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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16235981 No.16235981 [Reply] [Original]

How do you escape wagecuck hell?

>> No.16235993 [DELETED] 

gtfo BSV shill i see right thru u

>> No.16236005

you can't escape hell. world has ended right after ww2. you will wagecuck forever. your wagecucking will not drive you completely mad but it will keep you miserable for ever and ever.

>> No.16236018


>> No.16236029

Live like your a Jew and invest every single dollar you get. Maybe then maybe you might be able to take a day off 10 years from now

>> No.16236058

you take your money and grow it into more money. you blur the lines of morality and ethics by using any tactics to accomplish this task.

>> No.16236063
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every day i think about this
but what if i find love, or someone notices my hobbies or something interesting happens in my life

>> No.16236083

by lurking /biz/

non- meme answer, invest your money into crypto, keep your ear to the ground, learn to trade and take huge risks, when one coin moons, which happens without fail, you will make 100x profit, rinse and repeat a couple times and you can retire.

I’d recommend staying at your job though, simply because non-working people tend to get unhealthy and unsatisfied with life, but having wealth gives you freedom to or not to work, so you can work for a couple months and then vacation indefinitely

>> No.16236128

No need to spoon feed me but, How much should I invest initially?

also what when the crypto bubble pops

>> No.16236129
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Crypto is our only HOPE!!! PLZ MOON ALREADY!!! im in graduating next year PLZ SERGEY / VITALIK / SMINEM!!!! I dont want to be a wage cuck!!!!!

>> No.16236137

>How much should I invest initially
>also what when the crypto bubble pops
Have you not been paying attention? A single bitcoin was at one point 20 cents and that was almost a decade ago. Literally all you have to do is look at a couple charts and not fall for shitcoin scams. Also maybe don't buy the top

>> No.16236144
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reject modern society with all its entrappings. reject materialism. the less you spend the less you have to earn. focus on yourself. be free anon.

>> No.16236169

Whatever you have, so if you have an disposable income put it in promising crypto (as of now: LINK, FTM, VIDT, NKN, RSR, BAT, BRAP) but do your research. A good rule of thumb, don’t invest anything you aren’t willing to at least lose half of. The markets go up and down, so for a while it will look like you are losing money, don’t worry, when it moons it will be fine.

As for the crypto bubble, look for the writing on the wall, financial collapses don’t happen over night, crypto won’t tank in a night, it will be over months, when you see it coming, exit. Simple as that, till it pops, if it pops, it is free money

>> No.16236196

That's the Hollywood jew trick. Nothing interesting will ever happen in your life. You will never meet the girl of up your dreams and chase her to the airport. You will never find yourself going on a crazy adventure of self actualization. You will never be a hutman killing people for 50k a pop. You will never hunt ghosts with a rag tag team of misfits. You will never go on a voyage to undiscovered land. You will never travel space. You will never even go on a faggy backpacking trip where your friend gets raped by cletus. You will never be a detective hunting down a mysterious criminal or uncovering a huge conspiracy. You will never be a normal average Japanese highschooler with a normal average childhood friend who has a crush on you.

Its pointless, just give up.

>> No.16236198

I got told you escape by buying chainlink but I’m 2 years in to holding and still working ;(

>> No.16236214

You will never live in a abandoned house having discussions with your imaginary friend starting a real life 4chan club that actually does cool terrorist attacks.

>> No.16236216

Sounds like you just have a boring life, don’t project your misery onto others. Hollywood movies are boring compared to mine

>> No.16236263

get a van anon. bum for money on street corner. feed yourself and howl at the moon.

>> No.16236265

I guarantee its not. Even if you are elite special forces. Your missions are boring compared to movies. If your life were as exciting as movies and video games you wouldn't be here

>> No.16236277

Im literally living in my car right this very second doing this and about to go to sleep. Its still fucking boring. Nobody has given me a quest, not even a fetch quest.

>> No.16236286

stop chasing bumpers. you are close. your quest is to be content.

>> No.16236287
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start your own business :)

year three and I'm great, man. I take days off when I want, I talk to customers how I want.

it's so fucking amazing being able to wake up and say nahhh, I'm gonna go walk around in the woods today... and then turn off my phone and go do it.

taxes fucking blow goats, though, fr

this stupid country...

>> No.16236314

What kind of research did you do before starting your own business?

>> No.16236346

10,000 Chainlink Tokens

>> No.16236351
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>> No.16236370


Cost of brick and mortar, insurance, advertising. Then demographics to locate where old, rich, and dumb white people live

Mine is a service company, so there's not much overhead. Most of my work is mobile. No employees yet, but soon.

>> No.16236390 [DELETED] 


Let me go back on one thing. Advertising. I sometimes spent damn near $700 on google ads before I learned how to fine tune and optimize keywords and ads for the best ad ranking and lowest CPC. Now it's more around $200-$300 and lowering because of more word of mouth advertising, my good reviews, and nextdoor.

>> No.16236405


Let me go back on one thing. Advertising. I sometimes spent damn near $700 a MONTH on google ads before I learned how to fine tune and optimize keywords and ads for the best ad ranking and lowest CPC. Now it's more around $200-$300 and lowering because of more word of mouth advertising, my good reviews, and nextdoor.

>> No.16237087

You save up for retirement. You have been saving for retirement right?

>> No.16237202

Jesus, why even live. Gonna kms tonight

>> No.16237879

You just have no friends, man. You don't have to be rich, famous, or even all that good looking to have an interesting life. Change your attitude for one, and life might start looking a little better for you. Just go out and talk normalfags at work over a drink, and you'll realize that not everyone is as boring as you.

>> No.16238228

I haven't tried this myself, but heard it will work: find an old nickel, pre 1945. Every morning tap the nickel against a piece of wood, while chanting "yeberē šigayēni t’ech’ī" 3 times. Keep it in your back pocket at all times.

>> No.16238261

Chainlink you retard

>> No.16238284

The only real answer in this thread senpai

>> No.16238338

Become rich