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File: 26 KB, 400x400, 1573663547553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16242607 No.16242607 [Reply] [Original]

Please prove me wrong. But i think link never will go above $20 of the simple reason that so many people will become millionaires/earn huge amount of money. Almost 75000 people hold link now. 75000+ people that suddenly becomes millionaires over the span of 1-3 years is simply not supposed to happen. I'm all in on link, but we're not a handful of people that secretly know about link, it's starting to get kinda mainstream now


>> No.16242621

Thoughts...google how many millionaires exist worldwide and then pontificate how many millionaires were created from btc and eth, is it really that extraordinary

>> No.16242624
File: 1.70 MB, 4128x2300, 1561504029977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think about BTC and ETH
how many people held thousands of these currencies in the early days
how many people hold thousands today?
same thing with link
most people who are holding thousands of link tokens now will gradually sell them away as we climb
by the time we reach the price heights of (pic related) most people will have sold off the majority of their stacks

>> No.16242625

Cool story. But I hate to break it to you that the amount of people that hold link is irrelevant to the use case of the coin.

>> No.16242627

You'll never make it with that attitude, anon. Stop blackpilling yourself.

>> No.16242638

There are no "real" users of the "decentralized oracles". The entire thing is based on moonboi speculation and will ultimately go to zero because any idiot can create and oracle feed in 20 minutes.

>> No.16242652

>any idiot can create and oracle feed in 20 minutes.
Build something

>> No.16242676

True that

>> No.16242693

I have coded chainlink competitor in 5 days.

>> No.16242769

becoming a millionaire thanks to $20 link requires having 50k link but there are only 833 such wallets anon! We will be fine! $100/link within 2-3 years fren

>> No.16242846
File: 411 KB, 1220x684, 1_AxXPYPWy-gaevNVmmsF90A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>50k link but there are only 833 such wallets
where can I find a detailed breakdown of number of wallets as a function of token amount
etherscan only shows top 1000 holders

>> No.16242879

$80+ next bullrun

>> No.16242881

Yeah but I need $1,000/link

>> No.16242882


post github

>> No.16242892

I have 30k link bits its broken up between 10 wallets

>> No.16242901

Same with bitcoin

> the pill is the global inequality is due to crypto

>> No.16242905

/tv/ was talking about chainlink in a dumb frogposter thread last night.
We’re all going to make it.

>> No.16242909
File: 338 KB, 1080x1149, Screenshot_20191112-184533_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one would even notice

>> No.16242910

why.. that's poorfag level. not worth the trouble.

>> No.16242925

I would also like this situation

>> No.16242934

next bullrun soon stalker

>> No.16242992


May happen but you will have to wait more than a few years IMO

>> No.16243002

wow, I'm top 833? neat!

>> No.16243004
File: 368 KB, 1312x1312, 216 canoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice thanks for that

>> No.16243028

Of course LINK will never reach $20
It's absolutely useless (like most cryptos)
and people will dump their bags hard if it ever gets close to $4-5

>> No.16243042
File: 3.46 MB, 300x224, 1573581939804.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3,300 addresses out of ~75,000 total that hold 10,000 link or more
so roughly 4.5%
I expect that number to drop down drastically as the price goes higher

>> No.16243050

Nulinkers have tiny bags that’s a drop in the ocean

>> No.16243061

How many wallets of 5k or more? Sorry I know I can look myself but I figured you’re already rocking

>> No.16243069

3300 + 1
i got mine on Coinbase

>> No.16243087
File: 51 KB, 1115x493, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5135 addresses with more than 5,000 link

>> No.16243088

You're too stupid to come up with any opinions worth listening to.

>> No.16243100

Lmao 10 Wallets? You fag

>> No.16243112

The ETH ico was $0.31. Imagine throwing $5000 into that and becoming a multi millionaire in 2 years. Even if you didn't sell near the top you are still currently at sub $3m

ive never seen another coin with as much hype and potential as link. You are witnessing what ETH was doing in early 2016.

ever wondered what getting into crypto Q4 2015 and Q1 2016 was like. This is your chance

>> No.16243120


>> No.16243148



>> No.16243161

Pajeet english. Fuck right off.

>> No.16243257

>only need $3000 to eventually make it with LINK
>literally all my money is tied up in business expenses and loans, I'm living with my parents and I have no way to get the money I need to be free
Count yourselves lucky, fuckers. At least you all have the freedom to gamble on making it, I'm stuck in financial hell and there's no way out but the end of a rope for me.

>> No.16243274

Cope? What do you cope
I got in at 50 cents and sold it all at 3.90
I loved chainlink but it already mooned

>> No.16243290

I'll be able to buy a very nice car just with a small fraction of my capital. Jesus fucking Christ.

It's actually feasible.

>> No.16243327

Plus link has the greater network effect, fullstop.
Chances we hit 300+$ or ~100b mc.

>> No.16243391

$60 million is poorfag level.