $600 a month, $1500 deductible. ACA went into affect my premiums jumped to $1220 a month, same deductible.

> The only ones that benefitted was low income families that qualified for subsidies. Middle class was paying to fund this group.

>> No.16241983

>Testimonials from people who have actually used Obamacare:

There is a big difference that people need to understand. Health Insurance and Health Care are not the same thing. That's important. The ACA did not do anything to decrease the cost of healthcare. And therefore, healthcare is unaffordable to most people even if they do have insurance. At which point people just stop buying health insurance because what's the point of paying $500 monthly premium and you're not getting any coverage until you spend $6000 to meet you annual deductions before the insurance actually starts paying. Basically Bronze and Silver plans these days are what catastrophic insurance used to be. They don't actually cover anything short of major surgery because no one will meet their deductible in a year unless something major happens.

>> No.16241993

>Testimonials from people who have actually used Obamacare:

My oldest daughter was a full-time student and lived at home. Because she lived at home, she had to use the household income, which is over 6 figures, in determining her insurance coverage, deductible, and monthly premium. She had this insurance three years before she passed away. Her insurance NEVER paid for any of her treatment. Her monthly premium was $700 and her deductible was almost $8000. It actually became cheaper for her father and I to just pay for her visits and treatments.

>> No.16242006

>Testimonials from people who have actually used Obamacare:

Obamacare shifts the cost of healthcare from one group of people (low income) to another group (middle class). The costs shifted to the middle class made it unaffordable for them. Just as predicted.

>> No.16242010

Investing in crypto. The USD is where Americas power comes from and as their influence slowly declines countries will move to alternatives

>> No.16242020

>Testimonials from people who have actually used Obamacare:

Forgot to mention that my family's health insurance plan increased it's deductible to a $12,000.00 family deductible once ObamaCare became law. If you don't have $12,000.00 tucked away in savings, you might as well not have had health insurance at all!

>> No.16242029

Or they just make up bullshit stories that they know someone who "died because they couldn't afford medical care", because they'll do whatever it takes (lie/cheat/steal) to combat the evil DRUMPF and his armies of racist nazis

>> No.16242044

It's the middle class that can't afford medical care, not niggers who freeload using niggercare.

>> No.16242059

>Testimonials from people who have actually used Obamacare:

Because of Obamacare, I have to purchase insurance for myself, my family and total strangers.

>> No.16242067

>Testimonials from people who have actually used Obamacare:

A 60-year-old, self-employed person in Texas making just over the threshold is looking at about $1,400 per month premium, 70-30 coverage, very limited HMO network and about $8,000 deductible. So, worse case scenario, you have something fairly major happen to you, you pay in one year more than $24,800 out of pocket....not to mention the 30% of the bill. It's not doable for someone making $48,000. And that is just for one person, not a family.

>> No.16242077

Survival of the fittest bitch.

>> No.16242081

>Testimonials from people who have actually used Obamacare:

My premiums doubled and my deductible quadrupled after the socialist plan went into effect. Low and behold it is still failing as socialism ALWAYS does. I pay $600 a month in premiums and 12,500 annual deductible.

>> No.16242097

>Testimonials from people who have actually used Obamacare:

I will tell you something about Obamacare. My husband is uninsured and I am on Medicare. My husband wanted Obamacare they wanted 600 a month with a 6,000 deductible. I am on social security and my husband works part time and together we don't make a lot of money. Who can afford this insurance. The rich and the ones on welfare, certainly not the middle or lower middle class.

>> No.16242111

>Testimonials from people who have actually used Obamacare:

I lost my job last year and am buying my own insurance. It’s $800/month and it’s just me. That’s more than my mortgage. I’m not sure how the government considers that affordable?

>> No.16242128

>Testimonials from people who have actually used Obamacare:

Just because you have health insurance doesn't mean you get health care. The deductibles alone under obamacare are so high most people never meet them, which means they are paying for their healthcare out of pocket even though they are 'covered' with obamacare insurance. What a rip off. Worst piece of legislation ever.

>> No.16242144

>Testimonials from people who have actually used Obamacare:

Obamacare = 8 year mandatory unaffordable monopoly for well lobbied healthcare companies

>> No.16242148

Most of the time I hate my country but then I remember that I have free education if you are actually somewhat good and free healthcare and everything goes away.

>> No.16242175

>Testimonials from people who have actually used Obamacare:

A high deductible policy for 2 people costs $18,000 a year. The deductible is $6,500 per person. That means spending $31,000 out of pocket for premiums and deductibles before it covers anything. How is that "affordable"?

>> No.16242189

i aint paying for some fat and old person's healthcare

>> No.16242191

>Testimonials from people who have actually used Obamacare:

The ACA did nothing to make health care affordable. All it did was pad the bottom line of insurance companies. They raised premiums and deductibles even more than before this abomination passed. The only positive in the whole mess was pre-existing conditions being covered, though most employer provided coverage already did that.

>> No.16242211

long tobacco and alcohol products

>> No.16242216

yes because forcing the middle class to pay for the poor is survival of the fittest

>> No.16242221

>Testimonials from people who have actually used Obamacare:

As a result of the ACA, my insurance jumped to over 1300 a month I was running a small business building decks and fixing roofs, changing out windows no plumbing my earnings after taxes and insurance, I was taking home 41,000 and also had to pay taxes on the earnings, state and fed and try to put some in my IRA, after the ACA went into effect I was forced to close my business layoff two part-time workers who were learning a trade, after taxes my take-home was little over 30k and now had to pay 1300 a month for insurance health not dental just health 15,600 a year for health coverage and have to meet a 2100 out of pocket before deductible of 30/70 would kick in.

>> No.16242223

The fuck. How do people afford healthcare in the US when it costs as much as a car payment and a mortgage.
Free healthcare in Australia covers most things but private health cover with a high level of cover and extras like massage is about $60-80 a month. Some things broken in your system. Free health cover isn't going to tank your economy, it's a problem with a greedy private sector.

>> No.16242249

>Anonymous (ID: pzV0pOvB) 11/13/19(Wed)10:20:07 No.16241968▶>>16241983 >>16241993 >>16242006 >>16242020 >>16242059 >>16242067 >>16242081 >>16242097 >>16242111 >>16242128 >>16242144 >>16242175 >>16242191 >>16242221
>Testimonials from people who have actually used Obamacare:

There's NOTHING affordable about the ACA. In three years, premiums went up to what they were before the law, and I couldn't see my own doctor! And very few places accepted my new "insurance."

>> No.16242264

Any country that has to use the threat of force to pay for people’s health care isn’t civilized it’s a slave hole headed straight for the trash heap.

>> No.16242286

>Testimonials from people who have actually used Obamacare:

The problem started when the government got involved with our health care. My benefits were reduced and my deductible went up. The problem is only going to get worse with the Democrats universal health coverage.

>> No.16242290

They're just trying to scam us out of money (the government and their friends), that's all this is about

Just bleeding us dry, gotta make sure expenses equal income, down to a fraction of a penny, no savings can be allowed. White people having wealth? Not anymore

>> No.16242459

Single payer is basically a key pillar of communism. It's not a secret the cost stays high and the quality goes down.

It also makes it extremely easy to hide the cost of all the illegals and immigrants that your importing to displace the white population

>> No.16242494

$800 a month... and that's with a $8,000 deductible!!!! wtf? Why would anyone buy this garbage health care when it's cheaper to pay "full price" out of pocket 99% of the time?!?!?

>> No.16242513

Just become a NEET, bro, you get Medicaid.

>> No.16242533

Lol, you hit a nerve!

>> No.16242568

Yeah because he’s trying to enslave us the way his slave hole is enslaved. People like him and you should be shot on sight.

>> No.16242594

Lol, people like you deserve obligatory health care and your guns taken away ;) enjoy modern civilization

>> No.16242622

>lower costs for no one's plans
>add an $800 fine for not buying health insurance
What do they mean "despite obamacare"? Obamacare was a cost for the citizenry, not an asset.

>> No.16242647

>such a subservient cuck he likes paying for other peoples health care and education
People like you, er wait that's not right, you're not a real sentient human. Npc's like you deserve to get gassed.

>> No.16242687
File: 20 KB, 698x1284, Pol_out_of_his_zone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ah yes. Otto von Bismark, well known Communist and father of the modern Welfare State.

gtfo of here

>> No.16242722

>Germany institutes single payer healthcare
>Germany experiences such extraordinary debt-induced psychosis that it births the Nazi movement and obliterates the continent

really garbles my marbles

>> No.16243128

What don't you get about "centralized control = maximum corruption"?

>> No.16243277

ACA is hot garbage. I pay thousands of dollars a year for insurance I never use because of my deductible is so high its completely useless

>> No.16243300

War reparations were a little hard on the Germans as well.

>> No.16243323

That's all private insurance. The young pay the healthcare of the old, with juicy profits set aside for the middle-men.

>> No.16244031

>$800 a month... and that's with a $8,000 deductible!!!! wtf?

Now imagine if the government took control of all healthcare. You'd be paying $1,000+ a month, and still have a $12,000 deductible.

>> No.16244053

tax rate would go up too because hey, why not

>> No.16244059

>I pay thousands of dollars a year for insurance I never use because of my deductible is so high its completely useless

That's because you suckers in the middle class are paying insurance for all of the bottom 30% of the population. YOU might not see any benefit, but the freeloaders sure do love that 'free' healthcare you're paying for.

>> No.16244145
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She should've just lied and said her income was the only one. I have a friend that did it when he was going to school, working part-time while living in a high income household. He got amazing insurance for only $90 a month with a $500 deductible and nobody ever checked.

>> No.16244182

sure versailles treaty had nothing to do with it.

>> No.16244253

If you're poor you get rad insurance. If you're a wagie, you work for a decent company and get rad insurance.

The rest of you guys "made it" so money isn't any issue anymore right? Lolol

>> No.16244270

the real reason is Wilhelm’s decision, against all advice, to fund WW1 by borrowing enormous amounts of money

>> No.16244337

single people only qualify for a tax credit if they make between 12.5k and 50k a year, with the credit scaling downward in inverse proportion to income. Which is to say that if you make more than 31k a year (the median salary in 2019) you are getting hosed, and if your income is just over 50k you’re especially fucked

>> No.16244567

you're going to feel silly when you learn about demographics

>> No.16244599

> despite obamacare
Goebbels would be proud

>> No.16244641

>despite obamacare
just wow. the ACA was the most shockingly ballsy money-grab since the TARP act. its the kind of thing people dump tea into harbors over. insurance industry literally used the state to forcefully extract money from poorfags at gunpoint

>> No.16244672


Bazinga. Obama actually made shit worse.

I'm uninsured. Fuck the Jews I'll roll the dice.

>> No.16244752
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>go to hospital or doctor
>"hello yes, I would like procedure X, how much does that cost"
>"what's your insurance"
>"I asked how much the procedure costs, I want to compare the costs here with another doctor/hospital to make an informed decision"
>"I can't tell you how much it will cost you until you have the procedure"
>go to different hospital/doctor
>"Hello, how much would X cost?"
>"what's your insurance?"
Healthcare is a fucking scam, in no other market across all of human history is there no set price and no price available until after you've purchased a good or service except for in healthcare. This is how you get charged 50$ for a cottonball at a hospital, then they just bill your insurance so you don't think about what a scam it is. Or if your insurance sucks or you don't have any you still get charged 50$ for a cottonball, but now they expect you to haggle down the cost based on 'what you can pay'. What the FUCK is this SHIT? How any of this is legal is beyond me. Fuck you Obama, you stupid nigger.

>> No.16244801

Yeah modern civilization that America created because your faggot country creates zero useful drugs. It all comes from the US fag

>> No.16245245
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>be me
>raising a white family
>this happens

>> No.16245266

Obamacare is just another revenue stream for the gov't.

>> No.16245285

woah, what a brave and strong independant man. Very Strong Words!

>> No.16245309

"Shockingly high"
When an article tells you how to infer the data before you've even read it, it's trying to make you think a certain way.
Either way, we need to put an age limit on medical care/lifespan because after a certain age all life (including productive individuals) will become a burden on the coming generation. If not, our species does deserve to die, like any species that would put it's old and sick above it's functional members.

>> No.16245314

hard to make drugs when america locks all development behind draconian corporate copyright laws and spreads this cancer to other economies through trade deals

>> No.16245322

>I got cancer, can I go on insurance now??

>> No.16245327

Healthcare is unaffordable for many here because we subsidize the rest of the developed world. Eurocucks and leafs need to pay their fair share motherfuckers. We also subsidize your military budgets. Fucking ingrates

>> No.16245332

Because when they answer
>It costs $2,500 but the price is $97,000
People might get angry

>> No.16245335
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>How any of this is legal is beyond me
Well, it all started when we decided to invade and murder our brethren across the ocean for Jews.

They put a wage limit on jobs during WWII. So the work around for employers to attract workers was to include health coverage (this is before they just imported shitholers to displace the domestic workforce, but after they imported african shitholers to displace the domestic workforce). So naturally this practice never ended and people became disconnected with health services because "lol my job worries about that", meanwhile the administrate Jews sunk their fangs in and extracted every last bit of economic efficiency and placed it in their pockets.

Same shit with college.