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16242684 No.16242684 [Reply] [Original]

All hail the new king.

Prepare for the flippening

>> No.16242794

except it's literally bleeding again

>> No.16242803

I hate this shit

>> No.16242833

it might flip on it's way down to the trashcan, if that's what you call a "flippening"

>> No.16243710

What drugs did you take OP ?
Was it the milDMT again ?

>> No.16243743

Just because it's the only one you can afford doesn't mean it's gonna pump

>> No.16243856

I need it to fill my order at .0685 first plz and thx

>> No.16243885


>> No.16244508

why not XRP instead

>> No.16244816
File: 47 KB, 720x646, 1573223511677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stellar is probably the best candidate for taking over the top spot long-term.

If the point of crypto is to replace the centralized financial system, Ripple would be one of the worst choices.

>> No.16244867

25c any moment now

>> No.16244931
File: 19 KB, 300x300, BFE30EBB-57F1-42B8-BA29-F87B746D4871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

such a pathetic project. as a reddit faggot you probably don't hear that from your hivemind of upboat seekera and samethinkers. the coin burn shows how pathetic and desperate and laughable the project is. chink level desperation. fuck back to where you came from nigger

>> No.16244945

There is no 'point' of crypto.
Also there is no reason to choose xlm over xrp, xlm only exists because that guy Jed ragequit from ripple and created his own currency of which he controlled like 90% of the supply. The recent changes like the dropped inflation or burnt tokens are purely marketing that do not change very much of that distribution.

>> No.16244990

Can you believe this coin hasn’t even passed 25c lmao. Last bull run didn’t it hit like 90c? And it’s STILL not there? AHHAAHAHHAAH

>> No.16245013

>the coin burn
What? Why?

>> No.16245091

>Let me prove that I am sub 80 IQ in 2 sentences
Well played sir, well played

>> No.16245171

>There is no 'point' of crypto.
Of course there is, at least as far as its value is concerned. Currently almost all value in crypto is the result of speculation, hinging on some future use-case. The most valuable use-cases are as a medium of exchange (especially illicit/private exchange), or as a business tool (tracking shipments, insurance contracts, etc).

No one is going to buy their weed with Ripple, it's unlikely that it'll ever be used for remittances or retail purchases, and the gambling and gaming prospects are extremely thin. All that's left are B2B applications, for which there are very few. Ripple only serves as a gateway from crypto into the existing banking institutions, and compared to the conventional options, it's an inconvenient one at that. Furthermore, Ripple kept around 60% of their coins and gifted them to celebrities in exchange for their endorsements.

Stellar instead targets users outside of the banking system, people who can't be served by the more convenient alternatives to Ripple's services. Ultimately, about 95% of the supply will be airdropped to users through various initiatives. It likely has and will have the best distribution of any crypto. It's use cases are also far more apparent, as it's not centralized like Ripple is. It also has a better consensus algorithm. It can do everything Ripple does, just better and without centralization.

>> No.16245187

great question anon. why do something as pointless and pajeet-tier as that? only answer is this
>a desperate attempt to pump the price
stellar is a shitshow

>> No.16245362

There is no point trying to enlighten these retards about Stellar. I mean just look what we're dealing with here >>16244931 >>16244945. Literally proving they know nothing but still talking like an authority on the subject. The FUD changes but it's always the same wilfully ignorant autists that are spouting it.

>> No.16245383

If you think junkies buying their drugs with crypto will create more usecases and value than b2b applications then you should do a bit more research.
And if 95% of the supply are airdropped and given out for free, why should anyone pay for it? Why should it be worth anything at all? It literally was created with one mouseclick and then handed out for free.
I know this partly applies for xrp as well but those were not given out for free, investors have put in real money. I don't know where your 60% xrp for celebrities number comes from desu.

>> No.16245457

XRP's vision is so narrow when compared to Stellar they're not even in the same league, same goes with the protocol and team. Stellar will win in the long run.

>> No.16245520

ahahahahahahah stellar is an illiquid copy pasta fork of ripple, it has no use case and is literally nothing more than a cash grab. Even IBM backed out of their deal with stellar. XLM is literally useless. Not to mention jed is retarted

>> No.16246272
File: 32 KB, 500x500, aliencatgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> no reason to choose xlm over xrp
xlm has half the supply, smartcontracts, oh and Jed has enough xrp to marketsell 700k every day for the next 27 years.
>IBM backed out of deal
their head of blockchain literally gave a presentation about the continuance of their partnership a week ago at Meridian. Fuck when the nigger fud dries up they are really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

>> No.16246369

One of the top coins since years . Yes, it will survive and yes you will get immensive gains from it. Its fucking crypto you retards

>> No.16246410
File: 383 KB, 480x471, xlm_pump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16246447

Fuck it lads tomorrow im selling 0.007 of my BTC holdings for XLM