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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1622385 No.1622385 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking of starting a window cleaning business part time. I'll just do it myself but what do I charge? Anyone have any experiences in this? I would get a normal cleaning job but they all fucking require experience. Not looking to make bank but over minimum wage. I can't even get that here so I would be happy either way.

>> No.1622391

Sorry OP I just came for the picture.

>> No.1622395

I had one for 2 years, where are you from? Do you have any experience in this?

>> No.1622399

Wew lad, you just charge as much as you think you can get away with. Nice rich old people are best. There is ladder work so you can take a tumble, and the basic gear you should pull down a lot more than min wage. That is a filthy looking scallywag!

>> No.1622406

None whatsoever. I have start up money, can only do public transportation. Should I wait till I get a vehicle to do it? I would start small ofc.

>> No.1622413

Doesn't really work like this with most of the customers. Where I am from there is a lot of competition. It doesn't mean there is no place for new businesses, but you have to adjust your prices to the competition most of the time. When you find a rich person interested it's nice, but you won't make a lot of business if you only rely on them. Also, what I've learned from owning my own business is that it's often more profitable to have many customers with smaller houses than a few one with big houses.

>> No.1622424

I think it would be very hard to do it without a car desu. Though at this point it's still a matter of where you live, but considering the fact you pretty much need a ladder, it would be hard to commute by bus... Most of my costumers were in the suburbs so having a vehicle was necessary.

>> No.1622426

whats the point of living if u cant fuck girls like that daily during your prime

>> No.1622429

It wouldn't be worth their shit personality because after you cum, what then? They've served their purpose. You might as well get an escort so they can fuck off after no hard feelings

>> No.1622438

she's a 7 and you can buy better in europe for a few hundred

>> No.1622441

What kinds of one-man businesses can be accomplished with a bike?

Can I uber people with a bike?

>> No.1622443

I worked for someone else company for 2 years and then started mine with a friend, so I had experience in window cleaning. First thing we did (after register the company and finding a name) is door to door prospecting to find costumers. My pitch was that I am a student (not necessary though but help to sell yourself) and I am offering you a free estimation for window cleaning with competitive pricing, it doesn't commit you to anything, only an estimation, then get their phone numbers and name and note the address. Then it's phone game when you have done the estimation, most of the time you have to call them several times to get a contract (baka getting their window cleaned is not everybody priority kek)

I'm in a hurry and I have to leave but if you want I can show you how I was doing my estimation later, let me know and I'll come back to thread

>> No.1622446

Where do you live? I'm in Chicago and there are plenty of independent window washers everywhere. They carry around with them a long squeegee pole and a ten gallon bucket with water/cleaner. To get business. Go door-to-door at local businesses and undercut the competition. At this one office I had, this poor black woman was only paid $10 to clean the storefront Windows, which was like 20-30 ft wide.

Go for small businesses, instead of larger ones who already have it either in-house or contracted to a big company.

It's a cheap way to start your own business, but margins are going to be low because you have to undercut your competitors. Try to focus on a small geographical area to reduce travel time. Say you get 10 clients in a downtown business area. Should only take 10 mins at most per client, factor in travel costs and that's at least $30-40 an hour. Investment and equipment costs are minimal. Ideally get to a point where you can hire others and you just focus on client relationship management.

>> No.1622460

Sure man, much appreciated.

>> No.1622461



HE posted a roastie!

>> No.1622473

He might be able to do commercial downtown on jobs where you don't need ladders, just biz windows at ground level. From what I gather most people don't want those jobs but if there is already a company in on it he will have to outbid them and do a better job. Yeah, residential is no gonna happen without wheels.

>> No.1622770

u cant spend a few hundred every day also paying is a scam when chad fucks them without a condom. lol at condom sex

>> No.1622771

sucks if you arent desired and condoms suck

>> No.1622793



>> No.1622850



well played

>> No.1622873
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>> No.1622914

enjoy your STDs.

>> No.1623170

>sucks if you arent desired

why do you need to be desired? Are you that insecure that you base your self esteem on whether or not girls like you? Lol the majority of girls are fucking retarded. You don't care whether some jackass likes you or not.

Underage b8

>> No.1623284



>> No.1623295

none, now kill yourself
go on GO

>> No.1623809
File: 133 KB, 1080x905, 14374248_1582372768739167_1490853547250548736_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Found her instagram!

>> No.1624380

chad cant lose

>> No.1624385

Go home Elliott your dad misses you

>> No.1624954


that buttocks is disgusting

>> No.1625769

beta coping

>> No.1625884

Do chads shave their legs and arms now?
Should i be doing this too?

>> No.1626355
File: 23 KB, 232x244, walkingarms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did he mean by this?

>> No.1626650
File: 364 KB, 500x375, crying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw skinny ass asian
>tfw will never be buff alpha white male

>> No.1627086
File: 63 KB, 868x959, IMG_20161015_185712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw when you are pathetic
>Tfw when you have no self worth
>Tfw when you are wasting some oxygen

>> No.1627137

that tattoo

>> No.1627553

People saying you have to undercut your competitors are talking rubbish tbqh. You can't over charge, but this is a Veblen type service where you want to offer superior quality and that's reflected (and signaled) in the price. While it's not like hairdressing where some fagtron is going to pay you 100 smackeroos for some shit, offering to do the windows for a higher rate than the competition isn't a bad move. Where you make serious money is upselling and efficiency: offer to do the outsides or the fronts for a cheaper price, then as trust is built up offer to do more windows, insides, and/or gutters and so on and of course frequency. If you do a high quality job and do it regularly (like once a week), then you'll find the windows are very easy and quick to clean too. Makes sure to clean the frames, be careful of plants etc etc.

You will not win a race to the bottom. All that will happen is you'll become a window cleaner that pretends to wash windows and asks for payment because you can't make enough an hour to live. Those are the guys you will figuratively and thus literally clean up after with the above because people don't like paying for nothing.

Invest in linen cloths, they're much more efficient in absorbing water. Have a slightly damp and a bone dry one and get a system for rotating the area of the cloth used so you don't have to take hundreds with you. Get a decent squeegee and look up how to use one. A cheap one wastes time and that also means it causes streaks and lowers quality. And of course a decent applicator and scraper. Sponges are fucking useless family.

Be really anal in collecting money and doing your rounds regularly and generally recording everything. Some people won't pay you and you'll just have to move on. If you forget to collect money some people will take advantage. You will lose customers if you stop cleaning their windows obviously too. Invest in some nice card and print off some "I cleaned your windows gib money"