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File: 174 KB, 920x855, signal-2019-04-09-071559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16241260 No.16241260 [Reply] [Original]

why is it so expensive to have a decent standard of living even with all the technological development of the past 30 years.

>> No.16241284

>money printing

>> No.16241288

>$200 of charity per month
What a dumb fucking budget

>> No.16241292

The answer is always Jews.

>> No.16241315

Wtf do people even waste money on.
200$ on charity, 600$ on entertainment, 650$ on vacation, 700$ car payment for a shit Volvo, 500$ clothing every month and a 529 plan.
Are people just retarded to waste any money on this? Also why the fuck do people pay 2k$ on childcare ?!
It's the luxury that people can't really afford but still want. That's also the reason why most people just stay poor instead of leveraging their money.

>> No.16241329

Because the definition of "decent standard of living" changes every so often to accommodate poor people who want all of the newest toys and tech. Any of the poorest people in developed nations live a material lifestyle comparable to, and in many ways exceeding literal kings of 200 years ago.

>> No.16241332

$2k interest a month on mortgage


>> No.16241350

this guy gets it
Having hot water already puts you ahead of 50% of world's population for example.

>> No.16241358


>> No.16241362

Try surviving on $10,000 a year. This dude is a pampered little faggot.

>> No.16241372

The yuppies I know who have kids in Boston each clear 200 and have no real problems. But they also aren’t dumb enough to spend 10% of their income on frivolous shit then complain about being poor (charity, vacations, netflix, stupid big volvo).

>> No.16241383

Burgers are fucking crazy, they are spending money quicker than the feds are printing

>> No.16241387

$65 a day for food? What the fuck?

>> No.16241410

Vacations for $7.5k, baby is already over $30k a year. Car payment with other car stuff is like $10k a year. Holy shit what the fuck is this? Then charity...This is the normiest shit ever. Also mortgage $46k a year? Damn.

>> No.16241511
File: 91 KB, 1000x750, flappers-comedy-office.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Living in the basement of my restaurant.

My living expenses are literally 0 dollars per day. Bretty comfy. I don't have a car. I shower in the mop sink like pic related. I eat food from the restaurant. It's like having a house that pays me.

>> No.16241526

This. If people could only count their blessings they would no longer need to compete with each other through spending money on worthless crap. Honestly if your want to prove yourself find a cheaper way. A fucking duel is better then just throwing hard earned money away if you really just want momentary feels

>> No.16241580

all poverty is relative, as others have pointed out. even when dealing with absolute poverty like in the slums of the third world, the poor people there are only poor due to the success of the more wealthy. however, this doesn't mean that you aren't getting fleeced by the ((( )))) as a working class person

>> No.16241597

>Spending money out the ass like there’s no tomorrow costs a lot! News at 11!

>> No.16241601
File: 34 KB, 200x252, thumb_get-a-load-of-this-guy-13863282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A fucking duel is better then just throwing hard earned money away if you really just want momentary feels

>> No.16241632

not out the ass... these things are really normal actually. I don't know why your standards are so low. We live in Rome during the height of the roman empire and you act like a pleb with pleb expectations for your life.

That budget is full of basic things.

>> No.16241726

What kind of retard spends 25k / yr on interest on the mortgage?

>> No.16241742


The kind that buy a house they can't afford.

>> No.16241795

What the hell is this break down trying to prove? That people who live a ridiculously luxurious lifestyle (to me) deserve to come out with more than break even?

I can break this shit down ...

My partner and I BALL hard. Unfortunately we live in the UK in a relatively unfashionable city where telephone numbers salaries simply don't exist. They don't really exist anywhere here like that except for a tiny minority of people. Most americans I speak to quote figures which seem insane to me. Like $150k a year is not middle class. Anything over $70k is 90th percentile. Median salary is $28k a year. Combined we earn $72k.

I'm just going to break it down in £ now because it is easier.

National insurance £1,072
Tax £6,400
Private pension £1,984
Student loans £1,260
Mortgage and insurance £1,060
Utilities and 'land' tax £3,252
2x cars, taxes and maintenance £1,060
Fuel £960
Food £832
Pet food and insurance £360

Ok ... £18,240 - $23,423

Great I've got a little over 48 grand a year left over. We don't have a kid yet, but are trying for one. Three weeks holiday at $7.8k ... $1.8k a year on life insurance? lol what?

$800 a month on entertainment? $500 a month on clothes? Are you supposed to literally shovel rubbish out of your house every single month to replace all the buying?

I've been to ireland, spain, portugal, slovakia, poland, hungary, germany, holland, france, belgium ... I'm likely forgetting some places. I don't think I've ever spent more than £300 on a holiday. I did £1,500 on a week in japan. I've also been to America twice. We get dem 5 and a half weeks.

>> No.16241890

They'll also have costed in some shit I haven't. I buy a few books now and then. I have hobbies, tropical fish, gardening, welding, hydroponics, home brewing, baking etc but I tend to make most of my own shit or make use things which are cheap or free. I upgrade my computer here and there, I have some decent but budget audio visual equipment. If I cast my eye around the place now I'd estimate no more than 5 grand over the last ... 10 years? We really aren't talking a lot per month. I might spend $10 a month averaged out on consumables, wire, bar oil, a hand tool, some bolts etc.

Also I didn't mention clothes. I'm awful. I get given most of my clothes as promotional items. I wear the same two outfits to work every week and I will feel insane and buy like $500 worth of clothes every 2 years. Shoes I'll buy three of the same pair every 10 years.

>> No.16241982

back in the day, families stayed together and a house kept like 10 people so food and roof would cost less because sharing, now every non commercialized structure must be atomized for and by the market in order to prey on alienated individuals, lonely people consume more bullshit and lose sight of what's important and what constitutes valuable capital and appreciating assets, this means less happiness and morality but it's good profit, it's how you end up with the 1% getting all the wealth while the 99% are debt slave npcs meme, idiots blowing living paycheck to paycheck just to pay back jewish loans on overvalued cars and useless degrees and paying rent to some boomers making bank which is the same as throwing money out the window

>> No.16242003

I would think we're atleast culturally on the declining part of the roman empire, finance wise theres plenty of oppertunity depending how you guage at it, or if ur experienced enough i suppose, any tips tho? Im pereonally a manual labour nigger in canada, our rent is on the higher side and i think it will go higher since most immigrants flock around where i live by the hundreds of thousands, alot with money too now

>> No.16242096

How the fuck am I managing to have a "decent standard of living" with only 90k?

>> No.16242138

This is wagie cope. Don't listen to this idiot.

>> No.16242155

No fuck you he is 1000% right.

>> No.16242192

The federal reserve and kike economics

>> No.16242275

Kek, fucking larp

>> No.16242441

Things I couldn't live without:
- a mattress that doesn't destroy my back
- internet connection + laptop
- hot water
- good insulated place where I don't freeze in winter

that's pretty much the basics I need besides food.

>> No.16242515
File: 810 KB, 704x960, 73482589_2490031564406075_4170371003412643840_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having children or even starting a relationship is becoming more of a financial risk now than it was before. Housing has become out of reach to myself and others. They keep immigrating people in to keep the pension funds and boomer retirements afloat. I seriously wish we could go back time and revert all this.

>> No.16242534


Because of inflation and people are still earning enough, or more income to cover these expenses or at least finance them.

The tide will pull in when these things retract.

>> No.16242973

Not even larping. It has a 3000 sq foot basement in the middle of a city. Might post a pic in a bit.

>> No.16242985
File: 2.22 MB, 1136x682, 1559195950406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a way.

>> No.16243369

Say what you want to say but the child daycare payment is pretty accurate for a metro area

>> No.16243413


>> No.16243629
File: 64 KB, 618x597, 1528738277688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spending 4 grand a month on a mortgage for something that you don't even really own.
Kek they should have just bought a cheap house outright. You don't NEED a big fancy $1.5 million mansion.